Saturday, November 30, 2013

Removing Pharaoh

Thoughts on preparedness….

Lucid Dreaming | Waking up in the night and going in to what I think is SP

For the past year or so I have been trying to WILD with only a few success, nothing amazing. I would also sometimes lay in bed for as long as possible without falling asleep and sometimes I would witness some awesome hypnogia. Anyway because of this when ever I wake up in the night now, I will roll over and sometimes I start to hear ringing and it would get louder and louder and then I usually fall asleep straight after because I don't know if that's sleep paralysis or not. The other night was different, no ringing but weird stuff did happen. I was laying there and every few seconds I heard a weird sound and it kept getting louder and more audible. After about 10 seconds, it sounded like a guitar or violin - next thing I know I am standing by my bed in a Lucid Dream. Anyway... when this happens, what can I do to transfer to a lucid dream and not fall asleep?

Thanks :-)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | Have you ever tried keeping track of your LD frequency each month?

I know that Stephen LaBerge did something like this when he did his dissertation study at Stanford University - he would plot his LD frequency on a diagram and it is pretty obvious that it was a general increase over the three years.

Have you ever done something like this?

In that case, how much did it afect your motivation?

I consider trying this myself tmorrow morning, and try to keep at it every day.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | HELP! LD is Like Balancing a Needle!

For me it seems that LD'ing is like balancing a needle - I've now had about 10 very short LDs over a year and a half of trying (about 1 a month in the second half of this year), but I just can't seem to get the balance right between sleep and being awake.

Each time I have become aware I always seem to wake. Maybe sometimes I've been on the point of waking as I've become lucid, or other times I've just got excited and woken.

I just can't seem to stabilise.

I've tried the techniques, but I always seem to have so little time that I've woken before I can really get started.

I've tried relaxing, but it just doesn't seem to work.

I thought I had cracked it a month or so ago when I had a slightly longer LD, followed by a false awakening that I tried to stabilise, and I assumed it would steadily get better and each one would be longer, but no!

Getting a bit frustrated now.

Can anyone help inspire me?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 11/30/2013 - Extended Calculation and Vision

Friday, November 29, 2013

Long term homestead, survival property and/or retreat location for sale

Candida Yeast Infections

FREE preparedness book for the Kindle!!

Chess Puzzle | 11/29/2013 - Mate in 5

Thursday, November 28, 2013


It’s Time to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone Now

Lucid Dreaming | Love The Journey - Get Results with ANYTHING

My name is Chris, I used to be depressed, lonely, and not do much with my life. I have been inactive on the forum from time to time and well the only reason I am making a thread now is because I still see beginners asking questions and wonder how to start to lucid dream or recall dreams or whatever.

And there is nothing wrong with that, that is what the forum is here for but most importantly it's here for you in order for experienced people to share their knowledge to you. As I said I used to be a nobody, I am a short less than average looking Asian dude but now I am a short Asian dude with an awesome love-life (currently dating a photomodel), self-esteem, good grades, been a Dream Guide and a Moderator (for a short time) on this forum, and last but not least I got lots of experience! :shadewink:

I am not trying to brag, I am just trying to show you that ANYONE can do ANYTHING.

I used to be super shy, not being able to even talk to my best friend without stuttering, had no experience with girls because of that, and I was also really lazy. Lucid dreaming was in fact my escape from life, well that and playing videogames on the computer. :roll:

So what does all this have to do with practising lucid dreaming you ask?

And well my answer to that is: EVERYTHING!

We humans are lazy, we are in fact programmed to be lazy, we don't use more energy than our body think we need to.

So when people finally decide to approach a girl and get rejected, they give up. When people start to workout to gain muscle and it gets a little tough they stop going to the gym. When people don't get a lucid dream the first month or get a dryspell, they stop practising!

And worst of all, when they hit roadblocks they need to protect their self-image so they come up with excuses to WHY they fail:

"Nahh I don't like clubs and club-girls, and I am too short anyway", "Well I guess I just don't got the genes", "Nah the technique didn't work".

I know because I used to fail all the time and make up all kind of different excuses.

But I did something that the average person doesn't do, and that was to not give up.

I approached lots of girls got rejected by hundreds of girls, but small percent that did like gave me confidence to continue.

I kept going to the gym even though I really didn't felt like it and I slowly and steadily got results.

I kept practising lucid dreaming and learning from my misstakes and eventually found what I liked to practise and what gave me result.

And now for the lesson for all beginners out there. For the lazy magic pill minded person three questions probably pop up.

So now with all your experience...

1. What is the best way to get a girl to like you? - What to say? What to wear? What do I do if...

2. What is the best way to gain muscle? - What is the best protein? What exercises should I do? What if...

3. What is the best lucid dreaming technique? - Is WILD or DILD based techniques better? Should I WBTB or not? Can I...

And sure I can give you a short answer of my personal opinion to all of these questions, but the point is it wont help you SH*T!

It's the JOURNEY that makes you successful and also it's the journey that makes it fun!

As my favourite speaker would say "It's not the end-goal that matters, it's the journey. The end-goal is death after all..." - Tyler RSD

So in order to succeed with anything all you need is to take action and never stop. And when it feels like you want to give up:

Listen to this: New Workout Motivation! (Never Give Up!) Body-Building! 2013! - YouTube

So in other words, if you want something and give up, you didn't really want it, you just kind of wanted it.

I realize that all this sounds kind of extreme and that you will need alot of willpower, and that is true. I started out small with all of these things, but I started at all and I never stopped.

We can all be successful!

I hope this was inspiring, I am not claming to know everything, I am just sharing the insights of the latest years of my experience.

The road to success is long, lonely and built on hard work with menial tasks. But it's also fun and empowering! :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | Oportunity to do Lucid Dream Reality check, but i didn't do it

During my waking day i did alot of reality checks looking at my hands and mantras about "i look at my hands and realize i'm dreaming" and although i didn't manage to do it. was funny cause my dream was about me playing(music) a weird digital phone but you could play music notes with the key buttons and then it also had a piano k eyboard tiny embedded too. you could play with the buttons or with the piano keys.

Anyway, my hands were right there in front of me, because i was playing music. but i just didn't look at my hands. but it was close.

I'm getting better at it. feel so happy.

I've never had a lucid dream and my recall is not as great but it's getting better and better cause i do journaling and lucd dream reality checks and stuff.

Anyways, wish me luck.

PS. In my dream i was sitting next to a hot college girl. if i had gone lucid, oh man :)


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Reminder: Help support ModernSurvivalOnline when shopping online

Chess Puzzle | 11/28/2013 - Mate in 6

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | How do you usually become lucid?

