Thursday, October 31, 2013

Food Storage? Here is a great deal……

Lucid Dreaming | Dreams working agianst me?

When I first started lucid dreaming (wow it was like three years ago now), Lucid dreaming came very easy to me. I can remember the first time that I had a lucid dream and wrote it down in my dream journal. I was very optimistic at the time that this was only going to get easier, and soon I would lucid dream naturally.

But after about a year, I noticed that lucid dreaming was actually starting to become more difficult for me. Something changed about the feel of my dreams. They began to feel more choppy, and not as vivid, and I didn't feel quite as lucid in them.

I took some time off, and came back, but the issue had only gotten worse. I found that my dreams were even worse than before. I had to apply new techniques, and apply the old ones more vigorously in order to LD.

In the past two years, things got progressively worse. In recent months, I lucid dream very rarely, and don't have control over when I lucid dream. (As in the number of reality checks I've done in the past week, or mantra sessions with MILD don't seem to affect my chances with LDing.) And just as I was beginning to pick up momentum a couple months ago, my recall essentially flat-lined and I stopped recalling my dreams altogether.

And in just the past few months is were things have started to get weird. In the rare occasion that I become lucid in my dream, the dream characters become very hostile upon discovering that I am lucid and attack me to varying degrees of success. I hear a lot about "dream logic" and how it will counter a reality check, and I've been getting alot of that.

It seems as though my dreams are going out of the way just to ensure that I don't LD. For example, I had a dream not too long ago where I was having three dreams simultaneously, and as soon as I began to grasp lucidity in one dream, the setting would change and break my chain of thought. Not only that, but my dreams have become very choppy and confusing, and I don't even get a sense of flow anymore.

I can't figure out what is causing this to happen, but it's gone too far. Please respond to this post or PM me if you think you can help.

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Three Medicinal Plants to Consider for Your Survival Garden

Lucid Dreaming | 1 year, not a single LD

Hello DV, it is already 1 year since i started to work on lucid dreams.

guess what? my dreams are the same as 1 year before.

I really don't know what to do anymore, everyday i wake up i try to

maintain my awareness as long as i can but then i get lost into my thoughts.

i do ADA section everyday too, but it doesn't seem to vivid my dreams.

Really, i don't know what to do anymore.

sometimes i ask myself: Am i unable to Lucid Dream?

if you got tips or would like to post i would be grateful

i'm feeling really depressed.

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Lucid Dreaming | Visualizations before bed (Causes vivid dreams, I'm unsure about lucids.)

I have found a relaxing, and fun way to potentially induce lucid dreams. I'm just going to put it in steps, because i don't really have alot to explain about it.


1) First you have to get you brain in a state where it is working hard. If you already know a way of doing this, Great! go ahead. I only know of one way, and that is to say the alphabet in your head, and say an animal with each letter. The animal's name must start with the letter your on. e.g; a-alligator

b-bear etc etc. The goal of this is to get you in a state of thinking harder than usual. You may want to google some other ways of doing that.

2) when you think your ready, start visualizing a staircase. If you want, you can count down from ten to one as you go down the stairs to put yourself into "trance". when you get down the staircase, walk into a few more rooms, opening more and more rooms.

3) when you think you've travelled enough in your visualization, try to imagine a big pitcher (jug, cup, whatever.), labeled "Lucid dreaming." stand a few feet away, and try to, in your visualization, use your soul to travel to the pitcher. Drink it, and then fly back into your body. do not confuse this with OBEs. this is ALL part of the visualization.

4) if you want, and i highly reccomend it, practice this visualization more. If you don't like the pitcher idea, try to find something else. Something that would have to do with you Gaining the ability to lucid dream, whether it is from a pitcher, food, running into things, whatever.

-The more you practice this, the more and more vivid your dreams should become, and it should give you lucids.

I hope this was helpful. :)

Good luck to all.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 10/31/2013 - Mate in 6

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

News you NEED to know……

Lucid Dreaming | Weird waking vision

Last night I tried WBTB. I set my alarm for 7:00 am and went to bed at 1:00 am. I can't quite remember when during the night this happened but all of a sudden I sat up in my bed and opened my eyes. I didn't remember actually waking up, but then I noticed how strange my vision was. My room looked perfectly normal, nothing out of the ordinary, but my vision was like these large pixelated hexagons. I normally have to wear glasses to correct my vision but it has never looked that bad before and I have never had my vision appear that way before. So when I was seeing everything that way I thought to myself "This must be a dream, isn't it?" so I immediately tried a few reality checks to see if I was in fact dreaming. There is a stop sign that sits across from my bed on wall, so I looked away and back at it to see if the letters would change, but they didn't. Then I tried looking at my hands to see if they would look weird or anything. Since my vision was so poor I couldn't tell if my hand looked normal or not for a moment. It seemed like I might have had extra fingers but then it became more clear and it looked more normal. So I tried pushing my fingers through my palm and they didn't go through. I then tried breathing through my nose while pinching it and I couldn't breathe, so I figured it wasn't a dream. But I've never had something like this happen to me, can anyone relate to this?

