Monday, September 30, 2013

Letter Re: Getting Ready for Winter

“Expatriates” released today………

Lucid Dreaming | Back from a break and need advice

Hey guys, I had decided to take a break from attempting to lucid dream after losing motivation for LD'ing as I was unable to get anywhere close to experiencing a LD after a year of trying to. But I want to get back into it and would really appreciate it if you guys could help me get back on the right track.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 9/30/2013 - Trouble in the Center

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Getting ready to start watching Jericho again…..

Lucid Dreaming | Theory about WBTB / WILD

I've been struggling to get any consistency with LD'ing. It just won't "click".

But I have a thery about why my attempts to WILD have been so difficult.

I tend to wake breifly after every REM epoisode, which is quite good for dream recall.

However, if I try to WBTB, I ususally end up trying for ages, and then just falling asleep, only waking after the next REM cycle, if I'm lucky.

Anyway, my theory is that waking just after a REM cycle is no good, because the next REM cycle could be 60-90 minutes away,so doing a WILD is really difficult then.

What is needed is to wake just before the REM cycle begins.

Not sure how to do that, except by setting an alarm clock just after I wake to go off again in maybe an hours' time.

Do people think that would work?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 9/29/2013 - Mate in 2

Saturday, September 28, 2013

To Survive, You Need a Plan

Preparedness Deal of the Week: 27 LED Super Bright Compact Flashlight w/ Hanging Hook

Lucid Dreaming | No more lucids!

I'm having trouble with attaining lucidity. I had 3-4 lucid dreams in 2 weeks a few weeks ago, my dream recall is better now, my dreams are more vivid, but since then I did not have any other lucid. Any recommendations? Should I try something new?

Thank you!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 9/28/2013 - White to Draw

Friday, September 27, 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | dejavu in dreams/ repeated scenery

Okay I've yet to have a lucid dream but I have a month on dreams in my journal. I'm starting to notice in my dreams that I have seen these places before but I can't seem to remember from where. Like I'm remembering old dreams that I have forgotten. As well as repeat in scenery but different people/objects in its place. Am I getting close or any tips for me? I know its been a month but I'm still trying! And also in all my dreams I don't seem to remember any smells associated in my dreams. Why is that? Thank you

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

People need to “wake up”….

Lucid Dreaming | need advice on choosing a technique.

Hello everyone. I have been a member on this site for a while. I was pretty active in the 2010 and 2011 years. I gave up lucid dreaming for a while due to not having much time and losing interest Becuase I wasn't getting results. I now have time and a renewed interest in lucid dreaming. I can't decide on a technique to stick to. DILD never did well for me. I was never able to stick to doing RCs and keeping "awareness" throughout the day. MILD may be out of the question due to my visualization skills being horrid. I have attempted WILDs tons of times yet I always fail in some way. I need some advice and help choosing a technique.


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | Need help! :(

So I've badly been wanting to Lucid Dreaming but don't understand a thing anyone talks about, I was wondering if someone could make a noob friendly tutorial. Also, I want to try that Lay on your back for 20-30 minutes COMPLETELY still, and you will fill your chest floating up, and you'll be flying and you open your eyes, and you're dreaming, close them and you can control your dream, that sounds like the easiest and was wondering, I found out about Lucid Dreaming a year ago, but totally forgot about it, so I never trained for it, and have only had about 5-10 Lucid Dreams randomly. I want to just Lucid Dream using that Lay on your back 20-30 mins solution. So please reply, will it work like that, if not. Can you make a noob tutorial for me maybe! :D PLease :D :D :D It would be very nice and helpful of you! Thanks, -Ethan

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 9/25/2013 - Unusual Mating Theme

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

To Flee or Not To Flee……Weapons: Part 2

Final Days – Massive Mountain House Freeze Dried Food sale

Lucid Dreaming | DILD, problems with the moment of realization

Hi Guys.

So I usually only attation any sort of lucidity when having DILDs. Sometimes this happens without any problems but usually when i am with DCs(people) problems can occur, im wondering if this is common. Let me explain with my dream last night.

