Monday, February 29, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Trying SSILD for 21 days

I know,Rockefeller and many other people started this topic.But i want to do it for myself.I have tried ssild a few times before.
it has a potential.If you don't know what is this topic all about,basically,i am going to keep an ''online''journal about my
atempt in SSILD that will last 21 days.
I hope i do good.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | Mantra or RC?

Ofcourse we all know that in a dream we never know how we got there...we are always right in the middle of doing something or maybe on holiday but never question how we got there.
Would it be possible to lets say make a mantra like 'how did i get here?' And ofcourse after a month of doing it whilst doing it as a RC ofcourse...maybe i will start asking myself in dreams how i got there and ofcourse when i dont have an answer then yippeee!! What do people think.....maybe just do it as a RC or would it work better or at all to do it as a mantra? Thanx xxx

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 2/29/2016 - Bishop Pair

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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Great technique for lucid dreams

Well here's a technique I use all the time if I'm not using a mantra it's this. Basically lay down focus on your breathing ladi da da. Get into a rythm I'm sure you all have your own breathing techniques anyway once your good and settled into bed or whatever your on bring your attention to you body feel everything you can feel don't move just aknowledge your physical filter feel the bed beneath you. Maybe the way your chest rises. do this for about 60 seconds then move to your hearing focus on any sounds Internal or external for roughy 60 seconds. Now bring your attention to your eyes focus on the black behind your eyes or your minds eye for you guessed it... 60 seconds then repeat all these steps about 3 times and fall asleep you should either wake up in sleep paralysis or go straight into a lucid dream almost always. If you do this after about 4 hours of dreamless sleep I guarantee you will get something. Sweet dreams brotha

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 2/28/2016 - Double The Fun

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Saturday, February 27, 2016

How to Organize a Bug Out Bag

by Nicholas

You may be at the point where you have spent several months, if not entire years, researching different types of bug out bags and the gear to put inside of it. Throughout your research, you’ve likely come across a great variety of opinions on what the best overall type of bag is and which equipment you should put in it and what you should leave out.

The goal of this article is to bring your exhaustive research to a comfortable end by explaining must have bug out bag features, gear to include, and most importantly, how to organize and pack it appropriately. It’s not difficult to select and put a bug out bag together. The information presented here will make this process as easy as possible for you.


Mobility, accessibility, and weight are the top three things to consider when putting together your bug out bag or get home bag. However, packing and organizing a bug out bag doesn’t need to be intimidating.

In fact, the basic principles of it are different than packing a regular backpack or an EDC bag. When it’s dark or rainy out and you need to access your gear quickly, you can save yourself a lot of aggravation and time by going through your bag in an organized manner.

  • Your bag should be comfortable for you to carry for long periods of time. Practice carrying it fully packed. If you can’t carry your bag for more than twenty or so miles, then you need to do some major downsizing.
  • As a general rule of thumb, your pack should be no more than one-third of your total body weight. For smaller individuals, you may want to stick to a pack that is one-fourth of your weight.
  • There are two forces at work when it comes to bug out bag organization: the containers and the order that you pack your gear into your bag.
  • Containers should be as water tight as possible to help keep your gear safe and dry.
  • When packing your gear, don’t just toss and cram everything into your bag wherever it will fit. You may need to get to this gear quickly later on, this will be easier if you know exactly where everything is located.
  • A well-balanced bag reduces the stress and strain on your back which can be crucial when you are forced to carry the bag for long periods. When packing your gear, you want the center of gravity of the pack very close to your body and just below your shoulders.


The heaviest items and those that you are going to need less frequently are the items that you should pack in first so they are at the bottom of your bug out bag.

  • Examples are things like shelter materials, like tarps and stakes as well as sleeping materials, such as sleeping bags, blankets, cushions, or hammocks.
  • Alternatively, you may want to attach some of these things to the outside of your bug out bag.
  • Some preppers tie their sleeping bag or mat to the bottom of their BOB on the outside rather than stuffing it inside. This is a good strategy for a smaller sized bag.


The core part of the bug out bag is in between the bottom and the top.  It should be packed after your shelter materials and heavier items have been already packed on the bottom

  • In the core of your bug out bag, you should pack your extra clothes, food, cooking stove, and tools such as a hatchet or handsaw.
  • These items are lighter than the previous ones which is why they should go in the core, but more importantly, you’ll need to get to these items more often. Packing them in the middle of your bag makes them easier to access without taking everything out each time you prepare a meal or need to use your tools.


The top part of your bug out bag is the part that you will be packing and organizing last.

  • The items that are on the top of your bug out bags are both the lightest items and the things that you could need quickly and frequently throughout the day. Examples are snacks, fire starting materials, first aid kit, maps, and rope.
  • You shouldn’t have to dig around inside for these items. These are the kinds of things that you need to get to as soon as you unzip the top compartment of the bug out bag.


The overwhelming majority of backpacks that are suitable for bugging out will have side compartments for extra yet smaller gear and are more easily accessible while you’re on the move.

  • These compartments are suitable for carrying water. You know right where your water is and you can easily access it without even having to take off your bug out bag.
  • Side compartments are also suitable for holding some of those light yet critical items such as matches, pen and paper, cell phone, and/or maps.
  • The beauty of side compartments is that they are sometimes dedicated to hold specific kinds of items. There may be a small side compartment that is clearly made to house a smart phone or a water bottle for example.


Now that we’ve learned about the different locations of your bug out bag and which gear goes where, we can talk about organization. The best way to keep things organized is to store them in small containers.

  • Your fire starting materials, first aid kits, some articles of clothing, personal hygiene items, and food should all have their own containers. When you need to treat a wound or start a fire then, all you have to do is pull out the container from the bug out bag before accessing the items you need inside of it.
  • By containers, we aren’t just referring to actual plastic containers with lids that might come to mind. You can also use smaller packs, MOLLE pouches, nylon organizers, Ziploc bags, and stuff bags to keep similar gear organized together.
  • An added benefit to storing your items in separate containers is that it provides an extra layer against water and moisture. Your bug out bag should ideally be waterproof, but you can’t always count on it to resist torrential downpours or even complete immersion in water.
  • If your spare clothes, fire starting materials, or food gets wet and you need those things, you’re in trouble. That’s why it’s comforting to know that there’s an extra layer that’s protecting those items even if water seeps through your bug out bag.
  • You can also label your containers, though it’s not really necessary. Many preppers know what’s inside each container by the color or the type of container.

Regardless of how many or what types of containers they are great for organizing gear. When you’re under stress, it’s imperative that you know where everything is. That’s why you should avoid simply stuffing everything into your bug out bag randomly.  Who knows, being able to quickly access your gear might even save your life.


When packing your bug out bag, it’s important to avoid making it too heavy for you to carry comfortably. Earlier in this article, we mentioned that your bug out bag should be between one fourth to one third of your total body weight.

If your bug out bag is too heavy (don’t let pride or ego get in the way of your honesty here), it’s best to lighten the load in order to give yourself more mobility.

Fortunately, there are some tactics you can use to reduce the overall weight of your pack:

  • You can stick with the essentials bug out bag items and sacrifice excess items that you don’t need. You can also choose items that are multi-purpose. For example, it would be wiser to have a regular Swiss Army Knife than a separate pocket knife and sets of screwdrivers for example.
  • You can choose to carry lightweight space blankets instead of heavier sleeping bags or a tarp instead of a tent. Any of these will serve your shelter purposes without weighing you down, but keep in mind that tents are way better than tarps to protect you from the elements.
  • Even though the individual pieces of gear will be nearly weightless, when stuffed together it’s easy for your bug out bag to get up to 60 or even 70 pounds. This kind of weight will slow you down, put unnecessary strain on your back and shoulders, and require you to make more frequent stops to rest.


Here are some final tips to make organizing and packing your bug out bag a more efficient process.

  • Leave some extra empty space. Many preppers make the mistake of filling their bug out bags to the maximum. Even if weight wasn’t such an issue, it leaves little to no room in your bag for extra things that you may find along the way that you know you will need.
  • In a survival situation, never pass something by that could be valuable to you. Maybe that item will save your life later on.  Your bug out bag should have some free space that you can use to hold things you find along the way.
  • Avoid packing what you don’t need. Make a list of items before organizing your bug out bag. Then run down that list and take away anything that is not necessary. Keep in mind the more skilled you are at using natural resources, the less gear you will need to carry in your pack.
  • The goal of your bug out bag is to hold essentials to survive, not to carry your entire stockpile. Make your list, run down it, and remove anything you don’t need. Then complete this process again and again until you’re sure that everything that’s unnecessary has been eliminated.
  • Pack duplicates of crucial items. This one may sound contradictory to lightening the load of your bug out bag, but the old saying “two is one and one is none” is valid. It is wise to have duplicates for crucial survival items in the event that one is lost or damaged.
  • Ideally your duplicates should be limited to lighter and essential items such as knives, fire starting materials, water filters, fish hooks, and so on. Duplicates of heavier items such as tarps or blankets will only weigh down your pack.
  • Have your bag ready to go at all times. The whole idea of having your bug out bag organized is so that it’s ready to go on a very short notice. When you don’t have a lot of time to evacuate, you aren’t thinking clearly and there won’t be time to rush around grabbing things you need.
  • Keep your bug out bag(s) in a strategic, easy to get to location. The precious minutes you have to evacuate should actually be spent evacuating, not packing up your bag or trying to dig it out of an attic or other hard to reach location.
  • Last but not least, keep in mind that you’ll organize and re-organize the items in your bag continuously. You’ll never reach perfection but you’ll sure as heck get close to it.


