Sunday, July 31, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | PMILD - Prospective Memory Induced Lucid Dream. My personal technique

Hiya Dreamviews,
As far as i know myself i'm far from someone who could teach you to lucid dream but i'd like to atleast present you today guys my personal technique which gave me up to 11 - 12 lucid dreams during 12 - 13 days.

Before i dive in explaining stuff i'd first like to say thanks to following people: Nailler, Zoth, seeker28. Without them i don't think i would be able to make as much progress as i did with developing the technique.

I've called it PMILD which is Prospective Memory Induced Lucid Dream.
It is similiar to Laberge's MILD but much more effective, since Laberge's original MILD never worked for me anyways. I belive that to use Laberge's MILD you need to learn a kinda hard-to-grasp mindset which wasn't explained clearly in book and good dream recall. Specific mindset to properly perform technique and good dream recall to be able to use mantra "reconize i'm dreaming next time i'm dreaming".

I'il be honest with you guys, i've almost never practiced dream recall. My dream recall is horrible. Out of those 12 lucid dreams i mentioned i remember only 3 - 5 of them because i was too lazy to write them down or memorize. So yeah people i suggest out of experience Dream Journal if you don't want to forget your lucid dream adventures but it's not mandatory, you can be just lazy like me and still have tons of fun. Prospective memory practice aswell it's not mandatory and i didn't do any of it, yet this technique yielded for me huge success. Though i belive that my attempts would be more fruitful if i had trained prospective memory but even without training it, i've achieved what i've achieved and i belive this technique might work for some of you guys and bring you joy of lucid dreaming :-P.

If you wish to practice prospective memory then have a look at Zoth's thread or Stephen LaBerge's very own words.

And now let's get to my personal guide

1. Tell yourself before falling asleep mantra "I'il wake up in 5/6 hours"
2. Fall Asleep while repeating mantra
3. You wake up after 5 - 6 hours thanks to mantra
4. Do 5 - 15 minute WBTB (So you don't fall asleep instantly during below steps)
5. Go back to bed
6. Start repeating mantra "Next time i see anyone i'il remember to do reality check"
7*. Visualize yourself seeing someone and then remembering to do reality check.
* No need to do visualization constantly, 1 - 5 times during whole attempt should be enough

8. You fall asleep and either get lucid dream because you remembered to do reality check when you saw someone or end up with non-lucid dream because something went wrong*, if you had lucid dream then you can quit attempts for today if you wish (or not), if you didn't have lucid dream then repeat steps from 4th step when you wake up from dream again
* The only times this technique has failed me was when:
- I've attempted it too early (2 - 4 hours after sleep i guess), but at later awakenings i've managed to succeed
- Fell asleep too fast because i was like "Screw WBTB lazy4life"

From what i myself understood there are three pillars in this technique
- Right Amount of time
- Intention
- Sleep Barrier
And optional pillar Visualization

First one is simply doing technique long enough before ending up unconscious so that your prospective memory task is ingrained in your mind well enough so that you remember to do it in your dream.
Second one is intention, intention is most important, you must feel very strong desire to do reality check next time you see somebody and feel strong intention that you will indeed do it.
Third one is sleep barrier, doing it too early might give lower success rates, but who knows this is merly speculation of mine, feel free to experiment. (I've only performed successfully tech after 5 - 6 hours of sleep tho)
Fourth optional one is visualization, it's optional but if done 1 - 5 times during whole attempt increases its effectiveness

There'a also one more thing that you can do to increase effectiveness of technique, even if you fail to perform reality check in dream when you see someone, then perform it next time you see someone in real life after wake up from failed PMILD, Example: You woke up from PMILD failed attempt then on your way to toilet during WBTB you see your sister in that moment do reality check, this way your intention won't go to waste and your brain will truly belive that you will perform technique next time you see someone when you say mantra during attempts, in result increasing effectiveness of technique by reinforcing synaptic connections in your brain with that intention (Synaptic connections, don't bite me biologists i skipped most of school year :tongue:)

