Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Setback: My Bed Becomes Very Sexy During WBTB

WBTBs are fun! Though, during a WBTB I become very attracted to my bed, and no, not because of the sexy anime hug pillows I sleep with (I'm lying I don't have any Y.Y wish I did sob).

What I do, which still don't work, hence this thread:

_put the alarm fat away so I'd have to stand up and walk to turn it off.

_plan a chair to sit on after turning the alarm off.

_visiting the gentlemen's room.

_listening to dubstep music (I tend to fall asleep though even before I get to reach this part)

It seems I need to go to the extreme. I'm a very heavy sleeper, VERY! An explosion won't wake me up. I remember this example where once a gas station exploded near the house during war. Everyone woke up but me. Well most of the time I'm not THAT deep, but I'm pretty deep most of the times (was this last sentence the kind of sentence I think it might sound?)

So, maybe put electric wires on that chair? Place spikes in the toilet handles? Cut a finger off? Listen to dubstep?(that's already on the list >:p )

Any...ideas??? ôvô

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Chess Puzzle | 12/31/2014 - Mate in 7

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

From the Desk of John Rourke – December 31st, 2014

Bought a new camera for my wife. Hopefully this will lead to some better photography here on MSO. Expensive but the difference in picture quality is amazing.

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I am really looking forward to seeing the movie “American Sniper”. Looks awesome.

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Many of us will be celebrating the end of one year and beginning of another with a drink – or twelve. Use a designated driver if need be. Would be terrible to prep for some disaster that looms off in the distance and then get killed in a car accident driving drunk.

Let’s be careful out there.

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President Hillary Clinton.

I just threw up a little.


Lucid Dreaming | My experiences and a few questions

Oh so let me Start off by saying that I have been lucid in exactly 2 Dreams but only for a 1 sec which consisted of me thinking "wait... I'm dreaming"

Now let me tell you one of my Dreams where I became lucid:

My Dream

I was in my House and I passed by my Dad Watching TV in the living room. I then went to my room, I Tried to turn on the light but it didn't turn on. So Subconsciously, since I didn't know I was dreaming I thought, "hmm the Power must have went out." So I turned around and went to the Living Room to tell My Dad but on the way there. I was like wait... Why would the power be out if my Dad was just watching TV. I then realized it was dream. But a Split second after, I was awake in Sleep paralysis.

What Happen After the Dream Ended

When I woke up I sorta of panicked so I tried to sit up. But was in Sleep paralysis. I felt myself move but This Rubber banding force keep pulling me back. (I think it is my Astral Body, Not sure though). Then my conscious mind remembered that it was Sleep Paralysis. I tried to keep calm. I layed there for about 7-12 Seconds in Sleep paralysis. Then after about 10 seconds. I really felt the paralysis, I felt really heavy, not like a weight on my chest but like my blanket was made of lead. Also everything turned really Black. Darker then when i was in the other Sleep Paralysis state. It was a new feeling Since I thought the other state was sleep paralysis. But I tried to keep calm. I thought that maybe that was my dream. and I was just thinking of Black. Which was why I only saw Black. But nothing Happened after a few Seconds of thinking of other thinks. So I Panicked and I consciously woke myself back up.

Kind of upset that I didn't continue to see where the Blackness led. But I'm going to try FILD Tonight.

Anyone can Explain to me what those two different states of Sleep Paralysis were?

Also I have a few questions about FILD if anyone is familiar with it and has done it successfully before.

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Lucid Dreaming | Success With Binaural Beats

OneUp here again guys, and today I'm going to be sharing with you something I honestly thought I'd never be sharing.

For about 3 days, every time I go to sleep I have been listening to a specific binaural beat track along with my self awareness practice and everything else. Keep in mind, I've only been using this exact same binaural beat track for the last 3 days. This track was created by Stephen LaBerge and I found it on his website a while back. In the track, he is constantly saying, "The next time I'm dreaming, I will realize that I am dreaming. Am I dreaming? Is this a dream?" and this repeats throughout the entire track, but its not annoying or fast, its rather comfortable and repeated at a good pace.

Only a few hours ago I decided to take a nap. As I laid down in my bed, I put in my headphones and started listening to the binaural beat. Honestly, the only reason I've been listening to the track, was to use it as a sort of subconscious aid that could potentially help with MILD and DILD techniques. I only play the song for that, so every time I listen to it I find paying attention to it useless, and I just let go and fall asleep without trying to fall asleep with awareness.

Anyways, I was feeling really good, so 10 minutes into listening to the track I decide that I don't want to take it out, and that I'm just going to fall asleep with the headphones in and the track still playing (I've never done this before). I started feeling really relaxed and for some reason, quite euphoric. I wasn't on any drugs or anything either. Like I said, I didn't care about the track, I was just listening to it as a subconscious aid. After about 30 minutes or so I started slipping in and out of consciousness. This was quite interesting. Suddenly, I would start dreaming, but that wasn't the weird part. In every dream I went into while listening to this track, the track would somehow make its way into the dream.

At one point I was in a classroom, and an old man that looks like Einstein is teaching the class. "Now students, how would I solve this problem? I would ask myself, Am I dreaming? Is this a dream?". I realized what he was saying and I was really surprised so I woke up.

In another dream, I was walking around in a store, and as was walking through it I heard on the intercom, "The next time I'm dreaming, I will realize that I am dreaming." Once again, this surprised me and I woke up.

I fell into another dream, but this time I was in my room. It wasn't my actual room, it was some dark creepy version of it. I was sitting up on the right side of my bed against the bed post. I looked around, everything was so dark that it seemed like it was nighttime. A blue light was shining from the left corner of my room. Immediately I noticed that there was someone sitting on my legs, and I couldn't move. Their back was faced towards me. I tapped this person/thing on the back with my hand, to try to see if it would respond. I kind of pushed it so it moved a little bit, but it was a mere response from the force of my hand. I looked at whoever/whatever this was, and it creeped me out. Whatever was sitting on me had an extremely disfigured head. I waited a few seconds, but this person would not respond.

It stayed motionless and didn't move at all. I remember how real it felt when I touched it. It was like I was actually touching a person. I didn't want to wait to find out anything else, or what this things face looked like so I tried something I've never tried before. I got my hands out from underneath my blanket and clapped 3 times in the air with the intention to teleport somewhere else. I really wasn't sure what was going to happen, but I tried it anyways. Instantly as I did it I could start to feel my body. I closed my eyes and went into this black void and then woke up.

Now my point in all this, you can clearly see that after some work with binaural beats, they start showing results quickly. Do I recommend using just binaural beats to get lucid? Hell no. But if you want to do that, do what you want because it works fast. The reason I made this thread is to show people that binaural beats do work. Before this, I really had no faith in them at all, but I realize now that if you want to use them, like anything else you need to be consistent. It just happens to be in the case of binaural beats that consistency really only means 2 to 3 days of use every night in bed.

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Chess Puzzle | 12/30/2014 - Mate in 2

Monday, December 29, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | I can't WILD no matter what, extremely quick and heavy sleeper

Hey everyone,

I strictly want to WILD or DEILD.

Here's the problem.

I try to WILD when I go to bed because I sleep very little, and fall asleep very easily so I think I must get REM early on or REM rebound sometimes so I give it a go - and I know you can have LDs in NREM anyway.. I lay down and count my breaths, or I listen to my tinnitus, I've tried a lot and I just end up falling asleep within 1-2mins, yesterday I tried sleeping with my arm straight up in the air, I fell asleep and I guess it slowly went down somehow! lol

I always set an alarm about 2hrs after I sleep to try and WILD again or DEILD, but I'm in zombie-mode and 'never' remember to try!

I want to do this so badly, and I do want to try and do it when I would normally sleep because it would suit me better - for now I would just love a way to lay in bed, mentally aware, without falling to sleep.. I'm considering using pain because nothing else is working, like - a clamp/bulldog clip on my arm, I'm not sure yet!

I'm desperate and I would appreciate any input, thanks for taking the time to read this!

Thanks guys :)

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Lucid Dreaming | Need URGENT help !

Hello guys :)

I need help. Every time I tried to lucid dream, I failed or got kinda trolled.

I am attempting to W.I.L.D every night after 4-5 hours of sleep. I tried different methods to lucid dream, DIDL/MILD and WILD, but none of them give me the result I wanted to. But I have some experiences with LD sort of. I think I am the most unlucky guy ever.

