Friday, July 11, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | My current way of having lucid dream. 90% succes:D!!

I have learned many ways to have lucid dream and have come up my own ways to lucid dream. The one i have found most effortless is wake back to bed.

This is how i get lucid dream any time i want.

I wake up naturally about 2-4 hours after going to sleep. When i become aware that im awake i sit up and do reality check (Sometimes im so tired that i allow myself to fall asleep right away without having lucid dream). Once i have sat up i start to build my intention of having a lucid dream and increase my awareness just enough that im able to fall back to sleep but not being too aware to fall back to sleep. Then i lie down on my back against the bed and let myself relax. Im not thinking that i have to stay still and forcing myself to keep my mind silent or being too focused having lucid dream.

I make my intention as clear as possible just say once im going to lucid dream and go to sleep.

When the dream starts im lucid 90% of time which is almost always.

I usually have about 3-10 lucid dreams a week because sometimes when i wake up at night im still half sleep and dont build intetion of having lucid dream properly instead just go to sleep without putting any effort of having intention to lucid dream.

Also does anyone elses lucid dream go black once in while? Like im flying fast and i notice " oh s**t my dreams fading" and then i start to focus on continuing dream and everything goes black and i start to feel my physical body again and focus staying still. Then i wait for my dream to continue and sometimes i am in different sceanary and the story have changed a little but im still lucid. This happens about 10 times while im having lucid dream it takes away little bit of fun away of the experience.

Just thought i should share this technique since it works so well for me:D.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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