Hopefully you now have the information you need to put your bug out bag together. You never know when you may need it, so keeping your bug out bag organized and ready to go is the best way to keep yourself prepared in that regard.


Good luck!




Chess Puzzle | What is the percentage

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Lucid Dreaming | Using suppliments to have more and more vivid dreams.

I have been taking vitamin B-6 the last few nights and have played with dosages, I find 100 mg works best at helping my dream recall. Tonight instead of taking B-6 I will be trying a sleep formula which contains 100mg of Tryptophan. I here this can increase the number of dreams you have, the detail and the complexity of that detail.

If this yeilds good results I will try a combination of Tryptophan and B-6 starting back at 50 mg of B-6 and find what that does for me. I understand that these two (essential amino acid and vitamin B-6) are primarily responsible in the body's production of seratonin and melatonin which are responsible for the way our dreams behave.

However, I am curious about something and the following question goes out to those who use or have used suppliments in the past to aide dreaming and Lucid Dreaming. If I use these and attain good results, will stopping using them when I gain better dream recall and dream control while lucid affect my dreaming significantly?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 2/27/2016 - Missed Opportunity

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Friday, February 26, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Advice on mantras

Some people have said that when you add certain words to your mantras they have an opposite effect e.g if i say 'when i wake i will remember my dreams' my brain will see it is 'when i wake i wont remember my dreams'.
I dont know how true this is so im asking for opinions? And also iv heard that the shorter the mantra is the morr likely it will work? Thanx =)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 2/26/2016 - F.Caruana vs J.Vallejo Diaz, Madrid 2006

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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | strange visual effects of my room?

Howdy folks :)

Well, I think i've just about read 'everything' on this forum by now heh and i mean everything! (I like to read lol :), so I think I know what's 'supposed' to be going on... but still no luck whatsoever in going lucid after 'years' of trying! (waaa :( )

I'm aware of 'all' the techniques (or at least I think I do) and have tried most of 'em at some point or another, but all that ever happens is I fall asleep and then it's tomorrow and no lucid dreams! (wt...!)

One strange thing 'has' just recently been occurring, however... and that is; as am lying there intoning my mantra(s), tapping myself repeatedly on the head to lucid dream, doing breathing exercises (to relax) and everything! (lol I've tried everything!), these last few nights, just before I conk out completely, am sure I have been seeing the faint outlines of the room am sleeping in with my eyes closed?

A few times I've opened them to check the dimensions are roughly the same... and they are!

The effect is like viewing one of those 3-dimensional cubes you see in drawings? Only, in the dark they are white-ish lines that take on the same contours of the room! Can't see anything else of the room, just these white 3-dimensional outlines as though drawn with pale chalk...

nothing else happens, only this and then I conk out at some point... but sometimes it's as though I am seeing the exact outlines of the room through my closed eyes? And when I open my eyes to check (which is hard to resist seeing as this is just about the most that's ever happened during any attempt) those same chalk lines 'were' roughly overlaid on the same dimensions of the room!

So, has anyone else experienced this, or is it just me playing with myself (I don't mean that literally btw hah, although it is pretty boring sometimes when nothing 'else' ever happens lol +J/k?)

Once or twice I'd accept as being just standard unusual visual phenomena, but it's happened several times now fairly consistently and I guess am hoping it might just mean 'something' after sooo very long of nothing?

Still trying to be positive here boss! :)

Many thanks in advance for any advise(s)

With kindest regards
from spinny...

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Steals and Deals

As I promised John when I took over the website, I’ll continue the relationship with They’ve had special deals for MSO members for quite some time and today I got a few more for you:

1. MecArmy SGN3 CREE XP-G2 Keychain LED Flashlight
Coupon Code: GBLED2016
Product Video Link:

2. Nitecore MH27 Cree XPL Hi V3 1000Lm LED Flashlight
Product Video Link:

3. SKYRC MC3000 Smart Bluetooth Charger with App Control
Coupon Code: GBLED2016
Product Video Link:

4. Samsung 3.7V 2500mAh 18650 Rechargeable Li-ion Battery ( INR18650-25R ) — 4PCS
Special Price: $15.75
Product Video Link:

5. Ganzo G720 Tactical Folding Knife
Special Price: $16.82
Product Video Link:











Chess Puzzle | 2/25/2016 - Combination Play

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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Recall dry spell?

I have been keeping a DJ for 20+ days.The past 2 days i cant remember anything as i wake up...The first day i had some alcohol so i thought that was the cause.But today(the next day) i cant remember any dreams.I woke up after 6 hours using my alarm in order to use WBTB and i had nothing to write after 6 hours and after 90 minutes of going back to bet i wake up for the day and i still have nothing for my DJ.Is this a dry spell?Will it fix on its own?

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Chess Puzzle | 2/24/2016 - Forward

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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Sputnik’s Transmitter Beeps Again

Sputnik. The first artificial satellite, the launch of which precipitated the space race. Without the frenetic pace of technological advancement as the USA and the USSR vied with each other during the decade following its launch it is safe to say that we might not yet have many of the tools and components we take for granted as electronics enthusiasts and makers today.

[Frank Waarsenburg PA3CNO] has taken on the interesting task of recreating one of the Sputnik radio transmitters using a set of the original Russian tubes.

Sputnik itself was an astounding achievement for the team of engineers and scientists who put it into orbit, but the drive to beat the USA to the post within the 1957 International Geophysical Year meant that it was a surprisingly simple device. A sphere pressurised with nitrogen and with those iconic whip antennas mounted on its outside, containing a battery, 20 and 40 MHz tube radio transmitters, and a fan cooling system. Its design was a Soviet state secret, but in 2013 [Oleg, RV3GM] located the schematic used for the transmitter.

The tubes are slightly unusual, being a wire-ended design with all electrodes mounted on rods the length of the glass envelope. This design feature gave them a resistance to acceleration and vibration, making them suitable for use in aircraft, missiles, and rockets.

[Frank] faced one or two hurdles during his construction, including the development of a suitable power supply and finding an unfortunate bug in the Russian schematic. If you speak Dutch or are prepared to use a translation tool his full write-up can be found in the Dutch-language RAZzies magazine, December issue featuring the power supply (PDF, Dutch), and January issue featuring the transmitter (PDF, Dutch).

The Sputnik satellite has not appeared on its own in these pages before, but we have recently featured the early OSCAR amateur radio satellites and the revival of a piece of space-race-era Soviet rocket technology.

Via [Stefan, HB9TWS], whose English-language coverage of the transmitter was of great help.

Filed under: radio hacks

via radio hacks – Hackaday

Chess Puzzle | 2/23/2016 - Rewarding Exachanges

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Monday, February 22, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Layers of Non-Lucidity

I think categorizing the layers of non-lucidity would useful. We can see where we are so we know what we have to do to become lucid. Baby steps can be effective. Notice the layers start high and go down, ending with pre-lucid dreams at layer 0 in order to blend with the layers of lucidity. I added some guidance to overcome each layer for extra usefulness.

Layer 3-You're dreaming but aren't conscious of anything.

You can't experience a lucid dream, or a non-lucid dream for that matter, if you aren't at all conscious of the dream.

Getting past layer 3-You need to be more motivated to be aware of the dreams you're having when you're sleeping. This lack of motivation could be due to stress but it could also be due to lack of effort caused by thinking that being conscious during your dreams will be automatic. We're more aware of things we're interested in, so investing and cultivating an interest in being conscious while the dreams are happening should result in you experiencing more dreams.

Layer 2-You're conscious but don't notice anything unusual.
You're conscious during the dream, but are not aware enough to notice any potential signs that you're dreaming.

Getting past layer 2-You still need more awareness so that you notice a potential sign that you're dreaming. Our minds can be pretty good at recreating the world we live in, but with more awareness, you could find flaws in this recreation that could allow you to be aware of potential signs that you're dreaming. To increase this awareness, you just have to be more motivated and interested to be more aware during your dreams, just as before.

