Saturday, August 31, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | I hear a voice before I go lucid? Please help

Very interesting, I'll lay in bed for about 3 minutes (depending on how tired I am) and then I'll hear a voice, as if my dream has started but I've not yet visualized it(?) then everything will go black as if I become unconscious and then become lucid. I want to share an experience which ties into sleep paralysis maybe.

I went to sleep at 3:27 am after finally finishing homework ( I had taken a nap and woken up at 9 pm, then stayed up until the 3:27 mark)

I tried lucid dreaming, so I laid in bed and focused on my body going to sleep, then I felt like someone was touching the palms of my hands, but kinda like an energy, hard to explain. I then remember hearing a voice 3 seconds before I went unconscious. I found myself in another bed in my dream, I looked and my hands to do a reality check and they were completely distorted, as if they were broken but also they looked swollen from the palms. I rubbed my hands together so I could make the dream more vivid, and my hands felt very numb. I then started hearing sounds in the bed as I laid there, like it would be silent and then I'd hear like someone scratching something, or plastic bag sound. I then got scarred to I closed my eyes in my dream and opened them in the real world, I did a reality check to make sure I wasn't still dreaming.

I'd like to point out that I get these sudden burst of lucid dreams and then they stop and then they come back. Why does this happen? I look back to see if I do something different on these nights then on the different nights, but I can't seem to contrast between them.

Any tips on how to maintain a consistent lucidity every single night?

I don't seem to have a technique, I just lay in bed, and I know when I'm falling asleep because most of the time I'll hear like a voice say something (don't know what though).

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Plans this week…..

Just in case you missed it…..

Lucid Dreaming | New to lucid dreaming

So i just found out about lucid dreaming a few days ago. I would really like to start having them more often. I learned about the mild and wild methods, rem sleep, reality checks, foods to improve lucidity, and dream journals. Im a teenager and have had a couple lucid dreams before, but they didn't last that long. Since i have no experience, what do you think will be the quickest way to have more consistent lucid dreams?

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Lucid Dreaming | Binaural Beats definitely helps Lucid Dreaming.

Last night I chose not to use binaural beats. I ended up having a brief lucid dream. It was not as long or as good as when I do use them. In fact, I wasn't even thrilled. I use beats to help Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection, and OBEs. When I lucid dream using the beats, I have longer, more vivid lucid dreams and I always come close to astral projecting. So you folks that were wondering if Binaural Beats actually work, they do in a way. They help increase the chances and change the outcome. Based on my experiences, if you put in work, listen to them multiple days/nights and still follow through with whatever techniques you like to use, they will definitley help. Now that I have had a LD both with and without the Binaural beats, I can say I definitley would rather use them. If anyone is interested I can link you to my Youtube page I have over 35 beats most of them over an hour long. Anyone else have any experiences with Binaural Beats they'd like to share???

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Chess Puzzle | 8/31/2013 - Coakley, Winning Chess Exercises for Kids

Friday, August 30, 2013

YouTube Video: Tips on Reloading a Rifle

Lucid Dreaming | My first flying lucid!

What a breathtaking experience.. It started off as my dreams usually do. I felt as if I was being held down by some force. I couldn't move. I was sort of nervous as I thought it was going to be a nightmare. I told myself that this is my dream, and I can control and do what I please. The feeling was like that after a hard workout, you sit down, and breath slowly and you can feel your heart slow, and slow until you can't really notice anymore. I then tried to open my eyes, which I did. I stood up from my bed and made my way to my door. I took note that my walking felt as if I was drunk and disoriented. My vision wasn't so great, but I also didn't stabilize looking back. I was in my living room, and I opened my door to my patio. The idea of flying came to mind. Right then my arms flew in front of me as if I were superman. I could feel the wind brushing my hair. It was amazing. I was above the tree line. A magnificent sight I never thought would be so astounding. P.S. I've never been in a plane, so I haven't had much of a experience of looking down on the world I live on.

The dream then faded, as I assume was due to the overwhelming and jaw dropping experience which I know will subside over time.

After this dream. I had a dream where I was telling my moms boyfriend about the lucid dream I just had. I hadn't even had time to tell someone in walking life about it. Which I thought was soft of ironic!

Anyway I just wanted to share this with you guys on Dreamviews :) Good to talk to you guys, happy dreaming! :eek:

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Lucid Dreaming | Help getting back into things

Ive been slacking off the past few weeks. I wanna get back in the game. My awareness and Dream Recall arent so good anymore. I have my dream journal still, how can I get my recalls as good as they were? And what are some good techniques for increasing your all day awareness? Thanks my fellow dreamers!

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Lucid Dreaming | Can't stay Lucid.

I become Lucid and in 1 minute or less I wake up or have False awakening.

Someone Help.

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Chess Puzzle | 8/30/2013 - Mate in 7

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Idea for silent alarm…..

Lucid Dreaming | A thought about MILD

Everyone here knows MILD - basically, you'll do something like wake up and recall your last dream, visualise seeing a DS in it and becoming lucid, then go back to sleep saying an affirmation. I realised recently there's an assumption about MILD - that when we go back to the dream we'd occupy the same dream body we did before. Why not go back to the dream and expect to find your old dream body there while you have a new one? You'd have a clone of yourself in a dream that you could collaborate with to do dreamy goals. Spotting yourself in a dream would also make you more likely to realise it's a dream.

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Lucid Dreaming | What did just happen ?

First I want to say that I've allready had some pretty weird experiences and was thinking about posting them, but I didn't.

So, yasterday I read about technique called Adam's WILD Technique (I would give link here, but webiste won't let me)

and decided to give it a try (I'm trying to lucid dream for a while now but still nothing). I woke up in middle of night, tried it for a minut but I was too lazy so I went back to sleep. I woke up in about 8am in the morning and I just lay in bad for about 10-15 mins (relaxed and comfortably). Than I lay on my belly and something weird started happening.

