Thursday, July 10, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | deild troubles

Ive been on and off attempting to lucid dream for a few years and now that I've got tons of free time i decided to get back in to it. So for two weeks ive been doing reality checks and for a little more than a week I've been attempting deilds every night multiple times.

My deild "technique" is:

I set some alarms that go off after 5 hours 6 hours 7 hours and so on of sleep. The alarms start off gentle and get louder progressively for about 10 seconds and then automatically shut off. During that time ill usually wake from a dream really groggy. I make sure not to move and focus my thoights on my last dream blah blah, but ive fallen asleep with no lucids during all my attempts.

So, my questions are:

How can i focus myself more on deilding when i wake up. I feel like im always too tired.

Should i be trying a different technique?

Is waking up to an alarm that turns itself off effective?

And if possible could someone describe in great detail their whole process of going into a lucid dream? I feel like i need to fully understand what to focus on.

I thank you guys in advance, and will really appreciate your help.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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