What you're trying to do in this technique is trying to make yourself remember to do something in future (make use of prospective memory), it's literally same exercise as telling yourself "I will remember to buy snacks for my cat next time i see store".
Treat doing PMILD technique same way as you would treat remembering to do any other thing that is very important to you, hence why intention here is really important. In this case focus on intention to remember to do reality check next time you see somebody.
You want to make it important for your brain so that you won't forget to do this next time you see anyone. (That is in dream or in case of failure* next time you see someone irl. As mentioned in previous post)

I guess that's enough of information, kinda lots of it? huh yeah, sorry but i'd rather say more than too little :wink:
This is my personal technique and i haven't tested it yet with other people so i'm going to hope that it works for you guys
Otherwise if this technique does not works for you guys it's going to be kinda embarassing for me and my thread XD
So yeah, thanks and have fun i guess :)


Also i've decided to share sources from which i've grabbed fragments of my knowledge:
- Stephen LaBerge's Exploring World Of The Lucid Dreaming
- Trying out MILD? This is how you become skilled at it.
- Prospective Memory and Lucid Dreaming 4
- How to lucid dream 4chan
There's probably more of them, but i forgot some of them, my memory is as bad as my dream recall, sorry guys XD

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | Black to move and to draw!

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The Tiny Radio Telescope

Radio telescopes are one of the more high-profile pieces of scientific apparatus. There is an excitement to stories of radio astronomers of old probing the mysteries of the Universe on winter nights in frigid cabins atop massive parabolas, even if nowadays their somewhat more fortunate successors do the same work from the comfort of their labs using telescopes that may be on the other side of the world.

You might think if you look at the Arecibo Observatory, Lovell Telescope, or other famous pieces of apparatus, that this is Big Science, out of reach for mere mortals such as yourself without billion-dollar research programs. Maybe [Paul Scott] and [Allen Versfeld]’s Tiny Radio Telescope project will change that view.

The NRAO published a radio telescope design a few years ago for use mainly as an educational tool, the Itty Bitty Telescope. It used a satellite TV dish and LNB feeding a signal meter as a simple telescope to detect the Sun, and black body radiation from the surrounding objects. It’s a simple design for kids to get their heads around, and [Scott] and [Allen] have set out to turn it into something more useful with an RTL-SDR instead of a signal meter and a motorised mount for automated observations.

This is one of those projects on that moves slowly but you know will eventually deliver on its promise. With a 1m dish and a consumer LNB it’s never going to make a discovery that will rock the world, but that’s not the point. It may be science that the astrophysicists moved on from decades ago, but it’s still quite an achievement that the radio sky can be imaged using such mundane equipment.

We’ve featured backyard radio astronomy before a few times, from this UHF school science project to another satellite TV based telescope. Keep them coming!

A thank you to Southgate ARC for the prod.

Filed under: radio hacks

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Chess Puzzle | Random Chess Puzzles

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Chess Puzzle | 7/31/2016 - Frozen

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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Chess Puzzle | Different tactics.

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Chess Puzzle | Little simple tactic

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Amazing SDR Built by 16 Year Old

[Lukas] started his epic SDR-from-scratch build when he was 16. Projects like this aren’t completed overnight. (He’s now 18. We’re impressed.)

The project itself is a Software-Defined Radio built on top of the 12-bit Analog Devices AD9364 transceiver IC. A big fat FPGA takes the data and runs it off to a USB 3.0 interface, which is necessary for the amount of data this thing will be producing — he’s got it receiving 56 MHz of bandwidth. In short, this is an SDR peripheral that’s in the big leagues.

After two years of work and (only!) three revision, [Lukas] got the thing working. Read his writeup for the blow-by-blow account. In the end, a 6-layer board was necessary for the routing to get the full speed out of the clocking, and he discovered the reason that you use exactly the specified bias resistors — the expensive ADC chip gets very hot. But he didn’t give up, and in the end he pulled off a project of immense complexity. In his own words:

I have discovered that taking on large projects, even when not knowing how to tackle problems that might arise, is a very effective way of learning for me. It’s just important to be persistent, as I’ve seen that almost any problem can be solved on your own — which is incredibly rewarding — even if you get stuck and seem to not make progress for a while.