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Lucid Dreaming | Need help: The transition from SLEEP PARALYSIS to LUCID DREAMING

I have no problems getting into the SLEEP PARALYSIS stage during a WILD/WBTB...However, recently I seem to be getting trapped in my dream body.

I used to use to methods that worked well 1) I used to open my eyes (dream eyes) climb out of my body then out my bedroom window into a dream 2) Just relax and imagine a dream scenario.

These haven't been working recently - when I open my eyes I just get trapped in my dream body and can't move

Has anyone got any other methods for the transition???????

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

New Zealand Economic Collapse

Chess Puzzle | 10/29/2013 - Distract and Destroy

Monday, October 28, 2013

I am not Surprised…

Lucid Dreaming | How To Lucid Dream: BB316's Combined Technique

Hey all,

I've seen Dreamviews lose a lot of good people and conversation has seemed to run dry. I've been wanting to write my own guide, so here goes:

Disclaimer: much of this is derived from personal opinion and observation and my understanding of psychology. If you disagree, that's fine. There is much room for personal opinion, psychology (and especially dream psychology) is a soft science.

First: I will lay out the abbreviations I will use and many you will see on LD sites.

LD: Lucid Dream

WILD: Wake-initiated lucid dream

MILD: Mnemonic initiated lucid dream

DILD: Dream initiated lucid dream

WBTB: Wake back to bed

REM: rapis eye movement, or a period of sleep when the brain is more active recharging neurons. This is when you dream.

HH: hypnagogic hallucination

SP: Sleep Paralysis

* - any asterisk will denote a technique that I have seen to work in my study and experimentation.

--Any other abbreviations will be explained in the text.

1) A word about dedication

Dedication really will make or break you having LD's. No technique is easy, but all are worth it and rewarding.

You will find the most success when you are excitedly and diligently training to lucid dream.*

2) Dream Journaling (or DJ)

Keeping a DJ is key to LDing. How can you lucid dream if you can not remember any of your dreams? Exactly.

Start keeping a dream journal. Write down any dreams you remember when you wake up BEFORE doing anything else.

Let me repeat - set aside your first waking moments to record your dreams.

This will aid you to remember more dreams with more clarity.*

3) Mantras

I have found that mantras are a GREAT way to help influence the mind to prepare for anything. This idea was originally championed by Napoleon Hill in, "Think and Grow Rich" which is a classic. But Dr. Stephen LaBerge from Stanford found it especially important to LDing.

A mantra is basically a repeated phrase.

So: if I wanted to improve my dream recall, I would use a mantra such as, "I remember my dreams."*

I would repeat this as I was falling asleep, allowing it to take over my thoughts and all consciousness. This influences the mind to remember your dreams.

If you wanted to improve your awareness, use mantras such as:

"I am aware of my surroundings"

"I notice obscurities and become lucid"

"I notice details and become aware". The importance of awareness will be made clear later.

As such, mantras will help obsess the mind with LDing to help one become lucid.*

One last quick note about mantras: they must be in the present tense. If you use future tense, such as "I will become lucid" your mind will indefinitely put that off and it will never be time to become lucid.

Naiya's Simple MILD Technique

4) Reality Checks

Reality checks are employed by every lucid dreamer. In the waking state they help to practice becoming lucid. In the dream state, they verify lucidity. They consist of physically impossible things. This would be like Leonardo DiCaprio's spinning top in the movie Inception. My preferred RC (reality check) is the nose plug. Plug your nose and try to breathe through it. If you can't you are awake. If you can, you are dreaming and it is pretty cool.

Here are some others:

1) Hands - try to put your fingers through your palm.

2) Test gravity - gravity is can be altered in the dream state (very fun)

3) Clock - check a digital clock, now check it again. Is the time the same? It won't be in a dream

4) Mirror - look in a mirror, dream mirrors are normally distorted

5) Read - read something, see if it makes sense

You can look up other RC's if you do not like these.

5) Awareness

You will see awareness stressed in A LOT of tutorials. Makes sense right? Lucidity is equivalent to being aware in the dream state. Therefore, one should be aware in their waking life so it will carry into the dream state.

Awareness can be practiced in many ways. For me, it is repeating a mantra as I scan my environment, analyzing particular aspects of my surroundings such as colors, shapes, and objects in general.* This will help you to become lucid, because the dream state is not composed of a logical environment. The brain is spontaneously creating the environment around you, and will often make errors, you are just not trained to catch them. This would produce a DILD. A lucid dream where you become aware by noticing something in your dream environment. You should definitely read these two awareness tutorials to better understand the concept:

Puffin's DILD Guide - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

All Day Awareness, A DILD Tutorial by KingYoshi

6) Wake Back To Bed

In my opinion, WBTB and timing REM cycles is the most important aspect to lucid dreaming. Sleep cycles occur and reset roughly every 90 minutes and decrease in duration through the night. Dreams actually occur about 80-85 minutes into the cycle, or even later.

The purpose of WBTB is to awaken the mind. When you fall asleep at the beginning of the night, your mind is not alert or aware. This is because you are probably tired and will not remember your dreams. You will begin to have longer REM cycles (dreams) as the night goes on and will remember your dreams more vividly. So, waking up in the middle of a sleep cycle will bring you closer to REM and will allow you to drop into a dream state quickly after falling asleep.

