Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Guaranteed DILD experiment

Guaranteed DILD experiment:

I have a hypothesis that we can have very predictable and guaranteed DILD as per the following

To become good at any sports or skill we do a net practice in artificial scenario , similarly if we can practice becoming lucid in artificial scenario like dream we can become lucid in dream. But the question is what that artificial scenario like dream is. Let me describe in detail. I am dividing a mental activity in four different levels.

Level1: low level mental activity, eg travelling to home or office, sitting idle, watching something just for timepass. During this time we have to do timepass so we think about lucid dream and remember that we have to remain aware or do RC………obviously in our dream we are never at this level so even if we are doing RC every our but at this level it does not yield consistent DILD

Level 2: medium level mental activity ,eg talking to people we routinely encounter…….like our spouse or gf, office collogues, friends whom we meet daily, neighbor………………in which we don’t need to think before talking or watching routine tv programs which are interesting . currently my awareness level is up this level but as I told earlier dreams do not occure at this level so even though I am successfully able to do RC and not getting DILD I don’t consider it failure

Level 3: this level requires high metal activity and also produces some emotion as well.eg talking to a boss or to a teacher (anxiety), playing any sports, meeting a friend after long time, talking to a boy/girl you like(happiness),talking to stranger, watching something very interesting, encountering unexpected office work……..i would like you also to add more to the list. Some of these are predictable and we can instruct our mind to become aware and RC during that like talking to boss or to girl/boy you like

Level 4: very emotional and high mental activity like watching world cup final when our team is playing, proposing girl, having road accident and seeing horrible accident, job interview, exams,etc

Out of these most of our dream occurs at level 3 or level 4 activity,

level 3 and level 4 mental activity is our net practice ground during the day so if I am able to consistently remember and become aware(or lucid both is same) when I am busy in level 3 or level 4 activity than I can also consistently become lucid in dream as well.

Training prospective memory for level 3, and level 4 is also a very good MILD as we are instructing our mind to become aware when it encounter any such activity which usually occurs in dream

So my hypothesis is ability to recognize and become aware at level 3 and level 4 mental activity is directly correlated with success of DILD, and if we can recognize and become aware at level 3 or level 4 mental activity than we can have guaranteed DILD every night.

Currently my level of awareness is at level 2. I Will post the result after I have achieved level 3. I also request other dilder to post their awareness level and result

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1sX5poG

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