[Lukas] is now working on the software. He’s already got a hacked osmocom driver working, so it plays nice with GNURadio.

Of course, there are tons of ways to get into SDR without building your own from scratch, but we applaud [Lukas] for going the hard way. If you’re tempted to follow in his footsteps, have a look at [Michael Ossmann]’s great talk on making the RF design process as tractable as possible.

Filed under: radio hacks

via radio hacks – Hackaday

Chess Puzzle | 7/28/2016 - Horowitz - Kevitz, New York 1931

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Saturday, July 23, 2016

Chess Puzzle | hard

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Lucid Dreaming | Mindfullness question.

I started mindfullness practise throughout my day 2-3 days ago and first days was really cool regarding the flow of the practise.I try to intensify my mindfullness practise more and more every day and today i noticed signs of was like my mind got tired.Anyone with similar experiences?I suppose it gets easier later right?Should i cut myself some slack when i feel fatigued?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 7/23/2016 - Kamikaze Chess

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Friday, July 22, 2016

A Few Delicious Outdoor Cooking Recipes

by Jack Woods

I have spent years in the outdoors. Over that time, I have accumulated many recipes from simple home cooking recipes, camping, and survival meals and some very unusual meals that seem truly desperate. When I asked for this topic, writing about outdoor cooking, I figured I could simply list out a few of my better recipes geared for the Modern Survival Online reader. Not so…

In no time, at all I found out quickly by simply searching the Internet that there was no shortage of recipes out there for exactly that purpose. Not wanting to sound like everyone else on the net, I decided to gather, together some of my more unusual, but successful meals. Here are some of those meals that I have tried in my life, and was pleasantly surprised by them all.

The more unusual recipes have been given to me by some of my more unusual backwoods characters that I have met over the years. Those grey bearded men, the trappers, and woodsmen that I have encountered in my many travels over as many years. Now some of these recipes can be substituted for what ever is readily available, but these recipes are tried and true recipes for the game they are designed for.

First the Fish

Fish Balls (Canned for the Prepper)

This recipe is many years old and no one knows where it comes from. I have updated it by using modern kitchen equipment to speed up the process, and ease the labor.

  • 1 ½ pounds of ANY WHITE FISH, cleaned and boned, cut into small pieces.
  • ½ cup light cream
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon white pepper
  • 1 ½ tablespoons cornstarch.

Place the fish pieces a few at a time into an electric blender. I use a coarse blend and a purée and mix the two. This can be adjusted to suit your particular tastes. The old recipe calls for a purée I prefer a more coarser chop. Suit yourself. The purée helps to bind the fish afterwards, when forming the fish balls. Repeat this procedure until all of the fish is blended.

Put all of the purée into a large mixing bowl, and beat in the salt and pepper, and the 1 ½ tablespoons of cornstarch. Slowly add the left over cream to the mixing bowl, and beat until light and fluffy. Next place the entire bowl of mixture in the fridge to cool. After the mixture has cooled (About one hour), remove the bowl from the fridge. Next, using a tablespoon of the mixture at a time roll the fish mixture into golf ball sized balls to be boiled in water. Using a large saucepan full of salted water, bring to a boil then set low to simmer, and add the fish balls to the water for 5 minutes at a low simmer.

Place the finished balls into sterilized jars, and add the STRAINED water from the cooking process to cover the fish balls completely in the jars for later use. Seal and store them in a cool place as you would any canned goods.

Later, these can be served by cooking them in a simple shrimp sauce, dumping the fish balls into the sauce and heating it over a low heat and served with rice or potatoes.

Pan Fried Trout in Sour Cream

This is a great recipe for the campers, especially if you have had some cream go sour on you and you do not know what to do with it. Try this on your next fishing trip.

