Thursday, July 3, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Trouble with DILD

First post :) anyway, for two days I have been practicing ADA along with lots of nose plugs while questioning if I am dreaming (I haven't just been mindlessly doing RC's)

Before I go over the problem I would like to say I have just recently rewatched inception and it sort of transfers into my dream.

I won't go into much detail about the dream but I am with a group of people in a small Wild West style village, out of one of the saloon doors, I man comes out with a gun and starts firing at us. For some reason I have a grappling hook like off 'Just Cause 2' and I grapple hook onto a nearby balcony, this is the interesting bit, I then question if I am dreaming and then do a nose plug and air passes through my nose, I then immediately realise I am dreaming but don't become lucid and instead I 'wake up' in a suburb area (in the dream).

So what I'm really asking is why didn't the RC make me become lucid? Do 'I' need to consciously do the RC or can I just let my dream character do it.

Thanks :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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