Monday, April 30, 2018

The Definitive Martial Law Survival Guide

by Alexander

Imagine waking up one Wednesday morning. It is just another average day, the forecast traffic to work with a slight chance of nodding off at your desk. You make your morning cup of coffee, the oil you need to lube you up for another day at the grind. You hear your kids stirring and beginning to get ready for school. Your spouse is up and about as well going through their normal routine, preparing themselves for another fine day at the office.

You turn on the television and start flipping channels trying to find the news. You really want the weather report so you know if you have to bring a jacket or a rain coat today, maybe an umbrella. You find the station you are looking for and begin to settle into your cup of coffee. The kids come into the kitchen like a whirlwind attacking the breakfast you made for them, grabbing the lunches you packed for them, and after a moment of stolen hugs and kisses they are out the door in about forty five seconds flat.

Your spouse comes down the stairs and kisses you goodbye as they head out the door to work. You will be just a few minutes behind them leaving yourself. This is just gearing up to be another day-in-the-life episode. You lock up the house, hop into the car, fire the engine up and get underway. You never did hear what the weather forecast was. They were mumbling about something and never got around to it. That, or you had missed it while loving your family on their way out the door.

There you are on the freeway crawling alone at the speed of smell and listening to NPR when the story breaks in. What seemed like another random school shooting this morning is turning out to be something much more sinister. It seems as though on this day there were multiple school shootings all over the country. Now you hear that there were church bombings as well. You have not decided yet if this is real or is this a dramatic segment of morning radio, maybe someone is telling a story of some kind.

Then you hear the state of emergency broadcast…

This is not a drill or a test of the emergency system. This time it is for real. You are struck dumb with disbelief. You question whether or not this is really happening. It is so surreal that you question whether or not you are even awake and not dreaming. Maybe this is all in your head and you are sound asleep back at home. Maybe you dozed off in front of the television again waiting on that weather report that never came.

Unfortunately none of this is true. It is a real emergency. It’s country-wide and it is really happening. You snap back to reality and realize the things most important to you are not within arm’s reach. Not only that, but you are stuck in traffic and it is growing chaotic as everyone, now aware of what is going on, fueled by emotion, tries to get wherever they are going even more aggressively. This in fact only cases traffic to thicken and run slower and also become more dangerous.

You reach for your cell phone and het the speed dial for your spouse only to find the network is flooded with calls and yours didn’t go through. You try each of your kids to the same effect. Now stuck in traffic, communication cut off from your family, a state of emergency outside, only now does panic begin to set in. You take a moment to get yourself under control so you can think. You thank God your parents made you take those classes on camp craft at the Y.M.C.A. when you were a kid. They had a whole section about getting lost in the woods and techniques on stress management should you become lost.

You get yourself together and decide your best course of action is to ditch the car and get to your kids school on foot. After all it is only a few miles from where you are and just a couple of miles to the house. Maybe your spouse is already there. You hoof it to the school and find that they are managing the chaos a bit better. You find your kids and the lot of you hurry back home and your heart settles when you find the other car in the driveway.

You rush inside and there is your better half standing there watching the news and waiting on you. After a brief period of exchanging hugs and kisses you all sit down to watch the news and follow the events. You don’t worry about the car too much. If they tow it you can always look for it later. It will end up in someone’s impound lot.

After half a day and the story playing out, a representative is shown on the screen and the words spoken makes our heart sink. Congress his just declared a state of martial law. You are not sure what that means entirely but you know it is not a good thing. This situation just got serious.

Now this is when I pose a series of questions to you. The title of this article is “The Martial Law Survival Guide.” First question we aim to answer is “What is Martial Law?” If you are going to survive something you had better know what it is you are trying to survive. Next, what happens when martial law is declared? Then, how will a declaration of martial law affect you? And finally, what steps can you take to survive martial law?

Over the next few paragraphs we will discuss martial law in detail and answer these questions in the hope that, and God forbid it does happen, if you are ever in a situation where martial law has been declared you and your family will make it through to the other side alive and together.

What Is Martial Law?

Let us begin by breaking down what these words mean. Don’t worry I will not go into phonetics and the etymology of the words. I just mean in a very general sense. We all know, or at the very least have some idea, of what law is. That would be the set of rule and policies we as a people have developed for ourselves to ensure society is not in a state of pure chaos. When you were a kid and your parents told you what time to be home or what you could and could not do in their house, that was the law.

The word martial is derived from the word mars. Okay so I did go into word origin a bit. So what? Mars was the Roman God of war. So when we refer to things as “martial” we mean pertaining to war or the military. So martial law is a state where the military becomes the enforcing arm of the government. Not only that but the military assumes control of the government and is responsible for the policing of its citizens.

Martial law is a declaration by Congress in times of extreme circumstances. In instances of civil unrest, catastrophic natural disasters, invasion, or mass attack a state of martial law may be declared. This is different from a state of emergency in that rights and liberties may be suspended. This is the real danger for the prepper and his/her family.


What Happens When Martial Law Is Declared?

When martial law is declared, as I said before, the military assumes governmental control of civilian law and activity. High ranking military personnel will take the place of your elected government officials and dictate public action in an effort to maintain order. Military personnel must abide by what is call the Uniform Code of Military Justice, or UCMJ if you use acronyms.

As a citizen, under martial law you will still be subject to civilian law and not the UCMJ, however the military has the authority to suspend some of your key rights and liberties for the duration of the crisis. One right that will be suspended is freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures. This means that at any time and without warning soldiers can come into your home, rifle through all of your stuff, and take what they want.

Imagine that. If the military powers that be decide the public should not be armed for whatever reason they can just kick in your door and take every weapon they can find. They can go door to door and house to house if they wanted to. They have had the last fifteen years to practice and perfect those techniques.

Imagine that. If there is a food shortage and they determine that for the “common good” food should be collected and rationed out they have the authority to clean out your refrigerator, cabinets, and pantry if they so wish. Sadly enough that goes for you as well. They can come to your home in the dead of night and drag you out of your bed without a warrant and without warning. This too they have spent over a decade perfecting.

Freedom of association will be suspended. Well what does that mean to you? I’m not entirely sure. Let’s think about that for a moment. It is possible that the karate class your kid goes to every Monday and Wednesday where all that parents sit is the gallery and are allowed to watch may be shut down. A place where people are meeting and discussing and practicing fighting techniques may be the seeds of rebellion. No one knows really.

Any gathering, even common social functions, could possibly be seen as threats and have stoppages put on them. Linked closely with freedom of assembly, the right to act as a group collectively is what gives citizens power. This suspension will aim to squash collective cooperation. Divide and conquer is an old strategy of war. Think about that.

Most certainly curfews will be set and the freedom to move about as you please will be infringed upon. Getting caught out past curfew or in an area deemed off limits may have somewhat severe consequences. They may detain you indefinitely. Questions will be asked and answers will be sought after. Needless to say it will not be a pleasant experience. Though it will definitely make for a good story to tell when it is all over. Be cautious.

Habeas corpus may be suspended. This means that they have the authority to detain you as they like and under conditions that would normally be considered unlawful. As it stands it is illegal for one to detain another unless acting on behalf of the court as its custodian. Suspension of habeas corpus means that though the military is not a court appointed body they still have the right to jail you legally. You may also be subject to military tribunal where you are considered guilty until proven innocent.

How Will A Declaration Of Martial Law Affect You?

Under martial law you will not have the rights and liberties you are accustomed to. Life as you know it will change. Many thing you have learned to take for granted over the years will be the luxuries you will yearn for. There will be stricter control on the place you can travel to and from. Sure driving to school or work may be fine. And of course there should not be a problem going home. That is where they want you so they can keep you in line.

Traveling to events may be ended for the foreseeable future. Concerts may be stopped and sporting events may be stopped. They may have certain sanctioned events that people can attend but ask yourself it the entirety of the city you live in can fit into one of its stadiums. I doubt that it could. That means there will be many that will not be able to go.

Radio and television may be flooded with propaganda. Of course I mean more than it already is. Control the music, control the people. Media is a very powerful tool and the military is very familiar with this power. Look into psyops if you ever get a while hair and need an interesting subject to occupy your time. Having said that you may believe that your only safe haven is the net. Maybe you can just get all your media need from the little device you are reading this article on. Beware! There is much misinformation out there and really no way of validating it.

So every bite of info you take from the web make sure it is with a fairly large grain of salt, a huge grain of salt, a hunting salt-lick grain of salt. Prepare to have your privacy destroyed. Chances are there are some of you that are reading this article that have been stopped by the cops while driving. It may have been for traffic tickets. It may have been for speeding. You may have had warrants for your arrest. And out of those people there are some that have had the cops search their vehicles.

If you have ever had the cops search your vehicle how did that make you feel? Violated maybe? All of your personal items shuffled through and strewn about your car. And did the searching officer have the courtesy to put all of those items back in a nice and neat order? Of course they didn’t. They left them in a pile on your passenger seat, on your dashboard, or in your foot well. Am I right? Then they have the audacity to say have a nice day when they drive off.

Now imagine if this happened to you on your way home and then upon entering your home you found that it also happened to your house. Immediately you would feel like you were robbed, further violated. Upon informing local law enforcement you find that the National Guard had been going house to house doing a massive weapon confiscation. You check and just as you feared your father’s shotgun, which his father gave to him and has been in your family for three going on four generations, is missing along with every other weapon you owned.

And they would have the audacity to post a notice on your door telling you to have a nice day. The part that hurts the most is it is coming from the people that we have chosen to protect us. At what point did we decide that damage was for our own good? Seems cold and counterproductive if you ask me. What would happen if you decided to speak out? That’s right. You guessed it. Detention without cause. And they could do it too.

Late night clubbing and carrying on would come to an end with the enforcement of curfews. With social gatherings being kept to a minimum and movements being controlled there is bound to be jobs and businesses that will suffer.

We must not forget about the elephant in the room. Martial law is not declared for no reason. Like I said in the beginning it is in a time of crisis, catastrophic disasters, invasions, foreign attack, and extreme political unrest. So whichever one of those occurs you will have to contend with that as well. In light of that some of the actions taken under martial law will be beneficial to you. They will be uncomfortable and inconvenient but the ultimate goal is survival. Or so we hope.

What Steps Can You Take To Ensure Your Safe Survival Of Martial Law?

As bad as all of this sounds there are steps you can take to mitigate some of the negative effects. It is always important to note that without a survivor’s heart and the will power to push through a shitty situation no amount of techniques or tactics will help you. Take the time, right now, to make up your mind that in the face of adversity you will not go quietly and without a fight.

Step one it to stay calm and do not panic. Things will be chaotic enough and you must keep your cool in order to think clearly and rationally. Slipping into psychogenic shock, though not life threatening, ca be a bit of a setback. Learn techniques for dealing with stress. Look into calming breathing exercises and meditations that help you to clear your mind, calm down, and collect your thoughts.

When something way outside of the everyday routine happens there will be a moment of awe. How well you deal with this “awe” moment will determine how quickly you will get down to dealing with whatever the problem is. Formulating a plan also helps with this. It gives you a series of actions to take and doing something is better than doing nothing. It focuses the mind on a task and not on a problem. Hopefully the task will aid in solving the problem.

The first order of business is to get your family together as soon as possible. In the military we would constantly be doing accountability. Every man must be accounted for and you must do the same for each member of your family. Even if gathering them together is an impossibility at that very moment you should at least know where each member is and who they are with. So make phone calls, send texts, do whatever you have to do to account for each member of your family.

Next have a plan on where to meet should the worst happen and review it often. This could be having everyone meet in the living room. That way if something catastrophic happens everyone knows to get home as soon as possible and get to the living room or wherever you decide.

Once everyone is accounted for then all of you can share information. The television and radio will be giving you as much information as they can but nothing is a substitute for firsthand experience. What did you see and hear? Get as much information as possible so you can plan accordingly. There may have been an attack on the city’s water supply and now everything is contaminated. You must train you and yours to keep their eyes and ears open.

I would guess that the first seventy two hours will be by far the most chaotic. First you will have to deal with whatever the initial threat is. Next will come the opportunists. They can be even more dangerous than the original threat. Avoid these people and avoid their situations. These will be the people that see something bad happening and decide it is a good opportunity to hurt people, steal things, and damage property.

It is best to stay indoors until the chaos dies down. If you must go out then you should follow a few rules. Again, avoid the looters and vandals. Do not become one yourself. Be a good citizen and law abiding even more so. In a mass incident governing bodies will be stretched thin do not add to that stress by being reckless. Keep some form of identification with you. If there is an invasion or foreign threat you will want to be able to identify yourself at all times.

