Thursday, December 31, 2015

Art for Planespotters

We don’t know art, but we know what we like. And this gizmo by [Johan Kanflo] is right up our alley.

First, [Johan] gutted an old Macintosh Classic computer and stuffed a Raspberry Pi inside. Now this is not really a new idea, but [Johan] did a very nice job with the monitor and his attention to detail shows in the rebuilt floppy-drive eject mechanism. He gives it back that characteristic “schlurp” noise.

Then he outfitted the Raspberry Pi with an RTL dongle running dump1090 software to listen to the ADS-B radio signals. The data extracted from the SDR is piped off to an MQTT server with all sorts of data about the airplanes overhead. Another script subscribes to the MQTT topic and figures out which is the closest and runs an image search for the plane type in question, publishing the results back to another MQTT topic. One final script subscribes to this last topic and displays the relevant images on the screen. Pshwew!

The end result is a Macintosh Classic that’s continually updated with whatever planes are closest to being overhead. We’re not at all sure if this is fine art, or part of the useful arts, or maybe even none of the above. But we really like the nice case job and think that using MQTT as a back-end for coordinating multiple concurrent Python scripts (on the same computer) is pretty cool.

Filed under: computer hacks, radio hacks, Raspberry Pi

via Hackaday » radio hacks

Lucid Dreaming | 2016: Year of Awareness, Gravity and Lucidity

Inspired by the many wonderful lucid dreamers on this site and Fryingman's 2015: Year of the Breath, meditation, WBTB, confidence and dedication I have decided to embark on a large new years 'resolucid'. I shall make 2016 the year in which I develop awareness of my dreams and crack my own personal code to lucidity. If nothing else this year will teach me a lot about how my own dreams and awareness works and what improvements and changes I should make.

So, how shall I focus this awareness? I've decided upon gravity, or more specifically the awareness of my body and the forces acting upon it. After seeing the success that Hukif and Azul among others have had with this and my own experiences with wonky gravity and different body feelings in my own dreams I feel this will be the most beneficial way for me to go about things. I know it will be a long and complicated road but I will give it a crack anyway.

Similar to me December Dreaming Bootcamp, I'll outline some goals I have for the current year, to keep me motivated and serve as a way to track my progress.


-Write in my dream journal every night, no matter how much or how little I remember

This will be tricky to keep up, but hey, I managed it for the whole of December so it isn't that out of reach. In just the one month I have averaged and extra 1-2 dreams a night thanks to dream journaling, and if that rate of improvement continues I will be very happy. It has also allowed me to gain further insights into the nature of my dreams and what I need to focus on.

-Post on Dreamviews every day
Not only will this help with motivation, it will also help me learn from all the knowledgeable people here and hopefully help others as well with what little I know :).

-Meditate every day
Another tricky goal, however I am determined to pursue it as meditation will form the crux of my daytime work. Knowing how important awareness and mindfulness is for lucidity meditation seems like the best tool to achieve that. I plan to utilize Sivason's sensory awareness meditations in particular focusing on my body, along with interspersed gravity reality checks throughout the day. I also hope to eventually engage in Shamatha and Vipassana meditation, expanding out to concentrate on other parts of myself and then to e aware of my awareness itself.

Lucidity Goals:

-For January, at least 3 lucids, optimistically at least 5
-For February at least 5
-For Autumn (Australian) working up to optimistically at least 7 lucids a month
-For Winter, working up to at least 7 lucids a month, optimistically at least 10 a month
-For Spring and rest of year, working up to consistently having at least 10 lucids a month

I think these goals will provide the right level of difficulty for me to strive to achieve them yet not too much that they are unattainable. These are just guidelines though but ones I wish to achieve anyway.

Along with the aforementioned meditation I shall also transition from my usual finger/hand RC to a more gravity based one, feeling the weight of my body and the forces which are effecting it. This will hopefully bring my awareness of my body into my everyday life, almost like mini meditations throughout the day. I will also still use my finger RC as a backup and alternative. I am also a fan of the 'no technique' method and focusing on purely awareness, so hopefully I wont fall into a technique trap! I may also branch out into doing WILDS and WBTB at some stage but we will see how that goes. I will also experiment with mantras and try to find ones that work well for me. I shall also focus on memory as outlined by Sageous as I have definitely noticed how my memory is switched off in dreams.

I think that just about wraps this up. Thanks for reading through my wall of text, and if you have any suggestions or guides for me feel free to tell me. I will try to post regular updates here of my progress. Lets make 2016 a year to remember! :offtobed:
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Lucid Dreaming | Luring dreams to capture them seems more efficient than chasing them

To become lucid is to catch a dream while it's happening. But, there's two ways to catch something. You can chase whatever you're trying to catch until it's close enough where you can capture it, or you can lure it until it's close enough to capture. It seems like chasing would require a lot more energy than luring so it seems like luring would be the way to go.

It seems like naturals put little to no effort into lucid dreaming while the rest of us put more energy into catching dreams while the rest of us with less success. Since luring takes less energy than chasing, naturals must lure dreams rather than chase them in order to capture them while they're happening.

So, what are dreams lured by? Calmness perhaps? Dreams only come to us when we're calm enough to sleep. If we lose this calmness they seem to stay away. During a dream, if you stay calm, the self-awareness and memory needed to lucid dream seems to come easier, bringing the dream even closer to you. If you're not calm, these things are harder to grasp and the dream starts to go away. This calmness even makes the dream come back to you like a boomerang, making them easier to capture when trying to get back into them or when trying to recall them.

So it seems like a great way to catch dreams as they're happening and after they happened is to simply lure them by staying calm enough until they're close enough to be captured easily.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | Did I mess up CAT?

Two weeks ago I started CAT by waking up at 6:30 as I usually woke up at 8. When that didn't work (I was too tired and always fell back to sleep) I changed by wake up time to 9 so I would wake up at 7:30 and be able to get enough sleep. But I still fell asleep after I woke up. I've been doing this on and off for days, I am now trying to wake up at 9 again but I always wake up at 7:30, and yesterday my alarm didn't go off so I woke up at 11!

Did I just completely screw up my clock? Is this a hopeless cause? I am NOT waking up at 5:30, thank you very much. Yesterday morning I did have a lucid dream, but I think it's because I cried so much because everything was just so screwed up (the charge of emotion may have kicked my brain)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 12/31/2015 - The Windmill Effect

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Wednesday, December 30, 2015



I’m Dan Stevens, the new owner of this website. As you probably know, John moved on to another project, leaving me with the difficult task of bringing fresh new survival content. I’m confident that me and my small team of contributors will write with high-quality info.

We’re probably going to write 1-2 articles per week and increase the frequency the moment we free up time from our other commitments.

Since it’s almost New Year’s, we’re going to have a fresh start after January 1st. I expect to publish the first article this weekend. Everyone will be notified via email, of course.

Until them, I wish you all a Happy New Year!


Chess Puzzle | 12/30/2015 - Mannheimer - Trimborn, Amsterdam 1899

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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Need help with FILD

I've tried FILD quite a few times now, but without succes.
So past night I woke up naturally about 4hours after I went to sleep. When I woke up, FILD instantly come on my mind and the first thing I did was not moving at all and get ready to fild. I waited a little bit until I really felt like I could fall asleep any moment now and started doing the finger movement. I feel my body falling asleep, some kind of tingling, warm, pleasant feeling is coming up and expanding through my body. The feeling keeps getting more intense until it reaches a certain point and then stops. The feeling stays for probably not even a minute and then it drifts away.
So I've tried fild about 5-6 times this night. And almost every time I got this feeling, sometimes a little more intense. After the first 2 or 3 failures (not sure), I thought maybe I just woke up too early. So I went back to bed set my alarm to about an hour from now, I instantly fall asleep.
I wake up, this time I do a short WBTB because I had read it somewhere yesterday. Still not working. So after another failure, I tried doing the RC while I was having this feeling, instead of after. But sadly, I'm still not dreaming.
Am I doing something wrong? Or is FILD just not the technique for me?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 12/29/2015 - Rooks And Queens And Mates

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Monday, December 28, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Balancing Awareness and Reflection-The key to attaining lucidity

In order to lucid dream, you have to be aware during the dream and reflect on this awareness to recognize what you're being aware of is a dream.