The first thing i remember is just being in a building with lots of people, somehow i realise i am dreaming and think 'oohh what shall i do?' i try and make everyone disappear and make a forest/wood/lake sorta enviroment. But suddenly my focus is caught by a DC, looking straight into my eyes, angrily, almost as if its my mind saying 'you shouldnt know' or 'you shouldnt be doing this'. It seems to happen fairly often, kinda like in the film Inception when the DCs turn hostile to someone that shoudnt be in the dream, if you've seen it. So when this happens i either wake up or start getting attacked. Anyone got any bright ideas how to avoid this? Maybe last night i was trying a bit too hard with my changes but sometimes the DCs can turn hostile as soon as i realise. the stare the DCs give me, its scary.:shock:

for anyone thats interested what happened in the rest of that dream, once the DC stared at me i immediately thought 'shit im gonna wake up now' but i didnt, instead i fet my body jolt(maybe it did in real life aswell) and my body had turned big and muscular AND GREEN, like i was the hulk! then some DCs also turned to hulk-like characters and we fought. I think by this point i had lost any awareness i was still dreaming and just went along with it.


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 9/24/2013 - Typical Mating Theme

Monday, September 23, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Habits to manifest lucid dreaming

There was a time in my life where I was a successful lucid dreamer. Even if I didn't become lucid one night, I would wake up to recall several intense dreams. These are habits that I developed that led to me lucid dreaming.

1) Keep a detailed dream diary and read it. This is perhaps the most important thing, as you will notice your dreams will start to have more detail and become more vivid.

2) Wake up to go to the bathroom/get a drink a couple of hours before your actual wake up time.

3) Go to bed early, get a lot of sleep

4) As you fall asleep, remind yourself that you will dream and attempt lucidity

5) After you have a good dream, get out of bed for the day if you want to retain the most of it

What kind of habits do you try to maintain for successful lucid dreaming?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Recent video stirs controversy…..

To Flee or Not To Flee……That is the Question Part 1

Chess Puzzle | 9/23/2013 - Mate in 2, Part 2

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | The AmID Method

AmID (Abbreviation for “Am I Dreaming?”) is my customized method for reality checking and LD induction. I use this word wherever I can use it. On my desktop, on yellow stickers, screen unlock password for my smart phone, as part of a password in my domain login, on my mirror, inside my car, shoe rack, etc. I always understand AMID stands for that specific question (Am I dreaming?) and don’t want my fellow beings make out my craziness for dreams.

It works well for me. Feed backs and variations are welcomed!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 9/22/2013 - Mate in 2

Saturday, September 21, 2013

New Book: All We Like Sheep

News you NEED to Know….

Chess Puzzle | 9/21/2013 - White to Play and Win

Friday, September 20, 2013

Visually tune your HF antenna using an oscilloscope and signal generator

HF antenna tuning

Lots of readers are into toying around with RF and ham radios. One thing that is always of concern is tuning the antenna. New equipment is never cheap, so whenever another option comes along that uses existing test gear it gets our attention. [Alan Wolke] aka [w2aew] covers a process he uses to tune his HF antenna using a signal generator and oscilloscope.

The process is more of a teaching aid than a practical replacement for commercial equipment mostly because proper signal generators and oscilloscopes are large items and sometimes not available or affordable. That said, if you do have such test gear you only need build a simple breakout board containing a form of wheatstone bridge where the unknown Rx is the antenna. Two oscilloscope probes are connected across the bridge balance nodes. Some special care needs to be taken matching probe cable length and 50 ohm input impedance to the oscilloscope. A couple of 1K probe coupling resistors are also needed to prevent affecting the impendence at the hookup points. Once the selected signal is injected you can adjust an antenna tuner until the two voltage waveforms match on the oscilloscope indicating your antenna network is tuned to 50 ohm impedance with no reactance.