Do not get do anything that will get you arrested or detained. Under martial law you may not have the luxury of spending a night in a holding cell and being released in the morning like you were publicly intoxicated. You could very well be arrested and thrown in with a number of other offenders with the intention of it all being sorted out later. Your stay may be much longer than you anticipated.

Depending on the severity of the incident there may be an establishment of concentration camps, prison camps, or quarantine camps. Do not do something so stupid you get yourself thrown into one of these because at that point there is no telling when you may ever see your family again.

So your best bet is to get everyone at home and plan for the long haul. It is going to be safe for you to bug in. Now the world outside of your home poses numerous threats. We have established what some of those are and we have decided to stay inside and wait out the “storm.” There are a few preparations you can make to help that time be more comfortable.

Bugging In!

One of the most valuable skills you can have when things go bad is the ability to rely on yourself. This will give you confidence and make you a valuable asset to your community. When the military decides to ration out food and water, you will need to have your own supply stashed away. I do not mean stockpile your fridge and pantry. That would be putting all of your eggs into one basket and in the event of food seizure for redistribution you will be left at the mercy of the government.

Think of your food like you would think of your money. It is an asset and how much you have determines how wealthy you are and how long you can survive without replenishing it. With your money you should have a checking account for everyday operating. This is like your fridge. You put food in and take food out regularly. Then you have your pantry. This is like your savings. You stock it and use it periodically if you absolutely need to.

Then there are your investments. This is what separates the prepper from the dead. You spend time building and building this food source for the long haul. And just like a long term monetary investment you want to protect it from loss. It would not do you any good to store food only to find that when you need it, it has rotted away or been ravaged by some critter.

This is where skills come into play. You should learn to can and jar your food to preserve it. Then when everything comes crumbling down you can barter with you preserved food like it were money. When you save food you want to save things like canned goods. These can last for many, many years. MREs, meals ready to eat, have a shelf life of about eleven years. I would suggest cycling through them every five to seven years or so to maintain freshness. Trust me. You do not want to have to eat an MRE that is too far past its expiration date.

Consider dehydrated and freeze dried meals. These can last quite a long time. For an extreme last resort look into a trail food called pemmican. This stuff was what the early pioneers carried with them out into the frontier. It is a mixture of lean meat, berries, and animal fat. This substance is not difficult to prepare, is packed with life sustaining energy, and will keep for a ridiculously long time. Anthropologists have found pemmican over a hundred years old that was still edible.

Grow your way to success. Plant something in your backyard that will bear edible fruit. Plant an apple or an orange tree. In a time of hardship this can be a Godsend. It will be a self-replenishing source of food as well as a source for “money” should you need to barter with your neighbors. Also when you acquire those canning skills I mentioned earlier you will have to have something to can or jar right?

If you happen to be in an apartment, then you will not have the luxury of a backyard to grow in. This is okay. You can make due. This is where travel gardens, self-contained plants that can be moved at a moment’s notice, can be a great asset. You can maintain them and move them around as needed. You will not have the ability to plant a fruit bearing tree, unless you have permission to plant on the communal property, but you will be able to plant herbs and vegetables relatively easily.

Stop, Look, and Listen!

Now that you have gotten your family together and you are all safe what should you do next? Yes, read the tittle of this section. Stop, look, and listen to what is happening. As a family it would be wise for you to sit around the radio or television to get a clear picture of what is going on. When martial law is declared the government will certainly inform you by one of these means.

You should pay attention and gather as much information as possible. They will tell you if there is a curfew imposed and what those times are. They will tell you when and where you will be able to move. They will tell you what has happened and what they are doing about it. They will tell you where the danger areas are so you will know where to stay away form. By gathering as much information as you can you will be able to make better more informed decisions about your and your family’s survival.

Having said that, I will follow up with be sure to take everything the government says with a grain of salt. There is a possibility that they will lie to you or not tell you the true gravity of the situation in an attempt to not cause a panic. It would be a good idea to have secondary and maybe even tertiary sources for information.

Your computer (should the Internet work and remain uncensored) may be one of your better bets as you can get many different points of view from a wide variety of sources from all over the world.

Be careful though. There is no law written that says when someone puts something on the internet that it must be one hundred percent true. You would be wise to start now in finding reliable sources of information and fact checking everything.

If I have not said this already you should talk with your neighbors. Keep a dialogue going with the people in your community. They will be in it with you and will help you. So you should be willing to help them. They may have skills and abilities that you will need to call upon in a time of need. More importantly they will have their own ways of getting information. There is a possibility they could have family in the armed forces that has the real story and is willing to share it with them.

Befriend your neighborhood patrolman. Chances are that they will have much more information that the average citizen. Their primary function is to keep you safe already so they can more than likely caution you and direct you in what the best actions to take. Remember they are men and women with families just like you. Having said that you should always trust your instincts and use your better judgement.

Train and Maintain Your Most Valuable Assets

You should begin right now to prepare, grow, sharpen, and maintain your two most valuable assets, your mind and your body. When the house of cards come tumbling down all you are left with is your health and wits. Read, read, read everything you can. And I do mean everything. This will train and expand your mind, make it more agile.

You should be gaining new knowledge daily. This can only help you when you need to think your way through a problem. You want to read not only factual material like, biographies, non-fiction, and manuals, but stories of all kinds. These will aid your memory and train your brain to make faster connections between ideas as well as creating new ideas. Reading will expand your imagination and ingenuity.

You will also need to train and maintain your body. This is your most valuable tool and weapon if the situation call for it. Keep yourself fit and healthy. You should already be visiting a healthcare professional annually or semi-annually. You do not want to be one of the ones that has their body fail them when they need it to work the most. Do not let yourself go and have your weight get out of control.

Running from a threat is so much harder when you are weighed down. Not to mention that access weight is ultimately more stress on the heart when you exert yourself. If you do not already have one you are implementing, begin a strength and cardiovascular training regimen. Remember that when things go wrong you will have limited resources. This means you will have to rely on yourself for many things.

There is a possibility that you may have to walk a few miles to get food or water and then walk back home carrying a load. If this were the case could you do it right now? Could you sprint one hundred yards and then climb over a fence to get away from a threat right now? I want you to think about that for a moment and imagine what things would be made harder due to a lack of strength, endurance, and mobility. Now plan your workouts accordingly.

Having a knowledge of basic first aid and CPR can literally be a life saver. Contact your local YMCA or Red Cross and find out what types of emergency medical training they offer. Should someone become hurt or ill you will want to have the training and skills to deal with it especially in a time where your movements may be limited and venturing out is dangerous?

You don’t need to go to medical school but the basics in life saving will be helpful. You should know how to clear and airway and do CPR. You should learn to use an AED, (automated external defibrillator). You should learn how to stop significant bleeding. And lastly you should learn how to secure a broken limb. A basic knowledge of over the counter medications would be useful as well.

Taking a Stand

Chances are that if martial law were declared the reasoning would be political or environmental, but the possibility of invasion is still very real. There may come a time where a foreign power decides to come into your home and do with you as they please. The military will be in control and they will do what they can, but they are only a small percentage of the population and they cannot be everywhere at once.

You may need to defend yourself. If the time comes when you are required to fight for your life and that of your family’s, would you have the tools to do so? Weapons (lethal and non-lethal), armor, techniques and tactics, an overall strategy. What is your battle plan? Even a simple plan is better than no plan at all. There are classes you can take and instructors you can work with that will teach you how to fight and look after yourself.

Study a form of hand to hand combat and practice it regularly. Not only will this keep you in a fine degree of physical fitness but it will give you confidence and further increase your self-reliance. Have your whole family train and study together. This way you all will know what you are capable of.

Learn to use firearms. Guns are a great equalizer. They make the small and weak capable of defending against the big and strong. You should have at least one in the house and the entire family should be aware of it and have the knowledge of how to use it. That way in an emergency anyone in the house can grab it and employ it.

Then you will need a battle plan. A simple family survival plan should suffice. There is no need to get terribly complex. If your home is invaded you will have the advantage because you know where everything is. Your assailant will be the one stepping into the unknown. You should have a panic room of some sort, a safe haven everyone can retreat to in a time of crisis.

Next you will want to run regular drills. Look at all of the entrances to your house and ask yourself how would someone get in and what is the best way to react to that threat? Then as a family you will want to pretend that someone is trying to get in and execute your plan.

Bug Out!

Finally we have come to our last resort, bugging out. This is reserved for when the shit gets too thick to stand in and you must get your family out. In the event your house is damaged beyond repair, your neighborhood is contaminated, or your home is invaded and you are forced out, you will want to have a plan on how to respond to that.

You will want to plan where to go should you have to leave and you all get separated. You will want to plan on what to do. Every member of the family should have a bugout bag for such an occasion. It should be put somewhere it can be gotten too quickly and easily. An emergency pack would do you no good if you had to climb into the attic to get it. Each member of the family should maintain his/her own pack and know how to use everything in them.

There are many different loadouts for a bugout bag and what is useful to one person is just extra weight to another. Different regions with different climate will have different clothing and equipment. Some bugout bags may include winter gear while another may have climbing or swim gear. It is really up to the individual and where they are planning on going.

A basic bugout bag though has a few essential items. First off you should plan on living out of your pack for about seventy two hours. The bugout bag is not a long term fix but it should carry you for at least three days. You will want a sturdy backpack that distributes the load comfortably. In that bag you will want to put items that will aid you in getting where you need to go.

You will want to have food and water. You will not travel very far dehydrated and on an empty stomach. Water for three days can get rather heavy. A work around is a canteen that filters bad water and iodine water purification tabs. Trail food or MRE’s should suffice. For three days you will need about six of them. To cut down on the weight you should field strip them and discard all of the extra packaging.

You will want a first aid kit and a pocket sized first-aid manual. Walking out of a bad situation is made twice as hard with a twisted ankle that goes un-splinted. To piggyback on that you will want to have a good pair of hiking boots with good foot and ankle support. Pack at least three pair of extra socks. Bring extra clothes and clothes tailored to the weather. You will want a flashlight and extra batteries for those nighttime excursions.

You should pack land navigation equipment. Have maps of your local area. There may be a need to bypass closed or damaged roads. Pack a compass just in case. If the signal is not shut of then also bring a GPS. Pack a survival radio that you can power with a hand crank. This will aid you in keeping current.

Lastly, you will want some form of protection, guns, knives, pepper spray, Taser or stun gun, even a police baton, just something to defend yourself with should the need arise.

Good Luck and Godspeed

I will close by telling you that this guide is not the be-all-end-all of martial law survival guides. Whole tomes could be written on the subject and each one be different form the next. This was written to get you to think and start asking questions. This is one of many guides you will find in your research. And you should do your homework.

Constantly gain knowledge and sharpen your skills so when the time comes, you will know what to do. I pray you never have to apply anything on this list except in the theoretical. Now go out and train. Good luck and Godspeed.

via Modern Survival Online

Lucid Dreaming | Lucid dreams every night?

I went for a streak of 3 lucid dreams in a row a night but only had 2 in a row. Is it possible to get good enough to have one every night? I've started to remember dreams again and possibly had a short lucid dream. I was aware within the dream but didn't exercise any control over the dream. I seem to only be able to lucid dream at most a coupe nights a week then don't remember anything half the time.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Umbrella and Tin Cans Turned into WiFi Dish Antenna

There’s something iconic about dish antennas. Chances are it’s the antenna that non-antenna people think about when they picture an antenna. And for many applications, the directionality and gain of a dish can really help reach out and touch someone. So if you’re looking to tap into a distant WiFi network, this umbrella-turned-dish antenna might be just the thing to build.

Stretching the limits of WiFi connections seems to be a focus of [andrew mcneil]’s builds, at least to judge by his YouTube channel. This portable, foldable dish is intended to increase the performance of one of his cantennas, a simple home-brew WiFi antenna that uses food cans as directional waveguides. The dish is built from the skeleton of an umbrella-style photographer’s flash reflector; he chose this over a discount-store rain umbrella because the reflector has an actual parabolic shape. The reflective material was stripped off and used as a template to cut new gores of metal window screen material. It’s considerably stiffer than the reflector fabric, but it stretches taut between the ribs and can still fold up, at least sort of. An arm was fashioned from dowels to position the cantenna feed-horn at the focus of the reflector; not much detail is given on the cantenna itself, but we assume it’s similar in design to cantennas we’ve featured before.

[andrew] hasn’t done rigorous testing yet, but a quick 360° scan from inside his shop showed dozens of WiFi signals, most with really good signals. We’ll be interested to see just how much this reflector increases the cantenna’s performance.

via Radio Hacks – Hackaday

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Lucid Dreaming | Is it like mana?