These two things must be balanced to have the best chance of LDing. Too much awareness leaves too little room for reflection and too much reflection leaves too little room for awareness.

100% Awareness/0% Reflection-You're so completely engaged in the plot of the dream that the concept of it being a dream never comes across your mind.
75% Awareness/25% Reflection-You're engaged in the plot of the dream. Then, something makes you step back and think "Wait, is this a dream?"
50% Awareness/50% Reflection-Your reflecting on everything you're being aware of and lucidity comes easily without need of a reality check.
25% Awareness/75% Reflection-You're reflecting when something you become aware of makes you think "Is this a dream?"
0% Awareness/100% Reflection-You're too deep in reflection to become aware of anything outside of it.

So with this knowledge, what do you do? Your analyze where you fall on the spectrum and make changes accordingly.

If you're so engaged during your dreams that the concept of it being a dream never comes across your mind, you need to be less aware during your dreams in order to leave more room for you reflect on what you're being aware of. To do this, you need to pay less attention to your dreams or cut back on your dream practice.

On the other hand, if you're thinking so much during your dreams that you're unaware during them, or if you're not conscious of your dreams at all, you need to be more aware during them. To do this, you need to pay more attention to your dreams or add to your dream practice.

Find the balance and your all set.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 12/28/2015 - Back To The Start

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Saturday, December 26, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Dolphin's Guide to Attaining Lucidity

To become lucid, you have to identify a dream as such while it's happening. In order to do this, first you have to be aware of whatever you're trying to identify, then you have to remember what you're being aware is what you're trying to identify.

Let's take a look at Schroeder trying to identify a dog, which is just like identifying a dream.

The last panel illustrates a non-lucid dream. Like Schroder, we're often present and aware of the dream, but we make the mistake of identifying it as whatever we think it's representing rather than identifying it as a dream.

So, how would Patty teach Schroeder to identify Snoopy as a dog? Any ideas? Well, I think she would tell him, "No, Snoopy's a dog!". I call that "corrective reinforcement" which I think would be a good way to learn to become lucid.

Here's how I would do it:

Step 1:Set Your Intention
Plan what you want to do when you're dreaming. An example of an intention would be to identify the dream and say out loud "I'm dreaming" before completing any dream goals you wish to accomplish. It's good to have a consistent thing you say or do every time upon becoming lucid, as this helps with access to memory which in turn helps you grasp and stabilize lucidity.

Step 2:Fall Asleep
Fall asleep, trying to keep your attention on something you associate with dreaming. This can be anything. We're just trying to keep our minds on dreams in some way so we don't forget to be aware of them.

Step 3:Carry Out Your Intention
Once you start dreaming, attempt to carry out your intention as you planned.

Step 4:Reality Check, Recall, and Reinforce
When you wake up, do a reality check to see if you're dreaming. If not, then at this point you may recall the dream you had and write it down. Then, go back as far as in the dream as you can remember, and reimagine the dream at that point, only with yourself carrying out your intention as you imagined. Doing this, you're thinking about what should have happened, that way when a similar situation occurs in the future, you're more likely to succeed. Think of this as teaching yourself to identify dreams through corrective reinforcement, just as Patty was teaching Schroder how to identify dogs. When done with this, complete steps 1-4 again until it's time to start your day. We dream several times a night, so you should be able to complete the steps multiple times.

Of course, this learning process is probably going to take longer than it would in waking life, because we tend to have less access to memory in dreams. We still do have some access to memory in dreams, though, so I think the technique of corrective reinforcement is a valid way for anybody to learn to lucid dream.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 12/26/2015 - Mating In The Midst of Defense

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Friday, December 25, 2015

Changes at ModernSurvivalOnline

It is with a heavy heart and a healthy dose of excitement that I announce ModernSurvivalOnline is under new ownership.

A few weeks ago I was approached about selling it. The decision was not easy. Since May 29th, 2010 I have put countless hours into this website and passing the torch onto someone else was not something I had been considering. After weighing my options and using logic rather than emotion the decision came fairly quickly. It is in mine and my families best interest to move on to other things. 

Dan Stevens will be taking over. Dan is originally from Europe and has been prepping for a few years. He also has some like-minded friends who will be writing for him as well. I have no doubt Dan will do great things with MSO. Regular readers are used to Rourke always being here but please give him a chance. 

So – what will I be doing?

A couple of days ago it was mentioned that I was starting a new website. I am excited about this new opportunity. This new site will be quite different than MSO. I will be discussing current events, politics, health, fitness, life philosophy, firearms, preparedness – and outdoor adventures. I believe the site will provide a fresh perspective with this unique combination of topics. Everything is still in the early planning stages.

With the extra time I will have a lot more family time is planned. Spending more time outdoors enjoying God’s creation is something I can’t get enough of. I am looking forward to more weekend and day trips as well.

I truly appreciate the loyalty and the kinship that has been shown. This does not have to mean goodbye. If you wish to receive updates on my future projects please click on this link and sign up. I promise – no SPAM.

Rather than saying goodbye – let’s go with “See you later.

Take care all – 





Lucid Dreaming | MasterMnd's Guide on Being and Attaining Lucidity


Hey! As usual I write a post primarily for myself, because I want to sort out my own thoughts and ideas. But I hope that you'll find it useful too. Be warned it will probably be very long, but also be curious and give the wall of text a chance, because I will attempt to make it valuable. Enjoy!

Why should you listen to my words?

Let's begin by saying that I am not a master of lucid dreaming, far from it.. However, I have been practising for a couple of years now and I have always been very driven by learning about lucid dreaming and what it means to master lucid dreaming. And I have read about the majority of theories and tried the majority of the techniques and my goal has not only been to learn how to induce a lucid dream, but also how to do it consistently.
And I have never felt that I have reached a satisfying conclusion, and if I did found a method that induced lucid dreams regularaly it had alot of side effects. For example I used a method before where I had set multiple alarms to wake me up which would produce lucid dreams close to at will, however it shocked the brain and body to the degree that I was left tired the rest of the day. You can read my old threads and posts if you want more details.
Other problems I bumped into was the fact that the lucid dreams I got where very unstable. Another thing that bothered me was the fact that I did not wanted to be reliant on anything else but myself, so all methods that was based external factors such as using alarm clocks, lucid aids, wake up timing or time of practise and so on did not speak to me. Because when we are reliant on a specific method, the method is using us, we are not using the method. But to answer the question "Why should you listen to my words?" - I have finally found a lucid dreaming approach that is consistent and what allows me to be reliant on just myself.

What is awareness?

This is the first question that we need to have an answer to. Because if we want to attain awareness of our dreams, we actually have to have a definition of what it means to be aware. The general definition of becoming lucid is to "become aware of dreaming while dreaming". And the approach that we use to accomplish that is to practise being aware during the day. But then again we have to ask ourselves "What is awareness?". To make the discussion short I will just tell you my experience of awareness. My view is that most of us intellectually know what awareness and lucidity means but we have actually forgotten what it is like... Let me test you on something that might sound weird at first, but this is a crucial reality check of your own mind and life that is a truth you need to become aware of if you want to understand what it means to be AWARE. Close your eyes right now and focus on your breath for 10 seconds and then come back to this post...

First ask yourself: How did you feel? And then ask yourself: Did you smile?

The reason to why these are relevant questions is because they show your degree of awareness. To be in a state of awareness of what you are experiencing at this moment is to be aware of the NOW.

Most of us are not in the present moment, we are either in the past: which usually means that we focus on something that cause us to feel anxiety or the future: which usually means that we focus on something stressful. Or we are simply having lots of different thoughts that distracts us from seeing reality as it is.

But focusing on the present moment (when we truly are just in the NOW) oddly enough has the effect of generating joy and cause us to not being able to stop smiling like a laughing buddha or a playful kid.
And our mind is focused and instead being distracted in a state of congitive dissonance, our mind is clear and in a state of flow.