Being able to tune your antenna visually can really help you understand what is going on in the turning process; matching not only input impedance but also phase shift indicating inductive or capacitive reactance. Join us after the break to see the video and for information on what’s presented in the second part of [Alan's] presentation.

The lesson ends at 8:50 but continues ten seconds later with a part 2 presentation “Estimating the complex impedance of the antenna”.

Filed under: radio hacks

via Hack a Day» radio hacks

Chess Puzzle | 9/20/2013 - Mate in 4 Again

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Book of the Empowerer

Lucid Dreaming | Need Help!! (FA)

I tried the FILD technique, it WORKS, but instead i FA in my biology class, looking at the clock and panicking, so i woke up from my sleep? So it was like a normal dream, how can i get the lucidity?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 9/19/2013 - Mate in 4

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Men… this.

Two Preparedness Expo’s in Washington…..starts this weekend

Chess Puzzle | 9/18/2013 - Forced Into a Corner

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

Women….Be Prepared

Lucid Dreaming | Should I WILD? Im scared lol

I've been doing MILD with WBTB for a little while now but I can only do this on weekends because if I wake up 5 hours into the night in order to do MILD (with WBTB) I have to go to school. I only really get 5 hours of sleep on weekdays. And if I wake up to early (like 3 hours into my sleep) it never works. So I want to try WILD but I heard it can give you some pretty bad sleep paralysis. And last time I tried it I started to hear weird noises so I chickened out :panic:.

So is having terrifying experiences with sleep paralysis a rare thing? And is their anyway to avoid it? And really is it worth it? should I WILD?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity is back!!!

The United States Constitution and Bill of Rights…..familiarize yourself

Chess Puzzle | 9/16/2013 - Mate in 6

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013

Upcoming Preparedness Expo’s

Video of the Week: FEMA Preparing For Disaster By October 1st

Lucid Dreaming | What Happened Last Night?

So, last night my dad woke me up by opening up the garage door. I woke up, and thought, hey, why not try to Wild? So I relaxed and began to daydream. Before I knew it, I was viewing my body from the side in 3rd person. I kept breathing and it felt strange. My body went completely numb and I couldn't move it. I realized I was in SP so I relaxed. I cant remember anything after that. I'm pretty sure I had an LD though. Because the next LD I had that night I realized I was dreaming did a reality check and thought to myself ''MY 2nd ld this night!'' I began to run and then the dream faded very quickly. I remembered a dream later that night and when I woke up I wrote everything down I could remember. So my questions are: Was I in Sleep paralysis? Why cant I even remember ONE part of my first Ld, and I'm not even sure if I had that first ld?


Jacob, novice lucid dreamer

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity


Chess Puzzle | 9/13/2013 - Mate in 4

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | MILD my first 5 nights. Suggestions for going back to sleep?

I have tried to have lucid dreams off and on with very little effort (one weak suggestion that i will realize I'm dreaming and remember my dream before bed) for a while with no success at lucid dreaming but vastly improved dream recall (at least one a night when I remembered to set the intention). 5 days ago I attended a talk about lucid dreaming and it inspired me to give it some real effort with some proven induction techniques. That night I tried using the MILD technique I set my intention to wake up after every dream and recall and write down my dream, and told myself that i would realize i was dreaming. I woke up around 4:30 with a weakly recalled non lucid dream and then started setting my intention to realize i was dreaming as i went back to sleep, I succeeded in having my first lucid dream with only one big setback I didn't fall back asleep until 6:30! My lucid dream was such an intensely enjoyable experience I didn't let two hours of sleeplessness scare me away from continuing to try and since this night i have experienced one other lucid dream on a night where i had no trouble falling back asleep after awaking from my first or second dream of the night. But i have also had one night of being up for 3 hours in the middle of the night with no lucid dream payoff and last night i was up from 1:30 to 6:30 again with no lucid dream. Has anyone else ever had this problem? I'm really grateful for the success I've experienced fairly quickly at having intensely enjoyable albeit extremely short lucid dreams so quickly and will continue trying to induce them but would really appreciate any suggestions anyone might have about falling back asleep while setting the intention to realize your dreaming. Even just someone sharing they had the same experience and improved at it over time would give me some extra motivation. I think i may be too excited at the prospect of having a lucid dream and that is keeping me awake or I'm setting my intention with too much or the wrong type of effort and this is keeping me from falling back asleep. Any suggestions or just experiences shared much appreciated?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | EILD Success!