So, I was trying to WILD one night, was very close, even my breathing was very very slow, fell asleep 

Then I have some random LD situations. I was in my room, tryed to switch the light on, I was about to realize that I am dreaming, bum ringing phone woke me up. Another time, totally random, realized I am dreaming, everything was soo vivid at once, phone ring woke me up.

But the strangest exprience, you know, I set my alarm clock 4-5 hours after I went sleep to try wild. But this one was really strange. I was in a dream, realized I am dreaming bum phone woke me up, I remember I slowly opened my eyes ( was pissed a lot coz I failed ) but at the same time I turned off my phone but I dont remember that and fell asleep insantly. Next dream started but I though I am already lucid ( like I did not even wake up ) and I was like „Hmm, I am dreaming, but this is kinda weird“ I tried to stabilize the dream, but all of this, was only part of a non lucid dream so I had no control over my dream at all. I remember I even tryed to spin to stabilize the dream.

So, I only get to a part in my whole experience, where everything became sooo clear soo vivid, but that is all. I got woken up by phone.

I am trying for more than half of the year without any success. What could you recommend to me guys ? I read a lot on all over the internet and saw dozens of videos via youtube.

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Lucid Dreaming | A voice in a dream tried to tell me how to become lucid

Have you ever experienced something like this?

Last night I had a bunch of fairly vivid dreams, and right before I woke up I heard a voice trying to tell me how to do in order to turn an ordinary dream into a lucid dream.

I remember it told me to imagine as vividly as possible that I was "inside" the last dream and that I could feel the scent of the air, and basically try to imagine as many things about the dream as possible.

Then suddenly it turned into some kind of meditation practice where the voice told me to "take deep breaths and imagine that I am moving around in that dream", and it almost succeeded, although I woke up shortly after that.

It was a pretty interesting experience.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 12/29/2014 - Mate in 3

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | (N)REM barriers - the reason of not achieving lucidity

I asked myself a simple question: Why do I sometimes have lucid dreams and sometimes not, if the activities, such as induction technique and WBTB are the same?

This question troubled me a lot, but I think maybe I found the answer. Whether I'm gonna have lucid dream today or not is primary affected by sleep pattern that follows after WBTB. Everybody knows those textbook hypnograms... They looks all the same and this can cause false though that they truly are the same and not changing every night, which is not true. Our sleep pattern is unique and different every night influenced by many, many factors. Recently I try to measure and study those patterns by EEG device ZEO with my skills in lucid dreaming. I would like to present you what I've found so far.

This is the most important thing I've observed:

Chances of success to achieve a lucid dream is directly proportional to lenght and depth of Non-REM sleep prior to REM sleep. I call it (N)REM barrier, because it is litterary barrier which stands between you and your goal to become lucid. The longer the barrier is, there is lesser chance to become lucid.

1. Non LUCID DREAMING -This picture shows my non-lucid dreaming after WBTB with my usual induction technique:

2. DILD - My DILD (Dream initiated lucid dream) captured on ZEO:

3. WILD - WILD and 2 DILDs:

You can see that if there is no NREM barriers, it's easy to do WILD (which happens rare for me). NREM barriers also explains WILDs with the small gap on the beggining of lucid dreaming which are actually DILDs with small NREM barrier.

Note that this is my own hypotesis based on my little experimatal evidence.

Next thing I would like to measure is the impact of ld supplements on the NREM barriers with lenght and success rate of lucidity.

What is essential now is figure out, how to reliably control and influence our sleep pattern such as NREM barrier. Certain supplements seems as potent aproach but there is much more possibilities!


WILD.pngDILD.pngnon lucid.png

Attached Images

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Chess Puzzle | 12/27/2014 - Levenfish-Ryumin, Moscow 1936

Friday, December 26, 2014

The Right Way to Treat a Wound

By Dave from

We’ve all put on a band-aid sometime or other; but that’s not really wound treatment. In a survival situation, you’re probably going to be faced with much more serious wounds than that, requiring much more thorough wound treatment. Whether due to gunshot wounds or working with tools that most of us aren’t accustomed to using, the likelihood of serious wounds is much higher.

The other problem is that medical services will be overloaded. This happens in any crisis situation, with hospitals and clinics becoming overcrowded and medical personnel working round the clock to take care of those with needs. Just getting medical care will be a challenge.

Doctors say that the faster a person receives treatment, the better. Quick treatment lowers the amount of blood loss, as well as reducing the chance of infection. Being able to take care of wounds yourself can literally save someone’s life, by getting them the care they need before it is too late.

The Importance of Cleanliness

Doctors and other medical professionals always wash before and after having any contact with a patient. There’s a good reason for that; it’s to avoid infection. We always have bacteria in and on our bodies. As long as they stay in the areas where they belong, they really don’t cause us any problem. However, if they get into other parts of our bodies, some can be lethal.

The skin acts as part of our immune system in that it protects us from infection. Bacteria and other pathogens can’t easily penetrate our skin. However, if we have a cut or other opening in our skin, they can enter the body easily.

So this means that one of the places a victim can be infected from is you, while you are attempting to treat them. Washing your hands and putting on sterile gloves is merely a manner to help prevent that from happening.

5 Steps to Care for a Wound

Every wound needs to be cared for in the same way. While the amount of bleeding is a concern, at least from the viewpoint of preventing the patient from losing too much blood, that isn’t an indication of the seriousness of the wound. Some wounds bleed more than others, simply because of their location. Cutting a vein or artery will cause a wound to bleed a lot, whereas a wound 1/2 inch away won’t.

Clean the wound

Irrigating the wound is part of cleansing it, specifically that of removing any foreign particles from the wound. It consists of running enough of a sterile solution over the wound to rinse it out. That sterile solution could be water, alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. If water is clean enough to safely drink, then it’s clean enough to safely irrigate a wound.

If available, an irrigation syringe should be used. This is a 30cc syringe with an extended plastic nozzle, rather than a needle. The plastic nozzle allows you to get the irrigating solution into the wound area. If the wound is open, where you can actually see inside the body, then place the end of the nozzle inside the body; otherwise, keep it close to the surface.

In addition to cleaning out the wound itself, the area around the wound should be cleaned. This can be done by pouring on alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, or by using alcohol towlettes. The idea is to kill any bacteria on the surface of the wound and skin, while also providing a clean skin surface for the bandage’s adhesive to stick to.

Stop the bleeding

If a wound is bleeding profusely, there’s a chance that a vein or artery was cut in the injury. It will be necessary to get the wound to stop bleeding so much, before it can be fully treated. Examine the wound and see if you can determine exactly where the blood is coming from. There are a few different ways of stopping or at least slowing bleeding. They can be used in conjunction with each other.

  • Pressure – Applying pressure to the wound is usually the first means of slowing bleeding. Place a sterile pad, such as one of gauze, over the wound and press down on it. Maintain pressure until the bleeding slows to a reasonable level.

  • Apply a tourniquet – a tourniquet is a pressure band placed between the wound and the patient’s heart, when a wound is on a limb. The pressure reduces the blood flow to that limb, allowing it to clot. When a tourniquet is applied, it should always be a temporary measure, along with other measures. Loosen after 15 minutes to see if the bleeding has slowed.

  • Suturing – If the patient were in a hospital emergency room, this is probably what they’d try to do. However, suturing a wound is difficult and should only be attempted if you know what you are doing.

  • Hemostats – In the case of a severed or partially severed limb, closing off the blood vessels may be the only way of stopping the bleeding. However, there is a risk when this is done, as it totally blocks off blood flow to the limb. This will probably cause tissue to die, so it should only be used when absolutely necessary.

  • Clotting agent – A clotting agent is something which speeds up the blood’s normal ability to clot. There are several brands of this on the market, which are available in a crystal form or embedded into a bandage.

Apply antiseptic

No matter how well you clean a wound, you can’t see bacteria, so you don’t know if you’ve cleansed it thoroughly enough. Antiseptic ointments are there to kill any bacteria, helping to prevent any infection from taking hold. Apply liberally to the whole wound and the area around it.