So let's re-define awareness to: The degree of focus you give to the present moment.

This idea can easily be tested by just feeling and observing your state of mind while experiencing reality. Test it while drunk, test it after a stressful day of work, test it after you have been sitting in front of your computer or when you have read a book to see which kind of activities that promotes consciousness/focus/awareness Vs. unconsciousness/unfocus/unawareness. That's how you truly learn to FEEL what awareness is and what awareness is not. And as a little side note, also note how your level of awareness affects your behaviour and feelings towards others.

Awareness Promoting Activities

In my search for awareness promoting activities I have encountered many ways of generating that state of mind. One is diet, what you eat has a huge impact on your awareness, try to live a day without sugar and you'll see. Although what you'll quickly realize is that it's almost impossible to not eat sugar in modern society because we have society that promotes the general population to become unconscious (Sugar, TV, excess of technology, social media and stimulation). Another is something as weird as sexual energy, which basically means abstain from .. computer stimulation and masturbation. Let's just say that when you learn to convert sexual energy into life energy interesting things happen, it's energy that is capable of creating life after all. I can't speak on how this is done for women, simply because I do not have experience of that, but if you are a woman reading this search the wide web and there are probably someone who describes it. For me as a man though I feel an increase in desire for real life women, interacting with people in general and to express myself and fully give myself to the world, but these are just bonuses apart from the increase of awareness and energy.

There are many ways to strenghten your awareness but when I saw that every book on self-development and growth recommends meditation, I realized that there was something of extra value with that activity even though it sounds weird and spiritual at first. You can find my meditation guide in my signature and you can try and observe how your own awareness transform over time. In my personal experience, nothing generates a higher degree of awareness than meditation. Then again I haven't tried drugs, but that would be an external solution based on reliance so it's something that I don't even look into.

Being & Doing - The Unconscious & Conscious Self

From my understanding of the brain that I have attained from books I have learned that the most beneficial way to view yourself is not as ONE, but as TWO. In a modern perspective we can say that the most effective way to travel from point A to point B would be to have a really fast and well functioning car and then be a very skilled driver and reach our destination in no time. However, as Plato and Freud and many other great men understood, our brain is not as rigid as a car, our brain constantly change and is neuro-plastic. So a better analogy would be that of a rider and a horse. Our unconscious mind is the horse and our conscious mind is the rider.
So what we should do is to take care of our horse by taming it, in our case that is by doing awareness promoting activities (especially meditation) and then also be a skilled rider. Although when the horse is tamed the rider barely have to do anything because the horse/ unconscious mind is already on our side. And we just sit back and observe and enjoy the ride and the journey.

Lucid dreaming & Meditation

Now you know how to prime your mind to BE awareness and that is in most cases all that is needed to start experiencing higher degrees of awareness in your dreams, because you don't attract what you want, you attract what you ARE. But to help the horse/mind and give it some directions doesn't hurt.

So let's look at how to do that now.

I have experimented with meditation as my new way of sleeping, because I try to decrease everything that has to do with unconsciousness, even sleep. And I have had a few loose ideas in my mind, but some days ago I decided to see if there were any books on meditation's relation to lucid dreaming. And I found one for 1 dollar, which contained ideas that I myself could verify and some fresh new ones that I could try out.
I will cite these here now. But show your support and buy the book from this incredibly helpful oneironaut. It is called "Meditation for Lucid Dreaming" by Jamie Alexander.

First of all recall your dreams, even if your memory will improve and your awareness does this automatically for you. To write it down is a good way of logging your progress. But remember that every experience you have is stored within your unconscious mind, so it will be accessable for you when you truly master unconscious exploration. But recall your dreams, it's fun!

Develop the habit of meditating as your new way of sleeping, what this does is that the last thing on your mind before falling asleep (if you fall asleep) is to be focused and aware. So a likely result of this is that you'll just wake up in a dream and you'll suddenly find your conscious mind switching on within a dream for no reason, there's not even the need to reality check. You are just aware from the get go!

Realize that the dream world and transition to the dream world has NOTHING to do with your physical body. From now just focus on one thing: What is going on inside your mind?

Be prepared that your increase of awareness will result in you becoming aware of both your dreams but also your micro-awakenings during the night. (Without an alarm clock) Which is a perfect time to do any of all the different dream chaining methods you've read about.

There are more specific details in the book about particular ways to focus before going to sleep to actually transition right from awakening to the dream, but that would be too much to add to this already very long post.

But to summarise how to both BE and DO Awareness: Meditation

How to both DILD/MILD/WILD/WBTB/DEILD/ NATURALLY. - Be in the now, daily and nightly :meditate:

I hope you enjoyed this guide. And that it will help you in your journey towards more awareness in your life.

Feel free to discuss and ask questions.

Peace! ;)
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Chess Puzzle | 12/25/2015 - A Classic Trick

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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas


I hope everyone enjoys a very safe and merry Christmas.






You Can Learn a Lot from a Dummy (Load)

If you work on RF circuits–even if you aren’t a ham radio operator–you ought to have a dummy load. A dummy load is a non-radiative “antenna” with known impedance that you can use to test your RF circuit without radiating. For radio work, you usually just need a 50-ohm resistor that is non-inductive (at least at the frequencies you are interested in) and that can dissipate the amount of power you’ll expect it to handle (at least for a short time). [VO1PWF] wanted a dummy load and built his own.
CantennaThe Cantenna (not the Pringle’s kind; see left) was a famous dummy load design when Heathkit was in business. It was a single carbon rod immersed in a paint can full transformer oil (which we now know was full of dangerous PCBs; and we don’t mean printed circuit boards). [VO1PWF’s] design is a little more practical, using some resistors in parallel (20 1K resistors), a plastic pipe housing, and mineral oil to keep it all cool.

The reason for the parallel resistors is to maximize the power handling capability. The resistors are 3W units, so the dummy load–in theory–can handle 60 watts. Often, high power resistors are wire wound and thus have a good bit of parasitic inductance that makes the dummy load reactive (not a good thing since that makes the load impedance vary by frequency). They do make non-inductive wire wound resistors, but these aren’t truly non-inductive. The wire winds in two different directions, so the inductance tends to cancel out. We wouldn’t trust them to be a pure resistance in a high-power dummy load design.

There were three things we noticed about the project, though. We’d have matched the resistors since even a small difference in value (or even a little difference in the solder joints) will cause the lowest value resistor to take much more current than the others. For example, if all the resistors were actually 1K except for one that was 5% low (950 ohms), the low resistor will dissipate almost 3.15 watts.

The situation gets worse if the rest were all 5% high, and this is a typical situation since many manufacturers sort out precise values for higher tolerances; in a batch of 5% resistors, none are likely to be within 1% of the nominal value because if they were, they’d have been marked as 1% resistors. Increase the spread (with 10% resistors, for example) and it gets even worse. In practice, you’d probably want to derate the resistors so that by design they stay well below their maximum design power to make the circuit more forgiving of tolerance and differences in wiring. Also, for short durations, it isn’t like the resistors will explode if they slightly exceed their power ratings. However, it probably isn’t wise to try to run the full 60W into this load for any length of time.

The solder job was neat and fairly short. That’s the second thing we noticed: over a Cantenna, the wiring is going to add parasitic reactance and make the dummy load less useful at some high frequency. It would be interesting to know where that frequency is. The bus wire is pretty thick, but using something even larger (like the PCB material in the video below) might increase the useful frequency.

The final thing we wondered about was using ABS for the case. Even with a Cantenna, there are famous stories about operators working DX (long distance) while accidentally hooked to a dummy load and nonetheless getting through. And the Cantenna was in a metal case. We expect that a dummy load in PVC would radiate a lot more. And while this is still better than using an antenna, and electrically this isn’t a problem, we’d love to see some test measurements of the radiated power.

