Sunday, July 27, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | What things should I be aware of during ADA/RCing?

Hey guys, I'm not sure if I'm on the right track in terms of being aware throughout the day. I try to do RCs a lot, for example, but I'm not sure what to question during them - I mean, I can say, the gravity feels normal, I can't get my finger to go through the palm of my hand, I can't breathe with a pinched nose, my vision looks clear and not fuzzy, I can feel all my limbs and clothes on my body, I can feel my muscles moving, my lungs filling with air, etc. But this gets repetitive quickly, even if I do 5 RCs, after that I feel sort of stupid just doing these things, and I stop actually questioning them, and quickly decide I'm in waking life.

It's kind of the same thing when doing ADA, I can try to be always aware of my breathing for example but then I feel like I should try to be aware of something else too, but, well, I don't know what. I can smell the air, but that gets repetitive. I can look at trees as I'm walking, but there's nothing special about them. In general, should I focus on quantitity (lots of finger-through-palm and nose-clamp RCs, always being aware of breathing for ADA) or quality (try to do longer and more extensive RCs, try to be aware of lots of things at once using ADA)?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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