Close the wound

If the wound is open, the edges of the skin need to be brought together so that they can heal closed. This is normally done by suturing. However, you can do just about as good a job by using butterfly sutures. These are like adhesive bandage strips, without the center portion that has the gauze pad. Instead of a gauze pad, it has a thin strip of plastic to hold the two adhesive sides together.

To use butterfly closures, start by opening the packages of however many butterflies you’ll need. Peel off the protector from one of the adhesive pads and stick it lightly to your glove. Once you have the closures ready, pull the skin together with the hand that has the closures stuck to the glove, so that the edges come into contact with each other. If necessary, wipe or blot off any water or blood. Then take the butterfly and stick the adhesive pad to the far side of the wound. Pull it, remove the protective cover off the other adhesive pad and attach it to the near side. Repeat for all butterflies.

Protect the wound

The purpose of bandaging a wound is to protect it from dirt and other impurities that can carry infection. Always use a bandage that’s bigger than the wound, so that the entire wound area will be covered by one bandage. Place the bandage centered over the wound and tape it in place. If the bandage is self-adhesive, then use the adhesive strips provided. However, larger bandages rarely have any adhesive on them, so you must use medical tape.

The new cohesive medical tape is much better than the older adhesive type. The cohesive tape is stretchy rubber. To apply it, one pulls on the roll as they are going around the limb. The tape does not stick to the skin. Rather, once the first revolution is complete, the tape sticks to itself. This prevents it from pulling loose hair and makes it much less painful to remove.

Change bandages whenever they get dirty to prevent infection. At a minimum, they should be changed once per day.


Chess Puzzle | 12/26/2014 - Karpov-Huebner, Montreal 1979

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Thursday, December 25, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Can someone please tell me what happened?

Fri, 26 Dec 2014:

I had been awake in the morning and was thinking about doing the fild method but I had to piss too much to try. So I ended up falling asleep and I remember the dream very well ; I was in a room with my friend tommy and he was telling me that I need to put my hands out further away from my hips when he was showing me how to do fild. (I already knew how to do it) acting like he knew all about it. Once he told me to start trying I remember I kept thinking and saying to my self get ready and I'm about to lucid dream and trying to make beats in my head to my fingers moving. Within 10 seconds of falling asleep doing FILD. I remember something just hitting me not physically but it felt like I fell asleep in my head and then I kept moving my fingers for a bit longer concentrating really hard cos it was really weird and difficult as soon I knew that I had done was ready to perform reality check I couldn't move. I couldn't pick my hand up to block my nose but I'm not sure if I tried blocking my gland at the back of my throat and tried breathing through it, I think I did, the either way I knew I was dreaming on a low to medium level. I kept trying to move and think of a different dream land and stuff like that. Then I had a quick deep thought and said to my self what have I read about people getting stuck or having no control in there dreams and for some reason I thought that I read a post that you spin around but obviously that was impossible because I was lying down and stuck probably in sleep paralysis some how in my dream. Either way I knew I was dreaming to some extent. But now when I think about it my eyes were closed that whole time and I don't remember seeing anything at except when i was frozen I tried imagining a big green grass field and said to my self when i open my eyes i will be there but once i opened my eyes i was in a random room? Anyways i just want to know what happened because this is the closest thing of being lucid i have ever been.

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Chess Puzzle | 12/25/2014 - Mate in 5

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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | The "no technique" techinque(s)

What do people mean when they talk about "no technique" techniques?

I'm thinking it means some kind of immersion, where you whip up your intent by thinking about lucid dreams lots. Is that it?

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Chess Puzzle | 12/24/2014 - Let's Do It Again, Mate in 3

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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

From the Desk of John Rourke – December 24th, 2014

Be safe out there folks. Many of you will be out doing some last minute shopping – traffic will be heavy and patience difficult to find. Let’s make it through to spend Christmas with our families tomorrow.

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End of the year coming up. This is a good time to plan for the next year Goals and objectives. Weight loss, finances – preparedness. What will 2015 hold for us? Will it be a year of continued economic improvement and decreasing racial tensions? or….Will it be a year with a crashing stock market, racial violence, and continued governmental overreaching? More threats and activity from North Korea? Ebola? Lets hope not.

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Just wanted to say THANK YOU to Shirley, T.S., and Matt who recently made some donations. Very generous and the funds will help support upcoming projects including equipment evals. I appreciate it when people want to help. I have but one rule: Make sure you can afford it. I would hate for anyone to put themselves out for me. If anyone is interested in donating – click HERE.

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Technology is incredible. Yeah – I know – we could be thrown back to the 1800’s in the blink of an eye due to EMP. I see that for around $10 you can pick up 8gb and 16gb USB flash drives. Tons of information can be stored and these drives are extremely durable. One little device stores thousands of books, guides, articles, video’s, movies, pictures. etc. With many tablets dropping in price a system can be put together for less than $100. With a tablet an SD-card would likely be needed rather than a USB drive. Regardless – they hold volumes and volumes of information.


Lucid Dreaming | How can I have a lucid dream?

I want to lucid dream, but I don't know where to start, which technique might work or how to go about it! I'm really new to this. So here is some information so people experienced with this can know where to start:

I have never experienced lucid dreaming. I have tried meditating but it is very nearly impossible for me; my mind is so cluttered with thoughts. I have tried thinking 'I will know I am dreaming' before I go to sleep but that never does anything. I am pretty hard to convince so there is no way I can attain lucidity by convincing myself I have no idea if I'm dreaming. Anyone have any tips that could help me? I'm open to new ideas or ways to meditate/convince myself/whatever. :)



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Chess Puzzle | 12/23/2014 - Mate in 3

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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Success with REM Dream Pro the second night!!

Hi guys. I'm excited today cause finally i had success. I've been practicing lucids(without mask) for 3, or 4 years and i only had like 2. long time ago.

Then all these months i haven't had dream recall or any lucids.

Well i got the REM Dreamer Pro 2 days ago. And managed to learn how to set it and adjust it to good settings for me, and I had a lucid dream this morning. Cool!!!!

And also just from wearing it and keep;ing my natural dream practice like mantras etc, now my recall is good once again. really good. And like i said had my first lucid today and i'm looking forward to havingmore.

i use the recording feature in the mask and i heard that in my dream. i recorded using my name because the instructions say using your name is important. so i recorded "voByJunior, you are dreaming" (voByJunior is not my real name but i'll just put that here )

I also set the lights intensity lower than the first night because the first night i had them too high and they woke me up all the time.


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Chess Puzzle | 12/21/2014 - Mate in 2

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Friday, December 19, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Hopefully a helpful tip for beginners doing ADA

For those practicing ADA/Lucid Living (and reality checks for that matter): When you first start trying to keep up awareness and you've suddenly realized that you had become absentminded -- after becoming aware again -- reward yourself. Don't become depressed that you had forgotten. You tackled an important part! You remembered! And you keep remembering more and more until it becomes 100%! Keep at it because it will pay off.:D

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Lucid Dreaming | Long Term Lucid Dreaming Technique - Single Pointed Awareness of Singleness

Hello everyone,

I would like to share a special technique that will help with the following things, pertaining to lucid dreaming,

-Dream recall

-Attaining lucidity

-Maintaining lucidity

-Higher degree of control within dreams

-Higher degree of awareness within dreams

In short, this technique will help in all aspects of lucid dreaming. Before I describe the technique, I must first explain the theory behind the technique.

All methods of lucid dream mastery are based around solving a central problem. This problem is the fragmentation of mind. Our mind is split up into the conscious mind, subconscious mind, the unconscious mind, etc. When we sleep, our conscious mind becomes less dominant, and all lucid dreaming methods are centered around making the conscious mind more dominant during the stages of sleep.

It is a common phenomena that certain lucid dreaming techniques will stop working. For example, you could use one reality check, such as trying to poke your finger through your hand, and have it work consistently, and then have that method stop working. It's as if we're at odds with our own subconscious mind, battling with it to gain control. It's a lot like those 'spy vs spy' cartoons.

The goal of this special method is to bring our inner minds into harmony with each other, by gradually de-fragmenting our mind(s) into a single whole mind, which works in harmony with itself. As our mind becomes more and more whole by using this method, the battling will stop, and the mind will work more and more towards solving goals (such as lucid dreaming) collaboratively. If the mind is whole, and decides to have a lucid dream, what is there to stop it? Once the mind is whole, there is no conscious mind, subconscious mind, etc, there is only the mind.