We see quite a few dummy loads that are programmable loads for LED drivers, for example. However, we don’t see many high-power noninductive loads suitable for use with a radio. The video below shows a similar design with a metal can and thicker bus bars that is closer to the old Heathkit design, although it still uses multiple resistors.

Cantenna photo: By [Gerry Ashton]. CC-BY-SA-3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Filed under: radio hacks, tool hacks

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Chess Puzzle | 12/24/2015 - Square Play

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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

On the twelfth day of Christmas…..

Lucid Dreaming | WBTB

So, I've been trying to lucid dream for several months now, with not much success. I have had a few short ones here and there, but nothing too exciting. I have had my alarm set for 1:00 every morning for WBTB, but never hear it. So today, being my first day of Christmas break, I woke up to my sister's usual alarm at 5:00 (she forgot to turn it off) I thought, well, it might be to late, but I'll give it a try. After several minutes of being up and about, I lay back in bed, and concentrated on being atop a certain cliff. What felt like a few minutes later, I found myself standing in my room. Thinking that it might be a dream, I did a reality check, and what do you know? It was a dream!
I woke up several minutes later, but I was really excited, because it was my first WBTB!:D
I just felt like sharing my experience!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

God on the CB Radio

Sometimes art pushes boundaries. We’ve covered a lot of tech art that blurs the lines between the craft of engineering and high-concept art theory. Praydio, by [Niklas Roy] and [Kati Hyyppä] leans easy on the tech, but pushes against viewers’ religious sensibilities.

Playing with the idea of talking directly to God, and with the use of altars as a focal point to do so, [Niklas] and [Kati] took the extremely literal route: embedding a CB radio into a dollar-store shrine. The result? If you’re lucky, someone will answer your prayers, although we’re not too hopeful that the intervention will be divine.

The art critic in us would say that this is a radical democratization of religious authority in that anyone who is tuned in can play the role of Jesus. Or maybe we’d say something about the perception of religious significance in the seemingly random events of our everyday life — maybe it’s not just chance that someone is tuning in at the time you’re asking for help?

Honestly, though, we think they’re just having a bit of fun. The video (below the break) shows someone asking Jesus for a coffee, and the artist on the other end laughs and fetches him one. It’s not high-tech, and it’s not even amateur radio the way we usually think of it, but something about the piece made us laugh, and then to think for a bit. Even if this art isn’t your style, check out [Niklas’] website — he’s got tons of fun projects written up, a few of which we’ve covered here before.

Filed under: misc hacks, radio hacks

via Hackaday » radio hacks

Chess Puzzle | 12/23/2015 - Live Bait

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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

On the eleventh day of Christmas…..

New Project Announcement

All –

I am in the process of developing a new website. This website will be quite different than ModernSurvivalOnline. Current brainstorming has new posts arriving promptly every Tuesday morning. Topics will include current events, US/world news, the declining state of this country, freedom, patriotism, and more.

Yes, preparedness will certainly come up now and then.

The goal of this new project is to discuss opinions and ideas which are unapologetically Pro-American, Pro-Constitution, Pro-Freedom, and Pro-Christian. 

If you would be interested in getting updates on this project please click on the link below. This link will take you to a page where you enter your name and email address. I will periodically send out updates as the project develops.

I am excited to embark on this new initiative and its success will be largely dependant on it readers. There are countless millions of websites out there and getting readers to help spread the word on a website like this is one of the only ways to drive traffic.

Again – click on this link to sign up for updates on this new project.


> > > >CLICK HERE< < < <







Chess Puzzle | 12/22/2015 - Shut In

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Monday, December 21, 2015

Video of the Week: The Time for Compromise is OVER


YouTube is an absolutely incredible source of information on almost anything you can think of. Every week we feature a new video related to a variety of topics such as firearms, first aid, gardening, security, food storage, water filtration….and current events. 

The Patriot Nurse put out another no holds barred philosophy video regarding current events and the direction of this country.







On the tenth day of Christmas…..

Chess Puzzle | 12/21/2015 - A Fight For Squares

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Sunday, December 20, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – December 21st, 2015

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

I started several years ago to connect with likeminded people. The tag I have used since its inception has been “Thoughts on Survival and the World Today”. I believe it has been accurate. Every so often I receive an email from someone complaining about talking politics, or even my personal life as they expect me to provide them preparedness information and that’s all. As I have said many times it is my website and I will post whatever I want. I am taking my time and my money to provide content and keep it going.

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Over the next week I have a few things going on and if willing would appreciate your prayers to provide me the wisdom and clarity to make good decisions.  I have an opportunity to fund a land purchase. This land would be well in the country and would eventually be set up as my family’s retreat.  Getting the land is the first step and I should know something within the next 10-14 days.

This is an immensely tough decision and does not go without risk. It is also extremely exciting. Due to this project my time is going to be short thus posting during this time will be at a minimum.

I will be checking emails and will still post periodically. Appreciate your understanding.

Take care all –





Just what constitutes “SHTF”?

Whether it is in the pages of this website or countless other places across the Internet the perspective over what constitutes a “SHTF event” is often discussed. Typical characteristics involve power outages, communications down, food shortages, fuel shortages, lawlessness, and economic collapse. Disagreement begins to surface when specifics are put forth.

How will the population react? How much will race play a role? Will civil war break out? Will a top secret government army come out from underground bunkers to institute martial law and go house to house taking guns and food? OK – being a little sarcastic and far-fetched with that last one. My point is a lot of scenario’s are brought up and described by preppers. These people talk about the precise happenings and circumstances like their opinion is fact. When others disagree the discussion elevates to an argument and fighting. I have seen it time and time again.


Someone mentions they just picked up a .30-06 bolt action. A few people say that is a great caliber then the trolls come out stating they should have bought a .308 or a .270. Trolls will mention there is a difference between 7.62 NATO and the .308. They will tell you if you don’t put a Leupold scope on it might as well throw a rock.

Guy mentions he picked up a Glock 17. Quickly the trolls proclaim he might as well use a pellet gun and should upgrade to a .40S&W or 45ACP.

Preppers should unite rather than fight. We have so much more in common than the differences which separate us.

I have no issue with people having opinions but please let’s have some common sense when it comes to predicting the future and be willing to admit the opinion is just that – an opinion. It could also be called a “guess” as to what will occur.

My opinion on what constitutes a SHTF changes from week to week and the specifics around each one changes as well. What I am also willing to admit is I may be totally wrong. I provide an educated guess – not really predicting.

There are so many factors involved it is impossible to state exactly what will happen.  Our best guess is all we can really do and then prepare accordingly.




On the ninth day of Christmas…..

Lucid Dreaming | I might have had my first Lucid Dream! But I'm confused. I may have had a LD, or dreamt about LDing

It's funny how I posted another thread here yesterday (which I can't link because my account is below 3 days old) about "After your first lucid dream does it get easier to have lucid dreams" and now I may have just had one.
It's day 8 on my attempt to have my first lucid dream so I am still very new to this, and very confused about the things I experienced in the following dream.

This dream occurred mid morning, when I went back to bed after having tried WILD 2 consecutive times at 4am only to cause myself to be unable to sleep for the rest of the night.

The dream started off as a small nightmare [albeit it was more of a fear of the unknown]. I'm curious to know whether this may have been an affect of SP that I experienced whilst in a dream.


I was in my kitchen after having apparently been sleeping on one of the chairs in the room. I was woken up by the sound of the handle of the utility room door being pulled down by someone on the inside. I get up, and watch the handle, waiting to see if it moves again. It does, and it startles me. I do 2 things:

•I check to see that the door is locked.
•I attempt to turn off the light in the kitchen.

When I tried to turn the light off by the light switch, it didn't work. There is a secondary light switch in the room and I run over to it in a panic and try to turn off the light from there. Again is didn't work.

So I leave the kitchen, moving down the hallway to go tell someone about what is happening.

Then halfway down the hall, I get a message in my head saying “Light switches not working is a sign”, then I perform a basic RC by looking at my hands. When I do so I can see they are missing, but there is a thin ghostly-white partial outline of where they are meant to be. (It was weird. I never heard of this kind of result for this RC). I calmly say to myself “I am dreaming” and the first thing I do after that is rub my hands together. (Yes I know I said they were missing, but dream logic it seems.)