Layer 1-You notice something unusual but don't question whether you're dreaming.
You're aware of a potential sign that you're dreaming, something that is unusual, improbable or impossible in waking life, but the thought of it not being real doesn't cross your mind.

Getting past layer 1-Now you need to be more motivated to question whether you're dreaming upon becoming aware of anything unusual you come across in your dream. This allows the access to the memory of dreams needed to become lucid. The reason you need to be more motivated is because your attention is always on what we're most interested in at any given time. So, if you're more interested in gazing at something unusual in your dream than questioning the reality of it, you're going to gaze at it. Being motivated in doing this doesn't always come naturally so you have to find a way to cultivate it. Questioning the reality of things during the day can help with this, but only if you keep in mind that you want to do this during your dreams too.

Layer 0-You notice something unusual and question whether you're dreaming but aren't lucid.
You notice a potential sign that you're dreaming and think that you might be dreaming, but aren't sure enough to know that you are.

Getting past layer 0-You're almost there! All you need is more confidence to trust yourself in your judgment that you made. Rehearsing these RCs well while awake can help give you enough confidence for them to work once you do them while you're dreaming. Sometimes having a backup RC as well can give you confidence. But, if you become confident enough, you might find you no longer need RCs which can be convenient.

I hope this helps! Feel free to add tips if you have them!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | First lucid? Or just dreaming about being lucid.

I set my alarm to ring after 6 hours of sleep to try WBTB.When the alarm starts ringing i can hear it while in the dream and the dream starts fading.Here is what happened.So i am in this dream in which i am in a big train station place or something.You know big space with lots of people and i think that i knew i was dreaming that moment.I think that i realised it before i was in that place.But i cant recall the moment i realise that i am dreaming or using a reality check( is this possible?).So there is this dream character i dont know who knows that i am dreaming and he is trying to draw my attention acting like a clown.But knowing i am dreamin i remain still and calm.I think that his character shapeshifted to my brother.My brother then told me to go to a room in that place.So there was a moment later that really got me thinking i was indeed lucid.I remember the dream fading moments later and first thing that came to my mind was to rub my hands.And it worked.I rubbed my hands and he dream stabilized.But what made me think this wasnt lucid dream after waking up is that i couldnt see things clearly and ohserve the environement at will.It wasnt vivid.I mean looking around and paying attention while in the dream didnt cross my mind.I was only seeing what was in front of me.It was like the dream was guiding me.While still in that dream moments later maybe half a minute the alarm start ring and i wake up.What do you guys think this was.?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 2/22/2016 - Easy As Cake

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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | My Journey So Far and Why I Haven't Learnt to Lucid

Okay, so it has been a month since I seriously started learning Lucid Dreaming.

Before all of this a year ago I saw a video on Lucid Dreaming and I was really interested, but gave up quickly.

This time though, I have been keeping a dream journal every single day. I can remember what I dreamt about every single day if I thought about it.

The first few days I was doing beginner stuff like RCs and etc. I didn't want to WILD or anything like that, because of fear. Fear of SP. And then I joined DV. This changed everything.

I started with FILD and DEILD, but I was forgetting to do it in the morning. So I started WILDING during naps. It felt really close every single time. The first few tries I was actually scared because I have never experienced this before. It felt awesome even if I didn't. Floating, numbness, sinking, HI and so much other stuff. The first try felt really close.

When I WILD I usually put a blanket on top of my head or I put my hand to cover up any light. I was really wondering if my eyes should be hurting from staring at my closed eyelids, where should I keep my eyes? (Stare directly at the darkness or just look to the side like you usually do to fall asleep?) I still have no clear answer to this. I have no problem with staying in one place. Sometimes I have to swallow, or breathe hard instinctively. During my naps I also use guided meditation, which actually helps me relax.

I also have been wondering if I need to be in full paralysis to enter a dream? Since I read that full paralysis is not the goal.

Today was different. I went to bed at exactly 5:30 PM and put a guided meditation video (this one - I put my hand on top of my eyes and relaxed while staring at the back of my eyelids. After like 10 min I started being sucked in by the darkness. But there was not a lot of HI. After that the blackness was moving and then some colors appeared - Purple and it was moving and it seemed to be forming something. I started feeling like I was spinning in circles and for some reason I tried expanding my field of vision and it increased. I was moving my eyes a lot. Thinking this is going to be it and stuff like that. After a while it completely disappeared. I was so let down. I felt my whole body fully paralyzing and I didn't want to bother with REM atonia, so I moved and broke out of the partial paralysis. I was really sad yet happy because this was the closest I have ever gotten. I have never formed any complex imagery through HI and that is bothering me and hurting my motivation a little bit. So I will keep trying every day.

Thank you for sticking with me. If you have some tips on reaching my goal, please share with me. I can't wait to experience my first lucid dream ever.

I feel like I will be overdoing it if start going around trying every technique.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 2/21/2016 - Ignoring The Threats

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Saturday, February 20, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Taking the best of DILD and WILD to create new technique

From what I understand, WILD is so effective because the dream transition is such a powerful dream sign. But, WILD requires you to remain conscious until the transition occurs, which creates the tricky prospect of falling asleep while remaining conscious.

DILD lets you go into unconscious sleep, which is much easier, but often requires you to associate weaker dream signs with dreaming, which can also be tricky.

So, why not take the easy and effective parts of DILD and WILD and put them together by going into unconscious sleep while still using the transition into the dream as a dream sign? If enough attention was placed on this, it would be possible to dream about this transition as well in case you miss the real one.

All you would have to do in this technique to do is fall asleep while strongly intending to witness your next dream form in front of your closed eyelids. I think that's how it would work. I'll test it out.

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Lucid Dreaming | Wild troubleshooting

I used timers last night. The idea is to just fall asleep and the timer wakes up you at intervals. So you can skip all the boring parts.
It seems pretty foolproof. The only problem is I didn't actually get into a dream.

I sneezed once and had to swallow once. But I don't know if that would really have an affect on things. Your body would probably think you were just momentarily awake right?

I got a light bit of vibrations etc even after sneezing. And when I gave up over an hour later by body felt like wax for several seconds. Or like I had a lead blanket on top of me. Did I do it right?

Or should I change when I start? This time I did it after 5 hours. Maybe I should do it after 6.

I'm looking for a way to get lucidity every night. So I do MILD during the day/1st half the night. Then I'm gonna try this for the second half the night.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

How to Manage Starvation in a Post-SHTF World

by Megan

Any smart prepper has studied how to prepare for an economic collapse or some other disaster that wipes out the power grid and basically sends the world into chaos. Most preppers have a get home bag and/or a bug out bag in an accessible location, and have either a bug out location selected or a plan to fortify their home and bug in with their family.

Along with all this planning, you know that just going to the store to buy food and supplies for your family isn’t an option, so you have begun to stockpile food and supplies in a secure location of your home or bug out location. You may be confident that you will have enough food to provide for your family for six months or even a year while things settle down.

But are you really prepared to deal with your neighbors and complete strangers, who are desperate to survive? The ones who didn’t prepare as well as you or maybe not at all, and who may eventually show up on your doorstep? You may be able to justify turning away a complete stranger. But could you really turn away Mr. and Mrs. Smith and their two toddlers from the down the street if they came to your door, desperately hungry?

What about your teenager’s best friend from school who can’t find her family? Hungry people may show up crying, sobbing and pleading for you to help or they could even show up armed and willing to injure or kill you and your family in order to feed their family. Or worse, you could lose your own stockpile of food to a looter or your flock or livestock to a starved pack of stray animals.

What is Starvation?

Every human and animal for that matter, needs to maintain a specific caloric intake in order to not only have enough energy to get through the day, but to survive. Starvation occurs when an individual doesn’t eat enough food over an extended period of time resulting in an extreme deficiency of caloric energy.

It can also occur when someone repeatedly exerts more energy than the food they take in. This could easily happen in a post-SHTF scenario when physical labor is unending and meager portions become the norm. Any animal or human can be impacted by prolonged starvation but children and the elderly are more vulnerable. It’s crucial to recognize and treat early symptoms of starvation before it’s too late.

How to Identify the Effects of Starvation

Do you know enough about hunger and starvation to know how to handle different scenarios that may come up several weeks or months after the start of a post-SHTF incident? It may help to learn about not only the physical effects of starvation but the psychological ones. The real chaos, rioting and looting, during a post-SHTF event results from the desperation of people trying to feed their families.

You’ve seen starving children with bloated stomachs on TV. This form of prolonged malnutrition is known as kwashiorkor and results from eating enough calories regularly, but insufficient protein. Kwashiorkor can lead to weight loss and muscle wasting and is devasting.

But that’s not what comes first. Understanding the symptoms of extreme hunger is important because there is tipping point to starvation, after which the victim may not be able to recover. Children and adults who are hungry may have trouble with concentration and learning. Individuals in the early stages of starvation can experience irritability, impulsive behavior, and hyperactivity.