To perform a WBTB, you must wake up and get out of bed at some point in the night, at least 1.5 hours before you need to wake up for the day. How long you stay up is relevant to you. If I am going to try to WILD I will stay up for 60-75 minutes, bringing myself very close to REM*. Some people claim they can successfully WBTB after only 20 minutes. To play it safe, I would make my WBTB duration longer if I were not an experienced LDer.

You can set an alarm if you sleep in a room alone to wake yourself, or you can just get up as you wake up in the night. I personally drink a bottle of water before going to bed so I wake up about 4.5 hours later to pee. I will then stay up studying, reading,or on the internet, just doing relaxed activity. A WBTB can also work with an late morning nap. Several times I have woken up at around 6 AM and taken a nap around 10-11 and had an LD because my mind was awake and alert.

Why I believe WBTB is so important for LDing is because it helps to waken the mind. If one does not WBTB, it is easy to sleep through the night unaware of your dreams (especially if you are tired.) The frontal lobe of the brain is not active, which is the logical center of the brain. When we awake, the frontal lobe begins working again and will stay active into sleep, greatly improving your chances at an LD.

What To Do When Falling Asleep

The 5-15 minutes (if not more) you spend lying in bed before you fall asleep is a pivotal time to influence your dreams. Do these things before falling asleep, they will help train the mind to LD.

1) Relax -- use a relaxation method, like the flex/freeze method. This involves flexing a muscle, releasing it and then keeping it still until you fall asleep. Got from head to toe or toe to head.

2)Use a breathing exercise -- count your breaths or breathe along a slow, relaxing pattern.

3)Repeat a mantra -- this is a great time to repeat an LD mantra to help prepare the mind and implant the idea of LDing just before you dream.

4)Practice becoming lucid -- this can be forced or not. Just before you fall asleep, your mind processes and will experience short day-dream like visions. These will be similar to dreams. You can also visualize a situation here, preparing to shape whatever dream world you may enter. In this state, practice becoming lucid. If in a natural day-dream or a visualization, notice something in your environment and become 'lucid'.

Steps 1 & 2 should take the most time. Step 3 can be done during 1 & 2 and just after. Step 4 will occur on its own just before you fall asleep.

7) WILD - a young Dreamer's goal and nightmare

A Wake Initiated Lucid Dream may sound similar to a WBTB, but is entirely different.

A WILD is basically an LD induced by never falling asleep.

Let me explain, a WILD is performed when the dreamer lets the body fall asleep, but the mind never does. They keep it occupied and active so they are already lucid when the dream starts. This is best paired with a WBTB.

WILD is performed by doing the steps above in the last section, but never falling asleep after. Lie still in bed, but keep the mind active. Focus on some sound or keep visualizing.

When doing this, you will probably fall asleep until you have practicing a few times. That is fine, it will probably yield a DILD if you fall asleep.

If you manage to stay aware, you might experience HH, I do. This is like a short nightmare. It can be frightening images and loud, illogical sounds. My last HH was a dog biting my leg. When you experience HH, stay calm. This will help to not wake you up. Ride through the experience (it is pretty cool) and wait for a dream to start, you will be close.

If all goes well, you will drop into a dream scene aware and lucid. Do an RC and have fun!

Thanks for reading and happy dreaming!

Leave comments, I want to hear your ideas.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 10/28/2013 - Mate in 3

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Review: Aegis Hybrid Holster

Lucid Dreaming | Physical body awareness keeps me from LDing

Hello! I have been lurking in the forums for a while and I finally decided to try to get into lucid dreaming. I've focused on DILD, but I'm having an issue. Most of the times when I try getting lucid after WBTB and realize I'm dreaming I also become aware of my physical body. In that instant I'm aware of my physical body the dream seams to fade away and I'm not able to become lucid then, as if my body distracted me from my dream, why does this happen?. I've tried practicing DEILD as a secondary method when this happens but I'm either way too conscious to fall asleep or I completely fall asleep without any awareness at all.

Thanks for reading,


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 10/27/2013 - Corralled

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Ever slept all day to get lucids?

I woke this-morning, disappointed that I had not had a lucid dream. I decided that I would stay in be until I had one, that I WOULD have one. I went back to sleep, and had one straight away. After I woke up again, I decided that I would like another one, but I lay in bed for 2 hours trying to get back to sleep, and couldn't.

I want to know if anyone has managed to sleep/nap all day having lucids (after sleeping the night before)? I am going to try today, I woke at 9:30am, it is 11:30am and I am going to do a few chores then go back to bed. I probably won't be able to sleep tonight after, as I won't be tired, but I won't get another chance to do this until next weekend. I hope I can get to sleep :D!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

More evidence our rights are disintegrating……..

Survival fiction…..what do you like?