The inside of the house becomes dark and fuzzy as I start to become aware of my surroundings. I then look to go outside, physically feeling myself walking towards my front door. I open the door and am met by a burst of light and bright colour, mainly florescent green and baby blue. It looks like a bright sunny summer's day outside.

The first thing I do when I get outside is I perform a one-legged hop on the end of my porch and start to fly - being able to feel me push myself upwards. But when I started flying I had an urge to look downwards, but by doing so my field of view starts to go weird and I start to see the ground in a distorted shape and dark green colour. Even whilst not looking at the ground, it felt disorientating.

Is this normal for flying?

I go to land, my supposed lucidity doesn't last long after this though. I get to do a few more things:

•Give myself the 'power' that “Everything I say is the truth”.
•Smell some flowers.
•Attempt to teleport to friend's houses, but it fails. I think it was because I just thought 'teleport' rather than doing that spinning motion that I read about.

I forgot to repeat the “I am dreaming” affirmation throughout the dream, so it felt relatively short. 5-10 minutes at best.

But here's the weird part that has really confused me:

Eventually my supposed lucid dream fades out, and I'm back in the room I started in (the kitchen) and I'm telling someone about all the details of the dream I just had. Then after that I wake up for real. What? Is this what they call a 'false awakening' or something? It definitely has made me doubt whether I had a lucid dream, or dreamt about having a lucid dream.

Thoughts? (and thanks for making it this far, it means a lot).

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

On the eighth day of Christmas…..

Chess Puzzle | 12/20/2015 - In From Behind

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Saturday, December 19, 2015

SDR Pan Adapter

Ham radio operators have a long history of using pan adapters to visualize an entire range of the radio spectrum. Traditionally, an adapter was essentially a spectrum analyzer that shows a trace where the X-axis is the frequency, and the Y-axis shows the signal strength at any particular frequency. You can quickly find either busy frequencies or empty frequencies at a glance.

Although the pan adapter has been around since the 1930’s, they aren’t as common as you’d think with regular analog radios. However, if you’ve used an SDR (Software Defined Radio), a spectrum display is par for the course. [Mehdi Asgari] did what a lot of hams have been doing lately: he married an SDR and his traditional receiver to provide a great pan adapter with very little effort.

To understand this hack, you have to remember how a superheterodyne receiver works. A mixer adds (or subtracts) a variable frequency with the frequency of interest. This shifts the received frequency to a fixed frequency where the radio can easily amplify and filter the signal. [Mehdi’s] radio, an Icom R72, uses a fixed frequency of 70.45 MHz. This is known as the intermediate frequency or IF.

[Mehdi] used a PlaySDR, although even the inexpensive RTL-SDR dongle will work at that frequency. The trick is finding a place to tap the IF from the receiver without hampering the radio’s operation. He found a likely place to tap the IF and used a small resistor to ensure the SDR input didn’t load the radio’s IF stages. Then it is a simple matter of setting some SDR software to the IF frequency, and you have a pan adapter. You could even use GNU Radio to do something custom if you wanted.

This isn’t an original hack. However, every radio needs a little different method for tapping the IF. The video below, for example, shows a similar hack with an RTL-SDR dongle and a Kenwood TS-570.



Filed under: radio hacks

via Hackaday » radio hacks

Last minute Christmas shopping solutions…..

This is the weekend before Christmas and when most of us should be relaxing the reality for most of it is pure craziness. I imagine Panhandle Rancher sitting in front of a fire, reading a book, just enjoying being alive. I envy that. My wife is working on some craft projects she has been doing selling online to make extra money. The kids are sleeping in till noontime since they are out of school. My oldest – Jonathan – just failed his American History exam yesterday and likely the class. MY KID FAILED AMERICAN HISTORY!!

But wait…..’tis the season to be merry. Right?

Time is ticking down and if Christmas shopping is not complete don’t stress out. There IS time. Here are a few ideas:

  • If shopping for someone you are close to – a spouse, parent, grandparent, or son or daughter – write them a letter. Tell them about special memories you have of them and how glad you are to have them in your life. How I wish I had received something like this from either one of my parents. This would likely mean more than anything to them.
  • A similar idea as above is to use modern technology to put together a video for that special person. You do not have to be a multimedia guru to accomplish this. Most any laptop, tablet, or smartphone has the software/app to add pictures, words, and music to create a meaningful masterpiece.
  • Amazon has most anything you can imagine to complete your Christmas shopping – with extremely fast shipping. I just ordered a tiny 32gb USB drive for my Chromebook and it will be delivered on Sunday. If you are a Prime member there is free 2-day shipping as well as discounted overnight shipping. Expedited shipping for non-Prime members is available as well.
  • For that special someone – a candlelit dinner for two serving the others favorite meal, massage,……..etc. I wouldn’t mind that at all.

candle-light-dinner (1)

  • Gift cards are always a decent gift. The receiver can go pick out what they want. Amazon even offers gift certificates and they and be delivered via email.
  • If you have friends with kids give them a coupon for free babysitting.


Hopefully these few ideas will be of some help. Regardless of all the presents, get togethers, and sales at the stores – let’s remember the true meaning of Christmas.





Lucid Dreaming | After your first lucid dream..

Does it get easier to have lucid dreams after you have you first one?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | Lucid dreaming pills???

So I've heard about these lucid pills. Do they work and if so how?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

On the seventh day of Christmas…..

Chess Puzzle | 12/19/2015 - Problems At The Back

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Friday, December 18, 2015

Bouncing Radio Off of Airplanes

Amateur radio operators are always trying some new stunt or other. It’s like they’ve got something to prove. Take Aircraft scatter for instance: the idea is to extend your radio’s range by bouncing it directionally off of overhead airplanes.

Radio signals travel in straight lines, which is a bummer because the Earth (despite what you’ve heard) is round. Inevitably, if you want to talk to someone far enough away, they’re over a hill. We’ve covered various oddball propagation methods recently, so if you don’t know about moonbounce, you’ve got some background reading to do. But airplane scatter was new to us.

Actually pulling it off requires knowing where the airplanes are, of course. To do so, you could simply look up the aircraft in your target area on the web, using something like FlightRadar24, but where’s the fun in that? There’s also the possibility of tracking local aircraft yourself using RTL-SDR if you’re feeling hard core.

The rest is just details. Hams [Rex Moncur (VK7MO)] and [David Smith (VK3HZ)], for instance, got 10 GHz signals to skip off airplanes over 842 km (PDF). If you’re an old-school ham operator, you’re double-checking the “gigahertz”, but it’s not a mistake. It’s tremendously impressive that these guys got a link over such a long distance using only 10 watts — but note that they’re doing it with highly directive dishes, and telescopes to aim them.

Not to discourage you from trying this at home, but there are all sorts of difficulties that you’ll encounter when you do. Airplanes moving perpendicular to the path between sender and receiver will Doppler-shift the signal, and there’s still quite a chunk of atmosphere to get the signal through. Finally, although airplanes look pretty big when they’re on the ground, they’re actually tiny when they’re up in the sky at 35,000 ft and 500 miles away; you’re bouncing your signal off of a small target.

The good news? People like [W3SZ] are sharing their well-documented results, and at least it’s 20dB easier than bouncing signals off the moon!

Thanks [Martin] for the tip!

Filed under: radio hacks, wireless hacks

via Hackaday » radio hacks

Chess Puzzle | 12/18/2015 - All For The Diagonal

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Thursday, December 17, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – Meeting Other Preppers

Over the last several years I have met many like-minded people. Preppers. Survivalists. Homesteaders. I joined a survival group a few years ago and the group has become extremely tight. It hasn’t been all “palm tree’s and ocean breeze” but we have stuck together. With the stuff going on the world now we are stepping it up in a major way.