Maybe we can find out what works the most, and focus on that? I'd like to see the results after many people answer.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | what would you advise about where I am at LDing?


okay, motivations problems is creeping again and I wanted to give my status about my LDing and hearing what would be your advice, as well as maybe a couple of questions.

Dream journal: never got around having the proper habit!! I had some starts at it the firsts years visiting this board (years back), but know, I subconscienly have a strong bias about getting arsed at all -_-'

I sleep hard and whenever the night is propice to LD (waking after each dream, vividness, etc.), like I had last night, it don't like it and my sleepy self default to wanting no-bullshit, no-nightmare big dump lump o'slumber.

I've thus stabilised to merely hoping natural occurences of LDs while not asking or techniquing for it. It sucks and I got to move from rock bottom.

Are there no-journal people around here? Is it like doctors telling people who are fat but healthy that even then they would be healtier being less fat (that no-journal folks would still be better having a journal)?


What got you out of having short LDs where you forget to stabilise and are suckers to FAs? What is your story of becoming pros? What have become your regular techniques, and what are the ones you left behind?

I'm feeling very pessimistic about my dedication. I'm on and off on LDing and magic doesn't happen by deciding one day to jump-start an old DV account. I'm feeling alone and my asperger makes me oblivious of the real activity and life of forums; What does an actual non-lurker life looks like here? You post where?, you do what?

Okay I'm depressed proper. Sorry for that.


What would be the symptoms of common LD problems? What should I be on the lookout for?


HypnosisILD: okay, whats the status? Not an endorsed DV technique, but is it worth practicing? There are HILD posts floating around here with scripts but what would be the couple noteworthy ones you know? I've been on and off on self-hypnosis as well but I'm starting to grasp what was not working so maybe I'll start to try it again for LD? Would you advise effort in other techniques instead?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | Can I use Fact that in real life I have NO GIRLS as a Reality Check?

Hi 2 week lucid dreaming practiioner. male . i've never had a lucid dream and my recall of dreams is not good currently . although it became really good back 2 years ago when i practiced dream journaling. PS I also restarted dream journaling


In real life i've never had a girlfriend, never a female friend. Yet in my dreams i have girls i get close to girls, i even have sex with them.

Is that in itself a reality check? where i could say "Hey i'm close to a girl, this must be a dream!!!!!"

I personally think i could use that as a reality check. And i'm able to set intent of what i want to dream about. I practiced that before and it works, so i could make girls in my dream and then i'd do the reality check, and then that would make me lucid ( if i am able to remember to do the reality check in my dream)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Mandatory Evacuation (Part 2)

Lucid Dreaming | Lucid dreaming technique ( Joram's technique )

Hello guys, :)

I just wanted to tell you a technique that works really well for me and maybe will work out nice for you guys aswell. Its a combination between FILD and WILD.

The setup:

1: Go to sleep and set your alarm after 4,5 hours.

2: You are awake and probably feeling very tired. This is good. Quickly turn on your headphones ( a MUST ) and put some music on without bass and lyrics. Keep it on a low volume, because you want to drift back to sleep within 10-30 seconds. It should be one a volume thats not bothering at all, but still good to hear. Now concentrate hard on the music. Think of a place where you want to be. The music will make visualization easier and more vivid, and because you've just woken at a REM period, you will fall directly into a dream. And because you're damn tired, you will fall asleep within seconds. If you concentrate hard enough, you will fall asleep within seconds. The possible outcomes that could happen are

1: You perform a reality check after 30 seconds and find yourself dreaming, listing to the same music in your dream.

2: You find yourself lying on the ground with your headphones on in the place you want to be

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Lucid Dreaming | Thoughts on timing of reality checks

As I mentioned in another topic, a huge majority of my LDs start as false awakenings. I wake up in my bed, plug my nose (which is my #1 reality check technique) and realize that I'm dreaming. Then, depending on how realistic the dream is, I either jump out of the window and fly somewhere else or go downstairs and fly from the ground level (if my dream is so realistic that I'm concerned about jumping out the window :P).

Anyway, the time of day varies and seems to be random, but I definitely prefer to start my LDs during daytime.

So, I've been thinking, considering that I perform those reality checks during different times of day, can it be the cause of randomness of times of day that I become consious in my dream.

Do you think it's possible that if I only perform reality checks during daytime or even mornings, that's when I will perform them in a dream, and get consious only during daylight as a result?

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Lucid Dreaming | I'm back to Dreaming/Lucid Dreaming: Wtaching videos and reading etc

I just want to say i love reading and watching videos about lucid dreaming. They're fun and interesting.

I was doing Lucid dreaming and dreaming practice long time ago. i had journaling. and my recall was better and better. i often remembered my dreams.

well i'm back . i gave it for a long time cause i had health problems but i' back and really happy. my dream recall is not great anymore. it's really bad but i'm trying to practice more and more and jouranling etc.

Dreaming and Lucid dreaming is the bestest thing ever!!!! I just want to say that. I watched videos from Laberge and from Robert wagonner.

Interestingly, and sadly there's not many Lucid dreaming videos in youtube. We see more Justing Bieber stuff than anything about Lucid dreaming. Aside from Laberge and Wagonner videos which aren't that many...all there is is some user made videos but very very few.

Anyways, i just want to say i'm happy to do Dreaming and Lucid dreaming practice.

I'm a guy with disabilities and don't really have a social life or friends or girlfriend in real life. But dreaming is a great experience.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 11/27/2013 - Follow The Leader

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Mandatory Evacuation (Part 1)

Survival Tip #266: Install a smoke detector

Chess Puzzle | 11/26/2013 - Overworked Defenders

Monday, November 25, 2013

(Ultra) Lighting Up Your BOB

Lucid Dreaming | Difficulty Sleeping After WBTB

I've been practicing WBTB for a while now, and it's given me very good results - always a vivid dream or two that I can remember in full. However, I have high difficulty falling asleep after performing a WBTB.

Normally, when I go to bed, it doesn't take that long. Whenever I WBTB, it takes much longer to do such. I only stay up for a WBTB for about 5-10 minutes, then slink back to bed.

I'd rather not stop using WBTB, not after it's given me fantastic results so far. So I ask: What can I do to help me fall back asleep after a WBTB? Should I do somehting different with the time I spend performing the WBTB (When I WBTB, I do all mantras, RCs, and try to visualize a dream before going back to bed)?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 11/25/2013 - Deadly Decoy

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | I didn't want to Wet dream so i realized and Wokeup

I've never had an actual real Lucid dream but i want to share something that in some way i feel was a bit of lucidity. It happend at the end of the dream so it was what ended the dream.