It was like im floating on waves, at first it was pretty weak, but very fast started to be pretty intense. That floating started being so fast that itjust turned into vibration, my whole body was vibrating. Than it felt like somebody turned my body for 180 degrees on right.

My Body is still vibrating but one spot on my back was vibrating stronger. It felt like something is moving on my back. I can't explain it very well, that "spot of stronger vibration" moved trough my whole body (head, arms, legs...) and than it stopped. I was still vibrating but just vibrating. Whole time I was kind of hopping that I will end up in lucid dream, but i didn't.

So, can someone please tell me WTF happened to me ?

P.S. English isn't my first language so sorry if post isn't that grammaticly correct.

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Chess Puzzle | 8/29/2013 - Imprisoned

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How Do You USE Your Preparedness Supplies?

Government out of control……contact your Congressman!

Lucid Dreaming | Pleae review my idea!

Well, I'm trying to begin lucid dreaming again after a small break and I'm deciding on which technique I will use. In my life, I've only had maybe three or four lucid dreams, so I don't really have a method that has worked the majority of times. But I had an idea of using a method where I wake up after every dream, and use hypnagogia to enter a lucid dream from a waking state. The outline I made for myself was to :

Step 1). Create a mantra to guarantee my wake up after every dream ends, I've decided to go with "I wake up after my dreams"

Step 2). Repeat mantra until results are apparant.

Step 3). As I wake up after every dream in the night time, practice recognizing hypnagogiac hallucinations and practice attempting to use them to my advantage.

Step 4). Keep practicing my mantra, as well as recognizing hypnagogiac hallucinations, rinse and repeat every night.

Why I'm asking the forum is because through my time with lucid dreaming, I've always used theories and techniques presented to me on the forum or other sources like WILD, MILD, DEILD, etc; this one I kind of pieced together myself, though I have heard of others using hypnagogia as a direct into a lucid dream (WILD), but I thought that if I mix the mantra of waking up after all of my dreams, I could somehow chain together lucid dreams. I was thinking in the long run, as I perfect this present technique I could chain lucid dreams together by waking up after every dream, using hypnagogia to enter the dream, wake up from that dream due to the mantra and rinse and repeat that. Now, I'm asking this on the forum because I am heavily open to suggestion and would love any ideas and improvements people could give me as I usually use other peoples ideas and I'm not so sure how this will work. Thanks!

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Chess Puzzle | 8/28/2013 - Mate in 4

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered “Potential Terrorists”

Recent firearms training…..

Announcement: Preparedness Expo’s in Washington

Lucid Dreaming | ADA complex

guys, i've been trying to solve this enigma all by myself but....

ADA sounds more hard than it actually is for me, i try to get aware of all of

my surroundings all day, but it is too hard to paying attention to all the stuff

it happens around me, in other words, i can't get aware of everything at the same time.

how you guys do it? i started ADA like 5 days ago, i've been doing ADA sessions over 8 months.

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Chess Puzzle | 8/27/2013 - Down The Line

Monday, August 26, 2013

Rodents after it hits the fan…..

Lucid Dreaming | Best time for REM

I was just wondering what is the normal time in the morning for one to enter REM sleep?

Or is this different for each person?

If it help i wake up at 6:30

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The Panhandle Rancher speaks……on footwear

Chess Puzzle | 8/26/2013 - Mate in 2

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Apple Juice does the trick for dreams

I tried drinking apple juice before going to sleep and not eating anything else 3 hours before going to sleep and I have had very vivid dreams about 4 a night but unable to become lucid and I have had some false awakenings which is the funniest things ever because I always take about the dreams I just had before going into the false awakening to who ever is there and having to repeat myself again when I really wake up just wanting some help on attaining lucidity.

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Lucid Dreaming | New to LD, tried Wild, need help

so i tried wild after about 3-4 hours of sleep. my brother woke me up, around 5am in the morning, and i figured this was a good opportunity to try WILD. shortly after laying on my back with hands by my side my whole body begin to feel "tingly" as i would like to call it.. and my eyes started fiickering and i kept swallowing. i felt so close to my first lucid dream but instead my eyes kept in voluntarily flickering an i kept swallowing because i felt someing in the back of my throat. needless to say i failed at the lucid dream attempt. it was the first time i have ever tried this and it was rediculously "reality warping" for me in the sense that after i had failed i could still see what appeared to me sublte color changes in reality, for example imagine everything is fine but there is like a layer like in photoshop over the original view and its speckled with different colors.

now that all of that has been said, how can i fix these problems?

is binaural beats a good way to help? ive used them before while awake meditating and it sort of puts my mind blank when i do it right

is there anything else that can help?

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Chess Puzzle | 8/25/2013 - Bishop Pair Power

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | found dream sign

Okay for the past week I have 4-5 dreams about the ocean/sea but I never really went in the water I was always by the shore admiring the view. I looked up dream meanings of the ocean and I guess swimming in the ocean means you have good awareness and easy access to your subconscious. So if I was able to use my dream sign (the ocean) and start swimming around I may realize I am dreaming because I can breath in water. Only if I can get myself to jump in. Hmmm I may be close to my firstlucid dream XD

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News you NEED to know……

Lucid Dreaming | Multiple lucids in one night? (First time)

What's up everyone. Last night I had a lucid where I woke up in my bed, and walked into my living room. I opened my front door and went outside. Then the dream faded. This dream happened twice, then another dream. Which I was not very lucid, but aware. I've only had two lucids before this. Now two in one night?

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Footwear question……

Chess Puzzle | 8/24/2013 - Tactics and Consolidation

Friday, August 23, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | mentioning lucid dreaming while dreaming?

