Saturday, July 5, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Going to start learning how to LD again for the 3rd time I still lack motivation.

Ok so this is my 3rd time I'm going to try and learn lucid dreaming again I haven't had a fully conscious LD even when I was doing reality checks and dream journaling for about 6 months, I'm also trying to learn guitar at the moment and I plan to use LDs to learn guitar faster but I'm the kind of person who lacks motivation for everything I really want to learn to do this properly and also learn guitar at the same time but I will probably get tired of doing it like I always do, when I was doing it for 6 months and I hardly made any progress I just gave up and same the 2nd time but I want this time to be different, when I try MILD I will often find it hard to fall asleep or I will forget to do it and sometimes I cant be arsed to dream journal and reality checks never really worked for me, I also find it hard to stick to a sleeping routine, so any advice to keep me motivated to actually do something with my life for once?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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