In my dream i was having hot sx and i don't know , i kinda realized in my dream that in my real life i didn't want to get wet and i woke up myself. I was feelign near climax but i woke myself right before so i didn't have a wet dream. I was proud of that.

I'm guessing that's at least some kind of lucidity. I've never had lucid dream but that little ending of me realizing that this could get messy in real life and waking myself up, that was at least somewhat lucid. Wouldn't you say so?

So i guess it is a start. I'm still practicing journaling for dream recall. Can't remember my dreams many days but at least i'm trying.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | How can I increase my chances to Attain Lucidity?

In my real life i stuffer from memory problems and anxiety and depression and stuff. I'm guessing these things can make it hard to achieve lucidity? Because i do dream journaling and i'm not remembering anything many days. And also maybe since i'm anxiety and worried about many things in my life due to being disabled, i worry and maybe i guess that's has to do something to do why i can't remmber in my dreams to realize that i'm dreaming.

But anyways, i've been practicing dream recall dream journaling for 2 weeks. But i did it like 2 years ago for some months and i was getting great recall and awesome dreams . I just never got lucid, ever.

What do i have to do to get more chance of getting lucid? more mantras and more meditation and more relaxation and more Reality checks in the day time?

cause i haven't done that much reality checks. I only do like 5 minutes in the whole day of doing reality checks. .

Or do i have to eat something special to get more chance at getting lucid?

Or do more meditation during day time?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Best $5.00 spent on preparedness…..

Let us never forget our fallen soldiers

Lucid Dreaming | Omnilucidity: Constant RC Tech, Lucid 100% of the Time?

I have been talking with a dreamer, Shadowtech, about his technique to be lucid 100% of the time.

What you do is learn to do two constant Reality Checks:

1) Stop breathing.

2) Stop blinking.

The hypothesis is that because you must do these two things constantly in waking life, the fact that you do not need to do them in dreams is a way to do constant reality checks. Eventually, after much practice, Shadowtech claims to be lucid 100% of the time, and it's hard for him to lose his lucidity. He said that it takes a lot of practice. I just heard about it yesterday, and I didn't remember to do it in my dreams last night, but I am looking forward to trying it. This tech makes a lot of sense to me. I remember a dream where I kept losing lucidity, and so I was flying around holding my nose shut and breathing to do a constant RC (as if flying isn't enough? Also, you are dreaming).

Anyway, has anyone ever tried using not blinking and/or not breathing as an RC? I wonder why I never thought of it before. I am looking forward to hearing others' experience with this technique.

May all your dreams be lucid.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 11/24/2013 - Forced Into Mate

Saturday, November 23, 2013

America’s New Pharoah

Need a Christmas idea for someone and they like Westerns?

Preparedness group looking for interested members

Chess Puzzle | 11/23/2013 - Saidy - Fischer, USA 1965

Friday, November 22, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | problems inducing dild

Most of my dreams are triggered by WILD (apologize if im using the wrong term), ill see something in the dream thats odd and realize im in a dream, as reality checks dont seem to work for me

Now, i have issues with DILD

i lay still letting my body shut down while keeping my mind busy, ill start to see images as usual and then i start to see the dream itself (the dreamscape, where everything turms to color.

So my question is this:

How do i "enter"?

every time i see im close i cant let my mind shut down, and the problem continues.

Also, is the success rate higher using dild rather than wild?

Wild is the only one that seems to work :/

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Sponsor and Book…..All We Like Sheep

Death by China


An Easy Way To Be Taken More Seriously When Writing Prepper Articles or Posting Comments

Lucid Dreaming | lucid dreaming in one month

Hi guys,

After 7 months or so i finally have time to try to learn to lucid dream once more. Its been over a year since i first encountered the concept of lucid dreaming. This time last year i achieved a 10 second lucid dream for the first time and around last march i had a longer experience. After that i had to stop trying so i could study for my final exams and what with one thing and another i never got back to it. In three weeks time, i get a month long holiday from college and id love to try to master lucid dreaming in this time. Is it possible? Given my past dabbling should it be easier to pick it back up? Any tips are much appreciated :]

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 11/22/2013 - Mate in 5

Thursday, November 21, 2013

…On Grief and Loss

Lucid Dreaming | Post-Non-Lucid Anger

I get frustrated when I have long mundane non-lucid dreams, and consequently don't really care to journal those dreams, or remember them, even though I know I should just journal them anyway to help with dream recall. I keep having long boring dreams night after night, it's annoying sometimes. How do you help yourself maintain good recall through periods of boring non-lucid dreams?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 11/21/2013 - Entrapment

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Paper Shredders

Russian lawmaker wants to outlaw U.S. dollar…..

Chess Puzzle | 11/20/2013 - Move By Move Threats

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Lucid Dreaming Motivation

Hello :)

I've been really lacking in lucid dreaming motivation lately.

My dream recall has gone down the toilet, and when I can remember a dream in the morning I just can't be bothered to write it down.

It's been like this since I started moving, as seeing my dad again (he was helping us move) combined with constant stress from moving in general seems to have driven all of my enthusiasm for lucid dreaming out of my mind.

I read about other peoples lucid dreams and how cool they are to try to get myself motivated but I just feel down instead because I feel like I'll never achieve this.

I also had no internet for ages so no way to access DreamViews which probably didn't help either :/

I just wanted to know has anybody else experienced this complete lack of motivation and enthusiasm for lucid dreaming? How did you overcome it? Any tips?

Thanks for reading!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | Am I too tired to induce a lucid dream?

I'm currently trying to get my DILD/MILD techniques working, but I've had no success. Once in awhile before I fall asleep, I'll try to repeat mantras and use a recall scenery for like a few minutes but then I always let my mind foolishly drift away to some other imagination.

Are there some other useful techniques I can use while I drift away to sleep? I just can't start off with any induction techniques that has to do with the process of simply laying still and remaining conscious. I get really nervous about what I'll see and the only way I can easily fall asleep is by watching TV, lol. :cheeky:

Also, if you guys have some other suggestions, that'll be great too. I'm trying figure out why my LD is not kicking in. The only time around this year I was able to become lucid was from a short 15-20 second DILD which was like a couple months ago, but I couldn't even remember what proper training routine I was using around that time.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

News you NEED to know…….