People may become depressed, anxious, and lethargic. Many will become obsessed with food and getting food. None of these behaviors are ideal when the world is already in chaos and when most citizens are armed and ready to shoot on sight. So hungry people become cranky and obsessed with getting food. Do you see how that leads to increasing chaos?

Anemia is one of the first things to occur for adults. You may see leg swelling as a result of a lack of proper protein within the blood. Skin may begin to flake or crack, resulting in numerous places for infection to get beneath the skin. The ability to resist infection decreases and even minor wounds won’t heal properly. Victims become unable to digest food due to reduced production of stomach acid.

As the body continues to weaken, victims fail to sense thirst, which can lead to dehydration if not properly monitored. They can have significant trouble swallowing which can lead to food aspiration and choking. Starving people have an abnormally low core body temp and have exaggerated sensitivity to cold. Keeping them warm gets increasingly difficult, especially in a post-SHTF situation.

In addition, nutrient deficiency over long time periods leads to diseases such as:

  • Pellagra, the lack of niacin or Vitamin B3 from meats and milk. This can result in diarrhea, difficulty swallowing due to irritation of the mouth and tongue, skin rashes, and brain dysfunction.
  • Insufficient Riboflavin results in a sore throat and mouth, skin rash and contributes to anemia (lack of iron).
  • Beriberi, from the lack of Vitamin B1 or thiamine, can cause edema and heart failure, or nerve and brain disease or both.
  • The lack of Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, is called scurvy. Symptoms include damaged hair, gum disease, difficulty healing after being wounded, bleeding under the skin or in joints or muscles, and even convulsions, low blood pressure, fever, and death.
  • Insufficient Vitamin D, which regulates the balance of calcium, leads to rickets in children or osteomalacia in adults.
  • Low Vitamin K levels can cause trouble with clotting of blood, making cuts and wounds very dangerous.
  • Lack of Vitamin A can results in loss of night vision initially and leads to keratomalacia, a type of cornea deterioration that causes blindness.
  • Contaminated water can also be a problem as it can introduce parasites, bacteria, and other disease into the body which will exacerbate the issue of starvation and require additional treatment.

Failure to eat properly for long periods of time allows accumulation of toxins in the liver and kidneys which eventually fail from stress. Extended periods of malnourishment can also cause the heart to shrink. It must still pump blood but it is now more stressed and more prone to giving out. In children, bones can actually stop growing.

Catabolysis is a process the body begins destroying its own tissues and muscle to keep important organ systems functioning, resulting in significant fat and muscle loss. People in the last stages of starvation, can experience seizures and heartbeat abnormalities. They experience extreme muscle pain and often hallucinate. It’s certainly not a pleasant to watch and no way that anyone should die.

How to Treat the Symptoms of Starvation

So, in a post-SHTF scenario, can you rehydrate your child properly if the need arises? What would you do to stop diarrhea or uncontrollable vomiting? If someone is starving and you want to help them, do you know how to prevent refeeding syndrome? Are you well prepared to combat the things that will begin to happen to your body or the body of your child if they go without eating?

After approximately just two weeks of insufficient food, victims of starvation can develop multiple complications within 10 days of starting to eat again, this is called refeeding syndrome. These problems can include hypophosphatemia, an electrolyte disorder, as well as neurologic, lung, heart, nerve and blood problems. To prevent refeeding syndrome, starvation victims must be fed small sips of water and glucose (sugar) or fruit juices at regular intervals initially.

Intravenous feeding may be needed or a careful mixture of skim milk, edible oil, sucrose and electrolytes plus mineral and vitamin supplements. Having these things on hand to do this will be difficult unless you have stocked carefully. Eating solid food must be postponed and then begun in small quantities that are gradually increased.

Bragging about your stockpile now could bring you trouble later

A good stockpile is a sense of pride in that you can feed your family and ride out whatever crisis comes up. It may lead you to boast about your supplies to neighbors, friends, or even strangers you meet at the feed store or over the internet. This can seem harmless but, in the midst of chaos, people will be desperate to survive.

Neighbors, friends, or people you inadvertently chatted with may recall your boastful story and come seeking to “borrow” from your stockpile. You will need to plan to deal with these desperate people so that you can continue to be able to feed yourself and your family.

How to deal with starving and desperate strangers

So, let’s say you did a little bragging at the local hardware store or maybe you just want to be prepared to effectively handle anyone who might be desperate and looking for supplies to feed their family. There are several options for dealing with starving and desperate strangers. The method you choose may differ depending on your personality, your “read” of the person in front of you, and your own situation.

Plan to share something. Turning away a fellow human being who is hungry and desperate may be extremely difficult for most people. By nature, humans are a social people and tend to want to help one another. It may be especially hard to turn away friends and neighbors knowing that they are desperate. You can plan now to stock additional supplies so that you can share a little with those who show up.

Take them into your group. It’s no secret that in a post-SHTF scenario, there will be more physical labor and it will be unending. A small family or especially a family with only one adult will quickly become overworked and fatigued. So one way to plan for those people who show up desperate and hungry is to have a system for including them in your group. This can be a temporary work for food exchange situation or a longer term inclusion depending on your needs and preference.

Turn them away. Large numbers of preppers plan to turn people away, by force if necessary. If this is your methodology, know you will have to fight, sometimes violently, to maintain your stockpile. Plan now to fortify your home or bug out location to prevent desperate people from getting inside, raiding your garden, or stealing your livestock.

Hide most of your stockpile and appear hungry yourself. Consider having a “decoy supply” separate from your actual supplies. This involves a little stealth and some acting on your part. Keep a limited bit of supplies in plain sight and carefully hide the rest. To pull this off, you and your family will have to act and appear weak and hungry when in sight of others.

All in all, dealing with extreme hunger and potential starvation for your own family is something you definitely need to prepare for. Once you feel well prepared for that, it would be wise to formulate a plan to deal with others who may show up hungry to prevent any major loss to your personal food supplies.


Chess Puzzle | 2/20/2016 - Mate in 5

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Friday, February 19, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | People who practice ADA

Hi guys,
I started to practice ADA a few months ago, but then I stopped cause it felt overwhelming at times.
I just started again because it's one of my favorite techniques.
My dreams became more vivid after I started practicing it, and I can remember at least one dream per night.
I've had around 10 lucid dreams (without counting the times I woke up after realizing I was dreaming).
I like ADA because I feel like I'll be able to have lucid dreams at will once I'll be good at it.

It still seems overwhelming at times and I started asking myself if I'm doing it wrong.
I try to focus on all my senses and I sporadically try to think about my breath.
When I focus on something however I basically stop to think about ADA.

Do you have any tips about ADA?
Do you think ADA is a good technique?

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Lucid Dreaming | Dreams without imagery or sensations-something to look out for!

I've been realizing that something I've been experiencing is a type of dream, maybe a false awakening or a continuum. But, these dreams are unique, because I'll only be in bed and see what I perceive as the back of my eyelids. The dreams do have a plot, but I'm often only thinking about it.

How do I know it's a dream? Because, in these dreams, I don't have conscious control over my thoughts and if try to remember them upon waking up, I can't very well. I forget them as I would any other dream. Also, if I try to perform dream control during these dreams, I can.

For example, in one of these dreams, I was lying in bed before and all of the sudden I uncontrollably think, "Pick a dream. One, two, or three. Hmm.. I'll pick one." Immediately after I thought that, my bed started spinning and dream imagery formed, and I become lucid.

In another example, I was lying in bed, when all of a sudden I started uncontrollably thinking "10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1 Blast off!" Immediately after thought that, I blasted off, flying into space, again becoming lucid.

Sometimes, during these dreams, I'll uncontrollably think, "I'm going to try to WILD" and then when I try, it works immediately, making me think that I've WILDed with little effort.

So, if during the you find you've lost all control of your thoughts while you're sleeping, try to do a reality check, you very well might be dreaming. I know I'm going to try doing this for more chances to LD.

They say we dream 1.5 hours a night, but I certainly don't remember being aware during my dreams that long each night. Maybe a decent percentage of our dreams are like this type of sort of empty dream where we think we're in bed, doing nothing. Something to think about.

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Lucid Dreaming | Anything else i should start practising?

I have been practising for achieving DILDs for the past 17 days...No lucid dreams yet.I am a beginner.I have been keeping a dream journal trying to remember my dreams and i have been doing RCs daily every 20-30 minutes.Is there anything else i should do to help me achieve DILDs?

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Chess Puzzle | 2/19/2016 - Rooked

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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | How to get out of negative thinking

I have just woken from a semi lucid dream....once i realised i was dreaming i said with confidence 'i am going to fly' then jumped forwards and landed on my stomach....but later i wanted to steal and drive a nice and fast car and so i did and went very fast.
For the past year now everytime i try and fly i have a suspician than it wont work so ofcourse it wont.....because i know theres a chance that flying wont work leaves me negative about the situation whoch causes failure....not sure how to get out of this one o.o

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Lucid Dreaming | mantra affirmation - present or future?