Along the way I have met some very interesting people. While many were good people – Patriots who had concerns for the future just like me – others were a couple cans short of a six pack(if you get my meaning). When inquiring why someone is preparing and they answer with no kidding – “The aliens are coming back“, well – that is someone I am not interested in networking with.

There are people out there who look to take by force supplies from people. Going house to house – door to door stealing food and water and anything else they wish. This is done by force killing women and children if necessary. Some of these pathetic people even proclaim their plans on Youtube. With people out there like this care has to be taken when meeting other preppers.

Meeting in public places is a must. Vetting the other party using social media and the internet when possible can rule out certain nut cases. First name basis only? Good idea. Use a fake name? Certainly can be done and depending on the situation could be a very good idea.

When I meet with other preppers and it is planned I usually do a two on one. A fellow group member and myself will meet with the person. Safety in numbers but also they may pick up on something concerning where I might miss it – and vice versa. Often we meet over lunch or breakfast.

I have met with people who have contacted me through this website. I have used Facebook and I have used Craigslist. I have met preppers while at a local shooting range. I have met fellow preppers at Preparedness Conventions and gun shows.

I will not have anything to do with racists. Radical’s of any type need not apply. One affiliation I prefer is Christian.

For the most part everyone I have met have been great people.

You can’t go it alone so at a minimum get to know your neighbors.







On the sixth day of Christmas…..

Lucid Dreaming | Need a nudge

Hi all.

I've been DJing about 5 years (almost every day in the last 3), and I've had about 30 LDs in that time. I'm unsure if that's slow. The frequency of successful LD is slowly creeping up, to the point where I've had at least 1 a month in the last few months. I think something is finally clicking.

I posted "Reality Check" post its around my apartment and at my workstation at eye level and I pay attention to them when I can. I have gotten it to where I can recapture that "dream feeling" I have when I am lucid. That is, I can make waking life feel like a dream just by thinking about it hard enough. I think to myself, 'What would I do if I were dreaming?' and act it out - usually bending metal and levitating objects in my mind. Yesterday I could even recall how it feels to do the impossible in dreams. My focus of intent was on levitating a trash can. I could actually feel its weight as I lifted it in my mind. Rad. This has not crossed over into dream land yet.

I RC whenever something strange happens. Yesterday, while I watching Netflix, I was coloring at the same time. I missed something, and when I looked up, the scene rewound itself to the moment that I missed without me touching a remote or anything. Weird. Last week, I drove past a motel that advertised "Color TV" in its sign. It was so anachronistic that I RC'd.

Lately, my main method is WBTB. I'll drink a water bottle's worth of water before sleep, which wakes me up around 3, 4AM. I have never tried to consistently do this in the past because I used to have pretty terrible insomnia. This isn't so much an issue anymore (yay, getting older?), so I'm unafraid to try it. Still, sometimes it is difficult to fall back to sleep.

Every day before I sleep I tell myself I am dreaming. I also repeat this a few times throughout the day.

I think I am getting closer. I put asterisks next to any dream element that I could have RC'd when I write it down the next morning. In last night's dream, there were a few things that happened and for the life of me I could not figure out how they had happened. I think this is progress from before, because I used to make up reasons for pretty much everything. Even in waking life!! A few years ago, I couldn't figure out why some math wasn't working out, so I just reasoned that I had fallen into an alternate universe where the math was different. (I KNOW. *head -> wall*) It's hard - being INFP and a generally spiritual person who takes a lot of things on faith - to question things sometimes. But it's a skill that's developing.

Any advice for a fellow oneironaut? :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 12/17/2015 - Shocker

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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – December 17th, 2015


Getting to this late folks- ran out of time.

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Just got word of my bonus at my job and it is very good. A portion of it will go towards preps. Food will be the main addition. Still deciding on the rest. Possibly some extra magazines for couple of my guns, some arrows, and another AR lower for another build.

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Need to go to sleep. Have a good Thursday everyone.






Chess Puzzle | Daily Puzzle link for 12/16/15 broken from V2 and Android

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On the fifth day of Christmas…..

Is Post-Disaster Bartering a Possibility?


The answer to that question is a wholehearted YES. Whether you know it or not, the barter system you learned about oh so long ago is still up and running. You make use of it every single day to do a whole variety of things! The barter system (which is thought to have ended when we first used currency) is defined as an exchange of goods or services. This applies to just about any type of goods, including money.

A perfect example of this is hiring a plumber. When you hire the services of a plumber to fix the leaky faucet and the pipes in your home, you pay him money in exchange for the services he is offering. We use paper, issued by the state, to barter for services. Of course, when it comes to a world-destroying disaster, paper is going to be absolutely worthless to barter with. Government collapse would lead to a complete devaluation of money. It would be better to just buy gold to last you through the fallout.


No currency means goods need to be traded

Without currency backed by the state to support barter using currency, there is only one option left: to trade goods with actual value for others that you need in return. To survive, this is something that will have to be done in a survival situation. Of course, you could go all Rick Grimes on the people around you and kill them, but you would probably get arrested and sentenced when rescue came along.

A prime example of this type of situation is any natural disaster today where people are trapped for weeks without a rescue. Examples include the 2004 South Asian Tsunami and the more recent Hurricane Katrina. People stuck on the inside would trade food and clothing in exchange for other goods that they had dire need of. Remember that when it comes to a survival situation, your very life hangs in the balance. Barter carefully.


Essentials and material comforts

There are two categories that you need to sort everything into the second a disaster occurs and you get to your stockpile. These are the bare essentials for survival and the objects that are more materialistic, made for comfort rather than survival. The priorities are food and water. You can survive without anything else, but you will die off soon enough without a steady supply of food and water. Make getting these your highest priority.

One tip is that if you need food and water to live, so does everyone else. This can make that sheep you found wandering about after the disaster as valuable as its weight in pure gold. If you trade food items and water, you can be sure that the people you are bartering with will give you just about anything that you need.


Ten useful barter items

In addition to the bare essentials, there are a number of items you should try stockpiling right now, so that you can trade them when the need arises, for the right exchange of course. Here are 10 of them right now:

Lighter fluid


Soap/Liquid Soap

Magnifying glasses(fire starting)

Toilet Paper


Water/Water Filters




Some of these may seem worthless right now. When the time comes for them to be used, everyone is going to want them. You are going to be the man with a plan.





Lucid Dreaming | Dream Journal Time Constraints

I've made the decision to get back into lucid dreaming and so I'm starting with the basics: daily reality checks and keeping a dream-journal.

So for the past few days when I have a dream and wakeup I immediately write in my dream journal. It's working in that I am remembering more of my dreams and now seem to wakeup after every dream. The problem is my writing is terrible when I'm half-asleep and sometimes is just scribbles going diagonally across the page :tongue:, also I'm sleeping in more and getting broken sleep which isn't ideal because I have lots of stuff to do during the day.

Anyone got any good dream-journal solutions that work for them?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 12/16/2015 - Mating In Brutal Fashion

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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Need help...

I want to lucid dream, but always get frightened once I become lucid. Any suggestions.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

From the Desk of John Rourke – December 16th, 2015

Capt.Michaels sent in a couple of links that are very interesting and another reason to keep doing what we are doing.

First – Obama is calling on Governors to use their executive action powers to instill higher levels of gun control. This is another way of bypassing Congress to move the anti-gun agenda forward.

Second – another article reports that a Texas sheriff “warns President Barack Obama in a social media video that trying to disarm Americans would “cause a revolution in this country” is the latest law enforcement official to urge citizens to arm themselves in the wake of mass shootings.”

I agree.

There is no doubt that the Progressive Left wishes to disarm citizens. With all the mass shootings and uproar from the mainstream media little has been done to further the gun control agenda. It is easy to get caught up in political talk and succumb to political fear-mongering. As preppers we prepare. Just the chance of restrictions on gun purchases, ownership, and unavailability of ammunition has us running out and buying more. I am no different whatsoever. With the good chance of anti-gun Hillary Clinton getting into office I continue to stock up on everything.