Last night, I tried the EILD technique using the Subliminal Lucid 3.0. I listened to the whole thing as I fell asleep. Sure enough, I had a lucid dream! A DC even told me to shout "stabalize!" It was short only because my alarm went off. But I felt that I had a high level of lucidity.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Reminder: HUGE Mountain House Freeze Dried Food Sale – up to 50% off

Lucid Dreaming | Lucid Dreams at Work (Volunteer Anyone?)


A repost from dreamstruck

Hey Guys!

We really really need your help. We have a research project going on. Everything goes out smoothly except for one thing. The test case part. I have tried lucid dreaming but i really can't get it to work 100%. My co-member(me) have tried it also but in an unusual way. She have to undergo incubus before lucid dreaming and my prof. thinks that it is quite risky and dangerous so we need your help. We need volunteers for the test case. Here's what you have to do.

All you have to do is to lucid dream and fill this questions in :

Test Case # and Name

Description / Data : Things you do before dozing off to bed and lucid dream. Do you remind yourself that when you sleep you have to lucid or you'll drink something to improve lucid dreaming...things like that

Steps : steps you do when you lucid

Expected result : Before you sleep, what are your dream plans if ever you'll be having lucid dreams

Actual Result : the outcome of your dream plan. Did it go to the way you planned it or does it goes out of control...

Comments: optional

That's all you have to fill in and please excuse my English speaking skills...

Hope you'll participate in this activity. We are trying to prove that lucid dreaming knows no boundary, whenever you maybe young or old and What are the things most people eat, drink, do, techniques or maybe prepare to have a successful lucid dream.The more participants, the merrier

For those who would be participating in this activity, We owe you our college diplomas and for those who don't, well thanks for visiting the page


we have posted this in other thread but we are not spammers just desperates

we are really running out of time so we can't practice lucidity stepsbysteps so pretty please

help us.... Attachment 5565


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | The drinks are on me the "Bar Lucid" in the Purple Hills

Lucid dream #2 last night. I'll post full details on my dream journal. Being the self-doubter I am I was again not 100% sure at first, but there was just too much detail and too much "first-person tactile" experience to be anything else. Lottery winners must experience this feeling. "Have I really won? Am I dreaming?" Well we are mate, because that's what it's all about to us!

I'm putting an unlimited-tab over the bar, so just help yourselves to food and drink. Where's the "Bar Lucid"? Why, in the Purple Hills of course...well, it will be when I get round to it. First I've got to drain the Methane Swamp...then's there's the bridge over the Tar-pits...and I've got to start recruiting the oompa loompas... better set up a small township first...and I've got the four-lane super highway to build. Hold on...I'll do some calculations. One, maybe two LDs a week...I really must learn DEILD...then there's the learning-curve...gotta walk before I in a margin of error for the holidays...and illness...and will I run out of blueberries? Add that all together and I reckon the grand-opening will be...

2025...if I'm still alive....still, anticipation is half the pleasure isn't it...enjoy


Attached Images

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 9/12/2013 - Common Mating Theme

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Technical issues and Remember 9/11

News you NEED to Know…..

Chess Puzzle | 9/10/2013 - Sealing the Deal

Monday, September 9, 2013

Guest Post: Climbing Mt. McKinley and Rules for Life

Lucid Dreaming | Lucid Dreaming IAmA Tomorrow @ 5

My friends and I will be answering questions about lucid dreaming on the official IAMA Reddit page tomorrow starting at 5pm ET. Feel free to ask us anything about attaining lucidity, no matter how obvious or bizarre! Who the hell are we? We're authors of a new book called A FIELD GUIDE TO LUCID DREAMING, which comes out in the US tomorrow!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Week ahead….