Chess Puzzle | 11/19/2013 - Mate in 4

Monday, November 18, 2013

Survival Fiction: Hope and Change

Preparedness stuff for Christmas…..

Chess Puzzle | 11/18/2013 - Attension to Detail

Sunday, November 17, 2013

When We Need to Prep for Economic Hardship

Help support ModernSurvivalOnline…..

Long term homestead, survival property and/or retreat location for sale

Lucid Dreaming | Is it possible to do too many Reality Checks? ( In one day )

Currently, I have my phone set to remind me to do Reality Checks every Half Hour. (30 Minutes)

Is it possible to do too many? Is that too many? I have the reminder set to happen from 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM. (PST)

That would be about 24 Reality Checks in the day. What do you think :?:

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Need some PMAG’s?

Lucid Dreaming | Performing reality checks in dreams, but no success after that...

Hey guys,

In the last month or so I've decided to get back into lucid dreaming. I have been keeping a dream journal, looking for dream signs and performing reality checks. In the past 30 days I have had the following dream experiences (simplified here);

1. I dreamed that I was swimming on my local beach, and then through the park which was for some reason underwater. Suddenly I was walking up a street near my house, and realised that I actually could not swim that well...I looked at my left hand (the RC I do mostly in real life) and my fingers were all warped and weird. I did the 'spinning around' thing, and ended up in one of the houses on the street. I tried to summon somebody who I had planned on trying to talk to when I had a LD, but it didn't work. There was no clarity at all, I eventually just woke up.

2. Three nights ago I dreamed that I was in the kitchen and saw a rat run under the computer desk. I got down and picked up the was one of my own pet rats, Piggy! I then realised that she realistically wouldn't be running loose in that room. I did the same RC, and while my fingers were normal at first they eventually began to look unnatural. I did the spin around thing and declared 'clarity now' as some people recommended. I still didn't get any clarity and could not go on any lucid adventures. I decided that in my next LD I would merely observe rather than attempt to take control.

3. Last night I dreamed I was in my car. The dashboard looked like it had some kind of problem with it. I asked my Mum's parter (who was suddenly there) about what was going on. When I looked back, the dashboard was back to normal. I did the same RC again and my ring finger was tiny. As per what I had planned, I just decided to observe. My Mum (who had also suddenly appeared) got out of the car, but after that it all went black.

Any ideas what is going wrong for me? Am I merely dreaming that I am having a LD? I'm taking confidence out of the fact that I am performing a RC when something doesn't feel right and doing things that I had planned from being awake (ie. the spinning thing, deciding to just observe etc) but I'm yet to really experience any awesome adventures, attempting to fly etc. Are these experiences normal?

Thanks heaps for any help :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

For the Sake of Freedom

Chess Puzzle | 11/17/2013 - Cornered

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Dragon Day – Official Trailer

Lucid Dreaming | dream journal full, what now?

Sorry for lack of grammar in advance...

I have already filled my dream journal to the brim, still no lucid dream. My dream recall is only half good, in that I cant remember a full dream I guess. What next? Do I continue writing down bits of my dreams or try harder to recall every single detail?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

The last 5 years……

Chess Puzzle | 11/16/2013 - For the Good of the Team

Friday, November 15, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Setting multiple alarms one after another in the mornings = easy lucidity?

I once read something about this somewhere, and it definitely sounds like an interesting idea.

Basically, you set many alarms in the morning with 15-30 minute intervals, so that you are awakened by them and slip in and out of REM over and over, and each time you wake up you try to become lucid as you fall back to sleep again - possibly 5 or 6 times each morning.

What do you think of this idea?

Will it make lucidity easier, or will you just become more and more tired each time you wake up?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 11/15/2013 - Mate in 4

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Lucid but not in control?

I've recently become lucid (in-dream) about 5 times after my successful 3 LD's. But for the last few of these recent ones, I become lucid, and then everything turns black, and I either wake up or nothing happens. If i can remember I will do the "do nothing" thing and imagine my surroundings and their textures/feel. it's hard to do anything like that though if as soon as I become lucid everything fades to black, and i'm often too scared to change my surrounding because I usually become lucid after nightmares, in which i am being chased but it's hard imagining safety while having monsters chase you.

Have any of you experienced this black void then waking up? Right after becoming aware?

I'm just confused on what to do really, once lucid.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Been a long three weeks….

Chess Puzzle | 11/14/2013 - Adventure Time

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | How do I relize that I'm dreaming

I mean I can get I have to notice something unfamiliar of the situation. But my problem is when I'm in the dream I don't feel like I'm in a dream, more like a foggy memory. So the dream feels like having a image in my mind but the stuff that suppose to be outside seems more automatic. I don't if this is any different for anyone else but it's the only thing that's been a issue for me in attaining lucidity.

So what can I do better?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

7 days and 3,055 miles in a 1968 13.5’ single axle “Canned Ham” travel trailer

The Panhandle Rancher Speaks…..Needed Changes

Lucid Dreaming | Revisiting the SP Technique(s?).

So, a while back i came across a post on Facebook from the page -Mind Blowing Facts-. Luciddreaming.jpg

This was the post, and i thought i'd ask of your opinions on this technique, and maybe why this tecchnique may/ may not work. I have tried it twice now (Not including the times i tried it a long time ago), but i haven't been able to do it. Are there more than one ways of doing this technique?

I do not naturally go into sp, so i don't know if i will ever be able to, but i won't let that discourage me!

(Click on the Photo to make it bigger.)

Appreciate the help guys. :D Good luck to all of you

Attached Images

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

BITX, A Return to Hackers’ Paradise


[Bill Meara] has finished up his radio. It both looks and sounds great. It was only a few weeks ago that [Bill] posted a guest rant here on Hackaday. The Radio he mentioned building in the rant is now complete. The transceiver itself is a BITX, a 14MHz Single Sideband (SSB) radio designed by Ashhar Farhan VU2ESE. Ashhar designed the BITX as a cheap to build, and easy to tune up transceiver for radio amateurs in India.

By utilizing parts easily sourced from scrapped TV sets, the BITX can be built for less than 300 Indian Rupee – or about $4.70 USD. In [Bill]’s own words, “Five bucks and some sweat equity gets you a device capable of worldwide communication.” He’s not kidding either. [Bill’s] first QSO was with a ham in the Azores Islands of Portugal.

[Bill] built his radio using the “Manhattan” building style, which we’ve seen before. Manhattan style uses rectangular pads glued down onto a copper ground plane. It makes for a more flexible design than regular old dead bug style building. Looking at all those components may be a bit daunting at first, but plenty of support is available. [Bill] has an 18 part build log on the soldersmoke website. There also is an active yahoo group dedicated to the BITX.