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I am an avid supporter of military and law enforcement. It is frustrating to see uproar when some – not all – but some of these police shootings occur and the public freaks out. Many of the public just can’t seem to understand these situations. When you have a guy walking around shooting a gun in the air – and he is confronted by police and told to drop the gun and doesn’t bad things are going to happen. “But wait those damn white police shot that poor man in the back!!!” – well, that man was walking towards innocent women and children with a loaded handgun. If the police let him go and that “poor” man shot and killed innocent people the public would call for the castration of those officers exclaiming they should have done something.

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As I type this the CNN Republican debate is just finishing up. I have to say I am pretty happy to see very qualified candidates on the stage. No – I do not like all of them and I have my favorites. I will tell you this – I would take any of them over Hillary Clinton. Period.

This CNN panel is ridiculous.

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I am hoping to go see Star Wars this weekend. The original was one of the first movies I ever saw in a theater.

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Week is half over. Let’s go out there and finish strong!













Lucid Dreaming | I think I almost had a WILD!

I tried the WILD method again, after a few i started to get the vibrations (as far as i got before), then after sitting there with them for who knows how long, I started counting A LOT, backwards and frontwards, after awhile I started to feel as if there was something about to crawl into my eye, so i opened it, nothing there, that's where it started to get scary, there was like a fluttering in front of my eye, like my vision going in and out at one point, i closed my eyes, and my whole body felt like it as on fire, and numb instantly, my heart raced, eventually i opened my eyes again then closed them, and i calmed my heart rate, the feeling had lessened, a few minutes later or so I was experiencing a lot of random faces in my head and images, heres the part i think I almost had a lucid dream, I lost all senses for a few seconds, and a song THAT I NEVER EVER HEARD started playing in my head, some person with a soothing voice was singing it, I forget what it was now, but i some what remember the voice, after that and my senses came back I tried to stay in that state, didn't work it,
So did I almost have a WILD or no?
BTW I checked the time after that, it was like a hour's time, but it felt like 10 minutes at the MAX.

BTW guys, now after this when I got up, I felt as if I was out of touch with reality, actually I STILL feel slightly like that, and its like 10 minutes afterwards, and of course my vision was really CLEAR, much clearer then usual, and it hurt badly once I saw light again, worst then it ever did when coming out of darkness.
and my body feels majorly tired now, but my mind is 100% awake, odd feeling, I am going to try again later tonight, well if I remember :cheeky:

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Video’s of the Week: Chuck Woolery and his wisdom…..


YouTube is an absolutely incredible source of information on almost anything you can think of. Every week we feature a new video related to a variety of topics such as firearms, first aid, gardening, security, food storage, water filtration….and current events. 

I am a huge Chuck Woolery fan. Here are a few video’s from his YouTube channel. The top two are very recent while the older one at the bottom is still very timely.











On the Fourth Day of Christmas…….

Lucid Dreaming | How long does it take for WILD?

If i sit still for roughly 6 minutes I start to experience vibrations that slowly creep up my leg, and after a bit takes my arms over too, but i can never get pas that, the farthest i went, was losing my senses for a few minutes at the most, though i usually got stopped by people coming into the room, etc, so any experienced wild users, how long does it take you to enter a dream?, later i might try again to see how far i get, or if i even get into a dream, btw is it odd that I can make the vibrations i feel when I am trying wild, to happen in my legs any time by just letting them stay still for a few minutes? or no? lol

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 12/15/2015 - Missed Opportunity

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Monday, December 14, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Daydreaming

I heard daydreaming is a way to make lucid easier, the problem is, i can't make myself daydream, or i don't know the trigger, sure i can sit there for like 10 minutes like imagining things and so on, but when i really daydream it feels like I am actually a sleep, (can't see during it, and don't hear anything from the outside world) but no clue how you *activate* this, the only way i did was just when i am tired and sitting still for like 10 minutes.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Terrorist Cell in Heart of United States?

Evidence is mounting that there is a possible terrorist cell operating in the Columbia, Missouri area. Over the past several days local Walmarts have reported having multiple incidents where men are purchasing large quantities of prepaid cell phones and paying with cash. These “throw aways” are often used by terrorists and criminals for communication purposes due to the lack of traceability to the buyer and the difficulty for law enforcement to conduct surveillance.

walmart-JPG (1)

So, what is exactly happened thus far?

At least five cities so far have been included – Ava, Lebanon, Columbia, Jefferson City, and Macon. In all cases individuals are coming in and purchasing upwards of 100 cell phones and paying with cash. In at least one event the men were “foreign speaking“. Due to this being highly unusual purchase the stores called police. Law enforcement in at least one case was able to talk a man making the purchase and let him go as he had not broken the law.

The FBI is currently investigating at least three of these cases.



In addition to large purchases of cell phones explosives were found buried along an off road trial in Waynesville, Mo. by a deer hunter back in October. These explosives were within 2 hours of Columbia and 30 minutes of Lebanon. The explosives were investigated and the official word is that they had no connection to terrorism.

In my world 2 + 2 = 4 every day of the week. Is it possible it only looks like a 2 and it is really 1 or 3? Sure – it can happen.

In late November a BP gas station and a CVS reported having more than 40 propane tanks stolen. These events occurred approx 2 hours west of Columbia.

Be vigilant folks. Also be aware for yourself. Although I commend these WalMarts for being aware of the possible situation I would be pretty upset if I was detained for a few hours for purchasing a couple thousand rounds of ammunition because some employee thought it was suspicious for buying too much.




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On the Third Day of Christmas…….

Lucid Dreaming | Newbie here

How can I start with obtaining lucidity? I had a few lucid dreams in the past, but they were maybe a few minutes long at the most before i lost knowing I was in a dream :C
I heard counting your fingers is a good way to check if your a sleep or not, so I have been trying to make it a habit to look at my hands and count the fingers each time i leave/enter a room.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 12/14/2015 - Winning Is Fun

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Sunday, December 13, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – December 14th, 2015

What a weekend! It was well over 75 degrees Saturday and Sunday. Felt so good took the top off the Jeep. Put some Christmas lights up on the house and grilled out. Steak and shrimp…..awesome.

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Opened a #10 can of whole potatoes over the weekend. Expiration date was back in 2012. No problem at all.

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Read reports over the weekend that indicated 3 Walmarts in Missouri had suspicious purchases of no-contract cell phones. These purchases included up to 60 phones each all bought and paid for with cash. The Macon County Sheriff’s department contacted the FBI and stated that similar occurrences across the United States were being investigated.

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My Carolina Panthers continue their perfect season. It won’t last. I am just wondering who I will pull for if they meet the Patriots in the Super Bowl again. I am a huge Patriots fan as well. Then again – any team can beat any team. Either one may get knocked out in their first playoff game.

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Have a good week folks!






On the Second Day of Christmas…….

Per Arlene’s request – Rourke’s Christmas list

xmas-e1449978744132 (1)Arlene responded to my comment about not knowing what to get my wife for Christmas – and asked for men to speak up about gift ideas. I generally tell my wife I don’t want anything as being married to her is a gift all year round.

Normal response: “Yeah. Whatever.”


It just so happens I did send her a link to something I would like to have. It was a CRKT Chogan T-Hawk. Fellow group member showed me his and I really like it.


So Arlene – here are a few things I would like and many other men probably would also:

The Complete Series of The Equalizer – original TV series

Paratus 3 Day Operator’s Pack

Streamlight TLR-1 Tactical Rail Light

Keurig K130 Brewing System

Barnett Recruit Compound Bow set

Dewalt 20V Drill Compact Drill Set

Pack of CR123 batteries

Ruger 10/22 .22LR carbine – can always use another

Magpul X-22 10/22 Stock – perfect for new project

Yaesu FT-2900R 75 watt 2 Meter Ham radio

2 giant Reese’s Peanut Butter cups

off road 2-wheel trailer to pull behind my Jeep(like this one).

Stuffed Winnie the Pooh – lost mine when I was about 7   😉

Greater patience and understanding for those who grate at my nerves and inflict their ignorance upon me. Sorry – can’t help it as it is the season of miracles!