Hello everyone, this is my first topic in this forum.

Increasing the frequency of LD is something I strive for like 3 years, with very little progress. My LDs occur in somewhat regular intervals of 3 weeks or so. I wasn't yet able to induce two LDs in less than 5 days, and even if I force a WILD "prematurely", it is not very satisfying experience, with very limited control, literally forgettable one.

So I have been thinking, there may be something like "dream mana pool" in our minds which allows lucid dreaming when reaching certain level. There may be something like a "minimum level" which allows you to force low-quality LD, and then something like "spontaneous level" which induces an LD even if you don't wish for it (like a nocturnal emission :) ). Lucid dreaming drains some mana which then starts slowly replenishing.

In this model, the art of lucid dreaming is based (at least partially) on the ability to quickly replenish the dream mana, and also to increase the maximum dream mana, which I'd love to figure out how to train.

Do you guys think that the mana model could correspond to your own experience with LD frequency and quality? Or is it just my subjectively rooted observation?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Last Trip to the Supermarket-80 Items to Get

by Megan

If you are one of those people who are aware and paying attention, you may have some advanced notice that the S is about to hit the fan. If you’re like most preppers you are already stocking up on the supplies you know you will need. But it never hurts to add to your stockpile with one last trip to the supermarket if you get the chance and if you can get there and back before the majority of people around you start to panic.

Below is a detailed shopping list of 80 items to get while the getting is good on that last trip to the supermarket. Obviously you may not be able to get all of these items and many of them you will already have in your stockpile. When SHTF and you’re in the grocery store, it can be easy to overlook items that might be useful later.

  1. Manual Can Openers will be in short supply after a SHTF event as many people have adopted the convenience of electric powered can openers. Get several of these, a couple for you and some to barter for something else down the road.
  2. Bottled Water is always on the shopping list for a SHTF event. No matter how much water you may have stored, grabbing extra bottled water is never a bad idea.
  3. Hand Sanitizer is something you can never have too much of. Water and soap may be in short supply. Using hand sanitizer for washing hands when you can will help conserve soap and water for when you really need it.
  4. Aluminum Foil is great to have on hand for many things but especially for cooking. There are over 40 different things you can cook in aluminum foil.
  5. Instant Coffee is great thing to grab extra of on your last trip to the supermarket. Even if you don’t drink coffee, you can use it to barter for something you do need from someone who is a coffee lover.
  6. Baby Wipes are a wonderful thing to have around when water is scarce or you just need to conserve water. Use them to clean hands and face or to wash
  7. Goggles to protect your eyes from flying debris and tear gas are always a good idea.
  8. Canned Meat such as tuna fish, sardines, spam, or chicken is a great thing to grab on your last trip to the supermarket. You can never have too much in your stockpile.
  9. Bug Repellent following any kind of natural disaster or SHTF event will be critical to maintaining your comfort level as well as preventing diseases.
  10. Paper Plates, Cups, Bowls aren’t a necessity following a SHTF event but will be great to have on hand if you can grab them on your last trip to the supermarket. You can conserve water by not having to wash as many dishes and you can burn them to reduce the amount of trash and prevent attracting rodents.
  11. Plastic Silverware is always a great thing to have on hand if you can get it. Conserve water by using plastic silverware instead of utensils that need to be washed after every meal.
  12. Slingshots might not be available at every supermarket but if you see them, definitely grab them up. You can use these to hunt, to defend yourself, or even to barter for something else you need.
  13. Electrical Tape has many different uses and you can never have too much of this in your stockpile.
  14. Sewing Kit is great to have on hand so that you can repair or patch clothing as well as use for sutures if necessary.
  15. Glow Sticks won’t provide immense light but they will provide enough light for you to see to walk through the woods or around your home in the dark without wasting lamp oil or battery power.
  16. Condiments may not seem like a necessity but they are great to have on hand to help make otherwise bland food taste better.
  17. Maps of the local area as well as the neighboring towns and states. If you need to evacuate or bug out, knowing where you’re going and the best route to get there will be critical.
  18. Rope/Paracord will be invaluable following a SHTF event so make sure you pick up any extra that you can find on your last trip to the supermarket.
  19. Shoelaces have a multitude of different uses and are great to have on hand. Broken shoelaces mean shoes don’t fit snug and this leads to greater risk for blisters and injuries.
  20. Socks are another thing that are great to have extra of. Socks are more difficult to sew and wearing shoes or boots without them can lead to injuries. It doesn’t hurt to have several extra pair in your BOB or stockpile.
  21. Replacement Auto Supplies are definitely something you want to grab extra of on your last trip to the supermarket. Grab things such as fuses, motor oil, wiper fluid, spark plugs, headlight bulbs, etc. so you can keep your car running yourself.
  22. Car Chargers will be great to have on hand following a SHTF event that takes out the power grid. Use them to charge your phone so you can access any information you have stored there. Also use the adapter and wiring to DIY a charger for other things too if you have the knowledge.
  23. Condoms are going to come in handy not only to prevent pregnancy during and after a SHTF event but also for carrying water, creating a moisture-proof protection for a wound, etc.
  24. Ear Plugs might come in handy if you need to use your firearm indoors to defend your home and family against intruders. These are also great for children to help block out noises and help them sleep through the night or catch a nap during the daytime.
  25. Books will come in handy during and after a SHTF event to help you to identify edible or medicinal plants, perform first aid treatments, learn additional survival skills, and even just to help pass the time and keep your spirits high.
  26. Games such as playing cards, dice, chess, or checkers, will come in handy to keep children and others entertained, especially if you’re stuck indoors for a long period of time.
  27. Repair kit for glasses is a must have item, especially if you need your glasses to see!
  28. Vitamins can go a long way toward keeping you and your family healthy when your food supply becomes lean. The healthier you stay, the better chance you have of surviving whatever comes next.
  29. Pet Food is something that is important to have on hand, especially if you have a pet who is picky about what they will and won’t eat. Make sure you grab some extra on your last trip to the supermarket.
  30. Baking Soda is one of those ingredients that has so many uses that it’s always good to have this on hand.
  31. Spices such as Cinnamon, Turmeric, Garlic, and many others are not only great for cooking, but they have medicinal properties as well that can help keep you healthy.
  32. Calendars aren’t exactly a necessity, but they will come in handy for those who want to keep track of time.
  33. Clocks that wind up will be a must have item to keep track of how many hours you have before dark, how long you’ve been traveling, etc.
  34. Hard Candy is not only something that can boost morale and distract your body from feeling hungry but it’s great for bartering with to get other items that you need.
  35. Cooking Oil will be something to keep on hand not only, so you can make delicious meals for your family but used cooking oil can be recycled into fuel for heating or even your modified vehicle.
  36. Yeast doesn’t have a long shelf life but it’s vital for making breads and other pastries.
  37. Lip Balm will be vital for comfort when you have to spend long hours exposed to the weather.
  38. Dental Supplies will be a critical resource following a SHTF event because dental professionals won’t be easily accessible.
  39. Plastic Zip Ties have a ton of different uses so grab extras of these on your last trip to the supermarket.
  40. Bandages and other first aid supplies will be critical to survival following a SHTF event. You’ll want to get OTC pain relievers and triple antibiotic ointment as well if you can.
  41. Tools like hand saws, axes, screwdrivers and hammers will come in handy for survival tasks you need to get done. Having extras of these also puts you in the position to barter these for something else you need later.
  42. Extra Batteries for Cordless Drill are a great thing to have extras of if you can get them and if you have a solar powered charging system already set up at home.
  43. Lanterns that are solar powered or battery operated are a good thing to grab extra of on that last trip to the supermarket.
  44. Lantern fuel is a necessity if you plan to use propane or oil fueled lanterns.
  45. Sunscreen is something that can protect you from serious sunburn when you have to be exposed to the sun for long periods of time.
  46. Whistles of any kind could come in handy to signal for help or communicate with other group members.
  47. Cigarettes will become scarce when stores are closed down and shipping has stopped. Even if you don’t smoke, grab some of these to use to barter with someone who has the nicotine addiction, so you can get something else you need later.
  48. Ziploc bags are something that are great to have in your stockpile. They can be used to carry water, to waterproof your devices and other valuables, or even just to organize supplies in a bug out bag.
  49. Toilet Paper is one of the things you won’t want to be without following a SHTF event. There are alternatives of course but having extra TP can also be a bartering item.
  50. Feminine Hygiene Supplies have several uses other than their intended one.
  51. Lysol Spray and Disinfecting Wipes will be a vital thing to have on hand to help prevent infection.
  52. Lighters will be useful since the ability to start a fire is a critical resource.
  53. Non-GMO Seeds are something you’ll want to have on hand following an extended SHTF event so you can grow your own food from year to year.
  54. Activated Charcoal is something to have on hand not just for an upset stomach but also to induce vomiting in case of poisoning.
  55. Fishing Line and Hooks are great to include in your stockpile so that you can have the equipment needed to catch your dinner from nearby water sources.
  56. Calamine Lotion will come in handy if you come across poison ivy or poison sumac while in the woods but also for those annoying insect bites.
  57. Sugar is something that can have a decent shelf life if you know a bit about preserving dry goods. Although it’s possible to survive without sugar of course, you’ll be happy to have it to sweeten your coffee after a long day of physical labor.
  58. Flour is one of those things that takes a lot of time to grind yourself even if you have access to the grains. Save yourself some time and get as much of this on your last trip to the supermarket as you can get.
  59. Table Salt/Pickling Salt is useful for cooking but especially for preserving food to give it a longer shelf life.
  60. Cotton Balls can be used for many different things but especially as fire starters when soaked with a little Vaseline or rubbing alcohol.
  61. Candles will come in handy following a SHTF event that takes out the power grid, so you can never have too many of these.
  62. Baking Powder is one of those cooking ingredients you need to make food from scratch so grab these if you see them on your last trip to the supermarket.
  63. Cream of Tartar is another of those ingredients that is used to make a ton of different foods from scratch.
  64. Batteries will be a must have resource following a SHTF event. Get as many of these as you can in a variety of sizes.
  65. Bleach is helpful for keeping things clean and sanitary but also for purifying water so grab a couple extra gallons of this on your last trip to the supermarket.
  66. Coconut Oil has a multitude of uses and it has a fairly long shelf life if kept cool.
  67. Clothesline and Clothes Pins
  68. Bungee Cords are one of those things you don’t need until you need them so make sure you have at least a few of these in your stockpile.
  69. Cookbooks are something to grab on your last trip to the supermarket, especially if you’ve gotten used to convenience foods. You need to know how to make the basic recipes from scratch and you can’t afford to waste food by guessing and getting it wrong.
  70. WD-40 and/or Silicone Spray is a multi-purpose lubricant to have in your stockpile.
  71. Crowbars can be used to pry open locked or warped doors, to lift objects, or even as a weapon to defend yourself if need be.
  72. N99 Masks are something you can never have too many of. Humans can only live up to 3 minutes without fresh air so make sure you have plenty of these available following a SHTF event.
  73. Window Plastic is great to have following a SHTF situation. Not only can you use it to insulate windows and trap heat into your home, but you could use it to create a temporary greenhouse, distill water, etc.
  74. Meat Thermometers are something that will be a vital resource, especially if the grid is down and you need to cook with an alternative power source. Eating meat that hasn’t gotten to the proper internal temperature when cooking can be deadly.
  75. Strainer or Colander is useful to have for cooking, but it can also be used to help filter water, as a makeshift basket for foraging, or even to catch fish.
  76. Steel Wool can be used for scrubbing obviously but it also makes a great fire starter when used with a 9-volt battery.
  77. Vaseline is another one of those items that is handy to have. Use it as lip balm in a pinch, use it to help keep moisture in your skin and protect it when you are continually exposed to extreme weather, or dip cotton balls into it to make a fire starter.
  78. Plastic Tarps of course have a multitude of uses including creating a temporary shelter and sectioning off smaller areas of your home that can be heated more easily.
  79. Blue Coat is an antibacterial/antifungal ointment or spray typically used for animal wounds. It can work great for minor cuts and wounds on people if other first aid supplies are not available.
  80. Hand crank or solar powered weather radio will be a vital resource if you don’t already have one in your stockpile.

Which of these things would you prioritize on your last trip to the supermarket before SHTF? Is there something you would be looking for that we didn’t include here? Let us know in the comments below.

via Modern Survival Online

Sunday, April 22, 2018

An FM Transceiver From An Unexpected Chip

Lucid Dreaming | Asking dream figures to give you lucidity?