This is a very simple method. There is something called "single pointed awareness" used by monks to attain high levels of concentration during meditation. They focus on just one single object and nothing more, such as focusing on chanting a mantra over and over. Well this method is kind of like that, with the object of meditation being "singleness". This method can be called Single Pointed Awareness on Singleness. Or you could call it Singular Focus on Singularity. Or Meditation on Oneness.

With this method, you keep your attention constantly on oneness at all times, even while sleeping. To do that, you can simply hold the word "one" in your mind, and put your attention upon the holding of the word "one". Do not say the word "one" over and over again in your mind. Don't visualize the word "one". You simply think "one". Just think one. Think "one" and don't stop thinking one.

Of course there will be times when you will not be able to think "one", such as when reading. After some practice, you'll find that you naturally stop thinking "one" when some other activity requires your full attention, and then start thinking it again once that activity is over. Or you may find that you were still thinking "one", but just didn't notice it because the other activity became dominant.

Also, this is the practice of great sages - it can and will lead to supreme enlightenment to the nature of reality.

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Lucid Dreaming | Losing Lucidity

No reply when I posted this in Dream Control and can't edit, move, or delete the other thread so just gonna post this in Attaining Lucidity..

So lately, waking up hasn't been the problem. I keep getting distracted and losing lucidity while the dream continues on. This has been more of a recent issue than anything but is getting annoying. Any advice?

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Lucid Dreaming | Has anyone tried subliminal messages?

I was wondering if anyone tried subliminal messages for attaining lucidity, and I don't mean listening to a 10 minute subliminal mp3 during the day, going to bed and sleeping without getting lucid then saying it doesn't work. I mean putting the audio on while sleeping and trying for at least a week every night. Has anyone tested that?

I'm just thinking it might be an extra thing to help with lucidity while we're sleeping, additional to daytime work like awareness and RCs, not much to lose since all you'd have to do it listen to it while falling asleep.

I don't think it's allowed to post links to other LDing sites so I'll just post a quote from world of lucid dreaming, they have an interesting article about subliminal messaging, go read the whole thing if you fancy.


There are an astonishing number of ways to induce lucid dreams. Yet they all have one thing in common: programing the unconscious to recognize the dream state.

When you think about the lucid dream techniques discussed on this site (meditation, self hypnosis, lucid dream incubation, reality checks, dream journaling) that underlying mechanism soon becomes obvious. And another compelling way to tap into it is with subliminal messages.

Like hypnosis, subliminal messages are direct instructions given to the unconscious mind. There is no mental trickery or hocus pocus going on - this is a scientific method; indeed, numerous scientific studies have proven the validity of subliminals.

What do youse think?

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Chess Puzzle | 12/19/2014 - Honfi - Csenady, Hungary 1963

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Thursday, December 18, 2014

Training Day: 3 Tips to Gain Tactical Advantage during Martial Law

By Cherie

Chinese General Sun Tzu wrote in “The Art of War” that battles with your opponent are predetermined long before the action begins. Intelligent war tacticians only fight winnable battles, whereas the fool just shows up hoping to win based on naive confidence and arrogance. Victory is only attained by conquering the enemy before the battle begins.

Ad nauseum news coverage of Ebola and ISIS, along with recent currency deals between Russia and China not involving U.S. dollars, are surefire signs of imminent wartime conditions in America. Nouriel Roubini, an economics professor at NYU, tweeted from the World Economic Forum this past January that several speakers compared 2014 to 1914 when World War I broke out.

Once that ugly line of war is crossed, everyone will have a choice: succumb to the chaos and go quietly or fight for your liberty and freedom. So-called preppers already have an advantage over the average person. But your home must literally become your castle, and yourself a soldier, to survive martial law regardless of what triggers it.

Fortify the Perimeter

Those who live in rural areas with a lot of space between homes have an advantage over urban dwellers based solely on available space. But even people living in posh Scottsdale, Arizona or North Beverly Hills can make it extremely difficult and dangerous for anyone to get close to their home and family in a doomsday scenario.

Booby traps should not only slow down potential enemies, but also warn you of their presence. The longer you can keep the enemy (whether it’s burglars, zombies, or government mercenaries) outside your house, the more advantage you have. Loosely hang monofilament fishing line from tree branches around your home and attach evenly-spaced fishing hooks to them. Intruders prowling around your home won’t see them until they are entangled in the trap trying to remove hooks from their skin. This will give you a short window to the take necessary action against them.

Set up trip flares around the perimeter. When the enemy disturbs the line, the light from the flares will warn you of a breach in security. Another option is making unwelcome mats. Get a box of 4d nails and a rectangular pieces of plywood the size of a floor mat. Drive the nails through the wood and sharpen the tips. Turn the wood nail-side up, conceal it with grass and foliage, and place them outside windows and doors of your home. Five inches of nail is more than enough to penetrate any shoe and make the enemy regret the day they tried to enter your home.

One very important caveat to remember with booby traps: know where they are yourself. Draw a map and keep it somewhere that reminds you everyday (like the bathroom mirror).

Update Your Backpack

There may come a time when the castle has to be abandoned for whatever reason and you’ll have to venture out on foot. Every able-bodied family member should have their own pack updated with the essentials for survival.

Compass, insulating clothing (extra socks, long johns, etc.), full canteen, and waterproof matches should be in every pack. Sun protection includes sunscreen, sun glasses, and replacement lenses just in case. First Aid Kit, emergency food (like Saltine crackers), and knife round out the necessities.

One individual should carry a tent big enough for all family members to sleep in. Granted it may not be spacious or comfortable. The sole purpose of emergency shelter is to shield you from the elements so you can survive another day.

Improve Your Best Weapon

Once the enemy gets through the booby traps and you run out of ammunition for your firearms, the best weapon you have left is your body. Nobody knows exactly when civilization will disappear, so the time is now to start addressing your physical conditioning.

Eliminate soda pop (diet or otherwise), sugary drinks, and fast food from your diet immediately. Those who consume a lot of this stuff will see dramatic changes in their body within a month without doing much else. Stretch your hamstrings, shoulders, and calf muscles daily. These muscles all need maximum elasticity if you’re ever in hand-to-hand combat or scaling rugged terrain on foot. You don’t need full-blown martial arts classes, but know the vital striking points on the human body to quickly disable the enemy if the situation arises.

General Tzu likened preparation for battle to an engaged crossbow string. The energy to defeat the enemy is there, but you have to know the right time to release it. Keep all the aforementioned in mind when the SHTF to ensure your survival.


Lucid Dreaming | Practicing self-awareness and SSILD for 10 weeks

As you know, self-awareness is one of the most important part of frequent lucid dreaming. Of course it's an ability that can be learn after lots of practice. There are many ways to improve it. Here, we would practice self-awareness in this way:

1- Every 30 minutes, stop and deeply ask your self:

- where am i?

- am i dreaming?

- how do i know that i am awake or dreaming? as in my dreams, i always think i am awake and every thing make sense to me, so maybe this is another dream too?

- how can i come out of this confusing situation?

2- when you feel crazy of doubt and you really don't know where the hell you are, then do an RC.

In fact, RC is an angle to help you come out of the confusion of being awake or dreaming.

Do not RC if you are not in serious doubt yet... you should not do RC like a zombie.. so, every time before you RC, you should expect to be surprised of being inside a dream!

3- between these 30 minutes, try to maintain a little of your awareness too.

The depth of your doubt in waking state is nearly equal to your doubts in your sleep. so if you are even 1% sure that you are awake, then you are not done yet. I mean, you MUST be 100% confused of being awake or dreaming while you RC.

As you may not like dream journaling, so you can do SSILD before bed to boost awareness in your dreams and also to be able to remember your dreams with high vividness and clarity..

As it takes time to increase our self-awareness, then we may not want to post our results here everyday. we should report our progress only every week! If we have questions, we can ask them here too!

good luck mates!

(Special thanks to those who has helped to create this thread:))

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Chess Puzzle | 12/18/2014 - Mate in 4

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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Deja Vu Lucid Dream reality check? (read bottom recommended)

Hey guys, first things first, I'm not sure if what I'm talking about is going to be Deja Vu or Deja Reve, I don't really know the difference between them two. Anyways, this is a thought that came to mind when I was watching PercyLucid's induction videos, I think he made them. Is it possible to become lucid doing awareness and reality check every time you have the Deja Vu feeling?