Chess Puzzle | 10/26/2013 - White Wins

Friday, October 25, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Have I been lucid dreaming all along?

im 15 and I haven't been focusing too much on my dreams lately because of school and all. But since its just about weekend I would like to get more serious and try to have an official legit LD sometime soon(and yeah I had a few real ones before, but they were random and unintentional.) I remember in a dream in 7th grade I was flying and then I instantly remembered to ask myself if I was dreaming in midair, so I touched down in an area in my town im familiar with. And in the end, I had successfully used telekinesis to crunch a trees branches in and shot a Kamehameha wave(it came out really thin but at least something came out.) Anyways, I do remember at least some of my dreams, usually my most memorable parts, just about every day. But what I don't get is that when im in a dream, I don't ask myself or even think to myself if im really dreaming. Its like deep down I know im dreaming because I immediately start thinking to myself what I should do first, normally the usual stuff I like to do like fly around or make out with someone or fight a random kid I know in my school. So do these dreams count as LDs (or at least partial LDs)?

ps. and is there anything I could do like tonight that could give me quick results? or is MILD a good idea?

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Chess Puzzle | 10/25/2013 - Mate in 4

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Video: When Will the SHTF?

How to Tie a Two Half Hitch Knot

Lucid Dreaming | Sleep paralysis hallucinations

What kind of hallucinations have you guys experienced during Sleep Paralysis?

I'm very curious of what kinds of hallucinations other people experienced.

For example I've experienced a shadowy figure which seems to take the form of a girl, crawling towards me from the bottom of my bed.

Has anyone else have something different?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 10/24/2013 - Mate in 5

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

New NAT GEO Movie: American Blackout – October 27th

Lucid Dreaming | Badly wanting to LD, but did I already..?

When I was younger, I would say maybe 10 years ago earlier or later..anyways, I had a nightmare and I woke up panicking like crazy. I was so scared. I went to get up to get help, i couldnt move my arms more than maybe half an inch in any direction. It felt like I was paralyzed. This scared me even more. I tried screaming at the top of my lungs but nothing could come out. It was like someone sewn my lips together and I couldnt get any sound out but a "hmm". I began freaking out even more thinking I was dying. I finally got up and I ran for the light switch. I used my shoulder to hit the switch as I couldnt move my arms. Didnt work. I ran to the stairs and hit that light, barely lit up. I run up the stairs and go to bang on the door to my sisters room (at the time) but I couldnt move my arms. I couldnt scream. I started crying and crying and just fell. I eventually got up after struggling because I cant move my arms and headed back to the couch I fell asleep on. I just told myself go to bed and I will wake up in the morning and tell my mom or dad. Then When i closed my eyes I woke up to reality. But was it reality before? Was it a lucid dream? I dont know and But I can vividly remember every little action, thought, motion, etc of that night. I remember the color of the gray darkness. Did I lucid dream before as a kid? If so, wow...I would be so happy. If It was, does this mean I am more prone to lucid dreaming when I nap? Such as, If I believe I will and lay on my back arms at side and just see through my mind?

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Chess Puzzle | 10/23/2013 - Bad Days And Good Knights

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

15 questions to answer about when the SHTF/TEOTWAWKI happens

Ideal long term homestead, survival property and/or retreat location for sale

Chess Puzzle | 10/22/2013 - Mate in 4

Monday, October 21, 2013

News you NEED to know………

Prepping Doesn’t Have to Drive You Crazy!

Lucid Dreaming | qeustions about WILD

i never have a lucid dream before and i want to try the wild way but there are something that not so clear to me

1)how long is the sleep paralysis before the dream started ?

2)theres a sleep paralysis when we wake up in the morning ?

(if you could post another thread that cover all of the sleep paralysis it will be great :) )

3)do i remember all the dream (WILD) when i wake up ?

4) can i have a WILD dream and not notice that im in a dream ?

5)WILD can do INSOMNIA or sleeping problems?

tnx for everything :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 10/21/2013 - Mate in 2 Again

Sunday, October 20, 2013

My emergency fund disappeared

Lucid Dreaming | Dream Recall - Could it stand on it's own?

So I usually remember at least one dream a night, whether it be a little of that dream of a lot of it.

But when it's a lot, I feel like it would have been way easier to get lucid..Which brings me to my question

Could dream recall by itself get you lucid dreams?

Like wouldn't you be waaay more aware and it would be so vivid, that it pushes you into lucidity?

Might be a dumb question, but there's only one way to find out :?


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Chess Puzzle | 10/20/2013 - Mate in 2

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Friday, October 18, 2013

You just never know…..

Keep a cool head

Chess Puzzle | 10/18/2013 - Missed Opportunity

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Looking for 5.56mm or Magpul PMAG’s?