Alright the pass few days my dreams are becoming more and more vivid. All they have in common is a girl (different one each time) and somewhere we talk about lucid dreaming or question if its a dream but I always get easily persuaded that its not a dream. I know I am getting closer to my first ld and want some advice on how to pass this. Here are in two of the dreams if u want to hear.

I am walking around my bedroom just thinking, when a friend named nick came in. (I never talk to him that often) he told me that him and I were both selected to be prefects/helpers of the school. He handed me an ID that showed I was a prefect and we started to drive off to school. As we were entering a girl named "" decided to come with us. While In the car to school I kept talking to this girl (prefer not to say her name but I never really thought much about her before) then she starts teasing me about lucid dreaming. So I said oh you know about lucid dreaming? she smiles then hits me and we began play fighting and I never questioned if it was a dream.

Second dream: the story is long so ill just make it easier and try to skip through. First you need to know the backround to understand. This is irl I was in utah went to a dance with a girl I found really attractive hung out with her for a few days (it was a week camp thing to learn about the college) I slowed danced with her ext ext. She told me she was moving to california (where i live irl) i went home and havent really talked to her since ( about 2 months ago) then to the dream part. I was walking home from school with a buddy when I saw a girl with brightly colored hair. I went up to her moved her hair from her face and saw that it was the girl from utah. Talked talked ext ext. Found my mom and she took me to a roller coaster that just came into town. We rode it and when the ride was finished their was no one controlling the ride and the ride didn't stop so we rode it again. This time it stopped and my mom and I got off. On my way out to go home the girl I met from Utah came up to me and my mom and asked if I could stay and hang out with her. I quickly talk to my mom and ask her if I was dreaming? She said if it was a dream why do I see it also? Then I discarded thinking it was a dream and went with the girl.

Any tips to help me? I know I'm close to my first ld. Thank you

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Chess Puzzle | 8/23/2013 - Dus Chotimirsky - Marshall , Kongress 1910

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Anyone in the Twin Cities want to get together and talk lucidity?

I live in Minneapolis and I'm trying to get together a group of folks that share tips on lucid dreaming and experiment together with different supplements, music, etc. If you live in the Twin Cities area drop me a line and we'll see if we can get any folks together to meet.

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Lucid Dreaming | connection between sleep and dream to induce more LDs

In my recent lucid dreams I somehow noticed that the waking life and the dream life are much more closely related to each other than I previously thought.... well it sounds kind of obvious and I should have known it earlier, but somehow the more lucid dreams I have the more I notice how incredibly thin this border between dream and waking life is.

So here is my thought/question: It sounds a little bit like a form of self-awareness and ADA. If you become more and more aware of this connection between the sleeping and the waking reality and that your dreams basically are the subconscious impression of your waking life just with the subtle difference that your focus is not on your physical body, then wouldn't it be easier to induce LDs?

I have been practicing ADA and RRCs and SAT for a while now and the more I think about this close interaction and those tight connections between waking and dreaming life the easier it is to induce LDs. Last night for instance I noticed that my friend at who's villa I was doesn't even have a villa in real life... So I did my nose-plug RC (which somehow failed me for the very first time... I was unable to breathe after plugging my nose), but after this negative RC I somehow thought about the fact that I might still be sleeping because that's what I do about a third of my day and that dream and reality are linked together so closely and this thought gave me lucidity instantly. To be honest I don't exactly know why, but just thinking about the fact that I could be sleeping gave me lucidity.

Any thoughts or similar experiences? :)

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Chess Puzzle | 8/22/2013 - Precision Moves

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A conversation with a non-prepper………

Abuse of power?

Chess Puzzle | 8/21/2013 - Sac'N'Mate

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Video of the Week: “We’re building a domestic army…..” is now carrying fish antibiotics……

Chess Puzzle | 8/20/2013 - Mate in 3 - Go!

Chess Puzzle | 8/20/2013 - Mate in 3 - Go!

Chess Puzzle | 8/20/2013 - Mate in 3

Chess Puzzle | 8/20/2013 - Mate in 3

Monday, August 19, 2013

Disaster Pop Quiz

Lucid Dreaming | Aware in real life, but not in dreams.

Hello DV, this been bothering me so much that i had to post

here for help, so here it goes.

How come i don't have any "signal" from my ADA trainments?

i do sessions every day about 3-5 minutes, i try to be aware as possible.

but the dreams just feel so normal. well i had 1 dream where some part of vividness

could be felt, i was riding my bike and i could feel the wind upon my face, and i had

3 lucids but they felt like normal dreams, i could tell myself i was dreaming thats why i call

them lucid. after 8 months my dreams didn't improve on anything, i know what you all will say.

that being fully aware on dreams will depend on the person. But could it take this long?

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Chess Puzzle | 8/19/2013 - Us Chess League Mating Action

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Terrible Terrible Dream Recall.(Rock Bottom)

For some reason for the past maybe 2 1/2 weeks maybe three I have had no so good dream recall. Most of the days I wake up with only the feeling of knowing I had a dream. NOTHING ELSE. I don't know what to do. Do I really just write "Nothing" in my dream journal?.. Can anyone please help me. I'd really love to start remember my dreams again. I was remember 2 a night for about week and then it's just gone downhill.

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Lucid Dreaming | Weird dream.

Hi! So tonight I was about to sleep, and like always I started thinking about what I wanted to dream, and saying to myself that I'd knew that I was dreaming and all that stuff. So I fell asleep and I had two dreams, nothing strange, but I started sleeping again and when i woke up I realized a weird thing.

[Short-version of the dream]: I was coming back from beach with a friend, going to take the bus to go to my house. Before that I went to my friend's house to take some biscuits. I left her house and sitted to wait for the bus, but I lost it, so I went again to my friend's house. She opened the door with a strange face and showed me a letter from another girl. After that she asked me if we were sleeping, and I told her that we were not sleeping, 'cause if we're sleeping we would know it just thinking about that in a dream.