Say you are dreaming, and then you dream of the past, but you think it's just Deja Vu, you then do the reality check and know it's a dream, would that be possible? I'm just thinking that because Lucid Dreaming and Deja Vu feeling have the same concept to me, they both feel real but un-real. Since they feel the same and you do a RC each time you get Deja Vu, would it help the LDer more?

It's also a rare occasion to feel that way, but in dreams it can also happen, right?

But hey, this is just my thought, sorry if this is a pointless post, I just thought of it and wanted to get it off of my mind, basically I was wondering if it would be a more efficient reality check? Thanks guys. :laughhard::)

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Lucid Dreaming | People with good visualization skills please help me

Well, i've been training mindfulness for over 1 month now and with it i try to increase my visualization level, but here is

something i dont understand. I can imagine something with my mind although not much clear, i can't see the "scene" in front

of my eyelids, only in my mind, for example, i'm sure many of you tried to stare long time for an artificial light.

After that, if you close your eyes and get in some dark place, you'll start to see colorful and wandering dots.

So i will use this example to ask:

Can you guys visualize something as clear as those "dots"?

Is it suppose to visualization be clear as those dots in front of our eyelids, or just in our mind?

Also if you can leave some tips to increase visualization level i would appreciate :P

Sorry if this made you confused but i really need to know this.

Also, sorry if this thread is in wrong section

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Chess Puzzle | 12/17/2014 - Lose To Gain

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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Stuck on a low level of lucidity.

So I've been trying to lucid dream for about 6 months now, and for the past month or so I've been having lucid dreams randomly every now and then. The thing is, they're always low levels of lucidity. For example, I would normally look at my hands, realize I'm dreaming, and know I'm dreaming, but that's about it. I can control things, but I don't really have say in WHAT I control. Last night, I was just walking around, and suddenly I just thought, "This feels weird... It doesn't feel like real life." and I did a reality check and knew I was dreaming, but instantly forgot and went about by dream normally.

Basically what I'm trying to say is, I want to reach a higher level of lucidity, but I don't know how.

I've been doing MILD for 2 or 3 weeks and repeating a mantra, and I've been trying FILD for the past day or so with no success.

Last night I forgot to do any technique and had that dream.

Any suggestions on what I can do to reach a higher level of lucidity?

Thanks :)

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Lucid Dreaming | All of a sudden nightmares are setting me back

I have been practicing lucid dreaming for about 6 months. I was becoming lucid fairly often (sometimes every single night!), and thought I was progressing well. Then Dec. 1st, my doctor put me on hydroxyzine (Atarax), and everything was flipped upside down. The first couple of nights I barely slept, because I kept dreaming and it was waking me up, and all of a sudden no more lucidity. I went off of it, about 4 nights ago, and the next two days were good. I became lucid, and even in my lucid dream, I told my husband see it was the medication holding me back just like I thought.

Well two days ago, I started on Wellbutrin (I have been on it previously and never had this), and again my nights are filled with constant awakenings due to the nightmares. Like I could fall asleep for a couple minutes, have a nightmare and then I'm up again. Last night, I feel like reality and dreaming was blurred. I was in my bathroom, and my husband came in and asked why I wasn't sleeping and I told him I keep having nightmares. He said he was too and that we were nightsharing. Then he said lets try to get some sleep. I woke up from that thinking it really happened. Then the rest of my nightmares were dreams where I was sleeping and having intense nightmares. It's so confusing. So once again, I cannot become lucid. I know if could attain lucidity I could change the dreams and maybe stop them so I could get some sleep.

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this?

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Lucid Dreaming | Recognizing the nature of mind

3 working hypotheses

1- The mind, experientally, has core features which we describe as the nature of mind

2-The nature of mind doesn't change whether you are awake or asleep, at least while you are alive

3-Recognizing the nature of mind entails natural lucidity, regardless of the consciousness state or content

Possible conclusion: being able to recognize the nature of mind, and attaining stability and continuity in this recognition would be a very lucid and beneficial way to live, granting access to natural lucid dreaming

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Chess Puzzle | 12/16/2014 - Mate in 2

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Monday, December 15, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Obtaining a Dream Guide

Hi, I've been lucid dreaming for a while now and keep seeing all this "dream guide" stuff. I want one, but alas, no DG, for me. Here's what I tried:

Asking the subconscious to make me one

"Creating" one myself behind me/around a corner, etc.

Asking random DC if they are my DG

Repeating a mantra that I will meet my DG before falling asleep

Is there anything else I'm missing? I want one :hug:

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Lucid Dreaming | Options when becoming lucid

This is kind of a product of thinking about another thread but I will chuck it here to prevent the other thread from clunking up.

I am wondering if your course of action at becoming lucid (for "becoming lucid", for argument's sake, I'm going to say is when you think you might be dreaming, then have done a RC to prove it) can affect your chances of becoming lucid more often in future. I would like to find out myself by pursuing each course of action but I don't have enough days in my life left to do all the experiments worth doing, so I have to ask for the opinions of other LDers and rely on their experiences.

There are three scenarios, on becoming lucid:

1) You commit to something absolutely amazing that doesn't resemble your non-lucids. Eg, you go to a foreign planet that doesn't resemble earth at all, you fly around and use the full extent of special powers possible in lucid dream.

2) You take a passive course of action; you make sure your lucid dream is not very different from your non-lucids - maybe you walk around just observing, not interacting much. Perhaps it could be said that you are almost so passive that you risk losing lucidity.

3) You set one big, simple goal and you pursue it. What I am thinking of is this: You could pursue the goal of setting the lucid world you're in on fire. You pursue the simple goal of making as much fire as you can.

Would any one of these three scenarios be more likely to lead to more lucid dreams in the long term or does your behaviour once lucid not make any difference, long term?

My reasoning behind number 3 is as follows: When you realise you're in a dream, that moment of realisation only lasts a split second and then you go on to enjoying the lucid dream; behaviour that possibly isn't related to realising you're dreaming, which is something you want to happen in the long term. With the "pursue fire" idea, you are focused on one idea. (To keep reminding yourself you are dreaming by self talk ("This is a dream") may work just as well, of course.)

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Chess Puzzle | 12/15/2014 - Corner Pocket

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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | What technique is this?

Every time there's any danger or I find myself in a dangerous situation, I always go lucid and then I develop super powers to successfully get out of the danger.

I apparently developed it as a reliable technique, but I don't know what it's called. Any ideas?

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Lucid Dreaming | Help With WILD?

Hello, I'm Justme13. I've been into lucid dreaming for about a year, and have succeeded a few times with SILDs, although I've never put too much effort into having them more commonly. Recently, I have been trying to have a WILD, and now am able to do everything right... up to the urge. When you try to enter SP, you get the urge to either roll over or swallow. For me it's swallowing. I'm able to stop swallowing until this point, but as soon as I reach this point, I'm able to resist for about 8 seconds before swallowing. This has happened about 8 times so far, and I'm really looking for an answer. How do I resist the urge?!

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Lucid Dreaming | My close dreams...any advice?

I have had two instances where I almost became lucid (through the DILD technique). I'll describe them, and then I'd really like some advice of what I did wrong.

Okay, first one: I had some dream memories already (I was in a school for some reason), but I was also pretty sure I was dreaming. So, when I did a reality check, a DC handed me a phone, and I thought it was my dad whispering in my ear IWL...until it became unintelligible. Then the whole dreamscape blew apart and I was floating above it, and suddenly a banshee came out of nowhere and screamed really loud. I could tell it was time to wake up as soon as I started floating, but I didn't expect the banshee to be the last thing I saw.

Second one, much more mom was standing on the ladder above my bunk bed. I did a reality check, but I guess I didn't expect it to work because the dream was so my reality check failed and I was so shocked I immediately woke up. I can't recall the rest of the dream, because my dream recall is weird...I remember some more details after a couple hours but then I forget the others. (Is that unusual?)

How close was I, and does anyone have any advice?

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Chess Puzzle | 12/14/2014 - For The Good Of The Kingdom

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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | I think I nearly became lucid

Hi all! Nice forum.

I've read about lucid dreaming extensively over the last few weeks but so far I haven't been had one.