Lucid Dreaming | Music induced lucid dreaming

Ive been trying to lucid dream since i found out about it last year when i had a lucid dream on accident. I tried to have one and failed so i quit for a while and then i started again. Ive lucid dreamed successfully about 3 or 4 times but today may have been my most vivid and successful one. I attempted another WILD while listening to dubstep. The song i was listening to was relaxing and as i concentrated on the darkness of my eyelids i soon went into sleep paralysis and began to drift into the lucid dream world over a period of about 5 minutes. In the dream i was in and out of the lucid part. The dream started off with me dancing to a dubstep song in a room and the song was being played by an old fashioned record player. I did some reality checks to confirm my lucidity. I could feel and control my dance. Next i changed the dream world to where my friend lives. I went and told him to come outside and then we started running to another friends house as a different song was playing and i was dancing as i was running and then i just jumped up and flew the rest of the way to my other friends house. When i got there i knew it was about lunch time so i said i had to go and flew back to my house. As i flew over my house i realized i was flying and did some reality checks to confirm my lucidity. I then landed in my yard and went inside to my room. There i saw my body lying on my bed so i went and layed in the position of my body and woke up.

I think the music helped to prolong my lucidity

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 10/17/2013 - Mate in Exactly 12

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013

Video: Getting Started Prepping On a Budget

Lucid Dreaming | Countering Dream Logic to Become Lucid

Please share examples and perhaps we can also explore new ways to counter this mechanism and get DILDs all the time. My example from last night had my son looking younger becoming my nephew who IWL is about the age that my son looked in the dream, then becoming my niece but younger than she is IWL (like my son was). My dreaming mind unfortunately went along with it and threw some controversy in as well perhaps to distract me from the logic that should have made me lucid. It may have inched me towards lucidity as I did become lucid later. Sometimes it takes a few different things to become lucid through logic and other times it seems completely spontaneous...or is it?

Do people find that it happens less in LDs versus NLDs? It seems that way for me but it also seems quite common on those nearly lucid or semi-lucid dreams (perhaps it is just the effect instead of the cause). Any thoughts on any of these points? Just plop them down, doesn't have to be right or wrong, just a brainstorming session. Don't let too much waking life logic get in the way of progress ;)

I know that MILD and WBTB help us counter dream logic, but perhaps there are other less explored ways as well.

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Lucid Dreaming | My First Lucid Dream :)

Hi all,

I've been browsing this forum for a while now and picking up so many great tips on how to lucid dream, what a great resource this is!

Up untill now I have not posted but I thought I would take the time to let you all know I had my first lucid dream last night after about 5 days of putting the methods into practice.

My first dream, if I can remember correctly, involved me, my boss and the main character from Jesse from Breaking Bad in some sort of weird laboratory room. It allowed us to actually change the results of future events, from elections to things like the Super Bowl. I was fully conscious that I was in a dream and able to look at my arms and control my movements and decisions. The dream didn't last very long but it was definitely a different experience to your normal run of the mill dream!

As well as browing this forum for the best part of 6 months and reading a couple of the well-known books on the subject Im so glad to be finally getting somewhere. Also I must say this guide helped me out A LOT - the-lucid-dream .com /2013/10/14/would-you-like-to-become-a-master-lucid-dreamer

Thats all for now folks, will report back if I have any more dreams like this!! :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 10/14/2013 - Mate in 2

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Excellent portable survival shelter you already have….and don’t even realize it

Lucid Dreaming | My attempt lastnight :(

WELL i only just found out about LD yesterday morning & i spent aaaall day looking at different things regarding it. I'm still not at all really knowledgeable on the whole thing but i'm DEFINITELY keen to do it & what not. :cheeky:

SO lastnight i went to sleep at about 8:30pm & i had been thinking about it all day excited as hell, as i was going to sleep i was trying really hard to relax & i was telling myself in my head "i WILL have a lucid dream" also throughout the day i was asking myself if it was a dream & such whenever something seemed off.

I fell asleep at maybe 8:45-8:50pm, now.. it's weird cause i woke up every couple of hours remembering i tiny part of the dream i was just having, i had a notepad next to me so i wrote it down, maybe just a line or two - there were about 3 dreams.

I just don't seem "with it" enough in my dreams to realize i'm dreaming, like i can't understand how to tell myself i'm dreaming when i can't do things as a reality & see things as normal - that sounds weird.. <<< but i don't really know how to explain it hahaha!

if you've got any tips or anything i'd really appreciate it! <3333 :)

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Lucid Dreaming | Awareness during waking life. I remember so much from today!

So I tried the All Day Awareness thing today and holy hell I remember so much details! Usually I'm a heavy daydreamer who doesn't pay any attention to waking life at all - like sleep walking. So I tried it out, I paid attention to my surroundings using my senses, I kept in the "now" and I hardly daydreamed at all (although the day was pretty long without the daydreams).

I'm only starting to try this out because I've heard that not only does it help toward lucidity, it also helps people recall dreams. Is this true? Will it get my dreams more vivid to the point that it feels like real life? Recently my dream recall went from a couple of dreams to nothing at all. I've noticed this only happened because my daydreaming was getting more intense with me using it often to escape reality.

So does it help with vividness and recall? I'm about to go to sleep so I guess I'll find out in WBTB. :D

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 10/12/2013 - White wins

Friday, October 11, 2013

VIDEO: War Stock…..Storing ammo at the retreat

A free offer…..

Lucid Dreaming | I keep dreaming about lucid dreaming

These last few weeks I have had the topic of lucid dreaming as a very frequent element in my dreams almost every single night, and even though I'm sure this is a good sign, it does get a little irritating.