Firearm Review: Henry Arms US Survival Rifle……..

Chess Puzzle | 9/9/2013 - Free to Mate

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | writing down mantras?

I'm writing down mantras for a mild-ish technique because I remember things better when I write them down. But I'm not sure when I should do this. Right before bed or in the afternoon, our something?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | Theory about DILD: dream recall and becoming lucid

Just a theory this...

on how recall habit helps you to become lucid (only sometimes):

You achieve the habit of recalling your dreams on waking so that it becomes second nature. Sometimes in dreams does the waking process begin and, because of the recall habit, you automatically, reflexively begin to try recalling previous events and this can trigger lucidity?

Also, the accepted guidance on dream recall may be something along the lines of: "Wake up, stay still and remember as much of the dream as you can" but each individual will bring their own personality nuances to this, and some of those nuances may lead to more success in achieving lucidity than others. It might be worth researching the way individuals recall their dreams and structure that information, because some recall methods may be better than others.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 9/8/2013 - Corner Pocket

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Any experienced for FILD technique? (FINGER)

Finger induced LD. :roll: What is the feeling of the transition? How long did you move your fingers before realizing you're dreaming? Will it work everytime? How to prevent fall alseep during FILD? :shock:

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | I don't know how to ADA

Hello DV, i had being trying ADA over 2 months, but recently

i've been more confused, and i came to conclusion that i don't know how to ADA.

While i am on computer playing games i forget everything around my surroundings

and just keep playing, but when i get out of computer i try to force my mind being aware of my surroundings.

i feel my feet as walking to another home division, i try to hear, smell and feel.

but i think my mind doesn't support all this at the same time and i just end up losing my concentration, i thought

if i could notice all of those things my awareness time would raise, but it's happening the inverse.

but if i am not supposed to feel my surroundings at the same time what am i supposed to do?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity giant Mountain House sale….

Wiping your butt after TSHTF……

Trying a new holster….

Lucid Dreaming | Did I just become lucid or did I dream that I became lucid?

I repeated what I did the night before and got up at 07.00 AM and stayed up for an hour, revising a list I'm doing for memory improvement. I went back to bed and did 5 minutes running through memory checks and dream signs, then my usual instruction re waking-up after each dream and recording it. I woke up once after a small dream and resolved to remember it and go back to sleep (that's been risky in the past, but I do remember it and I will add it to my dream journal - that's a step forward already) Then sometime after 9.00 AM (I think, because I woke at 9.20 am) I had another dream.

I was working at a desk in a company (DS) A woman brought me a package and told me to send it to (I don't remember the company name) I thought "That's not part of my job description." but I must have located the phone number of a contact and I rang him to confirm the address and recipient. He blathered on and seemed to be complaining about me ringing him Then I couldn't find the package on my desk and I thought something like "That's odd...I must be dreaming."

Then the scene seemed to change to open countryside and I could feel the heat of the sun. People talk about excitement...well I felt joy I thought I can tell the wife that I'm lucid! Then I thought don't lose the dream and it started to go and I think I felt a bit dizzy. I remembered about spinning and I did it for a very short while...I usually get very dizzy doing that but not this time. It seemed to stabilize but then I wake up. But I noticed the background music I was playing was absent...then it seemed to fade-up. I remembered to check that it wasn't a false-awakening then I tried to get back into the dream but I've never done that before and it didn't work.

Could I have dreamt that I'd become lucid? Would I have dreamt saying "I must be dreaming?"

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 9/7/2013 - Kaidanov - Watson, Kolkata 1988

Thursday, September 5, 2013

News You NEED To Know

Upcoming Sustainable Preparedness Expo’s

Lucid Dreaming | Turning medical SP into lucid dreaming..