But a week ago I got really close but I did not attain lucidity; I'm still confused as to why I didn't. So I'm just going to describe the entire process so you guys can help me out.

So I started by relaxing in bed, and looked at the patterns in front of my eyes. They weren't very vivid - Just splodges of light and a dark blue-ish background. To keep my concentration, I thought of the first tune that came into my head - The first section of Bach's Prelude in C Major. I listened to it over and over, and I think(?) the patterns may have become a little more vivid - Bright white lights streaked across my field of vision occasionally. Then, after about 20 minutes of listening to Bach, it suddenly started. There was no warning, it was just like a light in my head had suddenly switched on. I felt my bed starting to go up and down very quickly, rather like I was in an earthquake. My heart rate must have been something stupid like 180 BPM. I also felt my eyes going crazy, and it felt like electricity was passing through my head.

A few other symptoms that I didn't know would happen were a feeling that water was passing through my toes, and at one stage, if you imagine the blackness in front of your eyes to be a black piece of silk, it sort of... Wrapped itself around my face and became part of my head. This is very hard to put in words, of course.

Another 20 minutes or so passed and all of this started to stop, and after a few minutes of waiting for something else to start happening (in vain) I just drifted off. The next thing I remembered was being in a section of the library I always go to, wondering if I was dreaming or not. I tried to breathe through my nose when it was covered, and I was pretty sure it worked. I also picked up a book from the nearby shelf and examined the cover - it was blurry and nonsensical.

To my understanding the dreamer attains lucidity when (s)he starts to question the reality of their surroundings. I tried numerous reality checks and even remembered the sensation of each one working but still could not become lucid. This was the closest I have ever gotten to having a lucid dream, and this past week I haven't had a single night where I can recreate this experience.

So, what did I do wrong or what was I missing here? Thanks!

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Lucid Dreaming | Self-inception experiment

I'm quite sure someone must have posted about this before, but I wanted to share my experience. Having been into lucid dreaming for a year and a half, I hadn't had a great deal of success before, but it occurred to me some months ago that I could try and repeat a mantra within a lucid dream and see if it was more efficient. After a dry spell of two months (during October and November I only had two lucid dreams), I decided I'd try it.

So, when I got lucid on the 21st of November, I said "all of my dreams are lucid", and the aim was to repeat the mantra every time I got lucid from that point on. In the three weeks that have passed, I have had nine lucid dreams, which is by far the most successful I've ever been. The last three days in a row, in fact, I've had a lucid per night. Could it be a coincidence? Yes. Could it be placebo, because I was quite sure it'd make a difference? Yes. But I'd rather think it has indeed made a difference.

Has anyone tried and had it working? I'm curious, please post your opinions and feel free to try it out if you haven't and report back :bliss:

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Chess Puzzle | 12/13/2014 - The Journey To Win A Piece

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Friday, December 12, 2014

Chess Puzzle | 12/12/2014 - Attack!!!!

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Lucid Dreaming | Know you're dreaming/don't know you're dreaming. Wrong dichotomy?

So, we have dreams that are non-lucid and we hope to become lucid in them. It's a mental act, yes? You don't realise you're dreaming but you hope to suddenly make the switch to realising you're dreaming. Could it be better if we used a different mindset - where the dichotomy is a visual one instead of a mental one? Here's what I mean:

You would make a rule to yourself that your lucid dreams would only happen under water. So, over time, you begin to associate being lucid with being under water. When you see water in a non-lucid dream, there is a greater chance of you "twigging" when you see the water. Another plus is that swimming under water has a built-in RC because in a lucid dream you can breathe under water. So also, in a way, your lucid dream becomes one long reality check. Over time this would be reinforced - the idea that expanse of water = "aha! Lucid dream"

Another possible positive is that water can exist to some degree in dreams. The mental act of realising you're dreaming is somewhat abrupt and happens in a split second.

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Lucid Dreaming | Could dream recall be counter-productive?

Well, it's the first thing everyone gets told to work on when they get interested in lucid dreaming. But is it an assumption worth challenging? The thing that makes me wonder about dream recall is, it concentrates on the past - you wake up and try to remember what has happened. Would it be more effective to do something that continues on with the dream, rather than reflects on it? Something that you do in the now that makes you more likely to become lucid next time you dream?

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Lucid Dreaming | An overlooked RC step

Hi, just a reminder !

Whenever you RC, don´t forget to imagine and ask yourself what if you were really dreaming, and imagine what you could do. That helps to solve the « now what ? what to do ? » problem of becoming lucid and adds a special dreamy taste and fun.

I would say a good RC has 2 aspects: 1) direct RC test, dreaming or not, 2) visualization of a positive RC and a simple thing to do ( even if no - thing)

Don´t forget the second one!!

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Lucid Dreaming | Any good ways to get your first lucid dream?

I've been practicing it for around 7 months now with no avail!


Would be useful if you guys could drop off some tips or leave a link to something that could help me :3

Thanks for reading.

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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Very Successful Quick Trick to aid Reality Checks

Hey guys; haven't been on the forums in a long time but I have continued lucid dreaming in my absence. A recent trick has been getting me great success, and I figured I'd hop on to share it.

Anyone with a phone, a set of keys, and a wallet or purse will understand this:

Whenever you stand and relocate from one place to another, it becomes second nature to pat yourself down to make sure you have your keys, phone, wallet, epi-pen; whatever you constantly carry on yourself. What I have done is to observe this mindless phenomenon, and to make it mindful. Every time I find myself reaching for my phone or keys to make sure they are still on me, it now triggers a quick reality check:

Is what I'm doing making sense?

Does my location make sense?

Do I have control?

What does being in this moment feel like? (Body aches, breathing, smells, clothes on your back)

Is gravity normal?


Taking this one step further, I placed a coin in my pocket that is usually empty; my ritual now is phone, keys, wallet, coin - Bam, reality check. Sitting on the coin and remembering its there and why it is there in the first place also triggers a reality check, and mindful awareness.

Now, whenever a dream scene changes or my dream self moves locations in a vivid dream, I will often instinctively check for my belongings and before I know it I am lucid.

If you're looking for a way to remember reality checking that doesn't involve a complicated set of alarms, or expecting yourself to remember to RC every time you see the word "congruent", try this one out.

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Chess Puzzle | 12/11/2014 - Corner Pocket

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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Augmented Finger Induced Lucid Dream (AFILD)

I ran an experiment on here a good 3 years ago where audio tracks would play whenever the mouse button was released: Finger Induced Electronic Lucid Dream (FIELD). The idea was to catch yourself when you fall asleep and let go of the mouse. But the constant strain of pressing down on the button was counterproductive.

I have now updated the procedure so that it counts up every second and drops back to zero when the mouse is tapped or moved. If it climbs high enough a track is played. I believe it will work much better like this and have had some promising experiences so far.

If you want to help test, download Lucid Scribe along with the Mouse plugin. Wake up in the middle of the night and then go back to bed. When you are tired and about to drift off again, launch the app. Then place your fingers on the edge of the mouse and pretend that you are playing piano or typing on a keyboard. The trick is to move your fingers as gently as possible, maybe flip the mouse over and tap directly on the sensor.

Every few minutes, especially when you hear the audio track play, perform a reality check: try to push your index finger through the mouse or use your other hand to pinch your nose closed and try to breathe through it.

If you make any interesting findings, it would be good to know the length of time from when you started until the audio track played.

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Chess Puzzle | 12/10/2014 - Giving In To Win

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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | No Recall No Lucidity?

I've Had lucid dreams before but it seems I've lost that ability I've used LDC (Lucid Dream Checks) And on top of all that i cant recall any of my Dreams my old methods wont work Any Ideas? And my DT (Dream Triggers) May have changed... only thing i can remember is golden ring 4th finger on left hand and watch on my left wrist... Any ideas?