Do you know how I can take advantage of this in the best way?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 10/11/2013 - Grigory Popov vs Kirsan Ilyumhinov, Russian Champi

Thursday, October 10, 2013

A call for Guest Posts…..

Part 7: To Flee or Not To Flee….That is the Question

Chess Puzzle | 10/10/2013 - Up To Trouble

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Contrast Barack Obama’s Quotes About Islam With His Quotes About Christianity

Lucid Dreaming | Strange experience

So im fairly new to lucid dreaming, i've never had a LD but last night i listened to some hemi-sync tape and the experience was kinda weird.

I imagined a lemon being in front of me, i tried to remember how it tastes and how it smells etc.. i tried to relax my body, after a few minutes it felt like a warm blanket over my body, minutes later i didint feel my body :s, next thing i notice the tape ended. i coulda swore it was like 90 minutes long, but it felt like only 10 minutes have passed. Tomorrow i listened to the tape, it was really 90 minutes long. But how did time pass so quickly? maybe i was close to a LD? This was my strangest experience so far, any help would be appreciated :D

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | Yes! LD#3...and NyxCC gave me the key


Originally Posted by NyxCC

I've got an idea you may want to incorporate in your scientific approach. To play with a different wbtb duration (and maybe timing) and see how that goes. For example, week 1 wbtb duration 10 mins, results: more/less awareness in dreams, more/less dreams, etc. week 2, wbtb duration 15 min, results. Obviously, you can structure this as you like.

WBTB really works like a charm. For good or bad, when I get too awake and have trouble falling asleep, I get a very high chance of ld. If you could make the wbtb at 4-6 o'clock it may not be too loud outside yet.

That sentence was the key. I thought about it…I’m not usually able to go quickly to sleep (particularly if I have something on my mind) So I welcomed going back to bed feeling still even slightly tired. What if I did trade off having to take longer to get to sleep against going to sleep with more awareness?

I set the alarm for 4.15 AM and refrained from “pantomiming” (i.e. falling asleep then dreaming, then waking up immediately after a dream ended.) Sure enough Ed took it as a hint not to disturb me before the alarm.

I stayed up for 1¼ hours and felt wide-awake when I went back to bed. Fortunately, I had nothing to brood about or plan but I still lay there for what seemed quite a while but, eventually I hit paydirt. My wakeup time from the LD was 7.10 AM and I don’t recall any other dream. I don’t even clearly recall the beginning of the LD...only the sudden triumphant realisation “this is a dream!”

There’s no mistaking the difference in awareness…I just knew. You switch from observing/reacting to thinking/planning. I think this was at a lower level of lucidity than the other two Ld’s…it remained cluttered and pretty “muddy” throughout and I still sometimes seemed to “jump” to another scene.

I blame myself. I suffer from what I call “blackberry bush syndrome” I always have. Whenever the family went gathering wild blackberries I was always charging off ahead…over the hills and far away…looking for the ultimate blackberry bush with loads of massive unpicked blackberries…and I’m like that in LD’s

I must RC for God’s sake!...for 2 reasons. To dispel that 0.01% of doubt that an insecure person like me carries, that I’m actually lucid at my age!...and just for the novelty of seeing my thumb go through the palm of my hand. Also I must pause, look slowly around and take in everything around me...maybe that will "up" the lucidity as well. The dream started to fall apart and I immediately began to spin…but I realised I wasn't doing it as well as before…”spin like a ballet dancer with outstretched arms” I instructed myself and I did (for longer this time) and the dream stabilised

I sensed that I was maybe in urban USA perhaps (but decidedly Bronx rather than Manhattan) I was swimming around in some kind of communal pool (very muddy water though) Then I saw a row of women and I thought “God! I hope my dreams aren’t full of women like the two in that other dream.”

Sure enough these all had very ugly features…their noses were terribly disfigured and I thought “No! This isn’t right!”…and the disfigurements disappeared as if by magic...was that my very first dream-control? I do hope I don’t become women-fixated. I’m a man and, even at my age, I like pretty women…but I’m not a predator and I’d much sooner by flying around the moon than indulging in sexual fantasies

The dream seemed to cut to me walking down a very cluttered and dreamlike corridor and suddenly I just woke up…no breaking-up of the dream…I just seemed to walk out of it. I immediately tried to get back in but, with no it my inability to visualise? I felt trembly but this was more a Wow! Yes! trembly feeling rather than the after-effects of SP (maybe REM had simply ended) Of course, I tried to get back to sleep again but in vain…I was too excited and constantly drifted back to thinking about the LD and trying to analyse it.

I'm deliberately refraining from adding these dreams to my LD a punishment to myself for not RC'ing and looking around more.

Conclusions – I’ve pulled the LD’s back by 2 hours…definitely trade-off sleepiness against awareness…probably try for 1½ hours WBTB next time…to see if that increases the lucidity…MUST REALITY CHECK AND LOOK CAREFULLY AROUND…work on ideas to help fall asleep easier (maybe a lobotomy)...Read-up on DEILD....I think I may be OK with dream control within the dream…and try and stay off thinking about women…mind on higher things please (I can’t absolutely promise though)…and LD#4 where art thou?...