Filed under: radio hacks

via Hack a Day» radio hacks

Lucid Dreaming | Waking up too early


I have been trying to lucid dream for over 1 year without much success until last week. The last few days I have had at least 1 lucid dream per night. Also I remember more dreams lately. I have had tons of lucid dreams in the past which didn't last any longer than 10 seconds, so I'm over being too excited when I recognize it's a dream. Yet every time I become lucid, it feels as if I get in a very buzzy vibrative state... I don't know if this is normal? Anyway, I get so overwhelmed by this my dream starts to fade away very quickly. Recently I discovered that by slowly rubbing my hands together clarity returns to the dream scene. I did that yesterday and it worked, however I could not manage to stay in the dream:

In the dream my father was talking about lucid dreaming and telling me how great it was. This made no sense because in real life he is sceptical about its existence. I instantly knew I was in a dream and got the buzzy vibrative state again, but this time I managed to stabalize the dream. My father, however, was not cooperating and trying to stop me from leaving the room!? I mean literally trying to hold me. Therefore I started running to the exit of the building very quickly and when I was outside it felt as if I was running like 100km/h. I felt that I was going to wake up and needed to stabilize the dream again, but I couldn't manage to stop.

So I have two questions:

1. How could you stop moving so fast?

2. How could I have prevented to wake up?

3. Also sometimes I go into another dream scenery and there is no one else but me. How could I, for instance, teleport to my school? I have tried going through doors, but I usually end up somewhere else and dark which causes the dream to fade.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 11/13/2013 - Mate in 5

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | DILDs not working for me?

I realize I'm dreaming, or tell myself I'm dreaming while in a dream, but I just keep dreaming without gaining lucidity. It's as if I'm forgetting moments after realizing, because I never try to take control. Also, I've had success with DILDs before and recall everything becoming extremely vivid and easy to control. I stopped trying to lucid dream for a while and now it's like it just doesn't work.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Do I need a dump pouch?

“We are going to fundamentally change America.”

Lucid Dreaming | Hypnagogic imagery (I think) with my eyes open


I apologize if this is the wrong place for this thread, but I didn't really see anywhere else that it would fit in any better.

Anyhow, I just wanted to ask about hypnagogic imagery, and if it is possible to "see" these images with your eyes open. Recently, I've discovered that if I stare at one spot for more than a few seconds that I get this weird tunnel vision type sensation, accompanied by all sorts of multicolored imagery. It starts out mostly in the area of my peripheral vision, but it soon encompasses my entire field of view. Also, when it first "kicks in" the ambient light suddenly takes on a completely different, almost amber hue, like someone has flipped a switch to darken the room just a bit (happens outside in the sun also.)

Once I move my eyes, and stop staring at the same spot, most of the imagery fades, but there is this lingering "field" for lack of a better word that covers everything I look at. It's multicolored, mostly transparent, and looks a bit like the noise you would see on a television screen when there's not a channel tuned in. This "field" can stay in view for hours sometimes. It doesn't really block my view or anything, but it can be a little distracting in that it makes people, and other objects look a bit like they are glowing in the dark, even though it's not dark.

I know all this sounds a little bit crazy, and maybe I just need to get my eyes checked. But you guys showed up in a Google search, and I've never posted to a forum such as this one, so I thought I would give it a try. Hopefully someone can shed some light on this.

Thanks in advance.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | My lucid dream plan for beginners.

The goal in my plan is to naturally wake multiple times a night and being more aware of your dream state. So you should start with dream journal, ADA and question reality few times a day. After you dream recall has become better and you will wake up naturally at least once a night before your waking time. When you wake up use this technique:

Once you are awake remember your previous dream and start imagining the dream feeling and visualizing you becoming lucid in you previous dream. Think only of you becoming lucid (example: You become lucid you start flying or you doing dream stabilization techniques) dont let any other thought distract you just think you becoming lucid in previous dream. This will keep you more aware while it can make you dream about lucid dreaming. Once i discovered this technique i went from randomly having lucid dreams 0-3 lucid dreams a week to 3-6 :D. I also can use this technique to have the dream i want just by thinking only the thing that i want.

Im also beginner and i started to learn lucid dreaming 3 months ago. I have had about 45 lucid dreams but high quality lucid dreams about 15.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

………On caches

Chess Puzzle | 11/12/2013 - Important Detail

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Panhandle Rancher speaks……”This is not a game.”

Diagnose and Repair a Yaesu FT-7800 Ham Radio

Yaesu FT-7800 Ham Radio

[Alan Wolke] aka [w2aew] was challenged to repair a friends Yaesu FT-7800 ham radio. This radio operates on two ham bands, 2 m VHF and 70 cm UHF. The complaint was that the 2 m side was not working but the 70 cm was transmitting fine. Alan started by verifying the complaint using a Bird watt meter with a 50 watt slug and terminating the signal into a 50 W dummy load. [Allen’s] bird meter is the type that has an RF sampler that can be connected to an oscilloscope for added signal viewing and validation.

After verifying that the radio was not working as described, Alan starts by glancing over the circuit board to look for any obvious damage. He then walks us through a block diagram as well as a circuit diagram of the FT-7800 radio before stepping us through the troubleshooting and diagnostics of radio repair. Even when he realizes he might have found the problem he still steps us through the remainder of his diagnostics. The skills and knowledge that Alan shares is extremely valuable to anybody looking to repair radios.

Spoiler alert. At the end of the first video he determines that the pin diodes near the final VHF output were bad. In the second video he reveals that he could no longer source these bad components. Through some clever evaluation of a more current Yaesu radio, [Allen] was able to find suitable replacement components. Lesson two ends with some surface mount solder rework tips and as well as testing that the repair was successful.

And just in case you don’t know what a pin diode is, or is used for, Alan shares a third video covering just what this component is and does in a radio. You can follow the jump to watch all three videos.

Filed under: how-to, radio hacks, repair hacks

via Hack a Day» radio hacks

Chess Puzzle | 11/11/2013 - Szabo - Reshevsky, Zurich 1953

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Boot/Shoe Laces

Veteran’s Day

Lucid Dreaming | SSRI + Nicotine ended my dryspell...

I just woke from a killer dream, I won't go into details but it was a big eye-opener for me and shamanic in a way because it gave me the answer I've been looking for, for many months now - in more ways than one.