  • 4 fresh trout (about ½ pound each) cleaned with head and tail left on.
  • Season the fish with Salt
  • ½ cup flour
  • 6 tablespoons of butter
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • ½ teaspoon Vinegar

Preparations; wash the trout in cold water. Pat dry inside and out with a dry clothe. Rub the salt into the cavity of the fish, roll in flour, and shake off any excess. IN a heavy iron frying pan, melt 4 of the 6 tablespoons of butter over high heat. When the butter turns brown and gives off a nutty aroma, lower the heat and place the trout into the pan two at a time, so as not to cool the pan to quickly. Cooking time should be about 8 minutes per side.

Stir in the remaining butter, and scrape the drippings from the pan, then deglaze with the sour cream adding a little at a time.  Cook the cream about 5 minutes while stirring constantly, DO NOT ALLOW TO BOIL. Stir in the vinegar, and simmer for 5 more minutes, then pour the sauce over the fish and serve, with your favorite side dish.

Game Birds

Roast Stuffed Duck

This is an awesome way to serve duck and it is easy to do too.

  • 2 Ducks, oven ready
  • 2 Tablespoons red wine
  • Salt and pepper for the birds
  • 2 Oranges, peeled, and quartered
  • 10 Prunes, soaked in water
  • 4 Tablespoons of butter
  • 2 squares heavy tin foil

Pluck and wash the birds in cold running water. Place them in a stainless steel pot and cover with cold water and the red wine, and let stand for at least 2 hours to marinate. Remove the ducks from the water and pat them dry, seasoning them generously inside and out with the salt and pepper. Stuff the ducks loosely with the orange slices and prunes. Lace the openings with a skewer, and string. Preheat the oven to 375 degree F. Place the ducks in the center of the foil, smear with butter and wrap the foil around the ducks, enclosing them completely. Cook for one hour then remove the foil from the ducks and broil until golden brown.

Grouse Soup

  • 2 Large Grouse cleaned and cut into serving pieces
  • ½ Pound Salt Pork
  • 4 Wild Onions, finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • ½ teaspoon pepper
  • 2 Tablespoons Butter
  • ½ Pound Moose meat or stewing meat cut into strips
  • 3 Quarts water
  • 1 Cup young tender cattail shoots cut into 1 inch lengths. (Obviously a spring recipe)
  • 4 small discs of Bannock Buttered and Fried (to serve under the soup)

Wash the birds in cold water and cut into serving pieces. Place the bird into a large soup pot for cooking. Next, melt two Tablespoons of butter, in a fry pan adding the salt pork and onions to cook until the onions are caramelized. Then put the onion and salt pork mixture into the pot with the bird pieces.

Place the strips of Moose meat on top, and cover with 3 quarts of water. Bring to a boil, and reduce heat and simmer for 2 hours, until the meat is about to fall off the bone. Remove the birds, and the moose strips, from the pot and set aside for later, you may cover these with foil to keep warm. Then continue cooking the soup broth for another hour. After remove the soup from the heat and strain through a sieve into a large sauce pan, and add the cattail shoots, and cook for another 15 minutes or until shoots are tender.

Prepare the bannock and fry in melted butter until golden brown. Cut each disc of bannock into four slices, and add to the bottom of a soup tureen. Pile on the bird pieces and cover with soup stock. The moose strips can be used as a side dish or added to the soup.

Yellow Line Yummies

No sense wasting those critters you ran over, coming home from bingo night. The next recipes may not sound appealing to some, however I assure you they can be very decent fair for an open mined prepper. They are a collection of odd recipes by some of the best survivalist that ever lived, those people who lived through the last depression and our pioneers, and ancestors from the distant past. The first recipe is one of my favorites, just for its unusual ingredient. It is a real survival recipe, and is always good to know you can turn anything into a gourmet meal if you have the patience.