I've read about creating a dream figure expressly for this purpose. A figure of whom could only exist in a dream, so when you see them, you immediately know you're dreaming--on top of it, programming that figure to actively let you know you're dreaming

In my last LD, I demanded that a dream figure let me know every single time I'm dreaming that I am in a dream. It was an impulsive move, but when I woke, I was like, "Hey, not a bad idea." Getting the entire unconscious brain to let you know when you're dreaming.

3 regular dreams later, no dice.

Anyone have any luck in this regard? Using dream figures to let you know you're dreaming?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

What are the Odds of a U.S. Gun-Grab?

by Chad

Gun control is once again politically ascendant in the U.S. Due to the agitation, massive financial backing and coordinated astroturfing efforts of social elites using a few high-profile mass shootings as popular reaction mass, an outbreak of gun control legislation has sprang up at federal, state and local levels.

Sweeping and vaguely defined “assault weapon” bans are the order of the day, along with a smattering of usurious taxation language and unfair and laborious checks and waiting periods.

What are the odds of a gun-grab in the U.S.? Not very good, not right now, but certainly not impossible: In fact, a broad gun ban or even confiscation is more possible than it has been in decades. Gun-control supporters are organized, well-funded, and socially active at the state and federal level.

In 2018, states have passed new gun control legislation as have towns and cities, legislation that curtails the rights of law-abiding citizens. What else may be in store for 2nd Amendment proponents in 2018? Let’s find out.

The Anti-Gun Agenda

Whatever lip service anti-2nd Amendment forces may offer, you should not doubt for a moment that outright abolishment of the 2nd Amendment and confiscation of guns from citizens’ hands is their ultimate goal.

The Far Left is much better than the Right at working incrementally, slowly, over years to achieve their goals, and they are content with that. Our lack of activity and vigor will see our rights stripped by inches.

It will begin with the banning of magazines and semi-automatic firearms with certain arbitrary features or design elements that they have dubbed assault weapons. After that’s done, they’ll move piecemeal or simultaneously for registration, onerous waiting periods and additional taxes on guns and ammo.

Whenever you hear them mention “Common Sense regulation,” “Assault Weapons,” “Semi-fully automatic,” and “No one is trying to take your guns, just the guns that no one has any use for,” you know they are on the march.

Let’s pretend they get what they want, and whole swaths of guns and magazines are not just outlawed, but they somehow find a way to actually account for and confiscate them all. Heck, let’s wave a wizard’s wand and make them all vanish. Poof! Gone. Ok, so all the bad guns are gone. How long before some bloodthirsty or deranged individual uses “ok” guns to commit an atrocity? You cannot legislate evil out of the hearts of evil men and women.

Here they’ll come again, this time after all the remaining rifles, semi-auto shotguns, and handguns. Restrictions on quantity of ammo both when purchasing and keeping in your possession. 90 Day mandatory waits. Moratorium on private sales. Psychiatric review. And then the cycle will repeat. Before too many more cycles there will be nothing left. Appeasement will not suffice, and appeasement is a poor strategy for dealing with the tyrannical at any rate.

Lest you think I am scare-mongering, please take the time to look at current, live bills working through Congress right now. Have a look too at recently enacted or resurrected bans on magazines and guns at state and local levels. You will see the consistency of design and intended outcome among of all of them. Bottom Line: Anti-Gunners would see this enacted on the national level, no doubt about it.

Their ultimate reasons are subject to debate or interpretation, and though it makes no difference whatsoever on the outcome, we can examine some of their professed beliefs briefly. Some, the black rifle-haters and other bandwagoners, will say no one needs an AR-15 for hunting or self defense, and “I’m not against guns, but…”

They know little about guns or self-defense, and have either jumped on the gun-grabbin’ express because some guns look scary or because all their enlightened friends are doing it.

Others will decry the number of gun deaths in the U.S., and blame the easy availability of “military-grade” firepower as the cause.

Given sufficient time to gain steam, they will prattle with worrying hysteria about how American has so many deaths from guns, more deaths than whatever European nation, or Japan or wherever.

They may be motivated by a genuine sense of altruism and empathy, but if you start asking them about specific statistics, such as the number of gun deaths due to suicide, or gang-on-gang violence, and so forth, they will become positively unhinged at your impingement of their mental state. Turns out they don’t feel better if you show them that things aren’t as bad as some statistics make it seem.

Another major type you’ll encounter is akin to an “Old Church Lady,” a nag, a professional scold who takes satisfaction from hassling their fellow man. Gun-Haters belonging to this group are nothing more than a (typically rich) busy-body who knows better than you on how best to run your life and your community and cannot help but interject their blathering into any personal choice or system of values, no matter what it is, but especially if it is dangerous or encourages independence.

The last and most worrisome members of this muck-racking contingent are truly dangerous: those that are plainly power-hungry, ones that crave the subjugation of the lesser citizenry. These elites or aspiring elites are intelligent, educated, and ambitious to a fault. They want power, and lots of it, and history has taught them that armed peasants will always get a vote in the outcomes that concern them, and since that is so they work now to remove that most persistent of roadblocks in their way before there is any cause to put it to the test.

Examples of Gun Control Legislation Today

In addition to the major, landmark pieces of gun control legislation in the U.S., among them The National Firearms Act, Gun Control Act and Brady Law; there are hundreds, or thousands of existing laws already on the books that regulate the possession, acquisition, use and ownership of firearms.

To date, I have not seen a conclusive count of those laws. Never mind that, lately enforcement of these laws has been anywhere from lax to completely ignored. Adding another 10 or 100 to the rolls will not save one single life or prevent any tragedy, but this is not stopping the anti-2A front.

The ugliest federal threat against gun owners today is bill HR 5087, the Assault Weapons Ban of 2018. Some of you readers may recall the Clinton-era 1994 Assault Weapons Ban.

This bill is much like that one, but on steroids. Specific language in the bill would greatly restrict or outright ban semi-auto pistols, shotguns and “assault weapons,” “large capacity ammunition feeding devices,” detachable magazines and more. It will also introduce mandatory requirements for storage of guns and specify new transference requirements. This bill is alive today and currently working through committee in the House of Representatives.

The board of trustees in the town of Deerfield, Illinois unanimously approved a ban on certain “assault weapons” and magazines, giving owners of such guns till June 13th of this year to remove those guns from the village or face fines of up to $1,000 a day.

The town is currently facing lawsuit from state level gun rights organizations and the NRA. It is easy to write them off as a lost cause considering Illinois is something of an anti-gun stronghold, but similar measures are being proposed in towns and cities across America.

The state of Florida just squashed a possible assault weapons ban, but did raise the minimum age to purchase a long gun to 21 years of age, in excess of the federal statute. This goes to show that even historically staunch pro-gun states like Florida are far from immune to the political winds.

Vermont just passed legislation restricting “high-capacity” magazines and bump stocks (S.55-Commonsense Gun Safety Legislation- see the naming, there?), and requiring background checks for private sales as well as the raising of the minimum age to buy any gun to 21.

The bill, if signed by the governor, will take effect on October 1st. This has led to a massive rush on guns, magazines and accessories in that state. There is no evidence that restricting any rights of citizens will make anyone safer or halt the commission of a crime.

California, ever the beacon of potential for anti-2A agitators, pushed forward 10 new gun control bills back in February. The totality of those bills would expand the definition of assault rifles and issuance of gun violence restraining orders, prevent the creation of homemade or “80%” firearms, and lead to an additional 500,000 citizens in that state needing to register another 2,000,000 guns.

There are countless more measures, great and small, being floated all across the country at the state and local level, and who-knows what else that will be drafted in the halls of Congress. This is not a practice run for the other side- they are playing for keeps.

What Would Confiscation Look Like?

I’ll be speculating here, but using other developed, Western nations that have seen their citizens arms seized as our template, we can make an informed guess. After the requisite laws pass and confiscation is initiated, it will likely start with mandatory turn-ins, with or without compensation.

There will be designated locations, at county and state level, where gun owners can go to turn in their guns, have their pertinent info databased, and be issued a receipt of a sort. It is my opinion that the huge majority of citizens will comply, contrary to internet bravado.

Now, America is a humongous country, and we nearly have enough guns for every single man, woman and child. It is a safe assumption that a great number of guns will not be turned in.

After an amnesty period, and increasing volume and frequency of agitation and propaganda broadcast across all forms of media, any gun owner who has decided to keep their arms and had their information compromised, be it from a tip to authorities, data mined from social media, the NICS background check database, or some other method, law enforcement will be dispatched to round up the guns from the non-compliant.

Notice I said round up the guns, not arrest the non-compliant. During this phase, amnesty will in all probability still be extended. The gun owners that did not surrender their guns at a collection station will do so now, when cops are on their porch, in droves. Before you say that most cops are like “us” and would not do such a thing to their neighbors and fellow citizens, that may be true, but practically will make no difference.

There will be many among them that will have no qualms about enforcing the law if that law was enacted according to customs and legislative process of the United States. “Law Enforcement” is in the job description.

There are undoubtedly also many who would have no part of the proceedings, either deliberately whiffing on the task at hand or resigning. In the event of a mass refusal to comply, they will without question be fired or reassigned and replaced with cops who will do the job.

If, during this phase, a gun owner decides he isn’t going to take this crap and go all 1776 on “the Man,” a response team, SWAT, SRT, whatever you want to call it, will be dispatched to bring out the recalcitrant subject and then collect his guns. If he resists or is perceived to be a threat to either officers or public he will be engaged with lethal force. And that’s that.

Then What?

The obvious question here is would enough high-profile standoffs take place, and in enough numbers, to start to have a catalyzing effect on governmental will, or the rest of the public’s stomach to see such seizures carried out until the guns are removed from the land? This is very grim and dark territory, and luckily I think such a scenario is far, far away.

Even luckier, we are in no position to even have to make such a decision, or ponder such an outcome: The Ballot Box is far more effective than the Cartridge Box at this juncture. Make sure you are part of the solution, not part of the problem, by getting active politically on local and federal levels. Join the gun rights organizations of your choice on, again, state and national levels.

Volunteer. Rally. Fundraise. Call every single one of your elected representatives and spell out exactly what you expect from them when a bill on gun control rears its head. After you do that, write them. Have your friends and family do the same. Apathy or blithe self-assurance that “someone” is doing “something” to combat the rabid Leftists and their scheming is tantamount to helping them do it.

Get involved!


A sweeping gun-ban is possible in the U.S., and in some states, probable. Confiscation, while far less likely, has more political capital than it has had in decades, perhaps ever. We as gun owners and citizens cannot sit idly by and watch this political and social maneuvering unfold against us until we are neutralized. Do not trust to anyone else to ensure your rights are being spoken for.

via Modern Survival Online

Lucid Dreaming | Soft music during meditation?

I realized that I'm closest to having a DILD than any other technique, so I've decided to start doing meditation before bed. This is really difficult for me, because my mind wanders constantly, so I'm thinking of using my playlist to help. It's mostly just soft piano music, but Ive never really heard of people listening to anything other than music made specifically for meditation.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Thursday, April 19, 2018

The Best Calibers for Survival

by John

If you do anything with a firearm, you probably have the “perfect” ammunition for that purpose.  It may be unsuitable for some or even all other purposes, but as long as you have a well stocked gun store nearby, who cares.

But consider a survival situation.  What kind of situation, we don’t know, but one thing we can be absolutely sure of:  there will NOT be a well stocked gun store nearby (for more than a few hours, anyway).  This means, that the gun or guns you have for survival purposes need to use ammunition which is adequate for their purposes, you have a reasonable supply of and is common enough that your odds of finding more is not close to zero.

So what ARE the purposes of survival guns?  Hunting for food (small game, medium game, birds and large game near and far), getting rid of varmints and pests, and protection (dangerous animals, people close by and people far away).  In addition, ammunition can be used for emergency barter, and as a subset of the primary purposes, for training and practice.

What are the most common calibers, in the U.S. at least?  Those would be 9mm and 5.56x45mm (.223), the current military pistol and rifle rounds.  Which is sad, because the military versions of these seem to have been chosen by bean counters rather than firearms experts.

Although cheaper, easier to carry and ship and store and even shoot, they are not as effective as the calibers they replaced due to their smaller diameter bullets.  These are, by international convention, “ball” rounds, or Full Metal Jacket.

But with modern versions of the bullets in these calibers, they can be made to serve.  Besides, there is an awful lot of that military grade ammunition out there, and it is not useless.  Other than the military, there are a zillion calibers in use by civilians.  The most common “civilian” rounds are 22LR and 12 gauge shotgun.