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Chess Puzzle | 12/9/2014 - Mate in 4 Again

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Monday, December 8, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Self-Control Issues

Hi, everyone! This is literally my first time posting on any forum ever, so if I do wrong, cut me some slack! :cheeky: So, to the point. I've been lurking on DV for around a month now, and I have studied all I could about LDing, and have trained to a point to where I DILD in almost every dream! The thing is, is that it's hard to control myself. It feels like I give my brain a set of objectives before bed, and when I LD, a mindlessly carry them out. It's really hard to explain. Like, I don't take opportunities into account. Last night, I wanted to LD about having wings, and flying around, so before bed, I did my mantra and all, and I did get into a lucid, literally all I did is wish up some wings. I tried to fly around for a bit, but I didn't have any thoughts, like "How could I fly better?" But it's almost like a normal dream, in the fact that it feels nothing like reality, everything is fuzzy, but I don't acknowledge it to be so. The landscape is blurry, and I feel like a mindless zombie, carrying out the tasks that I had set for myself before sleeping, despite me doing ALL the things I have trained about doing (Reality Check, Hand friction stabilization, staying calm) Again, I use DILD. So in good judgement, could someone experienced PLEASE help me?! Thank you! -Ian


I feel like a mindless zombie carrying out the tasks I set for myself before bed, being absent of thought.

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Lucid Dreaming | Am I close?

Big fan of the boards. So I found a method of moving from my frequent sleep paralysis to a semi-lucid dream. So last night what happens is I'll wake up in my room I have a cold so I try to get a drink I can't move and realize dream time.

To get out of paralysis I have to lift my leg up with my hands slowly it's all very strange. Once I'm up I go to get a drink so I'm still not in full control. I tell myself if this is a dream then walking into parents room will be full blown proof (such as strange tv. Clocks off. Etc.) But I never get past this part and return to bed to wakeup for real this time. When I would take a drink it never really quenched my dry throat. It's strange drinking water with no physical feeling or coolness down throat.

I normally get stuck in my room during these events. And either mess with my non working phone or clock in room trying to set correct time. So lately they are off and away so I got a step further. It's all so strange.

Normally the lucid dreams where I run around in some random dreamscape are easier to control than waking up in my own bed and whatnot. Sorry I don't know what I'm going on about probably doesn't make sense.

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Chess Puzzle | 12/8/2014 - Mate in 4

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Sunday, December 7, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Short dreams?

My friends have told me about how extensive and long their dreams are, theirs last a long period of time and seem like a lot of fun.

All of my dreams last up to 3 minutes, the longest being 5. Why is this? Is there anything to increase dream length/is this normal? My dreams are always boring and unexciting too.

IF you read my DJ, you can see they're not that descriptive or that exciting either.

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Lucid Dreaming | Could WILD be mastered simply by improving your daydreaming skills?

I was thinking about this a while ago while daydreaming at school. :cheeky:

Could it perhaps be beneficial to simply practice your daydreaming skills when you try to learn WILD - in other words, you just lie down and try to daydream as vividly as possible?

My reasoning here is that daydreams are in many ways the same type of experience as lucid dreams (although lucid dreams are obviously almost always much more vivid) - right?

So maybe focusing on making your daydreaming experiences as vivid as possible will eventually make them turn into actual lucid dreams?

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Lucid Dreaming | Am I Ready now ? ( Please Help)

Okay so I remember atleast a full dream every other day.

Well last night I took to nootropics that contained 380 choline bitartrate in total, then I went to sleep.

I would have remembered about 3 dreams but I was too lazy to write them down ;-;

So I ended up remembering a full dream and a fragment in the morning.

I was wondering if I'm ready to start practicing lucid techniques?

I was going to sleep a bit, wake up for a while, take a Lucidimine pill & try to WILD. If that fails ill just fall asleep and hopefully have a mild somehow.

What do you guys think I should do?

Should I continue building up my recall until I'm able to turn those fragments into full dreams?

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Lucid Dreaming | Difficult to keep up mantra


I have started to learn lucid dreaming following LaBerge's 'Exploring the world of Lucid Dreaming' and have been trying to improve my recall along with some daytime awareness techniques (mostly SAT and RC'ing), light meditation (Dream Yoga) and WBTB combined with SSILD and MILD.

So far everything is going quite well. My recall is improving (although it is fluctuation quite a lot, I definitely see improvement), meditative skills are improving and the SSILD cycles are no problem if I do them while sitting.

The one thing that I cannot seem to do succesfully is the MILD; especially using a mantra proves to be very difficult. I start repeating the mantra in my head (I use 'I will recall my dreams' or 'I will be lucid') but after 10-20 repetitions at most I lose focus. Sometimes, I remember having to do the mantra on time and I start over, but mostly I fall asleep quite quickly.

How do you guys keep awareness while repeating your mantra? I cannot fall asleep while repeating it, my thoughts always drift off before.


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Saturday, December 6, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Essentials to Having a Lucid Dream

I'm going to lay out the essentials to having a lucid dream. I feel that there is so much non-essential information out there related to these essentials, that people often forget about the essentials themselves! I feel that if the essentials were laid out in one place, people would realize how simple becoming lucid in a dream really is and would avoid many pitfalls along the way. I hope people use this information to help them find their own path to lucid dreams. I feel this is the best way, as lucid dreaming is a very personal thing and no single method will work for everyone.

1.You must fall asleep.

You must fall asleep in order to have any dream, let alone a lucid one! Yet, sometimes people don't seem to take the time to figure out how to sleep efficiently, resulting in much frustration along the way. When finding your way to fall asleep you should find a way to stay in the present, thinking about nothing related to the word "awake" which will keep you so.

2.You must be able to remember your dream.

You can't honestly say a dream was lucid if you completely forgot it. However, some people get so caught up in having a lucid dream that they forget increasing their recall will give them more chances to have them! When picking a lucid dreaming technique, you should pick one that not only increases your lucidity, but allows you to have great recall as well.

3.During the dream, you must have a memory related to the word "dream".

Your dream can't be lucid if you don't recall any memory of what a dream is during your dream! The type of memory most often used to make this possible is event-based prospective memory, that is, memories that are recalled as a result of experiencing something else. But, even recalling a memory of your dream goal or just the word "dream" during your dream are among the many memories that can use to help you become lucid. Strengthening your memories you want to recall during your dream is very useful, especially as you're falling asleep when the subconscious is more open to suggestion. Also, remember that memories are stronger if they are more important to you!

4.You must have a certain level of confidence.

You can't become lucid during your dream if you only think you're dreaming during the dream. You have to know you're dreaming during the dream. This requires a certain level of confidence in yourself. If you're consistently having trouble doing anything while doing something that has consistently worked for you in the past, your confidence is likely the thing that has changed and made the difference.

Keep all of these essentials in mind when finding you own path to lucidity and I think you will begin to get there much more efficiently.

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Friday, December 5, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | I have very vivid dreams, yet not alot of lucidity :(

Hi everyone!

Just wanted to say i've had a interesting revelation some time ago and hopefully you guys and gals can help!

So ever since i got into lucid dreaming i was dream journaling and doing ADA alot. What i found is that i have very vivid and detailed dreams in which the only main details I couldn't remember were conversations(probably because in real life I get absorbed into conversations alot IWL).

Now I think that having good awareness in your dreams is essential to becoming lucid, or is it? judging from the fact that I have very memorable and vivid dreams I think I would natually find myself lucid(a DILD basically) and yet dozens of dreams come and go and that spontanious lucidity never came(unless I was doing SSILD or WILD).

So I guess my real question is am I missing something? maybe I need a different technique or mindset? I've been getting into doing puffin's SAT to spice things up and started meditatimg cosistently(vipassana and lately sivason's dream yoga) so hopefully they might help, but I should give them more time...

edit: forgot to mention probably one crutial detail: my sleep schedule is a mess right now yet I still manage to get 6-7 hrs of sleep. Just puttting out there in case it's important :)

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Lucid Dreaming | Having trouble getting back to sleep when trying to WILD

Recently iv been trying to lucid dream again, probably for the 6th time (i really want to i just keep loosing my motivation) any way, iv been doing RCs, writing in my dream journal and thinking about getting lucid a lot during the day. Its only been 5 days since i started so no lucids yet. The problem iv been having is, when i wake up between 4 and 6 (not intentionally) and i try to get myself to WILD, i cant get back to sleep for ages, like over an hour usually of just tossing, then a really light sleep. Im a student nurse so i was on shift work until a few weeks ago, which meant getting up at 5:30 and i was thinking that might have something to do with it, my body thinks its time to get going when i wake around these times? I usually only get up for 5 minutes before i WILD because im tired, but maybe if i tried getting up for longer? I feel like that my exacerbate the problem because id be more awake. Iv tried the counting backwards from 100 technique and a few others. Does anyone else have this problem? Is there a way to use it to my lucid dreaming advantage?