After that I woke up and realized that my friend, inside my dream and my head, had a lucid dream, but not me. Has anyone had an experience like this?

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Lucid Dreaming | Best method for beginners?

I would like to know what the recommended induction method is for lucid dreaming beginners.

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Chess Puzzle | 8/18/2013 - Mate in 2

Saturday, August 17, 2013

News you NEED to know……

Lucid Dreaming | Trouble finding a good technique

I'm pretty knew to lucid dreaming (had two so far) and I'm having trouble finding a good technique to become lucid. My first lucid dream I just randomly had a week after finding out about lucid dreams. I didn't even do anything except read about lucid dreaming. My second was when I just repeated mantras before going to sleep and became lucid. Ever since my second (about a week ago) I hadn't had any lucid dreams. I am still a bit confused how to do some techniques. I really don't want to do the one where you wake up and go back to sleep because I have trouble going back to sleep after waking up. It usually takes up to two hours to go back to sleep and I wouldn't want that to effect the amount of hours I sleep. I'm currently trying the DILD method (found out about it today) but I want to know what else would work for me. Any suggestions?

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Lucid Dreaming | Excellent recall - can't remember to do RC's

I'm having awesome vivid dreams that i know are not reality but i haven't been able to do reality checks. I'm working on them during the day but just can't seem to remember to do them in my dreams. I feel i'm getting close though. Thanx to this site and the awesome members I feel it won't be long.

Any suggestions that mite push me over the line?


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Lucid Dreaming | Help with lucidity

Hi everyone. I have been trying to lucid dream for about a year and have had no success except for coming close 2 times. I started around June doing typical reality checks and doing ADA and mild but it didn' really work and three months after that I didn't really focus on it except off and on.

About six months ago I found Silverbullets thread and began doing that and have been doing that off and on since.

Does anyone have tips to help me break this lucid block I have because I don't know what I am doing wrong? I am in school but I don't think that should be the problem. Any advice would be great, thanks. :)

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Lucid Dreaming | seperation from physical body help

hello people can you tell me what you feel just before separation ?what make you feel that its the right time to separate? and what you do for separation . i tried moving non physical hands but its difficult because without using muscle how can we move anything. also suggest anything simple for separation.

thank you

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 8/17/2013 - Keres - Flohr, Semmering-Baden 1937

Friday, August 16, 2013

Naturally Repelling Insects

Upcoming Preparedness Expo’s

Chess Puzzle | 8/16/2013 - Mate in 6

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Had my FIRST lucid dream today!

Yeah, I have already posted it in my dream journal. Take a look if you want: First lucid dream!!!! - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

Thing is, I suppose I want some tips. I don't know if I could have done things better, but already, some ideas do come to mind. Perhaps doing better reality cheks, taking more slowly, doing different tests.. I don't know. I wasn't.. always 100% lucid... as it says in that entry there... I had a hard time firmly attaining lucidity in my dream. Each check I did usually ecited me too much, and sent me back to my bed, or made the dream seem less real.. like.. closing my eyes, and imagining the situation. Nothing was completely vivid, as far as I can remember, but I was aware enough to know part of me was dreaming, and the otrher part was still in my bed. ^^; So... Any tips? ^^


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Knowledge is Power!

This weekend!!!!! Preparedness Expo in August 17-18, Hagerstown Maryland

Lucid Dreaming | Was I close to a DEILD?

Heres the story (taken from my DJ):

My brother woke me up and I looked at him then said "Why'd you wake me up, I was having a really cool dream?" I stretched and put my blanket over my eyes then my arms over my face.

He got my DSi charger and left, then I immediately remember DEILD!! I quickly stay still and look at the back of my eyelids where I see a circle with a black dot in the centre getting smaller then a sort of TV static filled my sight and I thought "Wow maybe it'll work?" There were weird black orbs floating around the static. Then suddenly it all vanished for a minute so I decided to get up and I had failed... what went wrong? :?

Is it because I looked, talked, stretched? Idk because it seemed to work at first? Please help me I want to know at least if I was close or not?

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Chess Puzzle | 8/14/2013 - Mate in 3

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

News you NEED to know…….

Do you see “it”?

Lucid Dreaming | extra tired then sleeping help to get lucidity or better dream recall?

Their are some days when I get back super tired where I have all the time in the world to sleep and can easily fall asleep (not sleep deprevation tired but workout/athletic tired). Would this work well with a quick 10-15 min mild then fall asleep as I'm milding or help with better dream call? Or is this a terrible idea? Ps. I haven't had my first lucid dream yet been practicing for a week soooo stoked to get my first!

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Lucid Dreaming | How to control these nightmares.(When waking in the night)

hey everyone! School is back in and I haven't had much time to post in forums about my problems, but I feel like I need help from you guys ASAP.

Recently, as of last night, and before. I will wake up in the middle of the night usually from the dream, or will use the restroom and get back into bed. Last night I woke up from a nightmare. I can't remember it all, but I remember the emotion, fear. :shock: I did however manage to have another one the same night. When awaking in the middle of the night I usually think irrationally about how something could be watching me, or the feeling of re-entering a nightmare. I try to control this but it's quite hard honestly, anyway. I mentioned somewhere on the forum how about I feel very weird when "entering a dream." I guess tingly.. and just overall "weird feeling" not necessarily bad, but just how I can tell I'am about to dream. I get this feeling ALL THE TIME, but I usually back out from the fear of creating a nightmare because I can't control my thoughts of being scared.. My room is VERY DARK. I have full size blanket covering my window. You wouldn't be able to tell if it was day or night without moving it. I drempt that at the end of my bed where my feet hang, there was a large black shadow. Upon looking at this phantom, I could feel my physical body's heart racing. Sometimes I fear of going to sleep. I usually wake up everyone night because I drink only water which causes me to have to use the bathroom frequently. :panic:

I need help, someone please. Dread Guides come fourth! <3

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Chess Puzzle | 8/13/2013 - No Air to Breathe

Monday, August 12, 2013

A Really Good Reason To Prep discount for ModernSurvivalOnline readers

Lucid Dreaming | One way to do it - Tenacity!