I was med-free for 6 months but relapsed psychosis, during the 6 months my dream-life was almost non-existant. It is very unusual for me to have a dryspell being a natural LD'er, for 6 months I was living a dreamless life. After restarting SSRI's (currently Haliperidol + Seroquel XR400mg) my dreams started creeping back. Yesterday I began smoking again very heavily for a first day return to it and knew I would have trouble sleeping so I took a Benzo (Temazepam) to help sleep. I was awake until 4-5am and slept a solid 3-4 hours with an intensely vivid and satisfying dream.

I thought I would post this information for research purposes and to help anyone in a similar situation. I'm quite amazed how much effect nicotine has on dreams and certainly brings the question of plant spirits into play at least for me. I would theorize that the nicotine heightens your awareness whilst the SSRI's keep your physical body subdued.

On a side note I have ordered some Vetta E-Cigs so my nasty habit won't be as nasty.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | Vividness/ Clarity Affirmations not working?

I became lucid in a pretty recent dream and there wasn't much going on, I was with some woman in a rainy Harlem-like alley, as soon as I became lucid i thought of things to do based on my research of lucid dreams and as always my lucid state is not very clear/hd. It was like a foggy/fuzzy un-clarity and i remembered that if you command "Clarity Now!" it will become vivid and intense. So as I yelled it, like any other affirmation that usually immediately works i noticed that nothing got more clear, it was still hard to see what was going on. I yelled it again with the expectation of some clarity increase but nothing happened and it was still not very vivid. I also noticed something very peculiar with vivid dreams in relation to the movie "inception", In the movie when someone changes something in someone else's mind their subconscious responds by slightly collapsing the dream based on how much is changed. In my dream, whenever I manifest something or create the dream kind of "collapses" a little bit and becomes less apparent/vivid. The more I stay in the "zone" and not do anything the more real it gets, but as soon as something is changed it fades away. I'm not very experienced with lucid dreams but I've had my fair share (4-5). So how do you make it so the dream does not fade away and get into this chaotic interference of perception? and how do you change a lot while keeping lucid? and finally, how do you make everything more realistic, vivid, hd?

PS. Maybe it didn't become more clear because i didn't have a clear expectation of what "clear" is like?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

News you NEED to know……

A couple reminders…….

Chess Puzzle | 11/10/2013 - Finite Resolution

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Sudden spike in LD frequency and I don't really know why

I've usually averaged at having about 1LD per week to fortnight. I've tried many different methods and other things that may help but it has never increased my LD frequency that much over having them naturally (I can expect one every few weeks with no effort or interest on my part).

The last few weeks I seem to be getting them more frequently, even though I'm doing nothing more than the stuff I usually do, and have had 3 nights of lucids in the last 4 I've slept; this is unheard of from me. On one of these nights I had around 6 seperate lucid dreams all with a short duration as I was in and out of sleep in the morning, the overall time built up from them was significant though.

The problem is I don't really know why I've suddenly had a spike. Ive been able to LD for years but picked up on it seriously again about a year ago, could it be that working on it can be delayed and I'm only just starting to see results from the extra work? I know things don't work right away but it seems a big delay, but this is the only things I can think of. I RC to a point where I have a habit of it now, eat apples for supper as it improves dream recall for me, keep a journal even though I dislike doing this, read up on it (such as here), and wake myself in the night to attempt SSILD. I usually fail at it as I go back to sleep too quick though have success sometimes, and I think the act of waking in the night helps me a lot.

Has anyone else experienced getting results a long time after starting or might there be other factors affecting me? Because I LD natually its very hard for me to measure how successful a technique is for me. Any thoughts would be appreciated. If have more of an idea on what this might be I have a better chance of sustaining it.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | Lucid Shock

Last night before i went to sleep, I decided I didn't want an LD.

But I keep telling myself that i have no control over if I get one or not. Like, with my DILD, I randomly did an RC and became lucid. It was cool, but it scared me because I'm not experienced.

Anyway, last night when I got into bed, I felt like i was paralysed (only of course i wasn't) and I kept trembling really badly. I went and read in the bathroom, and I was still trembling badly.

After I relaxed enough, I only slept for 5 minutes at a time, until I finally slept with no LD's. I actually can't remember my dream at all.

What does it mean?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 11/9/2013 - White Mates in 4

Friday, November 8, 2013

Letter Re: Lessons from The Twilight Zone on Civilzation Post-IHTF

Lucid Dreaming | Mental mantras

Have you ever tried imagining a certain non-verbal "mantra" when you practice MILD, where you rely on images and feelings instead of words?

I have tried this a couple times now, and it seems to work really well.

Basically, what I do is that when I fall back to sleep after a short awakening I keep imagining that I see one of my dreamsigns, and then imagine myself saying something along the lines "A dreamsign - I'm dreaming!".

I really try to live myself into this imagination as well, so that I trick myself into feeling genuinely amazed, kind of like how professional actors do when they want to be as convincing as possible.

I try to imagine that I really have entered a dream, then see that dreamsign and react with great surprise.

Then I keep doing this over and over until I fall asleep.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 11/8/2013 - Mate in 5

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | High Definition, Life Long Problem, and the theory of dreaming and more...


1.First, I wanted to discuss about the HD dreaming..

I know that most highly self aware and observing individuals have achieved this already. Making dream environment incredibly realistic. This is done by focusing and observing the surroundings. I've discovered this technique long ago, when I did, it was just 'wow'. I still remember the scene I captured in my dream when I did it. And it's weird cause that scene never existed in reality; it was only my imagination.

The very first time, and the easiest way, was by looking at the palm wrinkles up close. Realize that vision is a sense, if heightening vision is possible, we must be able to heighten other senses, like the touch and sound.

If you are able to stop what you are doing in a lucid dream, like everything and just concentrate on your surroundings, man, you have come pretty far.

Recently, I've been trying to stop everything I was doing (resist against my objective of dream) in dream and just stand still. This was more than amazing to me because I was just so astonished how my brain could produce such visual effect. I gotta say, when the focusing of senses happen, everything appears better than real life (sadly). Even my emotions.. I just doubt that what I felt in dream is practically possible to feel in real life.

