Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | RC Tip: Creativity and Fun

We all know the drill, RC each day to get LDs. Now, have you ever wondered why RCs work, and how? Don't wonder anymore, I'm gonna explain the INs and OUTs of RCing, and give tips on how to boost it and make it much more enjoyable!

First of all, RCs have 2 main jobs when it comes to inducing LDs:

•Making you do a RC inside a dream, and thus becoming lucid.

•Developing your critical state of mind.

Now, for the first job:

We all know that we RC during the day and hope that we would then RC inside a dream out if force of habit, right? A lot of LDers though don't know that habits don't work in dreams like you think they do. In dreams, or habits are impaired, or turned off.

Now you wonder, "If habits don't work, then how come we start RCing in dreams after we started RCing during the day?"

Well, I will answer this with another question. How come you dream about having a test the night before the actual test? How come you dream about driving your brand new car the same day you got it?

You see, the dream's plot is based off meaningful things that happened to us recently or are in our minds lately. Our subconscious scans our day searching for meaningful things to add to our dreams. This is how RCs end up in our dreams sometimes.

And yes, this is why the first thing that is told to us is to do the RCs meaningfully.

Second, RCs develop a critical state of mind.

Now, what is a critical state of mind? It's when you develop the idea that you might be dreaming at any given time, no matter how real everything seems and feels.

Now, what does RCing have to do with this? Simple, when we RC, we question our reality. Now, the more we do that, the more we are convincing ourselves that it is always possible that we might be dreaming.

Now, how does this critical state of mind help induce a LD?

Have you ever seen something weird inside your dream and stopped for a seconded and wondered "hmm, I thought dinosaurs are extinct" only to find yourself replying "Oh, there must be some kind of weird scientific experiment about dinosaurs"(excuse the crappy example). Now, why did I that happen? Why didn't I rationalize this by saying that I must be dreaming? Simple, because you think you can't possibly be dreaming because you surely know you are awake (we always feel that we are awake during dreams), so you find another explanation to this weird phenomenon. So, what this critical state of mind does is that it pushes the possibility of dreaming forward so that you would actually use the dreaming explanation as an explanation to the weird phenomenon, and thus become lucid! Also the more you train this critical state of mind, the more likely you would choose it as your explanation next time you fall in doubt.

Something I must note though is that we don't seem to even doubt the weird things in our dreams most if the time, and that is because our semantic memory (the memory responsible for warning us if there is something weird) in dreams is impaired, so most of the time we see weird things in dreams and not doubt them, but when we do, the critical state of mind will kick in and explain to our doubtful minds that we are in fact dreaming! Yaaay!

So, I explained how and why RCs work, and now it's time to give you some tips on making RCing much more effective!

First of all, you should consider the critical state of mind when doing a RC. You must really consider that you might be dreaming at any time, no matter how real everything feels and seems.

You should be like "I know that I might be dreaming at any time, no matter how real everything seems, so even though I doubt it, I absolutely might be dreaming RIGHT NOW!" then do the RC. If you had a LD before were you RC although you absolutely are sure you aren't dreaming, but suddenly figure you are, you'll feel how real that statement is.

Now for the creative and fun part!

Remember were I said that the more meaningful the RC is, the bigger the chance is that your subconscious will incorporate it in your dream? Well, how do you make your RCs more meaningful? All you need is really a little creativity!

First of all, what makes something a RC? It has to be something that happens differently in dreams than in waking life. Why do some things happen differently in dreams? Simple, because dreams don't follow the laws of physics and human physical abilities.

So, all you need to do to create a RC is make it depend on a physics law and/or human physical law.

Now, how to make it meaningful is simple. Just make it fun and interesting for you.

You can create as much RCs as you want, and as soon as you get bored of one, you use another!

Examples of creative RCs:

_Eat a food: Does it taste right?

_Touch something: does it feel right?

_Video games: Are the buttons doing the right actions in the game?

_Do some pushups: Are you getting more tired each time? (In dream we tend not to get tired)

Note: Don't jump of a balcony! It's a great RC but you might not live to see the LD it induces :chuckle:

You can be as creative as you want. The possibilities are huge! Really there are a million fun and interesting RCs you can create and enjoy!

Trust me, the rewards are big!!

Hope this clears things up and gives ya'll some useful info!

Ask anything you might wonder about or don't understand


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1kQnSyf

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