Oh…and NyxCC?...Thank you…

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Chess Puzzle | 10/9/2013 - Mate in 4

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Part 6: To Flee or Not To Flee….That is the Question

Unique solar lighting product…the LuminAID

Lucid Dreaming | DEILD sleep paralysis?

(I'm a newb :P) For the past two nights I've been attempting DEILD but always fail because either:

1. I quickly open my eyes and move to see the time on the alarm clock before I can think that I am attempting a DEILD.

Or 2. I chicken out because of the fear of SP

So what does it feel like to enter sleep paralysis? I'm afraid of the part that people say they can't move, but that was the other kind that wasn't like WILD, it was like when they tried to wake up but felt pinned to their bed.

Thanks for the help! :lol:

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Lucid Dreaming | List of Lucid Dream Tasks (Will attempt to update daily)

I found that making a daily list of random things to do in a lucid dream, increasing my desire for lucidity and there becoming lucid. This also stimulates creativity and your possibilities. Consistent intense desire is really the key for lucidity. (I will attempt to create a short LD to do list daily for my inspiration and yours.):D Hope this helps. Feel free to add to the list!

• Use affirmations until I know they are taking effect.

• Be a D.J. at a huge concert.

• Fly into space to a pure realm.

• Put my hand in a T.V. and pull out something.

• Meet tokimonsta and ask her for advice on how to produce music.

• Visit my old apartment at rosemeade.

• Use a lap top.

• Drink a cup of coffee.

• Ask a DC to show to me something interesting.

• Ask a DC for any advice they want to share.

• Use a teleportation device.

• Go to a party.

• Look into the future with a crystal ball.

• Manifest new teleportation device and use it.

• Ask a DC to take me whenever I wanna go.

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Chess Puzzle | 10/8/2013 - Mate in 3

Monday, October 7, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Sleep cycles restart every awakening

So I learned in my psychology class that every time we wake up, even for a split second, our sleep cycle returns to stage 1 of 5. This contradicts the WILD approach which says we are supposed to wake our selves up as close to the stage 5 REM cycle as possible. Just wondering if this changes things. Any explanations or comments? :?

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My favorite “survival” food

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Chess Puzzle | 10/7/2013 - Cornered

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Part 5: To Flee or Not To Flee….That is the Question

Lucid Dreaming | Wasted Opportunity

Saturday is the only day I have that I can sleep late enough to WILD or MILD or FOLD or MOLD or whatever it's called when you fall asleep and carry your waking consciousness seamlessly into a dream with you (seriously, you guys use way too many acronyms on this board).

Well, Friday night, I drank more than I tend to due to the company of friends, and I polished it all off with an Ambien. I woke up at 6:00 a.m. with all the lights on and had to get up to turn them off (the sun doesn't come up down here until nearly 7:30). I don't even remember going to bed, but that's Ambien for you...

Anyway, I woke up at 11:00 a.m. feeling a little irritated that it had gotten so late, and I still hadn't had any quality REM sleep. I lay back down to see if I could doze off again and drift into a dream. I woke up later, still not able to recall any dreams, and I looked at the clock. 3:00 p.m.! How could I have slept so late? I lay back down thinking to myself, "You've got to be kidding me that I slept this late." I still felt a little tired and figured, "Screw it, I guess I'll just sleep the whole day away." I dozed off again and woke up later to notice that the sun hadn't really moved. I checked the clock again, and it was back to 11:00 a.m.!

So this is what people mean with false awakenings. Since the clock was now back to 11:00, I decided to let myself drift back to sleep. I did start to flow into a dream - something to do with a fancy dinner in which I was seated on stage - but I kept having to remind myself that I was dreaming. Each time I did, I ended up waking up again and ruining the dream. Finally, on one of these occasions where my sudden lucidity caused me to wake up, I decided to test a theory. I stood up in bed like a vampire without moving my arms or legs. Since that's impossible to do, and yet I had somehow succeeded in doing it, I knew that I had been falsely awakening again! I let the covers fall away and then tried to fly out the bedroom door, through the living room, and then out through the roof, but I went too fast and lost the dream. Then I was awake for real, and now it really was 3:00 p.m.

I felt like a time traveler today.

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Chess Puzzle | 10/6/2013 - Clearing the Ranks

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Friday, October 4, 2013

Like Westerns? Check this out…….

Preparedness Eye Candy

Lucid Dreaming | Having trouble focusing and staying awake

I can't seem to focus when doing WILD or MILD after 4 attempted nights. I try to let the thoughts just pass, but I'm so used to thinking about so many things before I go to bed that I'm just used to grabbing onto the first thing that pops up and I start thinking about it until I fall asleep. Also, I have trouble after I wake up during the night to stay up. I find I often fall right asleep after 5 or so minutes attempting WILD or WBTB in MILD.

Are there any techniques that can help me?

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Chess Puzzle | 10/4/2013 - Stahlberg - Kotov, Zurich 1953

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Video:Destruction of US Healthcare- Why Obamacare SUCKS

Part 4: To Flee or Not To Flee….That is the Question

Lucid Dreaming | Dream Incubation?

