Friday, July 11, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Does white noise like a dehumidifier help acquire a lucid mental state?

I usually use white noise to drown out the sound of people walking around upstairs since I sleep downstairs, but could this serve a purpose further than that? We have guinea pigs who annoingly squeak all the time, but I have a theory. The white noise makes a standard for silence, and the guinea pigs are loud in general. The white noise helps drown out the guinea pigs, because they squeak quite loudly without the white noise maker on. Could the guinea pigs squeaking while I'm in REM make me realize that the guinea pigs are things from the real world and that this is just a dream? Because in the past, it's woken me up, or I've just not noticed, it, but am I supposed to have them squeak more? or pay more attention to their squeaks?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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