Oh and while im posting, has anyone had any good experiences with binaural beats? Id like to be able to lucid completely independently but iv heard a bit about them and its peaked my curiosity.

thanks a million! :)

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Chess Puzzle | 12/5/2014 - Alekhine - Reshevsky 1937

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Thursday, December 4, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Should I save for the Aurora Mask?

Do you guys think the Aurora sounds promising and worth it?

If so, I could save and have enough money to buy it in early November.

Initially I was gonna spend my money on supplements,

But I thought it'd be a great idea

To practice my recall on my own and stuff for now,

Save my money, then by the time of early 2015 I should be skilled be skilled enough and have more luck with the Aurora (:

Tell me what you guys think:

~What do you think about being able to use person recordings to play in your dream?

I absolutely think it would be perfect to record myself saying "You're Dreaming,Take Controll"

~Will you buy it?

~Does it sound promising?

~Does the "REM-Detect" almost guarantee lucidity since the alerts will occur during our REM Sleep?

It would be so nice to just throw on a mask and expect to have An amazing night without the use of supplements lol

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Lucid Dreaming | Critique My WILD

Hello all, I have just recently found interest in lucid dreaming and have decided to use the WILD technique. I haven't even gotten to sleep paralysis yet (even though I know that it is not needed for WILD) and haven't had any tingles or vibrations like many other uses have reported. I wake up, lay still for around ten or so minutes, and then fall asleep due to boredom and exhaustion. I'm going to write out exactly what I am doing, and maybe you guys will be able to find something crucial that is restricting me from becoming lucid. I am also doing reality checks throughout the day and have been recording dreams.

Wake up in the middle of the night (bedtime usually 10, been waking up anywhere from 2-5 in the morning

I wake up by an alarm clock on my phone, so I have to turn it off and then occasionally use the bathroom

Lie down on my back, hands on my side


This is what I do pretty much every night, and have gotten no results yet.

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Lucid Dreaming | Sure Fire Way For Dream Recall?


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Lucid Dreaming | Just Got Galantamine+Choline Pills. Any Help?

At this point i time, i am not very good at recalling my dreams. Could is till take these pills after about 5 hours of sleep, realize im dreaming, and actually remember my lucid when i wake up? Or do i have to have good recall before i take these pills?

The pills i have isnt Galatmine and Choline alone. The brand name is "Lucidimine" and it can be found on amazon.

Any Advice?

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Chess Puzzle | 12/4/2014 - Mate in 4

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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Need tips!

Hello everyone, my name is Mehmet. The thing i want most right now is to have a lucid dream, i want to REALLY REALLY bad. I envy all the people who can. I´m getting all teary-eyed right now thinking about all the fucking things i could do in a ld. WILDing never worked for me, every time i tried doing it i couldn't stop swallowing and when i feel sensations i get really excited and ruin it. With DILD i tried doing RC's for 1/2 days and i kept forgetting to do one. Also because nothing happened i lost my motivation and kept doing less rc's and eventually stopped. I have also tried doing ADA, but that was really hard to do, i only did this for one day. A couple of weeks ago i tried doing a environment RC. Everytime i got to a new place i asked myself where am i and how did i get here. I did this for 3/4 days. I also don't keep a dream journal because it's really hard for me to do. When i'm going to bed i think to myself when i wake up i'm going to write my dreams in my dj but when i wake up i'm like fuck lucid dreaming i'm too tired and i want to sleep (i sleep for 5/6 hours everyday sometimes less) Please give me some tips!!

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Lucid Dreaming | Questions + Help

I've been wanting to achieve lucidity for a while now, especially after learning about it. I've never lucid dreamed before, so I decided i'd start my research. I've seen a few different methods, but the easiest to understand was this one:

This is done by asking the same question during day. While doing this, believe that you are in a dream.

During the day, no matter what you are doing, stop and ask yourself "Am I dreaming"?

Look around. Examine your surroundings. Does everything look the way it should?

Ask yourself how you got there. What have you been doing 5 minutes ago? And before that?

Now it's time to do a Reality Check (RC), and a mantra (simple phrase that you repeat).

There are many different RCs and mantras that you can chose from, or you can make your own.

For this example I will use the classic "looking at hands" RC with mantra.

Bring your hands up to chest level and look at your palms.

Examine them. Do they look as they normally do? Count your fingers. Don't presume how many you have.

Say "Next time I'm dreaming, I look at my hands and realize I'm dreaming."

Put your hands down, bring them back up and repeat RC with mantra a few times.

It doesn't really matter how many times you do it. What matters is that you believe that you could be in a dream, you just don't know it yet. Don't, at any point, think to yourself "No, I'm not dreaming."

Repeat above steps when you are sitting on your bed ready to go to sleep.

As you are falling asleep, repeat your mantra only.

My few questions are:

The part where it tells you to constantly ask yourself if you're dreaming.. is that what you should do during the day? (Ie: if I'm sitting in class, should I randomly out of nowhere ask myself how I know i'm not dreaming? do I make myself think that the class i'm in is a dream?? and then go on to prove using my 'normal' hands it's not?)

I was confused about that.

The Mantra in the above example is "Next time I'm dreaming, I look at my hands and realize I'm dreaming." right?

Thank you.

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Lucid Dreaming | Rehearsing becoming lucid in mind before falling asleep.

I wrote before when i started to get better success in lucid dreaming that i used only itention of having lucid dreams. I visualized in my head my previous dream and becoming lucid and doing my lucid dream goal. I did it few time and i went to sleep and this seemed to cause me to realize im dreaming much more often. I also notices that the strong thoughts you have before going to sleep seem to manifest themself somehow in a dream. So i post this once more that visualizing yourself becoming lucid in a previous dream will increase (in my experience) your lucidity and recall.

I have this technique which is intention or auto suggestion based technique i use with wake back to bed. So when i wake up i sit up and visualize myself in a previous dream and imagine that i become lucid and go doing my dream goal and it seem that allmost always work when i do it properly.

If you think about it athleacs also use visualization to get prepared for upcoming match so i want people to try if it works for them since i have said about this more than enough in this forum but nobody have seemed to pay attention to it. Maybe it just then works for me but try it before choosing its not for you.

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Chess Puzzle | 12/3/2014 - Mate in 3

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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Green Tea

Alright, so, I'm not even sure if this is the place to post, and there's probably similar threads.

But today, i thought f*** it, and bough two random packs of green tea. The lady said "this is the good stuff". I don't know how to feel about that, but I bought it. The tea is called "Pukka supreme matcha green" and apparantly it contains: 100% organically grown and ethically sourced ingredients.

Sencha green tea (34%) Oothu green tea (32%) Suoi Gang green tea (Doesn't say how much)

So it seems there's diffeent types of green tea mixed together into one.

But let's cut to the point: I don't know much about what exact ingredients in green tea make you more prone to achieving lucidity, so will this right here do the trick? Picture below.


Attached Images

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Chess Puzzle | 12/2/2014 - The Center

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Monday, December 1, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Getting lucid was not easy

Hi all,

2 days ago it was very difficult for me to get lucid, I'll describe what happened.

I had a FA at my home:

So I just ''woke up'', put on my laptop like I would, checked the time it was 10.00, a realistic time for Sunday morning.

Did check the time only once so it wasn't a RC, I was looking out the window at the beautiful pink coloring clouds and beautiful colors, just as beautiful as the colors in my dreams I thought.

Well maybe this is a dream, checked my hands, nothing wrong, checked again and again, wait it's blurry and I have 7 fingers. Somehow I still wasn't convinced this was a dream.

I tried to push my finger trough my hand, and it didn't work!

Let's check the mirror in the bathroom, no nothing special? So I switch off the lights and walked out the bathroom, wait the lights are being weird? Maybe it's broke?

Eventually after checking all the lights in my house and realizing they couldn't all be broke, I was convinced it was a dream and became lucid. :panic:

How come it was so hard? cause I have been lucid before without even using a RC, and this time I did about 5/6 maybe more.

Is a FA harder to become lucid or maybe it's the ''home'' environment which I see everyday?

What are your thoughts on this?

I just started practicing lucid dreaming about 2 months ago, so I'm not very experienced.

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