Some say when repeating mantra affirmation it's better to use present tense than future tense: for example instead of

"I will recognize I am dreaming"

Instead of:

"Next time I am dreaming, I will recongize I am dreaming"

However when it's in future tense I think it has to do with prospective memory which is suppose to be very important for lucid dreaming, and present tense... I don't think it has anything to do with prospective memory?

Anyone have any opinions about that? (mostly the prospective memory deal)


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Chess Puzzle | 2/18/2016 - Endgame Flare

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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Chess Puzzle | Wite To Move And Win!

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Lucid Dreaming | Dream journal question

People say if you write things down you tend to remember them alot problem is that i have a dream journal that i do write in but find it annoying to write all the time.
Do any of you lucid dreamers have online dream journals? i think id feel better writing my dreams online as i can type alot quicker than writing...hopefully it wont effect my ability to remember dreams? Thanks =)

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Lucid Dreaming | Dream Length/Order of Operations

Had another lucid last night. I was in a warehouse and three people were throwing screwdrivers at me. I become lucid and tell them I can instantly regenerate. (Just watched Deadpool lol).

Anyways after a few minutes I realize my goal to create a new dreamscene instead of the predetermined one. I had decided on the Shire before bed. So I left the store and told myself I would be there when I got around the corner. I got the music to appear but as I went around the corner the dream faded into black and I couldn't get it going again.

So when lucid should I be raising my lucidity level more before doing objectives? Also they tend to be 5-10 minutes in length which is kinda frustrating. My goal is to get at least 30 minutes per night of LD time.

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Chess Puzzle | 2/16/2016 - Forceful Movements

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Monday, February 15, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Easier way to get to LD or w/out transition?

So I've been journaling my dreams for a long time now but never had a LD.

I have great recall and can have dreams that last for 1-2 pages. Or more depending on how much detail I want to add.

But after all this time I decided to try LDs again. I tried before but it always seemed to be a ton of work even though I had some small breakthroughs.

This week I've been trying. I get 4-5 hours of sleep. WBTB then lay on my back and try the resting/focusing. I don't sleep on my back well. I need to sleep on my stomach to get to sleep. So this is very uncomfortable as my body wants to rotate.

Probably my only LD was this week. As I was on my back I was imagining how to deep fry a bloomin onion. As I was picturing putting it in batter then placing it in a deep fryer, suddenly the deep fryer became an amazingly colorful white sink with rose petals and a silver faucet. And I was placing the onion into a sink full of water. This shocked me to wake up. I've never had a dream in vivid color like that, usually they are grey.

I've also had the voices while trying to get there.

But it's just really hard work especially in the position on my back. I typically just give up and roll over because I'm too tired.

Is it possible to LD w/in a normal dream? Does it suddenly become colorful?

Other fun things have happened in my dreams recently. In one dream I actually said to myself "I should live my life like a dream, what do I have to lose??". And then I started to run around and do whatever I wanted. But obviously I thought it was real. Ironic.

In another dream, my LD that I wanted was to be lead by a professor to show me secrets of my unconscious. In the dream I came across a professor who passed me but I did not follow him. For some reason I have dreams about university a lot.

Is getting to LD as difficult as I feel it is? Also, I'm a bit panicked about SP as I've had some horrible SP in the past that scared the **** out of me. So that has me worried.

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Do You Know Rufus Turner?

It is hard to be remembered in the electronics business. Edison gets a lot of credit, as does Westinghouse and Tesla. In the radio era, many people know Marconi and de Forest (although fewer remember them every year), but less know about Armstrong or Maxwell. In the solid-state age, we tend to remember people like Shockley (even though there were others) and maybe Esaki.
If you knew most or all of those names without looking them up, you are up on your electronics history. But do you know the name Rufus Turner?


Turner was born on Christmas Day, 1907 in Houston, Texas. At the age of 15, he became fascinated by crystal diodes and published his first article about radio when he was 17. Rufus Turner was–among other things–the first black licensed radio operator (W3LF). He was building and operating radios in Washington D.C., where he was attending Armstrong Tech.
Turner became a licensed professional engineer in California and Massachusetts. You may have even used something that Turner worked on. In the 1940’s, working with Sylvania, he helped to develop the 1N34A germanium diode (you can still buy these if you look around for them).

Homebrew Transistor

In 1947, industry created germanium transistors, and Turner was among the first to work with them. In 1949–predating commercial availability–Turner published an article “Build a Transistor” in Radio Electronics magazine–the first time most electronic hobbyists had any exposure to this kind of device; you can read the article on page 38 of this PDF reprint. That’s not a typo, by the way. Turner showed how to make a transistor in meticulous detail using germanium, ceramic, brass, and Lucite (see picture to the right).
By 1950, you could buy transistors off the shelf and Radio and Television News published Turner’s “A Crystal Radio Receiver with Transistor Amplifier” (see page 38). This was a three-transistor radio four years before the Regency TR-1 was on the market.
You can see a schematic of Turner’s radio below. The germanium transistors were sometimes refered to as “crystal triodes” and had very poor performance compared to what you’d expect from a transistor today.

The article that describes this circuit is one of the few on practical applications listed in Shockley’s book “Electrons and Holes in Semiconductors.”

Dr. Turner

Turner wrote articles for many years covering hobby and professional topics. He also wrote about technical
writing, math, and other subjects that interested him. In 1958, he earned a BA from California State College and then received an MA in English from USC. By 1960, he was working as an English professor, and became a Ph.D. in 1966. Although he was teaching English, he continued to turn out electronic publications including “ABC’s of Zener Diodes” in 1974 and “ABC’s of Integrated Circuits” in 1977.
Rufus Turner died in 1982, the same year that his “The Illustrated Dictionary of Electronics” went to print. February is black history month in the United States, and I thought it was a good time to remember this prolific author, teacher, and solid state pioneer.

Filed under: Hackaday Columns, radio hacks

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Lucid Dreaming | Bigger and more vivid dreams during this time.

Hello.Since i first started practicing lucid dreaming(no success yet) 2 weeks ago I have been workig my dream recall.What i noticed this past 2-3 mornigs is that i i oversleep i have longer and more vivid dreams during that oversleep time.I also remember that dreams more clear.For example today i would normaly wake up after 7 hours of sleep.My alarm ring and i wake up with no dream memories.So i fell asleep imediately and i woke up 70 minutes later.And wow i had an interesting dream more vivid than the usual foggy fragments i had and i remembered most of it.Give that oversleep a try.I also use the mantra "i remember my dreams" when falling asleep.

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Lucid Dreaming | Some Lucid dreaming questions?

Hey all, I'm kind of new to lucid dreaming and I have some questions on certain techniques:
First for WBTB technique, I have heard people mention drinking water before bed. How reliable is this technique?
Second the method I try the most is FILD. I had a close call with it once but I wonder how successful is it?
Lastly, I want to ask questions on Dream Journals. I record my dreams and I keep it up to date but I don't actually read through it after. Should I do that to ensure a better chance?

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Chess Puzzle | 2/15/2016 - Square Coverage

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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | My brain working against me??

Finally since i stopped practising in november and since iv re started learning to lucid dream iv had one =) admittedly it was short because im still rusty but i had one so yay.
Once i realised something was wrong in my dream i checked my finger tattoos as they are my main RC and they were i then tried again and tried levitating and still nothing....its wasnt till i looked for the second time at my finger tattoos i noticed the letters were all jumbled up.....i then walked outside and said 'this is my dream and im going to fly' and so i flew down the road which exited me to the point that i woke up.
My question is why are my reality checks not working in my dream...its asif my brain doesnt want me to realise im dreaming? Its amazing how nothing worked until i realised i was dreaming which then means my mind allows me to do anything =)

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Islam’s Shocking Statistics…

In last week’s article, I gave you some pretty eye-opening videos and arguments to why Europe is dying, however, I forgot to do one thing: to give you some cold hard statistics about Islam.

These aren’t estimations. They are STATS from verifiable sources and I encourage you to write more stats in the comments box below if you have them.

Muslims have a high fertility rate of 3.1 (source 1, source 2), with the replacement level being 2.1. Christians are second at 2.7.

Japan’s Muslim population is only 0.08% of the population, many of them being Indonesian (which seem to be a lot more peaceful than Muslims living in N. Africa, the Middle East and Europe). Yet, we don’t hear about any gang raps or any terrorist attacks in Japan very often, do we now?

Nearly all Muslims in Afghanistan (99%) and most in Iraq (91%) and Pakistan (84%) support sharia law as official law. (source).