2.I've been having some difficulties in my dreaming. I was wondering if anyone could give me a remedy to it. This issue is actually extremely bad. The truth is, while I can lucid dream, I can never really have control over the dream. I am a man of logic. Even when I am dreaming I think my sub consciousness is taking logic into account. What seems irrational is prevented from happening in my dream. My sub consciousness created its own physics to my dream world. I can only hover a few feet or several above the ground. I can't change the terrain, teleport, control the outcome of many things in my dream, and that's not because I am not experienced enough, it's my sub consciousness never allowing me to do fun things. And my sub consciousness is not stupid, it's a smart son of a bitch. It is always ahead of the game, "Oh it's a dream! I will believe that everything is possible in my own dream and I will do it with my strong will" does not work. Whatever I try to do, it just won't let me do it. The only thing I am free of is, pretty much my body. If I fight against my sub consciousness' will to accomplish my goals, I am taken back to the reset, or my bed. Or it makes me wake up. Waking up is not a big deal to me because I can always shift my reality back into dream. And the good news is, I can channel my brain to sleep longer so I can dream longer.

Anyway, it's pretty messed up.

3. The other day, I was thinking about how dreams really work. I don't have any evidence to back this up but my self observation tells me that what dream really is, is just a highly intensified day dream, or thought. For example, imagine in your head that you are in a classroom writing down notes right now. That thought I think is very much of what dream is but dream is more vivid and stronger because you are sleeping. The reason for this is that right when you wake up from the dream, you feel the transition from dream to reality, and if you can notice well enough, the dream really becomes just the thought. Crazy...

I have class tomorrow and I really need some dream, pun intended.

The discussion is To be continued and thanks a lot for reading!

Next topic about short duration of surrounding objects..

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Basic Cryptology For Preppers

Letter Re: …..On taking action

Lucid Dreaming | Lucid Dreaming in college

Well College came and I still find myself wanting to experience lucid dreaming.

Right at the start I abbandoned any kind of practice I had, no dream journal, no reality checks, no ADA.

Can you have Lucid Dreams without dream journaling?.My program is very tough, I usually go to sleep at 1AM-2AM and and wake up at 7 AM for the classes at 8AM, and I need a very loud alarm to abruptly wake me up or I just go to sleep again.I just can't wake up to dream journal, not to mention it would be very, VERY hard explaining my room mate why am I waking up every morning early to write at my PC.

During the day the day I'm busy with attending lectures, and after I'm busy studying.Doing ADA would just ruin my concentration/mental flow required to sustain all of this, and it would make me more tired in the end.

so a really tiring sleep program with horrible waking ups stops me dream journaling, during the day I need to pay attention, and when in the evening I'm already tired.

What can I do?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 11/7/2013 - Mate in 4

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Lessons from The Twilight Zone on Civilzation Post-IHTF

Lucid Dreaming | What should you do if a dream seems completely realistic no matter what you do to test it?

Last night I dreamed that I had travelled home from university to visit my mother at home - by plane, which was in itself a dreamsign, since I always take the train.

Anyway, I suddenly realized that I had major problems remembering anything at all about my home journey, and that was really weird since I always can remember at least a couple things no matter how absent-minded I am.

I said to my mother "mom, I can usually always remember at least something about my trip back home, but this time I can't remember a single thing - isn't that weird?".

She almost seemed a little upset by this question, and then told me that this often happens to her as well.

I wasn't convinced by this though, since I felt very clearly that something was weird about the whole situation.

So I tried levitating up into the air by sort of "willing "myself to lift from the ground - that didn't work.

Next I tried to jump into the air several times in an attempt to fly, but it really felt exactly like jumping in waking life.

Then I think I tried plugging my nose and breathing through it, but even that RC failed.

After running around like this for a while I finally had to admit "okay, this is waking life then" - and then I woke up!

How are you supposed to tackle dreams like this, when they persistently simulate waking life so flawlessly?

I certainly don't consider this a "failure" by any means, this is definitely very close to a real LD, it's just a bit confusing how a dream can conceal its true nature so well. :cheeky:

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 11/6/2013 - Mate in 5

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

….On taking action

Lucid Dreaming | What should I do next?

Hi. First let me to explain the situation. I discovered lucid dreaming in july (i was searching on a method on how to remember your dreams) and it blowed my mind. When I was a child I always said that if a genie would come at me and say to me that I have a wish, I'd say that I want a world where I am god, where I can do ANYTHING. I red a lot of articles of lucid dreaming, and I know almost all the theory and informations about attaining lucid dreaming. I have tried a lot of ways to attain lucidity and it didnt worked too well. Don't get me wrong, I had like... 4 lucid dreams but just 2 of them were clear enough, but even these lasted just a few seconds and I did not known entirely that I am dreaming. During theese months of training now I can wake up EVERY night at almost exaclty 5 hours of sleep and my dreams are EXTREMLY vivid (just like real life). The bad things is that I don't have a good dream recall even if I keep a dream journal because its really frustrating ( 2 or 3 days I remember 3 dreams/night and the rest of the week I don't remember anything) . So if I don't keep a dream journal my dream recall its actually better because I remember pretty big ''chunks'' of 1 dream/night every night. The other bad thing its that I can't do reality cheks too often because i pretty much forget about them. I tried wild but I almost succeded just once, the first day I found lucid dreamings after listening like 30 minutes to some binaural beats. Sure I can listen again to binaural beats if they increase my WILD succed odds but there its a problem: I have the possibility to listen them just before I go to sleep. It would not be such a big problem but the thing what stay in my way its the dream recall because if I Lucid dream early in the night I can't remember it when I wake up. So, thanks for reading all and my question its: What should I do? Should I choose to focus just on DILD even if I don't have a really good dream recall or I should focus just on Wild?

P.S: I'm sorry for my broken english but I am from Europe ...

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | "Breaking" through lucid dream/level

Whenever I become lucid LATELY, it is first that I realize I am dreaming, but that doesn't necessarily triggers 'lucidity'.

When this happens I have to really try and make a lot of effort to break through this kind of invisible mental wall to (more?) lucidity. It's a really weird feeling. It's not the same when you are thinking that you are 'possibly' dreaming and doing an RC (Like nose-plugging) and are confirmed that it is a dream and become lucid.

It is like I become lucid (because I fully know that I'm dreaming) but only on a superficial level... On this moment I am not semi-lucid, because I KNOW I'm in a dream and my body is lying in my bed.


1) Realizing I'm in a dream

2) Becoming lucid

3) *This really weird feeling that I could break this kind of mental wall to lucidity to a more physical level. But this is really hard to do. And if I don't do this quick enough I let myself lose lucidity because it is so tiresome. Most of the time everything turns black after this.

I feel like there is an 'extra' layer of lucidity to break. Like when I become lucid i'm on Standby-lucid and for powering ON-lucid I have to really mentally try hard to turn the switch.

In these lucids it is like I have 2 options. Trying really hard and continue being lucid OR the more easy one, just losing lucidity and letting my conscious mind drift away again into non lucidity.