22LR (Long Rifle)

This cartridge is good for small game but for every other survival use, it is significantly sub-standard.  However it is cheap, small, light, low recoil, low noise and very common, so it is worth having a bunch.  It is very useful for practice and training, and many defensive arms have a 22LR version or conversion kit available to assist practice.

In a SHTF situation, this ammunition may become a de facto currency.  With a price as low as $0.04 a round, it would be wise to stock up.  For hunting purposes, High Velocity Hollow Points are best, and for the best accuracy or quietness, Standard Velocity (sub-sonic) Target rounds fill the bill.  Unlike most calibers, it is a RIMFIRE, which means it does not have a primer in the center, but primer material inside the rim all the way around.

9mm aliber

9x19mm Parabellum (aka 9mm Luger)

This cartridge is supposedly a defensive cartridge.  As used by the military, it has a pointy, fully jacketed bullet which does not have a reliable ability to stop an attacker, and when you get right down to it, that is the primary purpose of defensive ammunition.  Because it is the most common military and police pistol and sub-machine gun cartridge here and around the world, and there are a number of excellent guns to use it, it is wicked popular.

Fortunately, there are effective (expanding) rounds available for it, which ARE more able to stop an attacker.  What you are looking for is a JHP (Jacketed Hollow Point) which is “bonded” (the core is fastened to the jacket so they do not separate).  Examples are Speer Gold Dot and Federal HST which may not be the “best” but are pretty good and the price is not outlandish.

At twice the price, Hornady Critical Duty (service pistols, barrier defeating) and Critical Defense (short barrel, no barrier) have the hollow point cavity filled with a polymer plug which is claimed to make them a tad bit more reliable feeding and expanding. This self-defense ammo test is a great resource to see how each round compares to the others available for sale to civilians.

There are technologies other than JHP, but they have not been proven yet, and the price discourages experimentation.  A simple Jacketed Hollow Point will probably cost around $0.25 a round, with the Gold Dot or HST more like $0.40 a round and up.  Military ball can be had for as low as $0.14 a round.

Bullet weights usually are between 65 grains and 158 grains, with the most common being 115 or 124 grains.  I’d pick one of those (124 grain works better for me) and get some highly effective defensive rounds and a bunch of ball all of the same bullet weight and similar velocity (to have close to the same trajectory).  Make sure that any hollow points feed reliably in your gun before getting a lot of them.

5.56 mm caliber

.223 Remington & 5.56x45mm (aka 5.56 NATO)

These two calibers are very similar, with the .223 being the civilian version and 5.56 NATO the military version.  Unfortunately, they are not identical.  If you have a .223 chambered weapon, you should use only .223 ammunition in it.  The military ammo will fit, but has a slightly different dimension, and worse, a higher pressure.

If you shoot 5.56 NATO in a .223, it may work or you may have trouble getting the empty case out, which will disable the weapon until you get it removed.  If you have a 5.56 NATO chambered weapon, you can also use .223 ammo in it, but will probably lose a bit of accuracy.  There is a .223 WYLDE chambering which is the best in order to use both calibers interchangeably.

Stock up on the caliber which matches your weapon, and when you find any after the SHTF, make sure you know what you are getting.  Personally, if I had a .223 chambered weapon I was planning to use for survival, I would exchange it (often just the barrel) for a .223 WYLDE chambering or at least a 5.56 NATO.  These are all so close that attempting to rechamber a .223 to one of the others is likely to make things worse.

The primary uses for this cartridge are defense, medium game hunting and long range varmint control.  As with the 9mm, the military rounds are pointy and fast, and they penetrate well; too well.  As such, for their intended purposes, they are not optimal.  They are, however, common, and have a low recoil, and many of the rifles which fire it are suitable for combat applications.

Fortunately there is ammunition which improves its effectiveness, which will run you from $0.35 a round to $1.00 or more.  You can get cheap import JHP (or ball) .223 ammo for as low as $0.20 a round, but check out some in your gun before buying case lots, to see how well it works and how reliable it is.  Military grade ball seems to go for around $0.27 a round.

Bullet weights generally are between 40 grains and 87 grains, but there is a problem.  You need to know the “twist” of your barrel, because that determines which bullet weights should work “best” in your gun.  If your twist is 1:7 (1 revolution in 7 inches), then you’ll get your best results with 69 grains and heavier, and you don’t want to go below 55 grains.

With a 1:9 twist, you will be happiest with 62 grains and less (great with the common 55 grain bullet weight), and should avoid anything above 77 grains.  For  versatility, my preference is 1:8, which works best with 62 grains to 77 grains, and will be adequate down to 40 grains and up to 87 grains.  With this twist, in ball, I’m fond of SS109 (M855, Green Tip) 62 grain and try to match its trajectory to a 62 grain hollow point (Spear Gold Dot plus some cheap stuff).  For varmints, I’d want a longer barrel with 1:9 twist and 50 to 55 grain varmint bullets.  With an AR-15 platform, I could have one lower and two uppers instead of a separate gun for each purpose.

12 ga Buck

12ga (gauge)

There is no gun which will “do it all”, but the 12 gauge shotgun comes close.  With the proper ammunition, you can hunt any game and defend yourself.  The only weak point is this is strictly a short range weapon.  Not to mention that the ammunition is big and heavy and the recoil can be severe.

A pump shotgun is probably the best all around choice for survival.  A semi-auto can compensate somewhat for the recoil, but costs a lot more, is a bit less reliable, and some models have part of the “works” below the barrel, which means you can’t put on an extended magazine tube, important for defensive use.  You’ll want one with easily changeable barrels, and a short, cylinder choke (no restriction) barrel for slugs and defense, and a longer, multi-choke barrel for hunting birds and small game.

12 gauge ammunition is specified by the length of the shell in inches, the size of the shot, the amount of shot in ounces, and the amount of powder in “dram equivalents”.  Back in the day when black powder was used, it was measured in drams.

Modern smokeless power then, is specified as providing the same velocity of the shot as the specified amount of black powder did (to help people transition from black powder to modern powder).  Thus if a load is specified as being 3 1/4 dram equivalents, then the amount of powder in it will boost the shot to the same velocity as if there were 3 1/4 drams of black powder in there.

I’ve noticed that ammunition sold today sometimes has the velocity specified rather than the dram equivalent; I guess the black powder guys don’t need to be considered any more.  In any case, you can usually tell at a glance whether a shell is “high power” or “low power” by looking at the brass base of the shell.  If the brass part only reaches up about a 1/4″, then it is “low brass”; a light load.  If it reaches up over a 1/2″, then it is “high brass” and will kick pretty good.

“Magnum” shells are even higher power; usually they are high brass. Common available lengths are 1 3/4″, 2 3/4″, 3″ and 3 1/2″.  Most (modern U.S.) guns are chambered for 2 3/4″ and many are chambered for 3″.  You can use shorter shells than a chamber is cut for although the greater the difference between chamber length and shell length, the more effect on performance it will have.

Personally, I’d prefer a 3″ chamber for maximum versatility, but would accept a 2 3/4″ chamber, and would mostly stock 2 3/4″ shells, as they have the best variety and most reasonable cost.  In case you are wondering, the purpose of the 1 3/4″ shells is strictly to allow more to be carried in the magazine tube and they are only available in defensive loads.

Of course, you can get exactly the right load for any particular usage in normal times, but it would be impractical to do this when stocking for a disaster.  You want the minimum number of different loads which will adequately cover the likely uses.

For small game and birds, a light load with #6 shot is the most versatile, although having some smaller #7 1/2 shot for such game birds as dove or quail would be helpful if practical.  If you have a good chance of being able to hunt ducks, geese or turkey, there are additional loads you’ll need; be aware that they outlawed lead shot for hunting water fowl, so that messes up the ammo requirements we old timers are used to (because lead and steel don’t fly the same).  Shells with 1 oz or 1 1/8 oz of  #6 shot run about $0.22 each and up; #7 1/2 shot seems to be a few cents cheaper per shell.

For hunting large game, slugs are optimal.  These are usually “high brass”, although they do offer “reduced recoil” loads these days.  Keep in mind that the shotgun bore is smooth and so does not impart any rotation to the slug.  This means it does not have gyroscopic stability, which results in less than stellar accuracy.  You can get “rifled” slugs which improve the accuracy a bit, or get another, rifled, barrel just for slugs.

Unless you do a lot of big game hunting with a shotgun, the additional barrel is probably not worth the effort.  The other option is “sabot” slugs, which are smaller in diameter, encased in a plastic sheath which falls away when you fire it.  These slugs may be lighter and have a more aerodynamic shape, so are more stable, giving you better range or possibly trajectory than a normal slug.  Rifled slugs go for around $0.60 a round and up, and sabot slugs start around $0.80.

Slugs can be used for defense, and there are even some specialty slugs for maximum effectiveness… and maximum price.  Generally, however, Buckshot is optimal for defense, and for that matter, decent for hunting (the “Buck” in Buckshot refers to a male deer).  As with slugs, these are high brass; you may find some “reduced recoil” versions, but the selection and price are not great.

Generally you will be steered towards #00 Buck, by people educated by TV and the movies.  It will work and may be more available, but with only 9 pellets in a standard load, it is not the best choice.  That would be #4 Buck with 27 pellets.  Expect to pay $0.30 and up a round.

What’s Missing?

So far we have a good selection of common ammunition which can meet all our needs, except long range.  Handguns are generally best under 50 yards.  A 12 gauge with Buckshot is also best under 50 yards; with a slug good up to 75 yards or 100 yards if fired from a rifled slug barrel.  A .223 with 16″ barrel will reach out 300 yards, or with the correct barrel and ammunition, perhaps 600 yards or even more, but it is not really effective against man or large beast.

30 06 caliber

We need to add a big bore, long range cartridge to the list to be considered.  There are many effective cartridges which would serve, but for versatility and availability, it would be hard to surpass the venerable 30-06.  This round will do anything you need a large rifle cartridge to do (in the U.S.; its not a good choice for an African safari), except it’s too long to work well in a semi-auto combat rifle, with the obvious exception of a M1 Garand.  Otherwise .308 Winchester/7.62x51mm is a good alternative, designed to have nearly the same ballistics in a shorter, self-loader friendly cartridge.

As with the .223/5.56 NATO pairing, these are also a civilian and a military pair, which are similar to each other but not identical.  In this case, the military version is the lower pressure one, with thicker brass and a bit longer headspace.  Thus you can fire the 7.62 NATO ammo in a .308, but if .308 is fired in a 7.62x51mm (aka 7.62 NATO) chamber, there is a good chance the brass will rupture.

The .308 chambering would seem to be a better choice under most conditions.  If you have a 7.62 NATO chamber, you can measure how dangerous it would be to fire .308 in it by using a set of .308 headspace gauges.  If the bolt closes on the No-Go gauge, the brass will probably be over stressed, while if the bolt closes on the Field gauge, it would be risky to fire .308 rounds in that gun.

If you will be using it in a bolt action rifle, 30-06 is a very good choice.  If you want to use a semi-auto, .308 may be a better choice, but if you do go with .308, you should consider also having a bolt action rifle for long distance accuracy.  Think counter-sniper.  Bullet weights vary from 100 grains to 240 grains, with 150 or 165 grains being good choices for defense or deer, and heavier bullets like 180 grain suitable for larger game like elk or moose.

For large, dangerous animals such as grizzly bears, 220 grains would not be too much.  Quality ammo starts around $0.60 a round, with the fancy hunting ammo over $1.00 a round.  You can get cheap imports and military surplus, particularly for .308, as low as $0.30 a round, but try it out in your gun before committing to it.


So far we have looked at the best choices giving good service with top availability (#1 most popular handgun caliber, and the three most popular rifle calibers, all of which are, or used to be, U.S. military calibers).  Of course there are alternatives for some of these, with decent availability if any of the top choices are not desired for some reason.

For defense with a handgun, .45ACP ball is more effective than 9mm ball and is fairly available (ex-military caliber, #3 on the handgun caliber popularity list).  Alternatively, in a revolver, .357 Magnum (#2 in popularity) is pretty good, not only for defense but decent for hunting, and can also shoot .38 Special which if using a light target load is great for small game.

If the 12 ga is just too much to handle, 20 ga will do much of what 12 ga will do; not as well but adequately.

