Thursday, July 3, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | DILD the way for me to become lucid?

So since January I have had nearly 4 DILDs and 1

WILD with last night being the most recent attempt. I woke up because the house temperature was uncomfortable.

What can I do to develop a better chance at attaining a lucid dream through a DILD besides reality checks?

The first time I got excited and woke up.

The second was that I think the dream got too intense(I think you know what I mean)

The third a body was on the floor and I got scared during the dream.

Fourth time the dream ended because of the temperature in my bedroom (really can't do anything about that since parents control it)

I almost had a WILD as most of you probably know but got scared and excited from feeling like I was floating.

What can I do to increase recall and make my dreams longer and more vivid?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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