I know this looks a lot like becoming lucid and in the process of the dream end up non lucid again or not having stabilized too much, but the difference with me is that this process happens CONSCIOUSLY*...This is much different if I compare it with my old lucids where I feel that I'm losing control throughout the dream and end up non lucid unconsciously (because I already explored the dream and been lucid for a while)

Maybe this sounds a bit weird or hard to understand, because for me it is also weird and hard to understand why this happens...I just wonder if someone has had the same experience or if anyone has some kind of solution for this...

Thanks for reading in advance :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 11/5/2013 - Mate in 2

Monday, November 4, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Affirmations

MODS: Sorry, wrong forum, can you move this to the Attaining Lucidity forum.

I've had random DILDs my whole life, where I'll just realise I'm dreaming but I've had a long period there where I wasn't having any lucid dreams at all. I decided I wanna start having them again, so last night I said to myself "I WILL HAVE LUCID DREAMS TONIGHT" about 10 times, and what do you know, I remember becoming lucid in a dream last night. Affirmations work amazingly well when it comes to dreams.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Martial Law (And related Laws and Acts) Part 2

Eric Holder’s Justice Department files for Supreme Court to support UN Firearms Treaty

Lucid Dreaming | My main goal is to achieve lucidity. But, I need your help.

Hello everyone,

If you don't want to read my experience, then it's totally understandable. If you're going to help, then it's greatly appreciated.

Recently, for the past 19 days i've been practicing the art of lucid dream. I have not yet reached the stage of being lucid, but I believe that i'm almost there. Lucid dreaming is not new to me. I have done it many times in my life, but unintentionally without having the knowledge. I've been doing everything(or so i think it's everything) that needs to be done in order to achieve lucidity. When I first started, my dream recall wasn't that bad. I could write down half a page, single spaced, 10 font, of my dream was about. The first dream was about 450 words. Yesterday and the past few days have been amazing! I wrote a page and a half single spaced, almost 1500 words! I have been doing my 15+ reality checks a day unintentionally (which is great), and It's starting to become second nature. I dedicate my sleep to the journal. I wake up about three to four times a night by setting an alarm and writing down what I was dreaming about. I have reached the stage where I sometimes wake up before the alarm by 10 min or so! I meditate at least 5 min before bed for inner peace. I think I'm doing all the necessary things, but maybe there is something missing. I assure you, I am not stressing and forcing lucidity. I'm very calm about it, and I go to sleep peacefully. I just say "The next time I am dreaming, I will recognize that I am dreaming." once or twice fully focused, and I drift off to wonderland.

My questions are:

1. What, am I doing wrong?

2. What can I do, to enhance the chance of achieving lucidity?

I want to learn the art of lucid dreaming, simply because of it's astonishing benefits. I truly want to talk to dream characters, and I would like to ask them what do they represent? To truly know what my purpose is.To be a better person. To know who I truly am. The list goes on and on.

Thank you so much for reading this far. It's greatly appreciated.

Sweet dreams.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 11/4/2013 - Mate in 3

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Finally!

I have done it, my REM timing is 6 hours. i woke up extremely tired and was able to go back to sleep while thinking about a technique. i didn't have one for this, tonight i will... maybe now i can get things right!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Martial Law (And related Laws and Acts) Part 1

Letter Re: Reading When TSHTF

Lucid Dreaming | How should I think if my mantras while falling asleep fail?

Let's say I repeat the classic mantra "tonight I will recognize that I am dreaming" over and over until I fall asleep, and I really believe in it;

what should I think of this method if that mantra doesn't succeed that night, or several nights after that?

This is one of my stumbling blocks right now - if I repeat something for several nights and it doesn't succeed until a couple weeks or whatever, how should I treat this in the meantime to keep believing in it?

I am wondering because I think it's a bit discouraging when something you have chosen to believe in doesn't succeed immediately, because that kind of seems to make it harder to believe in it next time.

I was going to try out the mantra I mentioned tonight, but if I don't recognize I am dreaming it feels like it will be harder to believe in it the next night.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 11/3/2013 - Forced Into Mate

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Long term homestead, survival property and/or retreat location for sale

Past interviews…..

Lucid Dreaming | Attempting CAT (Cycle Adjustment Technique)

For the past few days I've been attempting to lucid dream with CAT. It looks like not many people here on DV have tried it or stuck with it, probably because it involves waking up ~90 minutes earlier than usual (and we all love our sleep). I decided to try it out so I could regulate my sleep schedule and hopefully motivate myself to finish my homework earlier.

I believe there's a DV tutorial for it, and the original guide can be found here .

Target Sleep Schedule: 10-10:30 PM to 5:00 AM

Usually I sleep at 12 and get up at 6:30 AM to get ready for school. I decided to push back my bedtime so I could get enough sleep.

Current Progress:

Day 1: 10:13 PM to 5:00 AM

I set my phone to vibrate at 5 (I'm a pretty light sleeper). Woke up briefly in the middle of the night after a pretty long dream to find that only about 3 hours had passed. Had a bit of a trouble forcing myself to get up, but motivated myself by thinking of having lucid dreams. Spent the extra time browsing DV and periodically doing RCs.

Day 2: 10:13 PM to 5:00 AM

Woke up briefly around 3, and wrote down my dream before going back to sleep. Then had my first lucid after a month of serious attempts :) It didn't last long, though. I got too excited. It was easier to get up at 5 this time.

Day 3: 11:10 PM to 5:00 AM (I should have slept earlier, but procrastinated :|)

Slept straight through to 5 without waking up earlier. Wrote down a short dream. Tried to remember to RC.

Day 4: 11:26 PM to 5:00 AM (Had trouble writing an English essay, ended up giving up and going to sleep later than I should have...)

Woke up around 3, wrote down a dream. Felt groggy today in school, but it was to be expected.

Day 5 (today, Nov 2 2013): 10:45 PM to 5:00 AM, stayed up until around 7:00 AM and tried WILDing.

Started writing down a long dream I had after waking up, wondered how much time I had before the alarm went off and found that it was ~4:58 AM. Is my body adjusting already? Or was that a coincidence? Anyway, I told myself I was going to get up at 8:30 AM and tried to WILD several times but couldn't really fall asleep until around 8:10 AM. Then I had my second lucid dream :D It was longer, though I didn't get to do much. It faded into a non-lucid dream afterwards, and I woke up around 8:30 AM.

Even if I don't manage to get through 2 weeks of CAT, I'm still satisfied with my progress. At least I know that I can lucid dream :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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