The Russian answer to the 5.56 NATO is the 7.62x39mm.  It’s a more effective round close up, and at the current time there is plenty available and much of it is cheap in cost.  Whether it will be available in a SHTF situation is unknown; it is only #9 on the rifle cartridge popularity list.  In the same performance class as the 7.62×39 is the 30-30.  It is very popular for deer hunting (#4 on the rifle caliber popularity list), so you may find some at places when nothing else is available.  And the lever action carbines which shoot it are pretty sweet and can even be used for defense in a pinch.

As for 22LR there really is no alternative; everything in its class is more expensive and is not particularly popular, so availability will be low.  Looking at 30-06 and .308, there are a lot of calibers in their class or even higher, but none of them come close to the availability of those two.  A decent round with fair availability might be .270 Winchester, #5 on the rifle cartridge popularity list.


Our primary goal has been to consider those calibers which are adequate for a variety of survival purposes AND are most likely to be available during times of crisis.  If there is a caliber which is significantly better, or you already have, that you like in place of or addition to, any of these, it is certainly an option to stock up on that caliber.

Just keep in mind that when you run out of ammo, your gun becomes a finely machined stick or rock, or if you desperately need something and the person who has extra cannot use the ammo you have, a satisfactory exchange is not likely.

Ammunition tends to be fairly pricey these days, so although going to the gun store to get a box may be convenient, it often is a poor choice for buying in quantity.  Of course, you can always talk with the person in charge and see what kind of deal you can work out, but usually you will be best served by finding good deals online.  This methodology may also prevent you from being charged sales tax.

On a daily basis, you can get an idea of the current market by using; however, these are usually not the best possible prices.  For that, you need to get on the mailing list of several suppliers and wait for sales.  Be careful; ammo is heavy and shipping costs can sometimes turn a good deal into a not so good one.

via Modern Survival Online

Unlock & Talk: Open Source Bootloader & Modem

Sunday, April 15, 2018

DIY Fertilizer: The Complete Guide

by Joseph

Fertilizer is a key component of successful gardening, and using it appropriately will result in better quality crops.  When we think of fertilizer, most of us think store-bought; rarely do we think to make it ourselves.

While it’s true that the most “effective” fertilizers are manufactured using complicated chemical processes, it is interesting to note that some homemade fertilizers, if made and applied correctly, can be just as effective, and they won’t poison your soil.

In this article, we will explore some simple ingredients, formulas, preparation and application techniques to help you harness the power of DIY fertilizer on your homestead.


There’s a big difference between organic and inorganic fertilizer. Inorganic or chemical fertilizers are made of synthetic ingredients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium by complex manufacturing and chemical processes. These fertilizers are usually highly concentrated and made mostly for commercial use.

Organic fertilizers (also available in stores) are made of natural ingredients like animal feed and food scraps, and are less concentrated than inorganic ones. Organic fertilizer usually contains nitrogen but also has other elements that are beneficial to the soil and the organisms that live in it.

Since chemical fertilizer is mass produced using synthetic ingredients, it’s cheaper than organic fertilizer. Cost is often a big factor when considering what fertilizer to use however, one should assess carefully the effect chemical fertilizer has on their soil. It could be costly and time consuming in the end to correct the secondary effects of prolonged use of chemical fertilizers.

Using store-bought organic fertilizer could be the solution, but even though the packaging says organic, the true “organic nature” of the ingredients could sometimes be called into question. In an aim to remain competitive, some manufacturers of organic fertilizer may opt to purchase cheap raw materials that could be contaminated with chemicals. While the ingredients are organic, they are adulterated with inorganic and sometimes toxic matter, defeating the purpose of using organic fertilizer in the first place!

Organic fertilizers release nutrients slowly to the plants, and therefore their use should be carefully timed to benefit from them.  Using them too early or too late in the season could result in nutrients releasing at the wrong time, rending it useless to the plant.

The choice between organic and inorganic can be tricky, and working knowledge of DIY fertilizer as an alternative could help you find the best solution for your homestead.



Making your own fertilizer is an appealing solution when you consider that it can be made quite cheaply. In most cases, your main ingredients are either free or cost very little, since they’re common household items and kitchen scraps.

Easy to make and use

DIY fertilizer requires very little technical knowledge. A good example of basic DIY fertilizer is the process of simply cutting up and burying banana peels into a planting hole.


Being free from having to depend on commercial solutions is a worthy goal for any homesteader. While it is not easily achieved, one may decide to use a combination of DIY and commercial fertilizer until they get the hang of it.

Easy disposal of leftovers

This is a great way to get rid of leftovers. Kitchen scraps are thrown away anyway, so why not put them to work in your garden?


I do believe that the advantages of DIY fertilizer outweigh the disadvantages, but knowing what they are will help you make an informed decision.

Quality control

Since DIY fertilizer is made from very simple ingredients and techniques, the quality and nutritive values may be variable. Your ingredients could contain harmful bacteria and since there is no way for you to check if they do, you could  possibly do more harm to your plants than good. Testing out your fertilizer on a few plants will help you verify its quality and effectiveness before using it on your whole garden.

Slower acting

It may take some time for the nutrients in your DIY fertilizer to be broken down by the soil and used by  your plants. Commercial fertilizer, especially in a chemical form, is already broken down into nutrients and ready to be absorbed by plants. Using some of the recipes in this guide to process your ingredients into a form that can be used by plants more easily will be helpful.


Getting enough DIY fertilizer could be a challenge. For example, it may be impractical to supplement your crops with banana peels alone, as there are only so many of them lying around; how many bananas do you eat? It is therefore easy to run out of DIY fertilizer if it is relied upon as the sole provider of additional food for your plants. Trying to ration your DIY fertilizer will only lead to stunted growth and poor results.


Fertilizer comprises of two main types of nutrients, macro and micro. Essential nutrients for your plants are macronutrients and therefore most fertilizer is made from these. Commercially produced fertilizer that is macronutrient based contains little or no micronutrients.  Macronutrients can also be called primary nutrients.

On the packaging of macronutrient fertilizer, you will normally notice the letters NPK. This stands for

N- Nitrogen, responsible for the quick growth of foliage and leaves.

P- Phosphorus, responsible for the development of the plant’s roots.

K- Potassium, plays an important role in blossoming and the growth of fruits.

Several mineral micronutrients, namely calcium, magnesium, and copper are also essential to plant growth even though they are required in far lesser quantities. This does not mean that they are any less important. The terms secondary nutrients and micronutrients can be used interchangeably.

Non-mineral nutrients like hydrogen, oxygen and carbon are also essential to plant growth and are obtained by the plant through the leaves to aid in photosynthesis. Trace minerals like boron, copper, chloride, manganese, zinc and molybdenum are taken up by the plant from the soil through their roots.

Once you have tested your soil you will be able to determine what minerals are lacking and therefore what is required of your fertilizer to improve the soil.


Soil testing is an important preliminary step that will help make the decision of which DIY fertilizers to use and in what quantities. Without knowing what your soil lacks you will not be able to supplement it correctly.

An excellent soil test kit can be found here. Not only will it tell you your soil pH level but provide information on sunlight levels and moisture, too.

ALKALINE SOILS (High pH, above 6.5)

Alkaline soils are normally lacking in all the macronutrients as well as calcium, magnesium and sulfur. Look out for solutions in this guide that have these nutrients to improve or reduce the alkalinity of your soil if your soil test sample comes back with a value higher than 6.5.

ACIDIC SOILS (Low pH, below 6)

Acidic soils normally lack micronutrients and therefore their pH needs to be increased. Look out for the following microelements in this guide if your soil pH comes back with a figure lower than six: calcium, boron, copper, chloride, manganese, zinc and molybdenum.

NEUTRAL SOIL (pH between 6-6.5)

Neutral soil is normally preferred by most plants. In this state, it will require the least amount of fertilizer. Depending on the plant, adding some fertilizer in moderate amounts to neutral soil will result in excellent plants and yield.


In this section, we will look at ssome of the things that can be added to your fertilizer. We will look at preparation methods, processing techniques and application.


Banana peels are rich in potassium and therefore good for potassium loving plants like camellias, azaleas, and tomatoes. Bananas are also rich in phosphorus, calcium and other micronutrients.

Application (Raw form)

You can add bananas to your compost heap or bury them underneath your plants. For example, adding a banana peel to the bottom of your tomato-planting hole will allow it enough time to decompose when its nutrients are needed during the flowering and fruiting stage.

A good tip here is to chop them up into small pieces before adding them to your soil or compost pile. This will help them decompose faster.

Banana Tea fertilizer

You can make a more concentrated liquid form of this fertilizer. Your plants will love it as its nutrients are easily absorbed. The following recipe will make a perfect liquid banana-based fertilizer.

  1. Chop 5 or 6 banana peels per 1 liter of fertilizer.
  2. Boil them in a pot for about 15 minutes and use a strainer to separate the peels from the liquid. Use peels directly in your garden or add them to your compost heap.
  3. Mix 2 liters of water with 1 liter of banana tea solution. Diluting your solution will reduce its potency. An undiluted solution can cause damage to your plant.

Alternatively, simply chop your banana peels, place them in a jar and fill the jar with water. Leave them to sit for 48 hours before straining them and using your leftover banana peels in the garden or on your compost pile. The link below will explain this process in detail.

A good-sized steel strainer can be purchased here.

Dehydrated Powdered Banana fertilizer

If you have many banana peels, then making powder is a good idea. When made into powder banana peel fertilizer will store for a longer period and will not lose its nutritional value or ferment.

To make this fertilizer, chop up 15 to 20 banana peels and place them in a dehydrator or on dehydration sheets. If you do not have a dehydrator, simply place them in the oven on the lowest heat setting. Leave the door open while you do this. You will need to be patient as the oven method can take a very long time. You can also dry them in the microwave. Once your bananas are dry simply grind them to make a fine powder and store in an airtight container for future use.

You can purchase an inexpensive dehydrator here. Dehydrating sheets can also be purchased here.

Application (Processed Form)

  1. Use the banana liquid fertilizer to water your plants. Simply place the solution into your watering can and fill with water and water over your plants.
  2. Mix one tablespoon into a 32 oz (1 liter) spray bottle and use as a foliage spray. Make sure to use it in the late afternoon. If applied when the sun is at full strength it could burn your plants.

Banana powder fertilizer can also be used on the surface by placing 1 tablespoon a few inches away from your plant stem. You can also place the same amount in a planting hole. Cover the powder with a few inches of soil before placing your seedling in the hole to avoid it being burned.

Since banana peel fertilizer contains a high amount of potassium, too much of it can be harmful to your plants. It can deplete magnesium form the soil if over applied. To reduce the possibility of this, mix your powder with Epson salts. This is discussed later in the recipes section.


Getting high-quality fruit or flowers is possible with this fertilizer. Banana peels will also promote the development of strong roots.

Blackstrap Molasses

This sugary addition to your garden will make your plants healthier by feeding the microorganisms that live in the soil. It provides the tiny microbes with the required energy to improve the quality of your soil.  Microbes in your soil, like bacteria, will thrive on the sugar that is contained in molasses. This is a good source of carbohydrates for these microbes.


Remember to use only unsulfured molasses. The sulfur in molasses is meant to kill microbes while the aim of using this as a fertilizer is to feed them. Simply add 3 tablespoons of molasses to 1 gallon of water and stir well to make this fertilizer.


Water your plants with this mix using 2 cups for small plants, 4 for medium ones and 6 for large plants.


Molasses is good for the microbes in your soil. It will increase the bacteria that microbes feed on and this, in turn, creates more food for your plants to grow. Molasses is a good chelating agent, meaning it helps to turn other minerals in the soil into a state that is more usable by the plant.

You can use molasses in combination with other ingredients that are listed in this guide.


You might never think to use matches as a fertilizer, but lo and behold, you can.  While it may be deemed impractical, as it is hard to get enough matches to fertilize a whole garden, one never knows when this info may come in handy.


Bury matchbox next to plant, or place box in water and leave overnight to dissolve the nutrients into the water, making a solution.


All you need to do is to bury a matchbox next to your plant or if you decide to soak it overnight, you can then pour the solution around your plant.

If you would like to save on matchsticks, bury 10 sticks around each plant headfirst approximately 2 to 3 inches from the stem. Ensure that your match does not come into direct contact with your stem and remember to water the plants well.


Matches contain phosphorus, sulfur, and magnesium. It will help increase the acidity of the soil and is very good for plants like tomatoes and peppers.


A surprising addition to this list is weeds. They’re packed with important nutrients for your plants and turning them into fertilizer is a great way to get rid of them (and get revenge for having to pull them)! Varieties of weeds to consider are burdock, horsetail, and chickweed.


You can either work your weeds into a compost heap or make a liquid solution.

