Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | The Vigil System

This is for the fellow Truth seeker ;-):

Sometime I refuse to sleep. I am usually in a state of underlying anxiety. Struggling with sleepiness, I pass through a threshold where I feel serene and bodily comfortable. The feeling I get when I pass sleep by is that of calmness and control which many of us are so much apart from. It is not a negative kind of control, but something of a relaxed attention. I am able to do things with better attention and at the same time the needed detachment. This calmness and relaxed focus is maybe caused by the ever present notion of the possibility of being able to get asleep at any time if wanted from the passing of the threshold on. When I sleep though, I usually sleep too much and then the anxiety patterns get back, and life is like being asleep while awake, because all of the sleepiness and inattention. The difficulty to focus gets some kind of subliminal justification through a mechanism of forgetfulness and dulness, vanity and mediocrity which comes from and reinforces the vain regularity of habits made of meaningless feelings of impotence which is the greatest stupidity and lie created by man in the History of the Universe.

So, if you are experiencing these kinds of feelings such as depression and anxiety, that are seemingly coming from nowhere or from dullness or from the feeling of not being in control of oneself own life, try the reactionary style of the peaceful vigilante, the one who gets in a meditative state through the practice of vigil to fight the system of sleepiness that has taken the toll of your being.

Hereby, I state clearly that a psychically healthy person does not dream at all, because in most cases, dreams are pure vain unfulfilled desires and negative contents and that to "have dreams" is to be just half asleep when asleep and just half awake while awake. And Lucidity comes with fully Living and with deeply sleeping. Embrace nothingness fully and with joy, not half-way but fully so you may experience the All and One also fully. Study, Live, be Present, Love and then Dream Lucidly! Wish you all the greatest experiences possible, so that they may turn into the contents that create ever higher possibilities of Joy for All!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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