I've been trying to LD for over a year, and have become frustrated many times. At least I have 5 short LDs to show for it, but all of just a few seconds.

I've tried all the techniques, staring with WILD (I know, more difficult), then trying DILD, DEILD, MILD, FILD, every xxLD in the book!

My more recent WILD attempts have been after a WBTB, but I found I ended up just ging to sleep all the time.

Last night I thought I would try something a bit different and really keep on the WILD attempt.

I have the Zeo headband and also use the ZILD Android app, and that combination can wake me reliably after a delay of 5 hours, at the start of a REM episode.

So last night it woke me at about 3:15, at the end of a very vivid dream about flying (not lucid though), and I got up briefly, then tried to WBTB WILD.

I tried the technique of SSILD (sight, sound, feel rotations) for a while, then started counting slowly down on each breath.

The difference this time was that I was really determined not to go to sleep. I know, you have to go to sleep to dream, but since I was always falling asleep and not having an LD, I thought I would give tenacity a try.

I continued to count down from 99, and got to 0, so I started again, and again, and again. I then tried counting up.

During this time, I could feel several occasions where was getting close, seeing various imagery, feeling some vibrations and hearing strange sounds, but all the while it felt like I was very awake.

Two hours went by, all the while I was doing this.

At 5:15 ZEO showed that I went into light sleep, and at 5:30 that I was in REM, and this was the first LD I had. I won't bore you with the dream detail, but it started as a vivid dream, and I just suddenly knew I was dreaming. I was falling backwards as I realised, which is probably what woke me up. So this was only a short LD, but after a couple of hours of WILD attempt!

With that success I tried to stay very still and re-enter the dream. I had 15 minutes awake, then 15 minutes of light sleep before going into REM again.

This time I had another vivid dream, but quickly realised I was dreaming. I had perhaps a minute of lucidity, when I decided to interact. My brother was in the dream, and his hair was so lifelike, like I could see every strand of his hair, to I thought I would reach out and touch it, but just as I was about to touch it, he disappeared, and then the dream scene fragmented. I tried desperately to rub my hands together, but I remember being worried that if I moved I would wake. I need to think more about dream stabilisation!

What I think might have happened is that although I am trying to WBTB at the beginning of REM in a sleep cycle, I probably had to wait for the next REM event, so at least 90 minutes later to get another go.

Even so, tenacity seems to have worked!

This may not be a very sustainable method, but it gives me something to work on, and it was 2 successful WILD attempts in one night.

I didn't remember to RC at all, which is a bit annoying, but I suppose if you just know you are dreaming it doesn't matter?

I guess it might help with stabilisation...

I would welcome any comments or suggestions.

I've attached the Zeo plot here for those who are interested;


Attached Images

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Lucid Dreaming | help with tactile hallucinations

when i tried to wild after being relaxed enough i noticed this thing where my body started feeling like its moving back and forth slowly then i mentally tried to increase the speed and it happened and it was like its really happening with my physical body. after that on next 4 attempts after bieng relaxed i tried to recreate that sensation and it worked everytime .i can controll and create that feeling when ever i want so i guess it is an tactile hallucination and if it is then how to use it for dream entry?

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Chess Puzzle | 8/12/2013 - Mate in 2 Again

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Good enough for you….but not for Congress

Lucid Dreaming | Yoga Breathing Exercises and Lucid Dreaming

I have a question for Yoga practitioners concerning breathing exercises such as cleansing breaths and alternating nostrils breath before going to bed. Some people use that for relaxing and having better sleep quality. I suspect this can improve awareness and turn dreams more vivid facilitating lucidity. True or false ?

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Lucid Dreaming | Yoga Breathing Exercises and Lucid Dreaming

I have a question for Yoga practitioners concerning breathing exercises such as cleansing breaths and alternating nostrils breath before going to bed. Some people use that for relaxing and having better sleep quality. I suspect this can improve awareness and turn dreams more vivid facilitating lucidity. True or false ?

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Lucid Dreaming | ADA in video games

I recently learned about the ADA technique (recently as in last night) and I got really excited about trying it. I just had a question about how you would observe your world around you when you're playing a video game, or reading a book, or doing anything else in which you are almost fully absorbed in the material and are too focused on what you're currently doing to take any notice to your lungs breathing or the birds chirping, etc. I play a lot of video games and watch a lot of TV during these summer days. Can you take a notice to the the aspects of the video game you're playing as opposed to your own world? maybe listen to your characters footsteps? Maybe you could remind yourself that you're playing a video game? Thanks!

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Lucid Dreaming | wanting quick lucid dreams

So I want to lucid dream tonight, I have tried it before but I dont think I have ever had a LD . What would be the best technique to use for tonigh?

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Call to Action: August ’13 – Fuel

Lucid Dreaming | After 2 weeks I had a LD. DILD with Binaural Beats works! Please read further though!

Okay so after many trial and error I finally had my first official lucid dream! Im so stoked. I used DILD and Binaural beats. But I think 2 things happened at the same time. Pleas let me explain:

So I fell asleep listening to a Astral Projection and Lucid Dream Binaural beat. And I did so listening to the same specific beat I had been trying for the past few nights. Anyways back to my dream: So I was crawling into my room. I made it halfway in and I got stuck. Then I could not move. I looked up and stared at my computer. It was at this moment I relized I was dreaming. Then, I started hearing and feeling strong vibration noises. They took over my whole body. But somehow I still remained calm. The computer was off but tons of images flashed through the computer. It was almost like history was flashing through it. Then it stopped. I Still kept feeling the strong vibrations. I began to levitate but I was so happy it threw me off. I woke up (but not in real life) to my brother kicking me because I ws halfway out of my room. But I still knew I was dreaming. It took great effort to finally really truley wake up in real life.