To make a liquid solution:

  1. Place weeds into a 5-gallon bucket. Place a brick over them to ensure that they remain submerged when you add water. For every 1 pound of weeds, add 8 cups of water.
  2. Stir the mix weekly, once a week for 5 weeks. Make sure during the process that your bucket is covered with an airtight lid. During the course of the 5 weeks, be prepared for a strong odor when you crack the seal on the lid.
  3. To separate the liquid from the weeds, strain into another bucket using cheesecloth.

Be cautious not to get any of it on your clothes, as it will stain. One must also be cautious not to use toxic plants like poison ivy or poison oak. Another simple method is to simply place your weeds inside a sack that is permeable. Cover the sack with enough water so that it is submerged. Let it sit in the water for 4 weeks and use the solution as instructed above.


Dilute with fresh water to ensure that it does not burn your plants. For every cup of fertilizer, dilute with 10 cups of water. This can be used both as a foliage spray and in a watering can. Start making this liquid fertilizer early in the season to ensure you have enough supply of this super fertilizer for all your plants.


Most weeds have long taproots that take-up many beneficial minerals from the soil. Weeds like dandelion are high in potassium and other trace minerals, while other varieties contain nitrogen and phosphorus. You have the added advantage of removing weeds from where you do not want them and using them to make fertilizer.

Human Urine

Human urine is packed with so many beneficial nutrients that a debate on whether it can replace chemical fertilizer has ensued. The composition of urine is 11-2-1 meaning it is very rich in nitrogen.

The only exception to using this method is the body this urine is coming from must be free from disease and viruses. This makes human urine a controversial fertilizer unless you are applying on your own plants solely for your own consumption!


By only using mid-flow urine, you can lessen the chance of harvesting contaminated urine. Mid-flow urine is collected by peeing the first few seconds into the toilet and then the remaining urine into your collection jar.

Be sure to use gloves and wash your hands before and after collection and use of your urine.

If one is on any medication, they should desist from using urine as a fertilizer. An extra precaution of testing the urine may be taken. Since there are so many things to test for, a comprehensive laboratory test would be the only worthwhile route here. Mix one cup of urine with 6 to 8 cups of water.


For small plants, use 2 cups of the urine solution for medium plants, and for large plants 6 cups.


Urine surprisingly has an extremely high amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, often rivaling some commercial fertilizers that cost an arm and a leg. There are also potential savings in the amount of freshwater used to flush the toilet as well as well as the cost of treating urine water for re-use. The risk of bacteria and diseases from it sometimes outweighs the benefits of urine, as it is very hard to know whose urine is free from viruses and disease.

Even if tests are carried out on the urine samples, this could be costly and time consuming. The effectiveness of good urine fertilizer also depends on the notion that the body it comes from remains disease free throughout the fertilization process lasting several weeks.

Grass Clippings

Grass clippings are in abundance all year round and therefore there is rarely a shortage of them. Ensuring that you keep your blades sharp will help you collect high-quality grass clippings and cause less damage to your lawn.


Collect a 5-gallon bucket full of clippings and add water to it. Let it sit for 2 days. Sieve the solution to separate fertilizer from residue clippings. Mix the fertilizer to the ratio of between 1:8 and 1:10 with water.

You can also add your grass clipping to your compost pile. The following rules will help you make better compost.

  1. Dry your clippings for a couple of days before adding them to the compost heap. This will help them decompose faster.
  2. Using a compost aerator tool will improve the quality of the grass clipping compost pile.
  3. Ensure you use thin layers of grass clippings to help with aeration. Start with a layer of dried material at the bottom of your compost pile to aid in this.


Apply 2 cups to small plants, 4 to medium and 6 to the base of large plants. You can also work few handfuls of grass clipping directly into your soil. If your area is not very windy, you can use grass clippings as mulch. As you water your plants, it will begin to decompose and infuse nitrogen into your garden.


High in nitrogen and other trace elements, grass clippings will give your nitrogen loving plants a good boost. If used properly they can provide up to 40% of your solid nutrient requirements every year. This amounts to big savings on your fertilizer budget.

This short video will help you understand the concept:

Bone Meal

Like its name, bone meal is simply ground animal bones and can be made quite easily. Bone meal should never be added to soil with a pH of more than 7 as it will be useless.


Collect bones from your food leftovers.

  1. Make sure your bones are brittle. Cook them in a crockpot for a few days to soften them. Boiling your bones on the stove will also work.
  2. Dry the bones in the microwave on high for 5 minutes or by roasting them for 30 minutes at 425°F. When your bones are ready, they should be brittle. You should be able to break them with your bare hands if they are ready to be crushed.
  3. Placing them inside a sack and hammering them will crush them into powder.
  4. Sieve your bones to get rid of particles that have not been crushed. Put these back in the sack and crush them until most of your bones are turned into powder.


For every 100 square feet of garden use 8-10 pounds of bone meal. Collecting bones over a long period will help you provide sufficient bone meal for your whole garden. Placing 2 to 3 tablespoons at the bottom of the planting hole will give your plants a good start. Since it is a slow releasing fertilizer, the benefits will be spread over a period of 10 to 12 weeks. Applying bone meal once every 16 weeks will provide sufficient phosphorus for your plants.

Comparing your homemade bone meal to the one you would purchase will give you an idea of how well you have done. You can purchase some organic bone meal in the link below. Mark the plants that you fertilize with your homemade bone meal and the one your purchase and compare results.


Your average bone meal will be a 3-15-0 mix meaning it is high in phosphorus. This phosphorus will aid in a well-developed root system, flowering and fruit development. Beware that unprocessed bones added to your garden or compost pile will attract pests like dogs and rodents where bonemeal does not. Using bone meal with other fertilizers mentioned in this guide high in nitrogen like grass clippings and urine will give you a well-balanced fertilizer for your plants. Bone meal also increases the microbes in the soil that help in plant development and growth.



Seaweed can be used fresh or dry and does not need to be washed to rid it of its salt content. One needs to ensure they harvest in areas where they judge the least amount of contamination of seawater could have taken place. If you can get seaweed easily, making this fertilizer yourself will save you up to $20 per 1-liter bottle of organic seaweed from the store.


Take about 1 bucket of seaweed and chop it up. Add water to this and let it sit for 3 weeks leaving the container cover partially open.  In colder months you may need to let your seaweed sit in water for up to 12 weeks.

You can also place seaweed into an onion sack and submerge this into a bucket of water for the same amount of time. You can throw the remaining seaweed onto your compost pile.

Ensure you check beforehand if there are laws in your state on the harvesting of seaweed. Ascorbic acid is added to commercial seaweed fertilizer to help it store better. You can store yours in glass jars with the lids slightly open. Use it as soon as you can to make the most of its high nutritional value.


Experiment by applying a varying amount of seaweed to different sections of your garden. Pour two 300ml cups for small plants, and 4 to 6 cup for medium to large plants, respectively.

You can also apply seaweed directly to your garden without turning it into tea.

  1. Place a handful into each planting hole or for plants such as potatoes bury some before planting.
  2. Simply spread seaweed over your garden and work it into the soil with a garden hoe. You can also place it over your garden in the winter and let it naturally break down.


  1. The trace and secondary nutrients found in seaweed will benefit most of your plants.
  2. It contains 60 trace elements and this definitely makes up for is lack of macronutrients.
  3. Seaweed will correct soil imbalances by aiding bacteria that produce nitrogen to return to your soil.
  4. It also contains properties that help fight fungal diseases in your plants.
  5. It is a deterrent to animals in the garden. Most do not like the smell and they often are tangled in it when wet or scratched when dry.

Powdered Milk

Powdered milk is an excellent calcium-based fertilizer. Calcium helps in building strong cell walls, which in turn help in the further transportation of other essential nutrients. Calcium loving plants like tomatoes will benefit from this fertilizer.


No preparation is needed. Since it’s already powder, it’s easily absorbed by plants. Sprinkle half a cup of powdered milk per plant every two weeks. If you decide to apply your milk to the plants using a spray bottle, ensure that it has been well dissolved as it will otherwise easily clog your sprayer.


Calcium loving plants will benefit from powdered milk.

  1. Powdered milk is a cheap source of calcium.
  2. Powdered milk has the advantage of being a fungicide as well as a fertilizer.
  3. It can correct an acid imbalance in the soil.

Here is a video on how to use powdered milk as fertilizer as well as other functions it plays for your plants

Corn Gluten Meal

Corn gluten meal is a by-product of cornstarch production. It can be used as both fertilizer and herbicide to prevent weeds. It is excellent for your plants as well as your lawn.


Besides buying corn gluten, no preparation is needed. Simply spread a thin layer of the meal over your garden and work into the soil with a hoe or rake if the soil has already been tilled. Spread 30-40lbs per 1000 square feet of garden. Do this twice a year for best results. The first application should be early in the spring and the second late in the summer when temperatures have fallen.



Apart from the fact that corn gluten meal helps in the control of weeds, it also contains nitrogen, which will give your plants a steady supply of this important macro element. Take note that since corn gluten is also animal feed it may be a little expensive. It could also potentially attract pests to your garden.

Egg Shells

Eggshells are packed with calcium and are 93% calcium carbonate. They play the same role as lime in the soil, which neutralizes acidic soil. Cell walls are the equivalent of bones in plants and calcium will help to strengthen these.


Wash your eggshells with water and place them in the sun until they are dry. Crush them into fine pieces using a hammer or mortar and pestle. You can also make eggshell powder by blending them well.


Work your eggshells into the soil around your plants or mix them with potting soil. You can also add these eggshells to the bottom of your planting holes. Since it takes several months for your shells to break down it is recommended to apply them to your soil in early fall.  You can also add eggshells to your compost pile together with dry material like old leaves.

Fertilized planting trays

You can also use eggshells, as planting trays that will give your seedlings the added benefit of calcium from germination. Simply sterilize your eggshells by boiling them or placing them in the oven at 200°F for a few minutes. Add potting soil to the eggshells and plant your seeds in them. When your seedlings sprout, plant your eggshells directly in the soil and bury them with the plant above the surface of the soil. As the plant grows and the eggshell breaks down it will release the much-needed calcium into the soil and make it readily available for your plant.

Liquid eggshell fertilizer

Simply place your eggshells in a glass jar for 4 weeks to allow the calcium to leach into the water. Dilute 1 cup of this solution to 1 gallon of water and apply either using a watering can or spray bottle.



The calcium in eggshells will help fight off diseases like late blight and is exceptionally helpful in plants that are affected by this ailment, like spinach and tomatoes. They encourage a strong cellular structure and aid in the transportation of other vital nutrients to the whole of your plant. Eggshells will also keep slimy bugs like snails and slugs from your plants.

Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds are said to have some nitrogen and therefore be beneficial to your soil.  One thing most people do not know is that you can get them in abundance free at a coffee shop like star bucks if you ask for them. Store your coffee grounds in a countertop composter like this one. 


Either you can apply the coffee directly to your plants or you can make a liquid solution, which is absorbed faster by the plant. To do this, take 6-8 cups of ground coffee and add to 5 gallons of water to it. Let this sit for 3 days, sieve with cheesecloth and then pour this around your plants.

If you decide to add coffee grounds as they are, place them on a newspaper and leave them out in the sun to dry. Ensure they are completely dry before sprinkling them around your plants.

Since coffee grounds are acidic, adding them to a compost pile before application can neutralize the acid content. You can also add generous amounts of coffee grounds to your worm bin. Worms love coffee grounds and investing in a bin like this one is beneficial.


Either scatter your grounds around the plant before watering or pour the liquid solution around the desired plants. Apply 1 tablespoon of coffee grounds per plant in your garden every week until your plants show visible signs of improvement.


Your roses, tomatoes, and blueberries will benefit from the nitrogen that coffee grounds offer. Coffee grounds help raise the acidity of the soil and will help improve alkaline soil. Further benefits to plants will be the absence of snails and slugs when coffee grounds are used.

Epsom Salts

Epsom salt is a salt made up of sulfate and magnesium. It is another DIY fertilizer you can certainly make use of without much hassle.


Simply mix 1 tablespoon of Epson salt per 1 gallon of water


Water your plants with this solution once every 2 to 4 weeks. Apply the solution with a watering can or spray bottle. Vegetable seedlings will benefit from a tablespoon of Epson salt placed next to them. For roses spray when your first leaves appear in the spring and later on when they begin to blossom.  Use a tablespoon of salt for every foot of height for your plants.


Houseplants, tomatoes, and peppers will benefit from the magnesium that Epson salts contain. Epson salt is also very good for your lawn. Magnesium in the Epson salt helps to give germinating seeds a good kick-start while the sulfur aids in the creation of chlorophyll and will promote the efficient use of other macronutrients by plants like nitrogen.