I get the medical condition of Sleep Paralysis quite often (not HH) and I had an episode today and decided to try again to get into a lucid dream with it. I calmed myself and then imagined myself floating above the ocean. I had that weird vortex thing open up in front of me again. It was full of colors and tiny dream fragments. I focused on it some more and I felt myself flung out of my body into this weird void. In this void I had hypnagogic images, but I couldn't seem to focus on the dream scene I wanted (floating above the ocean), so I gave up. I forgot that I had been in SP though, and the next thing I remember I was waking up out of a short non-lucid dream back into SP. And the dream was nothing to do with the ocean. Obviously I had almost succeeded.. what did I do wrong this time? Why couldn't I focus on the dream scene I wanted? I tried projecting myself into the random hypnagogia but that didn't work either..

Do you think floating above the ocean was a bad aim? Do you think I should try and project myself onto solid ground next time? What should I do different next time?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | Hi, new to DV! Please try my technique, works 90% of the time

Hey guys, I'm new to DV. I've been experimenting with a bunch of different ideas and techniques regarding lucid dreaming in the past years, but have had pretty limited success, until I worked this out. Please have the patience to try this technique i came up with, because I've literally only given it a couple of weeks to fully comprehend the strong implications that this technique has BY FAR the highest ratio of success over failure that I have ever come across. :shadewink:

Here it is. Please have faith in it... Do me a favor and try it for only 2 days, and then report back on this thread. I joined dreamviews because I felt compelled to share this. I can't wait to see the results of others. Please try it and comment back here!

Spend sufficient time studying instructions below with

frequent repetition and memorize them before going to bed.

v v v v v v v v v v v v v v

1. Set an alarm to be asleep for either 4 or 5 hours. (I highly recommend 5)

2. Wake up to remind yourself of your intention to have a lucid dream.

Immediately get up and stretch, to become extremely physically relaxed.

3. Go to the bathroom.

4. Now go sit down (do not slouch) in a preferably uncomfortable chair.

5. Gather your thoughts, and with your eyes open, repeat this entire set of instructions

in your mind 3 times (Don't worry, not word for word). By strengthening your intention

through repetition, you will activate subconscious memory banks, and implement the

energy needed for your goal of a lucid dream to ultimately manifest.

6. Finally, listen to a song that preferably has lyrics. You must absolutely love “________'' and

be able to replay/sing “________'' accurately in your mind on demand.

AND YOU MUST listen to this song at an almost completely inaudible level.

7. Follow along with the song and replay it as 'loud' as you possibly can in your mind.

8. Repeat this mantra 20 times: ''I'm dreaming'' -

While performing a visual reality check.

9. Set an alarm, but try to give yourself at least 2 hours to be asleep in bed.

10. Go straight to bed and immediately relax. Clear your mind, as lucid dreaming will automatically be your last prime focus. You should fall asleep very easily.

11. You will either have a false awakening, become aware during sleep paralysis and need to trigger a WILD, or very suddenly realize you are dreaming.

12. If you understand and execute every detail of these steps,

it is extremely likely that you will have a lucid dream.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 9/5/2013 - Mate in 4

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Is Chuck Norris the Ultimate Survivalist?

Lucid Dreaming | Can and how can I make this wrk?

Okay so I have this app called Lucid Dreams :cheeky: and you set a timer and after every X minutes or hours , it'll play this bell sound & I've been using it for awhile now and when I hear it I know to do a reality check , I've gotten a few DILD's from it , but I was wondering if I set it while I'm sleeping and I put in headphones or something , will I be able to notice it while I'm sleeping a do a reality check? Have any of you guys done something like that, and do you think it's possible?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Review: Esbitt Pocket Survival Stove

Chess Puzzle | 9/4/2013 - Mate in 2

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Ideas for strenghtening intention and willpower for LDs

Hi fellow oneironauts !

There is probably some topic on this, but never mind...Show must go on :cheeky:

I am getting more and more confident about the importance of intention and willpower in life. Also, i can see how it may be the common mechanism behind « so many LDing techniques ».

There are some recent studies and books on willpower, since the groundbreaking «marshmallow test» ( btw, its so funny and insightful to watch some demonstrations on youtube )

Laberge's EWOLD also has some exercises to build willpower/ intention and he stresses its importance throughout the whole book.