^^ This right here is the most unsettling of all, keeping in mind that many of the rape-fugees who flooded Europe

Let’s add a somewhat milder statistic to the mix, for those who still foolishly believe Islam is good:

Many Muslim countries don’t like ISIS, except for Pakistan where most people declined to answer (source). Not that it makes a difference.

According to BBC, the most migrants applying for asylum are from Syrian, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Iraq and Albania. (source). But here’s the kicker:

  • Albania is a European MUSLIM country. 54% of Albanians are muslim
  • Kosovo is a muslim region. According to this map, the vast majority of them are muslim

It appears that the appetite for migration from those who are of Muslim faith and are fairly close to civilized countries is big.

According to the German Federal Employment Agency released in October 2015, 81% of “economic migrants” are without formal qualification. (source). I wonder how exactly are they planning to enrich the economy.

Sharia Law and Jihad are older than the United States. (source 1, source 2).

The world’s Muslim population is expected to increase by about 35% in the next 20 years (source).

Rapefugees entering Europe in 2015 were 75% men (source). The source quotes the UN refugee agency here but the link has been updated to reflect 2016 figures. At the time of writing this article, there’ve been 80,000 arrivals in Europe in 2016 in a month and a half, only 46% of them being men.

Only 2.7% of the Syrian refugees who came to the US over the last few years are Christian. (source) There’s been no statement from the “president” that I know of.

Zero. That’s how many Christians are left in Mosul after ISIS chased them out our killed them. (source)



Chess Puzzle | 2/14/2016 - Quick And Painless Mate

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Saturday, February 13, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | What do you think of this reality ckeck technique?

Here is how i reality check.What i do is ask myself throughout the day ''Am i dreaming?'' After the question i take a look at my suroundings to check if everything is how it is supposed to be.I use my senses to feel the things around me.After that i ask myself. ''Where am i''? ''How much time have i been here?'' ''Why am i here?'' ''Where was i before i come here''.I answer those questions and then perform my reality checks.First i examine my hands.Second RC i do is to try to push my fingers through my pals and after this RC i plug my nose to check if i can breathe.I conclude that i am not dreaming.And after that i say ''Next time i am dreaming i am gonna look at my hands and realize that i am dreaming'' sort of a mantra thing i guess?What do you think guys? Is this a "quality" reality check?Have been doin g this for 10+ days and no lucid dreams yet.

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Lucid Dreaming | Void / geometric shapes

Hello lucid dreamers,

So early this morning, I was attempting a WILD, when suddenly I was transported to a realm where I saw rows and rows of triangle shapes superimposed on squares. Hues of orange and Yellow lines filled the dream space. I tried to move my hands and for the first 20 seconds , it felt pinned down. So I let it go and concentrated on the dream scene ahead of me. I tried to close my eyes and change the dream scene , didn't work. When I got my hands free, I tried to do a reality check. Which was successful but then again I tried to find a door or something so I could go to a more understandable dreamscape. It was then that I lost lucidity.

What went wrong? What should I have done ? Any advice would be greatly appreciated thank you in advance.

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Chess Puzzle | 2/13/2016 - Filipp S. Bondarenko, Feenschach 1960

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Friday, February 12, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Omnilucidity

Hey guys, I remember reading a thread started by Baron Samedi a while ago about checking your breathing. By monitoring your breath during the day eventually you can realise that you are not breathing (or dont need to) during a dream. I've started it and its's really freaking hard, but I will continue to practice for a few months at least to give it a chance. Has anyone tried it and seen any results since that thread was started?

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Chess Puzzle | 2/12/2016 - Corner Pocket

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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Order

It occurred to me today while in light meditation what dream signs are trying to accomplish and what might be a better perspective from which to view our attempts at gaining lucidity naturally.

A dream sign is an object or event that your conscious mind should perceive as odd or just out of place while in a dream. And in recognizing this anomaly, you gain lucidity. But I have realized that what we should be doing is coming at gaining lucidity from a slightly different angle, not to imply that dream signs aren't important.

We are looking for these odd objects or events that conflict with our waking life experience and hoping to transfer that WL understanding to the dream state. I think what we should be doing is creating greater 'control of thought' in our daily life so these anomalies, such as jump cuts and strangely juxtaposed objects, stand out as out of place as a natural response to our heightened, more precise thought process and awareness. I believe that this is why practices such as meditation and mindfulness and awareness training build a natural lucid dreaming mindset.

If we stop uncontrollably reminiscing about the past and falling unawares into ruminations about the future, mindless daydreaming in other words, we will quite naturally translate that new mental control into the dream state and recognize those anomalies without having to resort to crossing our fingers and hoping to recognize a dream sign.

It doesn't mean you don't think about the past or plan into the future. You just do it with control, with your directed mind. It's the wandering mind that is our enemy, if you want to call it such. If your mind flits about haphazardly, going from daydream to daydream, in waking life, how can you expect it to notice when it flits about in your dreams and call it odd? It's through the focused attention of meditation and other practices that we can gain true control of our dream life as well as our waking.

This is what being in the 'Now' is all about: control of our mind in every state that we find ourselves.

Just a few thoughts I wanted to share. Good dreaming.

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Lucid Dreaming | RemDreamer Pro

Hi, just wondering if the infrared red detectors are dangerous to the eye. I have Remdreamer pro but am concerned that having a IR zapping at the eye all night could cause long term damage? Can anyone shine light on this?


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Chess Puzzle | 2/11/2016 - Casas-Piazzini, Buenos Aires 1952

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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | So its been 2 weeks

2 weeks doing ADA and RCing along and havent had a lucid dream =/ im not having alot of dreams iv noticed and the ones i have had i should of realised im dreaming.
The only ADA exercise i do is to stop myself from thinking about the past or present and be in the moment.thats all is with ADA....any suggestions on more promising or better ways of.doing ADA?
My other question is....if i constantly close my eyes at night and picture the where i want to be in a LD do you think ill eventually dream of that place? Thanx =)

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Lucid Dreaming | Praticing SSILD for 21 days.

After trying MILD for 21 days(which I got a "little" success), I will try SSILD technique.
This is my new resolution for the next 21 days coming.
I want to find the best technique/method that work best for me.

Here are the steps:

1.Wake-up at 4 o'clock in the morning.

2.Do the SSILD technique/method.

I will post a everyday review of the 21 days of SSILD.
The journey will start tomorrow.

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Lucid Dreaming | Need help

I usually have about 3 dreams per night. Firs one is the longest and the most vivid. It usually ocurs between when I go to bed and 4:30 am. The second one is less vivid and much sorter and usually ends at 7:30 am.(aproximatively). The final one is the least vivid and the shortest and usually ends between 10 - 10:30. I don't know why but I can become lucid only in the last 2 dreams. When I do this the dreams end very fast and I can't do anything to stabilize them.(they end in about 2 seconds from things start to get blurry). I use the reality checks through day method to attain lucidity. My question is: what can I do to become lucid in the first dream? and what would you suggesst me to stabilizing a dream real quick? any suggestion would be very appreciated.

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Chess Puzzle | 2/10/2016 - Gregoriev, 1925

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Monday, February 8, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | The FUNNEST way to Lucid Dream

I didn't come up with this. An inactive user named Arby posted this around 4 years ago, I felt like bringing it back into the spotlight. So think of this as a repost. The few times I tried this ended up with me having these really vivid, yet slightly unstable Lucid Dreams. I'm curious to see how it works out for you guys! I feel like this method is great for those of you that love to Daydream or Visualize things! Alright enough with the hype, here we go. Also, this is going to be a long read. This could be used as a means to V-WILD but I've heard of some people pulling this off when they head straight to bed.


Originally Posted by arby View Post
This is a thread about VILDing and WILDing. It’s a pretty long thread but it should be a worthwhile read. I teach a bit of well.. I’ll refer to it as “philosophy” for lack of a better word. If my technique actually works for you or not, the rest should help you WILD with better clarity, vividness etc.

I guess the best way to start out a thread like this is by stating the purpose. To try and teach you how to WILD in a short time frame and pretty much anywhere. But this is directed towards people who have had multiple lucids. People who know what a lucid is and how it feels. Keep that thought in mind. How a lucid feels.

Now, lets dive into the philosophical stuff. Consider this: What makes up your waking life? It’s one thing. (Well.. you COULD say five I guess... ) The five senses. Touch, sight, sound, smell, and taste. This is all you can use to prove that you are alive and this is all you can use to explore the world around you. Some of you may see where I am taking this and have noted that these are everything we (usually!) use to explore the world in our dream as well.

Simple enough?

Now, we can look at what role each plays in our dream. What we think we feel, see, hear, smell and taste are what make us believe we are in the world in our head. Now, the order those senses are listed is very important. This is the order of importance that the senses tend to play in out dreams, how much each contributes to the realism of the dream and how much you will need to concentrate on each to get it to seems real. Heres a breakdown:

Touch: The hardest part of building your dreams from scratch is to get all the feelings just right. This is the sense that we take for granted the most. Take a moment and study yourself. How much are you truly feeling right now?