Now, I am officially a true believer of binaural beats. However, the beats I listened to were mainly for Astral Projection and minorly for Lucid Dreaming. This was the 3rd time I felt the vibrations and my spirit body almost leave my physical body. Did I possibly almost astral project after becoming lucid? Or did I have just 1 big crazy Lucid Dream?

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Chess Puzzle | 8/11/2013 - Mate in 2

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Contest announcement……

Lucid Dreaming | Question about WBTB

Ok so normally in the morning my alarm goes off, and so I unlock it to turn the alarm off. If I want, I can always manage to go straight back to sleep without this disturbing me.

If I tried this alarm for my WBTB, would it matter if the lights flashed on me for a few seconds while I turned the alarm off? Because people have said this will ruin the effect and make it hard to go to sleep if theres a bright light so what should I do? I can turn the brightness all the way down but this is the only alarm I have. :?

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Chess Puzzle | 8/10/2013 - Pushing Forward

Lucid Dreaming | I want to get back into Lucid Dreams... where do I start?

So back in 2011 I was obsessed with Ld's, I tried a lot of techniques and worked really hard for months but only got about 3 or 4 Lucids in total. Because of this I just decided to give up :( Now I realize I should have kept going and I really want to start again, I'm determined to get a lucid dream this summer! It's really hard for me to get them though for some reason, so far this holiday I've tried to get DILD's and MILD's with no luck, I've also eating and drinking a lot of products with B6 in to trigger LD's... didn't do anything :(

I'm doing reality checks throughout the day and keeping a dream journal too.

So I'm not sure what to do, can someone help me? What's the next step I should try? I was thinking of WILD but I'm kinda scared of the sleep paralysis bit and also if my alarm went off in the night for WBTB it would wake up my parents and little brother in the next rooms lol

Any advice?

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Lucid Dreaming | Zooming void sensation

On rare occasions i get this sensation when lying down. This sensation is hard to describe but i'll try..

It's like the blackness behind my eyelids becomes darker in a sense. And i am zooming in, untill the point of black becomes larger and larger and eventually it becomes like a small dot. And then it stays stable like this.

There's more to it but that's as far as i can describe at this point. I have a feeling i should do something but any attempt of stimulating does not change the blackness. Does anyone know what i'm talking about here? What can i do to get something useful out of this?

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Lucid Dreaming | Trying the FILD technique, not working...

So i am very very new to lucid dreaming (and this website).

I have had lucid dreaming on my mind for a while now, maybe 2 years but never really tried it.

The last couple of nights i have tried the FILD technique because i felt it would be the easiest.

I have been putting an alarm on for abour 4-5 am and i slept through the first one but woke up for the rest.

If i am too tired i just fall asleep straight away, otherwise i am not tired enough and can't fall asleep.

I have tried the finger tapping but i fall asleep before i remember to do a RC.

I have had one dream in the last few days and i remember it, it was weird but average and i didn't know i was dreaming, i thought it was real until i woke up.

If you have any tips or anything for me please let me know as i am very keen to LD !!

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Lucid Dreaming | Dream Journal - How long do I need it ?

I've had many ups and downs trying to attain lucidity and tryed mainly DEILD and WBTB. I recently realized I was a lot better when I had a dream journal and lucidity happened spontaneouly in the middle of a dream (DILD). Maybe all I need is a dream journal and no special method at all. I've been wonderind if people here keep dream journals forever ?

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Friday, August 9, 2013

Day of relaxing……sort of

Lucid Dreaming | Any tips for first afternoon wild

Are there any tips that you can give me for my first afternoon wild? I'm really sleepy right now and am ready to fall asleep and dream, i just hope that i can recognize it, as a dream.

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Lucid Dreaming | Attaining Lucity possably easier for an aspie/autstic?

Its just a strange thought that occered to me. See, i'm autistic (offishally diagnosed with aspergers syndrome, too), and, I notice a few things....from my own aspie experience.....

Once, I went lucid 'cuz I discovered I had TWO plush dolls instead of JUST ONE of Riku from Kingdom Hearts (only have 1 irl and he means like the freakin' world to me xD)...:shock: Apperently, my brain picked up the error right away that there can only be ONE riku plushie in my life and well. Also I think i've nearly went lucid in dreams before when i never have 'word phobias' to my normal trigger words in the dream state (like i hear someone say 'shut up' and i'm fine, instead of screaming and panicing and telling people to 'say be quiet' or trying to find a computer...).

Concidering the nature of ASD disorders, I wonder if, its possable, that it can lead to easier lucidity/dream awareness.

Like having a really importent comphert item (like my riku doll) and in a dream noticing everything that could be 'different' about it; like, there being more than one, or its 'look' being different and questioning if your in a dream from that. Or even just change of normal aspie ruiteans....

Thoughts on this theory?

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Chess Puzzle | 8/9/2013 - Mate in 4

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Canning Bacon

Prepardness and Homesteading Chat over at….

Lucid Dreaming | flowofmysoul - Lucid Dreaming Tutorial/Method

Learn Time: Month or two

LD Chance: Every night in my case.

My goal is to keep your Lucid Dreaming as natural as possible, at the end of this course you should be able to be lucid in your every single dream. You will need 2 techniques to start lucid dreaming, they are very basic and do not require any excess effort. Both of these techniques are well known. As soon as you will get into Lucid Dreaming, you will be able to leave both of these techniques and hopefully enjoy Lucid Dreaming every night.

Reality Checks and Reminders.