So, what would you do in order to build your willpower and intention to improve your LDing goals ? I will start:

1 -Stop smoking...

2- Do 30 min daily walk...

3- Treat your parents kindly...

4- Practice a lucid dream technique... :cheeky:

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

What’s on my bookshelf right now…..

What to do with $1000 right now….

Berkey giveaway announcement………

Lucid Dreaming | Need help!!

So i have had a dry spell for 1 month exactly today, i have only ever had one lucid but have only had four dreams in the past month!

I am hoping to atleast remember a dream in the morning, who knows, maybe if im lucky i will become lucid!

But i was wondering if YOU could help me!

I am curious as to what i should do before bed?

I am going to sleep in about 3 hours and need to know what to do to make my dreams as memorable as possible!

If you could leave something, anything i will be great full!

Thank you!


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | A bit nearer... I hope

Hi there,

I'm not sure if this is the appropiate section.

Just wanted to share my experience tonight, which I hope is a sign I'm a bit nearer of attaining lucitidy while dreaming more often, something that only happened a couple times accidentaly in several months. For now I only had a couple of very-short lucid dreams, so I'm still waiting for the good one, while deep sleeping.

So, here is the thing. Yesterday, after dinner, I had a couple of beers while playing this game on the PC (for real, not dreaming). Now suddenly I find myself with a third beer, almost finished, and I ask myself: "when did I open this one?... This makes no sense... I was only going to have two... and also, I didn't put this one on the fridge... where did it come from? What's happening here?". Well I just finished it. Bad thing is I realized it was a dream when I woke up and remembered it.

The feeling in the dream was weird. I could remember myself having the first two beers, and then an empty, void space in my memory, not knowing how I ended there drinking that third beer. This is something I don't usually experience in dreams. I mean, everything, even if it's really weird, looks normal, or I just accept it without much question. But this time I was puzzled... I found myself finishing a beer I didn't even put on the fridge (oh, I just remembered the glass felt cold), and that couldn't remember myself cracking.

Now, another strange thing happened on another dream this same night. I was driving a big truck (18 wheeler), and it seems I parked it and transformed into a car, because a woman came to me asking if I always park my car so wrong, and confused, I looked at the car, saw that it had one side on the pedestrian area, and a bit surprised I told her: "err... I... I don't know how this happened.. to be honest I can't even remember myself parking it...". She replied as if I was just having fun of her. "No... really, I mean it... I was with a truck, and suddenly I find myself here with a car parked... and I can't remember myself parking it.."

I don't know, maybe these are a bit normal happenings in dreams, but I just wanted to share them here. I'm doing a DJ for several weeks now so maybe it's related to me remembering more and more dreams and discovering new things, but I certainly hope it's a sign that I'm near to "waking up" inside one dream someday...

Sorry for the long text and thanks for reading!


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 9/3/2013 - h-file, The Road To Success

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Lucid Dreaming | Problems with lucidity

I have been following a number of guides and found that MILD is the best technique for me. Following Naiya's MIld guide thoroughly tends to guarantee me a very vivid dream; but that's it. In all my dreams, I'm never aware I'm dreaming. No matter how many times I record my dreams in my DJ or spend hours thinking I'm going to lucid dream only seems to induce vivid dreams. What else should I do? Is sleeping late preventing me from being lucid?

I've been doing this for weeks and all I have achieved is better quality of dreams. The closest thing I had to lucidity was eating candy. It tasted so real, but I never felt full. I have been reading many guides but none of them have been close to initiating lucidity for me. What should I do?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | Could somebody explain vibrations ?

Im asking because when Im relaxing (for wild), I often get these vibrations in legs. I gues they arent HH or OBE vibrations (is that same ?), because they dont stop when I change position to sleep, even when I get up and than again lay down after few seconds they start again, I don't understand what are they, so I would be thankful if somebody could explain this (and vibrations in lucid dreaming generally).

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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