You are probably feeling your ass on the chair, your feet against the floor and the mouse in your hand. If any of you limbs arn't resting on anything, you'd feel the slight bother of your muscles working against gravity.

Now this is just you sitting like a bum in front of your monitor. Theres tons of different feelings you register without even thinking every day. When people try to imagine themselves in a dream, they normally concentrate on sight they hold their hand in front of their face and go "ooo hand" but they're usually not really convinced it’s a hand. Its certainly won't seem like their hand. It might as well be a 2D image somebody drew on their minds eye.

Hold your hand in front of your face. feel the weight of your arm? Thats YOUR arm and you know it. Flex your fingers. Feel the different muscles working in your arm and hand? Now, try to capture the feeling in your head and let your arm relax. Now try to recreate the scenario in your head. If you can do it, you're already on your way to jumping into a dreaming state. If not, I'll have some exercises later on.

Sight: Often considered the most important because this is how we collect the most information and the majority of our dream world is represented. I don't think theres much to say about sight that’s not known anyways. Visual representations are commonplace in the mind.

Sound: Like touch, this is almost always ignored. Especially when we are being dazzled by what we are seeing. You wouldn't believe how much you miss sound-wise in movies. Often a movies will have "music" playing in the background the whole way though. You never really notice it though because its ends up being the columns under the bridge that is the visuals. Try watching a movie and pay special attention to sound and music. You may be quite surprised. (unless it’s a crappy movie). The same things that applied to touch apply to this.

Smell and taste: Now we get to the two lesser senses. Smell and taste. These do not contribute to most dreams. Especially taste. Smell is most often used to set the tone of the atmosphere. Like touch, this is also ignored by the conscious mind attempting to generate a scenario. Did you know that water has a smell? Quite a distinct one in fact. It is simply just lost in the setting along with touch and sound.

Taste is comprised of 70% smell. Go figure the importance of that XD

And now.. the part this has been leading up to.

The method

Now here’s a rough sketch of the thought process you could (should?) take to VILD. This is very similar to Gothlark’s V-WILD. In fact that’s what it pretty much is… but there was no formal write-up for that technique so I feel the need to make one that is to my satisfaction. Call it what you will. A VILD, V-WILD…. Doesn’t matter. Here it is.

Alright.. =) first things first. Close your eyes and decide on the dreamscape you want. If possible, you want somewhere that will let you do the next few steps easily. I will describe a sample dream as I go through the process.

I chose a nice low patch of grass beside a lake. The water seeps through the soil and makes it swampy where I am supposed to stand. We will build the world around us by using the 5 senses. First is sight because it always seems to be the thing people need to spark off the dream world. I etch the scenery in my mind. First, I do the sky. Be sure to include as much detail as possible. For example, the sky is a brilliant shade of light blue with semi-transparent fluffy clouds floating lazily through it. The sun shines down in helpful rays. It helps to think poetically like this when you are identifying the features of your scenery. It helps draw the connections that make up much of the foundation of the dream. For example, in your head you likely have the connection implanted between a “helpful” sun beating down on you and warmth on your face. Having a “helpful” sun over a simple sun (or no sun at all. It may not even be included in the dream!) will help later when you try to build up the rest of it.

The rest of the picture gets build up in this manner. There is a range of majestic mountains in the background. They frame the perfectly calm lake in which no ripples can be seen. The muddy ground protrudes ahead of me in a miniature peninsula towards the centre of the lake.

Once you have finished that, you have completed step 1. You now have generated a rough shell to spark your dream. (remember that there is almost no way that your conscious mind can match the ability of your “dream mind” when it comes to creating eye candy so don’t even try to get it perfect. If you’re really desperate, coloured blotches is okay at this point =O). The next step is slightly trickier. You must insert yourself into the dream and appease your “setting senses” touch, sound and smell.

These are the senses that you normally ignore but they make a very vital part of your world. You may have to rediscover these sense completely before you could even dream of using them. (haha.. sorry for the pun..)

First is touch. Build yourself from the bottom up. You start with feet. Your feet can feel the cool, moist grass and squishy ground. They feel the weight of your body resting on them and sink slightly into the ground. Next is your legs. They need to keep you us so you can feel the muscles working slightly, slightly tense but not too much. Then comes the upper body. Same deal as the legs and feet. Next is another unexpected feeling, Clothes. You feel them pressing against your skin 24/7. Are you naked in your dreams? If not add on the clothes. Are they tight anywhere? Do you feeling it pinching or squeezing?

Then, try and feel anything else you may be feeling. The feeling of wind on your face, is it humid, is it hot?

[edit] the rest of this tut was added on later. Just saying this so the rest of this thread makes sense…

Then comes sound. Everything has a sound. When I type this, my keyboard makes a sound. When you swallow, it makes a sound. Hell, when you breath, you make a sound. Any kind of action, any kind of motion will produce a sound. When a big breeze comes by, I will feel it on my face and I will hear the rustling of the trees and the grass.

Then is smell. This should mainly come from your memory. This sense is both easy yet very difficult to reproduce. You see, you only ever smell one scent. But that scent is a combination of the scents all around you. By far the easiest way to get the right scent is from memory.

I know what it smells like to be standing by a lake so I remember that scent and include it in the dream. If you don’t really know what you should be smelling, just use the smell of the most prominent feature.

By now, everything should be a mess. You will most likely have lost clarity in the sight and have forgotten most of the touch. Try to recapture as much as you can. You have just felt it/ seen it/ heard it/ smelt it. You should be able to pull all the parts that are still fresh in your memory and meld them into one big picture. As you pull it together, try not to concentrate on a single sense or you’ll likely lose track of the others again. Do it slowly. There is no reason to rush. In fact, from this point on, attempting to do things quickly is liable to rip the whole thing apart.

When you have pulled it all together to your satisfaction, try to hold it together. Now we must stabilize everything in order to move to an actual dreaming state. (I don’t consider this dreaming yet. Although, it tends to be hard to draw the line between a dream and a visualization.) For a short while, just bask in the senses. I squish my feet in the mud and feel is squishing under my toes. I see a deer flitting under the trees at the other side of the lake. I feel a nice breeze wash over my face and hear is rush by my ears.

After a short while, it should feel much easier to maintain. In fact, you may not even have to think about it at all to keep everything running! Now, DO NOT DO ANYTHING DARASTIC! You may feel exited, but do not rush. Keep yourself and your mind where you are standing. It is often important at this time to remind yourself that you are dreaming. This is all a dream. Otherwise you are likely to descend into a semi-lucid or non-lucid.

Do basic actions. I turn on the spot and begin walking away from the lake. Again, I stress this because it is important, take your time. I do not want to try to fly right now. I don’t want to attempt the task of the month. All I want to do is move further into my dreamscape. It is often good to encounter a DC now. Talk to them. See what is happening in this dream. Without direction, you are liable to never enter a true dreaming state.

I turn around and see a few tents set up. I walk towards them and my friend comes out of one of them.

“Hey dude, what’s up?”
“I was about to go do some fishing, wanna come?”

As you progress through the dream, it will stabilize further and your dream mind will take control. If you have had a lucid before, you should be able to recognize when it has turned fully. But don’t check every other second. A watched pot never boils and a watched dream never turns. Although, try not to lose track of the fact that is a dream. Otherwise you lose full lucidity. Although, if you quite enjoy semi-lucidity, it may not be such a bad thing =P

At the end of our fishing trip, we returned to camp. But it had just been ransacked by a bunch of thugs. I knew I defiantly didn’t make that happen. Therefore my dream mind had taken over and this “reality” was no longer simply what my imagination could churn out. I was lucid and quite pissed at a gang of thugs =)

Tips and tidbits

When does this work best?

The best time to try this is actually RIGHT when you wake up. You can actually jump right back into a dream you just had by closing your eyes and re-imagining it. It goes 5x faster when you have just come out of a dream. Plus, if you wish, you can actually go back to a previous part of the dream that you remember and start fresh from there. This is especially effective if you just came out of a non-lucid. You can make something that you wished didn’t happen, not happen then continue on from there.

I can’t think of a scenario. What do I do?

You do something I like to refer to as “squirreling”. It’s originally a debating term but it fits here pretty nicely. Pretty much you take a part of one concept and use it to obtain an utterly different one. Simply pick an object out of your surroundings or some random surrounding. For example, I see a bow. I’ll use that. Then you generate another surrounding for that object. Boxes are common in factories so I’ll think of that. Voila, I have a dreamscape I can use =O

I can’t visualize anything. What do I do?

Work on it. I can’t really teach visualization. If I were to write a 200 page book and you read it cover to cover, you would likely still be unable to conjure images out of thin air. But there are was you can try to build it up.