Most of you already know what it is. You need to teach your subconscious mind to ask your self questions like "Am I dreaming?", "Is this real?", "Am i awake?". While you are awake every strange or weird situation should trigger these questions in your mind. This will help you wake up inside your dream and be lucid.

To increase your chances of asking this question in your dream make a reminder or two. Simply find something that you usually face in you dream, or something you are addicted to. It could be cigarette/smoking if you are a smoker, it might be clock/time if you often see or think of clock/time in your dreams. There is a very large choice of reminders, just find what is most suitable for you. Every time you face such reminder in your awake life - do a Reality Check, ask your self if you are dreaming and if it is all real. You do not need to actually say it, just think of these questions and try to understand whether you are dreaming at that moment or not. You will develop a habit of doing RC's every time you meet your reminder. One night you will find this reminder in your dream and you will most probably do a RC and you will wake up inside your dream.

Using Music or Audio Book.

I strongly advise to use Audio Book instead of Music, but if you do not like Audio Books you might go with Music, i am sure it will do fine too.

Find Audio Book with a pleasant voice and nice soft music in the background, any genre will do fine. Use speakers if you live alone, use vacuum headphones if you want to keep it private. Listen to this audio book when you are going to sleep, listen to it even when you are going for a quick nap. Advising to listen to your audio book in quick naps because i am often having LD's when i am sleeping for a short time, like 10 minutes or more. Adjust volume so it will let you fall asleep, but do not make it too low, audio book voice should be loud enough to wake you up, it also should be loud enough for you to clearly hear it while you are falling asleep.

The goal of this procedure is to train your mind to understand when you are actually falling asleep and do not loose your lucidity during that. In the beginning this voice might wake you up as soon as you fall asleep, but later one you will start feeling this process of falling to sleep very clearly, it will become longer for you. Instead of simply jumping from awake to sleep you will feel your journey there, it is going to be like a trip.

When you will fall asleep you will still hear and remember some part of voice from audio book, you need to recall what you remember and what you don't. You need to understand when you loose your conscious. You will wake up very often and every time try to remember what you have in your memory and what you don't. Every time you wake up - rewind your audio book until the moment that you last heard/remembered.

This is a very crucial moment in lucid dreaming, you have to master this state between sleep and awake.

This waking up might annoy you in the beginning, but later on you will get used to it and you will start enjoying it.

Very often you will feel like you are falling into your bed, like a vortex sucking you into your own bed. This is very normal, you will get used to it too, your body will react automatically and you will try to get out of this vortex.

Some of you might say, nothing can wake me up and so on... I can listen to SOAD while i sleep and i do fine, and that did not stop me from using this technique. Just focus on voice from your audio book, try to listen to it even when you fall asleep.


Combining these two techniques will raise your awareness, your subconscious will often question it self whether you are dreaming or not, this will become a habit. Plus you will master the ability to feel your way into the dream.

You do not need to follow these two techniques as soon as your level of awareness is high enough, plus you will not need to use any technique to get lucid in your dream if you clearly feel the process of actual falling asleep.

You will also be able to do DEILD's very easily because of your ability to feel the process of entering the dream.

I advise not to think of what you want to do in your lucid dream, you have to go to sleep with a clear mind, empty your thoughts and go to sleep. Keep Lucid Dreaming as natural as possible.

Your first attempts to Lucid Dream will be the hardest ones, you will become lucid due to reality checks or you will enter your dream and you will be lucid the whole way from awake state to your asleep state.

Very Important for those who already Lucid Dream! The less techniques you will use, the less you will think about Lucid Dreaming, the less effort you will put into Lucid Dreaming - The more vivid and better your Lucid Dreams will be.

How to control your dream: This is very important, if you understand this well you will have no problems to control your dreams and you will have no limitations in your actions. Your “will” controls your dream, not your wish, not your desire. There is a big difference between these three, if you are thinking ”i want to go there and do that” it will never happen, you will keep thinking of it without any success, or you might do something opposite to what you wanted to do. If you want to do something you just do it, you have to be sure in your action, and don’t let your self think that you cannot do something. It is not like a computer game where you have delay in everything, here if you are willing to be somewhere you are already there, if you are willing to do something you will be already doing it. Your "will" power is your most powerful weapon in lucid dream. Sometimes you might loose control of your dream and be in situation where for example you are running from somebody or etc, try to calm down and use your “will” instead of fear and desire to run away, if you will do it right, situation will change the way you changed it.

Regarding dreams recall: I never had any problems recalling my Lucid Dreams, some of them happened 3 years ago and i remember them until today as if they just happened.

My advise here would be to keep your awareness when you wake up, when you wake up be both, awake and back there inside your dream. In hard cases where you will feel that you cannot remember anything at all, simply do DEILD, go back to your dream just for a second and then wake up, you will remember all of your dream. Think of your dream memory as a tangle thread, you grab a thread and you will then remember all of it.

A lot of people are writing down their dreams, you can do it if you feel you want or need to do it. Personally i never wrote any of my dreams, until i created my blog. And even there in my blog i wrote only very old dreams. I can always recreate picture of my lucid dream by just thinking of it, i can remember all small details.

Tip for Beginners: Try not to get scared when you realize that you are awake inside your dream, this will wake you up immediately. Expect anything to happen, try to stay calm. In cases where you want to wake up because you are not sure whether you are awake or not, or when you are very scared of something – fear is your best friend to wake up. The longest period when i could not wake up was around 1 hour, i already thought i will never wake up and i will stay there in my dream forever.

THE MOST IMPORTANT - Keep your Lucid Dream process as natural as possible, it will then evolve by it self and as time will pass you will master your ability to Lucid Dream! Let it be part of you.

If you stick hard to any technique or guide you will most probably not evolve you Lucid Dreaming at all, or it will improve very slowly.