Here is a video explaining this in detail:

Wood Ash 

A great way to dispose of ash from your fireplace is by using it in your garden. Since it is rich in potash, it will help maintain the plant’s water balance as well as aid in the transportation of other nutrients around the plant.


An important point to note is not to use any lighter fluid as this will adversely affect your plants.

Hardwood ashes are ideal and avoid putting charcoal into your soil.

  1. Store your wood ash in an airtight metal container. This will prevent any ash that is still hot from
  2. Sift your wood ash to get rid of any wood particles that are still left in it.

You can add wood ash to your compost heap. Make sure not to add too much as it will raise the pH of the compost pile and affect the worms that live in it. Working with wood ash is a dirty, dusty job. Covering your mouth and nose with a dust mask and wear gloves.



Apply your wood ash to the soil at the end of the summer for it to have enough to time to decompose. Warning – Never combine the use of wood ash with nitrogen fertilizers, as this will create ammonia gas!

For every 100 square feet of garden, you can use 5lb of ashes. Mix this into your soil with a hoe or with a rake if the soil is already tilled.

Be careful not to use wood ash on acid loving plants or potatoes as this could lead to the disease potato scab. There really is no point in using potassium in soils that have a PH of over 7.5 as these are highly alkaline and potassium will only raise it further.  If you use lime in conjunction with wood ash ensure that your application does not exceed a combined weight of 20 pounds per 1000 square feet of garden.


Wood ash has potassium and calcium that helps raise the pH of your soil. Be sure not to use it for plants that thrive in acidic soils like blueberries. Plants like peas and beans will generally benefit very well from potassium.


Vinegar is very good for helping to lower the pH of your soil from being alkaline to neutral. Use vinegar on your plants in the late afternoon as the hot sun on the leaves could burn them.


Simply mix one gallon of water per tablespoon of vinegar. Alternatively, you can add sugar to the mix by adding one tablespoon of sugar and vinegar per gallon of water. The glucose will give your plants extra energy and vigor.


Apply this to your plants every 3 months. For potted plants add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and water your plants with this mixture using a watering can or spray bottle.


Your plants that benefit from acid like tomatoes and houseplants will thrive using this solution. Azaleas, blueberries, and gardenias will also benefit. One should be careful when using a fertilizer like vinegar because it can easily harm your plants, as it is easy to lower your pH beyond what is needed.


Aquarium Water

Aquarium water is easily had by people with freshwater fish tanks. It should be noted that saltwater should not be used as fertilizer.  The decaying food and fish waste make an excellent source of many macro and micronutrients. Fish like goldfish generally produce a lot of waste so if you are debating whether to buy a fish tank consider that it can also do wonders for your plants!


No preparation needed. Avoid using aquarium water if you have added any medication or chemicals to it as this could be damaging to your plants.


Use the water from your tank for routine watering. Using 2 cups for small plants, 4 for medium-sized plants and 6 for large plants.  For water that has been in your tank for a long time and considered dirty slightly dilute it with water as it may be too concentrated for your plants.


Your soil and in turn plants will certainly get a boost from the excretion of the fish concentrated in the water found in freshwater fish tanks.

Fish Emulsion

Fish emulsion is not only a great fertilizer but has many other added benefits to your soil. The composition of fertilizer is 5-1-1 making it a good source of nitrogen. Be warned, the odor is terrible.


Keep all your leftover fish heads, bones, blood and scales for as long a period as possible. To prevent spoilage freeze it in readiness for your spring gardening.

You can either blend your frozen fish or use as is, but remember to add 2 parts of water for every 1 part of fish. Place the mix in a sunny area in an airtight container. Keep the mix far from your house, as the smell will be positively ferocious. Hold your nose and stir the mix every 2 days for the next 2 weeks.


In the same way, you would make bone meal; make sure your leftover fish heads and bones are completely dry before crushing or blending them into a fine powder.


For every square foot of garden apply 3 gallons of your fish emulsion mix. Half a gallon of this diluted mix can be applied to each plant depending on the size. You can also spray fish emulsion onto the leaves of your plants. One tablespoon into a gallon of water will suffice. Spray this on your plant’s leaves and water well after application.

I recommend comparing your homemade emulsion to a bottle from the store to determine how effective your fertilizer is. Since fish emulsion is a mild fertilizer, you can apply it to your plants as frequent as twice per week


Plants like broccoli and beetroot will benefit from this fertilizer that is rich in all three macro elements. The homemade fish emulsion also contains microorganisms that are beneficial to the soil.

It has the benefit of being very mild acting and therefore you are unlikely to damage your plants.


Gelatin is a good source of nitrogen for your plants, cheap and readily available in bulk. 


Start by dissolving gelatin in water. You can do this by preferably adding 2 ½ to 3 cups water per packet. Make sure you use unflavored gelatin.  To help it mix and better dissolve pour the contents into a cup of hot water before adding additional cups.


Water your plants with this mix using 2 cups for small plants, 4 for medium, and 6 for large plants respectively.


Unlike other natural sources of nitrogen, it is hard for you to feed your plants too much nitrogen through gelatin. You also do not run the risk of burning your plants with it. Gelatin has the benefit of infusing nitrogen into your soil slowly over a longer period of time that commercial fertilizers do not.



Any list of DIY fertilizers can never be complete without talking about compost. Compost is the most commonly used DIY fertilizer as it combines many of the individual items mentioned above into one powerful combo.

To make good compost you need to have the following elements:

  1. Nitrogen- Found in green fresh matter like leaves and other waste like banana peels.
  2. Carbon- Found in dried and dead leaves and branches.
  3. Air and Water- Instrumental in activating your compost. It also ensures that the bacteria and organisms responsible for decomposition are able to survive.

Your compost pile needs to be hot enough to kill weed, seeds and other unwanted bacteria, but should not stay so long so as that it begins to rot and lose its nutrients.

Create your compost pile by the following steps:

  1. Take green leaves, grass clippings, and other green matter and place them at the bottom of your compost heap. Other methods will recommend starting with dry matter to improve aeration.
  2. Add a layer of manure or food scraps to your pile.
  3. Spread another layer of green material and sprinkle some water over it. Make sure not to make your pile too wet as it will not decompose.
  4. Check on your compost pile every few days and ensure that it is kept moist by sprinkling water over it. To check if your compost is decomposing, feel the layers beneath, they should be warm to hot.
  5. Good compost is a rich dark color.

By making compost, you can make good use of food scraps like meat, without It attracting pests to your garden.

For a more concentrated solution, you can turn your compost into tea. This tea can be applied to your plants as either a foliage spray or simply watering the ground with it.

To make your liquid compost fertilizer fill a 5-gallon bucket ¾ full and add water leaving only enough room to stir.  Stir this every day for 4 days. Use a porous cloth to strain the liquid and separate it from the remaining compost. Return that compost to the pile or spread it in your garden.

It should be noted that the concentrated liquid mix is quite strong and you should therefore, mix one part of this liquid fertilizer base with 10 parts of water.


Animal manure is a great source of fertilizer especially considering that if you live near farms it is readily available. It is both organic and cheap. Using manure from plant-eating animals like cows, goats, sheep, and fish is always the best.

A word of caution when using animal manure: it needs to be either dry or composted well because it could contain seeds from the plants the animal was eating. This could result in an enormous amount of weeds in your garden.

Use manure that is at least 6 months old if you do not wish to compost it.  Avoid using manure from flesh-eating animals like dogs and cats as it could contain harmful parasites that are unwanted in your garden.

Using manure is quite simple, as all you have to do is work about ½ an inch worth of it into your soil. You need to be careful when using it on plants because too much of it could burn your them in a similar way to what commercial fertilizer would do if too much were applied too close to the stem.

Add manure to your garden late in the winter or the beginning of fall so that it would have decomposed well in time for your spring planting. Allowing your manure to sit in your garden for several weeks will allow its nutrients to be released into the soil.

A concentrated liquid fertilizer can also be made from animal manure by following the steps explained below.

  1. Put one shovel of manure into a burlap sack or pillow. Put this in a 5-gallon bucket and fill it with water.
  2. Leave the mixture in water for about 14 days and then remove the manure. You can simply throw the leftover manure into your garden.

Before application, ensure that your tea is diluted with an equal amount of water. Apply this to the soil around your plants by pouring 2 cups for small plants, 4 for medium and 6 for large.

Banana, Eggshell and Coffee Ground Blend

Combining all the benefits of coffee grounds, eggshells and banana peels can give you an amazing DIY fertilizer. Using your banana peels in this way is easier than using them on in the compost heap, as they take considerably longer to decompose.

All you really need to do is blend the three in a blender until it a well-mixed slurry.

The potassium from bananas, calcium from eggshells and nitrogen from the coffee blend certainly makes a great fertilizer for plants that are acid-loving like tomatoes. Dilute your mix with water so it can easily be absorbed by the soil and applied to your garden.

Here is a great practical video on how to do the above. It includes avocado peels, but you can omit them if you want.

Molasses, Alfalfa Meal and Epsom Salt

Another nutrient packed DIY fertilizer that will give you the benefit of both micro and micronutrients in your soil is a combination of molasses, alfalfa meal, and Epsom salt. To make this fertilizer dissolve one cup of alfalfa meal and Epsom salts each into 4 to 5 gallons of water. Add a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses to this.

Not only will this fertilizer feed beneficial bacteria and organisms that live in the soil, it will also give your plants extra growing strength.

Simple Tea Fertilizer

This is a simple recipe certain to give you amazing benefits for your plants. This is one of the simplest yet most effective DIY fertilizers as it uses simple easily accessible ingredients.  The use of urine though may limit its use unless you grow strictly for personal consumption and even then, caution should be taken.

Mix ¼ cup of Epson salts, 2 cups of woods ash and 2 cups of urine in a 5-gallon bucket. Fill your bucket to about half way with grass clippings and other green matter like leaves or fresh corn stalks. Fill your bucket with water and let the mix sit for 2 to 3 days. Any more than this will cause nutrients to begin degrading.

Strain the content by using cheesecloth and before application mix the fertilizer base with an equal amount of water. Make sure you use this solution within 2 days.

A more nutrient-packed version of this that rivals commercial fertilizer can be made easily. Follow the recipe below to make this quick tea fertilizer. You will need the following ingredients:

1 teaspoon of ammonia, (Nitrogen)

2 ½ teaspoons of iced tea, (Nutrient absorption)

1 teaspoon of baking powder,(Nitrogen)

3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide (Oxidizer)

3 teaspoons of molasses (Feed for soil bacteria)

¼ cup of crushed fish bones (Phosphorus, Any other bones will also suffice)

1 Crushed egg shell (Calcium)

½-banana peel or 1 eggshell (Calcium and potassium)

Put all these ingredients into a milk jar and fill with water. Let the solution sit for about 2 hours.

Apply this to your plants using one cup for small plants, 2 for medium ones and 4 for large plants.

Advanced 1-2-1 Fertilizer

Caution should be taken when working with some of the ingredients found in the recipe below. Most of the material we have dealt with has been natural, mostly harmless ingredients, but the recipe below will require you to work with some chemicals. Proper protective clothing must be used while working with this recipe.

This DIY recipe may also require you to do some extra shopping for the ingredients but by the end, you will have a highly nutritive fertilizer. The composition of this fertilizer is a 1-2-1 mix meaning it is high in phosphorus and contains nitrogen and potassium. This mix rivals or even exceeds the value that you would gain from a commercial fertilizer you would buy from the store

For this, you will the following:

Rock phosphate – 6 parts

Blood meal – 2 Parts

Fish meal – 2 Parts

Bone meal – 3 Parts

Kelp meal – 1 Part

Greensand – 6 parts

Mix all of the above ingredients well and apply a between 1 to 2 tablespoons to your plants that require a good helping of fertilizer.

You will enjoy all the benefits of a commercial fertilizer and the added micronutrients that the natural ingredients possess.


DIY fertilizer not only makes for a great homestead project but also promotes the general well-being of the environment. It is important to remember that DIY fertilizer is not always easy to get right on the first attempt. Making sure that your ingredients, especially the natural ones, are free from any unwanted chemicals and contaminants will guarantee success.

A true homesteader is only as good as his ability to thrive without the use of commercial products. While some DIY fertilizers may not be easy for you to create at, it is best to give a few of the recommendations above a try and see what Works best for your plants and soil.

Share some of your thoughts, and maybe some fertilizer recipes you may know below!

via Modern Survival Online