By far the best way is to experience something then try to visualize it. For example, when you held your hand in front of your face then closed your eyes and tried to visualize it. If you were unable to do a complex shape like a hand, try something simpler like a square. Repeat as many times as you can. Look at a square, close your eyes and try to keep it implanted on your vision. Once you have been able to get the square successfully multiple times. Try getting it without first looking at it. The same goes with all the senses.

Please, comment comment comment. Even if its to say “Thanks that worked”, “I don’t think this would work” or “I hate you and I slept with your mom last night.” It helps me learn as well. I will try to answer all questions to the best of my ability in this thread as well.

Happy dreaming, hope this helped a bunch of people =)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 2/8/2016 - Neumann-Hernandez Dresden 1969

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Sunday, February 7, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Is this common?

Every hour for the past2 weeks iv had an alarm which reminds me to RC..... The best RC and the one that comes up all the time in my dreams is checking my finger tattoos as in my dreams i dont have finger tatts.
Well i had a dream today which i shoukd of been lucid but when i checked my finger tattos they were there... I checked em again and still they was there.... Maybe constant repetition of checking them in waking life has caused me to expect them to be there.... I thought RC works when in a dream? Maybe i need to do different RC maybe have more variation?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | Is this a good idea?

I put a red dot on the back of my hand and every time I see it I do a reality check. Sometimes I just turn my hand away which gets me sub conciously thinking about RC's.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 2/7/2016 - Quick And Painless

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Saturday, February 6, 2016

Europe is Dying

I never though it’s gonna go down like this. Europe is literally being raped by migrants and there’s STILL no talk about deportations. I’ve been fighting tooth and nail on my personal Facebook and on various websites who show the atrocities these guys make and I have to say the one thing those pro-immigration have in common is that they’re completely illogical.

There’s a veritable war happening on social media and on news sites these days. Mostly on those that are right wing because many of the ones that are left wing, oddly enough, don’t allow comments on their articles. I’ve done my best to reason with these people, showed them proof, followed their logic and had an unreasonable amount of patience. To no avail…

That’s when I realized it: it’s not the migrants we should be afraid of, it’s our own kind… Because they’re the ones letting them in.

I’d rather have a thousand angry men trying to break my door than a single person on the inside, willing to open it.

People are either pro and con, it’s hard to be neutral with something like this. So what I’m gonna do is give you some stats that I’ve gathered to give to others who are either ill-informed or simply ignorant in their decision to support these migrants.

There way I want to do this is by stating some of the objections they’ve thrown in my face, followed by facts, figures, source citations (trustworthy ones, I assure you and you can mention that to the people you talk to) and, of course, video leaks that have flooded the internet, showing what these people are capable of.

Shocking: some of these videos were filmed by themselves to brag about humiliating us. Just like ISIS said they would.

“The migrants are refugees fleeing war.”

Not all of them. Many of them are NOT from Syria but from countries and regions such as: Algeria, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Albania and Kosovo (source from There’s no war there.

Another problem: there’s a big difference between migrants and refugees. The Geneva convention clearly defines what a refugee is:

A person who owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it..


Does it say anything about half of the population being forced to integrate them because the other half want to? I don’t think so.

Refugees should, thus be given a place to stay until it’s safe to come back to their homeland.

“Migrants are good for the economy.”

The otherwise vague statement that migrants are good for the economy of a country is valid but that doesn’t mean you can do it in anyway that you want.

#1. Too much of anything is never a good thing. According to the United Nations, almost half of the world’s population lives on under 2 bucks a day. From the remaining half, how many of them live under 5 dollars a day? Or under 10 dollars a day? Crowding everyone into western countries and the US is going to choke everything. Crowding even a fraction of them is going to achieve the same result.

No, I’m not saying they don’t need to be helped but I think it’s clear for that we can’t help everyone. The advances in western societies are what allowed us to help them the way until now. Plus, we have our own lives to live, we’re the ones who decide if we want migrants or not.

“Did you see what Syrian looks like today? It’s been completely destroyed! They can’t go back there.”

What about Germany after WW2? What about Japan? There’ve been other countries in recent history that were destroyed and, guess what, the people rebuilt them. Are these “gentlemen” planning to go back to rebuild? Apart from one kid which I saw on the video saying so, I think it’s safe to assume that they won’t.

Let’s get one thing clear: unless we deport them, these migrants will NOT go back.

They don’t want to come back, Merkel doesn’t want them to go back so they aren’t just refugees. They are migrants and that’s a totally different ball game.

“We need to educate the migrants. If we educate them, it’s going to be ok.”

I just said that there’s a difference between migrants and refugees. Since they should be going home after the war is over, it’s not our responsibility to educate them.

Furthermore, I have proof of migrant children who were born un European soil who hate our guts.

Proof #1: This is a video of a few muslim schoolgirls in Germany, speaking flawless German. They admit they don’t have any German friends, they admit they can’t be like them and that the fact that they eat pork disgusts them.

One of the girls proceeds to say that if all Germans disappeared one day from Germany, with only the migrants remaining, nobody would notice.

Proof #2: most of the terrorists from November 2015 in Paris were born on European soil. (more on who they were here). These children failed to integrate so they ended up hating the countries that raised them and gave them a good life. Educating them is more than just getting them not to rape or loot. Plus, the smarter and more “educated” they get, the more sophisticated their methods of islamisation will be.

Proof #3: Numerous high-placed Muslims (a.k.a imams) want the islamization of certain countries. According to the Gatestone Institute, Marwan Muhammed, spokesman, Collective Against Islamophobia in France (CCIF) said:

Who has the right to say that France in thirty or forty years will not be a Muslim country? Who has the right in this country to deprive us of it?

Proof #4: there are imams who are ‘educated”, yet openly state that they want Sharia law. I’me sure you already know Anjem Choudary, who loses no opportunity to share his extremist views. Imagine how many people he’s influenced even if just a little bit to believe him.

Show the sheeple the videos and ask them: Is this man educated?

“You’re begin racist”

No, we’re not. Islam is not a race and there are many Arabs that are Christians. In fact, there are stories and reports of Christian migrants being persecuted on their way from the middle east to Germany (source 1, source 2).

In addition, I already said that some of these migrants came from… Europe. Many were from Albania which, lo and behold IS A EUROPEAN MUSLIM COUNTRY (source)!

Kosovo, a disputed region in Serbia, is 97% islamic (source)!

Apparently, Muslims have an appetite for migration.

“Muslims, Christians and Atheists can live together.”

This is another generalization that shows how those who are pro refuse to think. There are indeed examples of muslims and christians living together. The turkish community in European countries is well-established and we got along fine. Turkey was a safe country despite the fact that its people were a little more violent in nature. It was a popular tourist destination, I’ve actually been there and everyone was polite and kind. Now that they’ve been flooded with savages from the Middle East, bombs started exploding, tourism started imploding and I’m sure those Syrians have filled many Turkish hearts with hatred by now.

The biggest proof that they can’t is the fact that they aren’t. Just watch footage and photos of Muslim neighborhoods in Belgium, France and the UK and you’ll quickly understand why. You can read this excellent article about Molenbeek, the jihadi capital of Europe.

“The refugees are poor.”

No they are not. They all had to pay thousands of euros to get into the EU. We’ve all seen their smartphones. Also, the housing and renting prices in the city of Gaziantep, turkey, ave skyrocketed due to the number of Syrian migrants (source).

Even more signs that Europe is dying.

One of the things that shocked me was how the authorities from certain “developed” countries are handling this. I want to share with you some recent news you may have not heard or read that’s made my blood run cold.

#1. Liberal media is doing a lot everything it can to hide migrant rapists. (source) Since they are backed by liberal politicians who have the power in these countries, and thus, the money, they don’t care that by repressing these news they’re inevitable putting their countries into an early grave.

#2. Not only is pepper spray illegal in Finland (let’s not even bring up the topic of knives), but they’ve made this ridiculous video teaching women that they can stop a rapist with just words:

While we all know talking really loud when in the presence of an attacker is a good strategy, leaving these women defenseless in from of these animals is as cruel as it can get from a country priding itself with its views on feminism.

Watch until the end to see that this strategy is more like a last resort and that more often than not, it doesn’t work.

#3. A Swedish social worker stabbed by a 15 year old migrant din’t have a burial ceremony as to not upset the migrants

#4. Merkel wants to destroy Europe. It’s pretty clear now but saying it over and over again isn’t going to change things. Here’s what the bitch said to a social worker about her fears over what’s happening:

#5. A German mayor advises girls to avoid migrant areas. Is that racist or what?

#6. Video of a woman being dragged into a subway in Koln (Germany) on New Year’s. Just listen to her screaming:

#7. Another video, another german woman, also in Germany:

…and on and on and on.


I can write 10 more articles on this topic and I probably will… but I’m curious about what you think about this and, most of all, on what should be done.