I was reading the 'Are You Dreaming?' book last night, the part of dream incubation. I wrote down the dream I wanted to have as I have already had it, obviously it was a lucid dream.

I got no result but the dream I had was about a friend of mine reading some paper, and when I saw what was she reading it was the dream I wrote :D

Has anyone done this? I'd like to hear your experiences.

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Lucid Dreaming | 100% of dreams same dream sign. What now?

Hey everybody. I just recently got back into LDing but I've kept my old dream journals from 1-2 years ago. Over this past week I have collected around 6 dreams. After reading through all my old dreams and my current one... there is a huge similarity. The situation in all of them is either really really weird and or the place is somewhere I have never been or hardly every go to. Now knowing that 95% of my dreams contain one or both of these how can I use this to my advantage?

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Chess Puzzle | 10/3/2013 - Mate in 7

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

News you NEED to know……plus a video

Ideal long term homestead, survival property and/or retreat location for sale

Lucid Dreaming | 6+ Successive LD episodes, back to back

This happened about an hour ago, and it's not the first time I had so many in one session.

The LD count could have been as high as 12, for all I know. I remember the induction phases for most of them, but the earlier ones are difficult to remember; my memory is always impaired when dreaming.

Anyway, I'm not too familiar with all these induction acronyms. This might be considered a WILD or DILD, but step 4 can be done during the tail end of a regular dream, or when a person is semi-conscious during hypnagogic/hypnopompic states. I'll just try to describe what I do:

1) I interrupt my REM cycle, slightly earlier than it should be ended. I am able to lie back down and experience spontaneous, unintentional thoughts and images, among other things. I might feel the urge to keep sleeping, but I don't go back to bed.

2) 1-3 hours later, I take a nap. I lay on my back—always flat on my back —to prevent myself from becoming too relaxed, too soon. Easing into it, I'll get fleeting thoughts and images, like usual. If I concentrate, however, I can make my mind still, and lose awareness of my real body. I might feel the "phantom" sensation of a body and experience false imagery of my surroundings, but I can usually tell that it's oneiric.

3) I get up and go about my LD business, as usual.

4) As the dream feels like it is fading, I lay down on my stomach (in the dream) to create a contrasted illusion of how my body is positioned. I lay like that, very still, until the phantom-like sensations come back. I feel them immerse me again; it's almost like you are recharging.

5) I get up and have another LD experience.

I have been able to repeat this process countless times, all in single sessions. The dreams, themselves, are usually quite short, lasting about 30 seconds to 8 minutes each; still, like I said, this can be repeated more times than I can even count. Eventually, I lose the urge to keep going, call it a day and wake up.

Also, while recharging or during the actual LD, I might get distracting sensations, like the need to clear my throat or itch my face. I may even wake up and try to do it. It's almost always an illusion and eventually goes away, though. It's almost like I'm being tricked into waking up!

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Lucid Dreaming | Best method for the long term?

What would be the best method for a beginner such as myself to get down for the long term success? I want a method where I won't have to wake up every morning early then fall back asleep so I can LD. It seems like MILD would be the best for this, or is there a better option?

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Lucid Dreaming | DILD Without WBTB?

Does anyone have any good techniques to induce a DILD without a WBTB? All my lucid dreams rely on a WBTB.

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Chess Puzzle | 10/2/2013 - Mate in 3

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Obama lies……

Part 3: To Flee or Not To Flee….That is the Question…

Lucid Dreaming | How to "leave your body" ?

Hello. I am currently reading through Michael Raduga's "The Phase" it explains that Lucid dreaming, Out of body experiences, astral projection etc are all basically the same. This referring to them all as The Phase. His "Indirect Techniques" basically describe a DEILD situation. Upon waking from sleep you immediatly try and "walk, lift, float etc" out of your body. If this is unsuccessful you immediately start to cycle through different techniques "Phantom wiggling, Strain the Brain, Observing images etc" until one of them works, you then proceed to exit your body. My question is how exactly are you supposed to sit up out of your body or roll out of your body without actually moving your real body? I've been trying this the past few nights but I'm getting stuck at the point where you are supposed to exit your body. Just imagining it doesn't do anything, and if I move my real body.. well yeah that fails as well lol.

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Lucid Dreaming | DILD/WBTB Question

Hey all,

So I've just gotten back into lucid dreaming and have successfully had 3 LD's in the past week. Each has been induced by a combo of SAT/ADA with WBTB and mantras.

With my WBTB strategy, I wake up in just after a dream and stay up for about 75 minutes and then go back to sleep using a mantra to get a DILD.

This works for me, but I'm not super stoked on staying up for over an hour in the middle of the night to make it happen.

Do any of you have better techniques for WBTB where you stay awake for less time? (Not using an alarm, I can't wake my roomate)

I was also wondering if anyone had techniques to induce a DILD w/o WBTB. For me I'm just not aware enough in my dreams.

BTW- I get 6-7 hours of sleep, can't get much more because the idiots on my floor are super loud.


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Chess Puzzle | 10/1/2013 - Mate in 4