Looking over the list most everything  is on the expensive side. I guess after all it’s a “wish list.” Could have put a new Jeep and 40 acres with a retreat on it with solar, a tank in the barn, etc. OK – back to reality.

Anyone else?










Chess Puzzle | 12/13/2015 - Distraction Tactic

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Saturday, December 12, 2015

On the First Day of Christmas…….

Lucid Dreaming | Can't get MILD to work lately

I have chosen to practice MILD long-term (as I’ve had most success with this technique in the past). After the second day of trying it consistently, I had an LD, however that was last week and since then I haven’t been able to induce a DILD with it since.

I try it first thing at night AND after WBTB. But no success. What I try to do is this:

I imagine being in a dream lucid and repeating a mental mantra (“I know I’m dreaming”). I try to “wait” for it to happen because I don’t know exactly what else to do. The idea of setting an intention to me sounds a bit vague and I’m not fully sure how to go about that. Last time, I tired very hard after a 2 WBTBs but still just fell asleep and had normal dreams. I just can’t seem to get it to work again :/

I’m still determined to keep it up…I’m just not sure how to adjust the practice or know where I’m going wrong.

Would anyone have any advice? ^^

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | How Could I Miss 8 LUCID Signs! ... Grrrr

dear oh dear, so last night i have loads of dreams.

Dream 1) I was looking at bubbles in a bath and said to myself 'if i can make these bubbles explode then i must be dreaming' I try to make them explode but they dont so i conclude i must be awake (DAMN - why didnt i just perform my usual nose plug instead!)

Dream 2) I am talking to someone and start to ask them how the do DEILD and i discuss this in length ( DAMN - why didnt i do reality check)

Dream 3) I am in a pub and see 2 people who cannot possibly be there. I think to myself ' i wont bother doing a reality check in case i wake up ( DAMN - WTF!)

I had another 3 similar dreams where my mind was screaming at me to reality check but i didnt act on my instincts

All these dreams within the same hour, all i had to do was a standard reality check to enter a DILD, how could i miss so many chances?

What happened, so frustrating :-(

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | A cold, a dry spell, a mistake and lessons learned

Heya all,

I thought I'd share some more of my experiences with you all, in the hope you can learn something (or maybe just chuckle at :)) my mistake.

A little while ago I was doing great with my lucid dream practices, until I got hit with a pretty nasty cold. As expected, the illness played havoc on my sleep and dream rhythme. My dream recall plummeted, as did my dream awareness. After the cold ended, I had a long dry spell, and despite trying really hard, couldn't get back to my previous level of awareness.

I recently realized I made a mistake, which caused the dream spell. I was focusing far too much on 'what I wasn't dreaming'. I wasn't getting lucid. My dream incubation wasn't working. I was missing vividness and fantastic themes in my dreams. And these were the things I thought about when I woke up, when I practiced during the day, before going to bed. I was focusing on the negative.

So I changed my outlook, started working with what I did recall, and build from there. Pretty swiftly my recall soared again, and my dreams got back to the way they were. I often like to compare dreaming to driving a car. I was so focused on where I wanted to go, I wasn't watching the road and the streets around me, causing me to get hopelessly lost. When I started paying attention to my surroundings, I found my way again.

So lesson learned, for me. Don't get hung up on what isn't there. Work with the dreams you have and build from there. That's my way to lucidity.


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 12/12/2015 - Leonid Kubbel, 1928

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Chess Puzzle | 12/12/2015 - Leonid Kubbel, 1928

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Friday, December 11, 2015

Alfred P. Morgan: A Generation’s Radio Hacker

I was surfing the web looking for interesting projects the other day when I ran into [SkyKing’s] exquisite transistor demodulator radio builds. He mentioned that they were “Alfred P. Morgan-style” and that brought back a flood of memories about a man who introduced a whole generation to electronics and radio.

[Morgan] was born in 1889 and in the early part of the twentieth century, he was excited to build and fly an airplane. Apparently, there wasn’t a successful flight. However, he eventually succeeded and wrote his first book: “How to Build a 20-foot Bi-Plane Glider.” In 1910, he and a partner formed the Adams Morgan company to distribute radio construction kits. We probably wouldn’t remember [Morgan] for his airplanes, but we do recognize him for his work with radio.

By 1913, he published a book “The Boy Electrician” which covered the fundamentals of electricity and magnetism (at a time when these subjects were far more mysterious than they are today). [Morgan] predicted the hacker in the preface to the 1947 edition. After describing how a boy was frustrated that his model train automated to the point that he had nothing actually to do, [Morgan] observed:

The prime instinct of almost any boy at play is to make and to create. He will make things of such materials as he has at hand, and use the whole force of dream and fancy to create something out of nothing.

Of course, we know this applies to girls too, but [Morgan] wrote this in 1913, so you have to fill in the blanks. I think we can all identify with that sentiment, though.

However, [Morgan’s] best-remembered books were from the 1950’s and 1960’s. The first one was titled “The Boys’ First Book of Radio and Electronics.” You can guess the successive titles (just replace the word “First”).

The first book covered some basics about how [Hertz] performed experiments and theory but aimed at young people. [Morgan] was adept at making the topics accessible. He’d studied at MIT, so he knew the complexities of the subject, but he also knew his audience. The books talked about subjects of interest at the time like how “underwater sounds” (SONAR) helped to win World War II.  Chapter 5 and beyond of the book, however, was the part that got dog-eared from constant examination. Here’s the start of Chapter 5:

For less than one dollar you can buy a marvelous scientific device–namely a “tube” for a radio receiver. This inexpensive creation of scientific research does its work with a precision and a certainty that are astonishing.

If you were a kid who’d stared into the holes at the back of your family TV and saw those glowing thing inside, this chapter was a revelation. Chapter 6 was even more practical. It covered schematic symbols and the resistor color code. That chapter laid the groundwork for what every reader wanted: construction plans! Chapter 7 showed how to make a detector (basically a diode) out of some scrap material and iron pyrite, galena or silicon (see right). After that, it is a short trip to radio receivers that became progressively more complex.

solder xtal

The projects were well described, with detailed plans and notes and–most importantly–used parts you could obtain. The book didn’t have just radio projects. Chapter 10 contains an audio frequency amplifier (so you could put your radio’s signals out on a speaker). There’s also chapters on antennas and Morse code. The section on soldering is informative, but I’d hate to handle SMD with [Morgan’s] choice of irons (see left).

Building things in those days was a lot more artistic than most projects are today. Look at that crystal radio layout above, the picture of [SkyKing’s] radio above that, or you can see a few [Morgan] builds in [kc9kep’s] video, below. You constructed projects on wood or a steel chassis. You did wiring by hand. You could not get amplifiers, product detectors, and mixers as functional blocks in an IC containing 100s of transistors. But don’t get me wrong. I’m not trying to romanticize the era. I like building complex things out of ICs on PCBs and making things that would have amazed [Morgan] and his contemporaries. Imagine meeting Morgan in 1950 and telling him that your latest project had thousands of transistors (most of them, of course, bundled in an Arduino; even an old RCA 1802 had 5,000 transistors inside).

What I do wonder, though, is how does a budding electronic experimenter get this kind of start today? Sure, it is easier than even to slap together some very complicated projects. But where are the simple projects you could slap together from stuff you found in the garage? (Well, ok, you don’t want to use my garage for that example, but you know what I mean.) Even an LED blinker today is likely to have a microcontroller in it. That’s a good thing, too, but maybe you’d learn more by building a relaxation oscillator. Sure, we’d never do that in a real project. But there’s some merit to having starter projects to–well–get started.

So here’s the challenge: What’s your ideal beginner’s project? That is if a middle school kid came to you and said “Where do I start?” what project would you have her do and why? Hackaday is, of course, an excellent resource even if many of the projects are not suitable for a beginner. There are a few, though, that come to mind. What other sites or books would you send our hypothetical student? Perhaps a bigger challenge is what project will you create for that target audience (and, maybe, post them on

Filed under: radio hacks, rants

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