I must say that in my case it was extremely hard to quit LDing, and i never did. I found a side solution but i was not able to stop Lucid Dreaming. First 4 month i was waking up every single night, i did not count how many exactly but i had a feeling that i woke up hundred times per night. Every time i entered a dream I knew i am Lucid, i wanted to wake up to stop my LD, i woke up and then went back to sleep and appeared in another LD, nothing helped me, i washed my face, i took a shower, then i came back to sleep and again i appeared in LD. This process continued every night for next 4 month, i found a side solution, i became an observer. I knew i was lucid, i knew i could intrude into my dream any moment i want. I was sitting somewhere on the edge of mountain, observing beautiful nature, listening to nature voices. Or i simply acted as a flowing camera, as a 3rd person view observer.

You might ask why did i want to quit Lucid Dreaming? I had some kind of a Final Dream for my self, it made me want to stop my LDing. I never regretted of Lucidng Dreaming, it changed my life in very positive direction.

However i am now getting back to Lucid Dreaming :) it takes some time because i need to get rid of my habit of being an observer.

Good Luck! And let me know if my guide helped you :)

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Chess Puzzle | 8/8/2013 - GM Sutovsky - GM Svidler, 17th European Team Champ

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Huddled in the Dark – Part III

Special offer at The Marketplace….

Chess Puzzle | 8/7/2013 - Outward Attraction

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Supplements as part of your food storage program

Lucid Dreaming | Seeing dreams form

Earlier today when I woke up in the morning I went to get a glass of water and returned to bed. At some point I was semi-conscious and I saw things forming, I saw someone's head quite clear at one moment. But I 'noticed' it and woke up again. Is this how you do a WILD? Should I have let things keep going?

It was a strange experience btw.

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Chess Puzzle | 8/6/2013 - Minor Mate

Monday, August 5, 2013

News you NEED to know…….

Lucid Dreaming | Was I dreaming?

Ok so recently as I was going to bed, my body was very relaxed, and I wandered into my own mind. I found myself in what I thought was a dream. It was very vivid, but it didn't seem like I was there. It felt like I was creating it in my head, like a visualization?

Anyway, there were people talking although I don't remember the whole conversation. I then found myself asking one of the people a question to get the reply "Well you know that, you're dreaming." and out of no where I was back in my waking state just as if nothing happened.

Any ideas of what this could of been? I'm convinced it wasn't a dream however i'm not sure.

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Lucid Dreaming | What technique was this?

Had another lucid dream 2 nights ago.

The scene was I was in some large building by the beach, my bedroom was enormous, so in the dream I randomly become lucid and started creating things, like a huge clear pathway through the building. But now I remember the last lucid dreams I've had I wake up too quickly from a lucid dream, so for some reason I went back to sleep, then woke up again in the dream but wasn't lucid lol. I must have read something about this to have tired it out, I didn't intentionally go back to sleep I think, it was like I was drifting in and out of lucidity. What do I do next time to change the scenario without going to sleep and to prolong lucidity, realistically how long can you achieve lucidity in a dream???? I don't think I've gone past a minute yet!!

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Chess Puzzle | 8/5/2013 - Mate in 3 Again

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Are politics and preparedness connected?

YouTube Video: Wake Up America – Homeland Security Preparing For 2nd Revolution

Chess Puzzle | 8/4/2013 - Mate in 3

Saturday, August 3, 2013

A few random thoughts……..

Special Sale at Ranger Up: Cool t-shirts anyone?

Chess Puzzle | 8/3/2013 - White Wins

Friday, August 2, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Feeling when entering a dream. I fear it?

Afternoon Dreamviews! I come to you again hoping you can guys help me!

So, half of the time I will find myself waking up in the middle of the night or close to the morning around 4-6 a.m. When this happens I might usually use the bathroom, grab something to drink or try to sleep again. Usually upon waking (when trying to go back to sleep) I will open my eyes for maybe a couple seconds and then close them. Soon after, I get this weird.. feeling. As if I'am transitioning from reality to the dream world. If I feel this, and it's not to far in. I can re-open my eyes and find myself in walking life, but.. if not. I will find myself embedded in the dream world. Sometimes this feelings scares me away from entering them. Like this morning, I had it, but backed out fearing I would see things I didn't want to.

Yesterday morning, similar feelings, but I had transitioned before I could notice. I hadn't opened my eyes yet, and I wasn't scared. But when I got a thought

of fear. I could feel the whole world around me change into something bad. I didn't open my eyes, but somehow woke up.

If any of you can aid me on how to over come this, please do. I feel when I'am dreaming I get racing thoughts of things that could happen. and it's making the thoughts come true, and not good ones. :? :panic::puppydogeyes:

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Lucid Dreaming | Why can't I sleep?

So for awhile now I've been getting back into lucid dreaming and up to now I have been unsuccessful. Ill wake up naturally after seven hours of sleep or so (its usually around 6-7 am) and will immediately go to the bathroom and then try to go back to bed. I don't know why but for awhile I haven't been able to fall back asleep and I usually have a hard time falling back asleep. Has anyone experienced this or know how I can fix this?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Top 3 firearms when on a budget…..

Chess Puzzle | 8/2/2013 - Mate in 4

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Government control is getting ridiculous…..

Lucid Dreaming | how to get more lucid dreams?

hello i am new lucid dreamer i continuously do reality checks and maintaining dream journal as well.

i had 2 DILDs but i am expecting more lucid dreams so i think i should use more advanced technique or add mild with my current method. i want to ask you about MILD

i heard and read two types of mild the one is when we keep on repeating a mantra while going to bed and the other is when we visualize a dream getting lucid and doing what i want. which one is more effective and if you have any specific technique to do MILD or any technique .my point is tell me the technique which has more success rate for you ?

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Chess Puzzle | 8/1/2013 - Thematic Mating Idea