French Fried Skunk

If you want to serve something out of the ordinary to your guests, this will certainly fit the bill. How about French Fried Skunk, the meat is usually darker then rabbit, so you can call it wild turkey if you like.

The best thing of this animal is its usually around every night during the warm months, and is found all over the country roads, from north to south. Here is how you prepare it.

  • 2 Skunks, skinned and cleaned (soaked in a salt brine)
  • 1 Tablespoon salt in water to cover.
  • 2 Cups vegetable oil for frying later
  • 2 egg yokes beaten
  • 3 Cups milk or cream
  • 1 ½ Cups of flour
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 2 Tablespoons baking powder

Clean and wash the skunk, making sure to remove the scent glands. Cut the skunk into serving pieces. I usually cut them into 6 pieces shoulders ribs, and hindquarters. You can also cut them as those chicken houses do it, where every piece has a little chunk of solid meat on it still. Prepare a soup pot with enough water to cover the meat, while not allow the water to boil over during cooking. Next, boil the Skunk for about 35 – 40 minutes until tender. Removes any scum from the surface of the water as you cook it. In a separate bowl, combine the other ingredients together for the batter. Mix the egg yolks, the milk, flour, salt, and baking powder, and beat into a batter. This should resemble cake batter. Heat the vegetable oil in a deep fryer to around 360 degrees. Dip the pieces into the batter and fry them in your hot oil until golden brown. Drain well and serve with seasoned fried potato wedges on the side.

Baked Stuffed Raccoon

This is best with a freshly killed raccoon. As with our previous recipe these critters are abundant throughout the lower 48 states, and even up into lower half of Canada. Here is a great recipe for them.

  • 1 Medium Raccoon (skinned and cleaned of course)
  • 4 Large Onions
  • 4 Strips Salt pork
  • 2 Cups Beef Stock

The Stuffing

  • 5 Large Tart Apples
  • 2 Tablespoons of Butter
  • 1 teaspoon of Cinnamon
  • 1 Cup dry Bread Crumbs
  • 1 teaspoon Salt
  • ½ teaspoon pepper

Skin and clean the Raccoon. Wash well removing as much of the fat as possible. Place in a large soup pot and cover with salted water, simmer for 30 minutes. Next peel, core, and dice the apples into a mixing bowl. Melt the remaining butter into a small saucepan and add some cinnamon, breadcrumbs, salt, and pepper. Mix well. Remove the Raccoon, and let it cool.

Stuff the raccoon, and sew up the cavity. Place the Raccoon breast down, with the legs folded underneath trussed with string like a roast chicken then place in the roast pan. This is best done with a roasting rack. Drape the salt pork over the back of the raccoon with toothpicks to add flavor. Place the onions beside the raccoon, and season all with salt and pepper.

Bake at 400 degrees F for 10 minutes to brown the meat, then reduce the temperature in the oven to 325 degrees F and add the 2 cups of beef stock and cook for at least one hour or until tender. Making sure you baste every 10-15 minutes with the beef stock to keep the meat from drying out.

My Wild Game Cooking Tips


For anyone that needs a simple Bannock recipe check out my article on: How to Make Delicious Survival Bread [[ link will be added adfter the article is published ]]

Preparing Wild Game

I would like to leave the readers with a few tips on preparing wild game. Over the years, I have been fortunate to have some of these tips passed down to me by experienced outdoorsmen, many of the tricks I unfortunately had to learn the hard way though. I want to pass these tips on to you readers, and I hope this makes you appreciate wild game as much as I do.

Some people unfamiliar with proper game handling or preparation will complain about a gamey flavor of their deer. Often they mistakenly blame it on the deer’s age, thinking it was because he was old, this is hardly ever the case with bucks or bulls. Old bucks never get that old in nature. Granted some late season bucks can be a bit worn and tired beat down by the rut, but they started out in their prime.

The beginning of the season these deer were in top shape with plenty of fat on their ribs, but by the end of the rut, the ones in the 4 -7 year range are beat and tired. Some of these bucks will not make it through the winter, after losing to much weight; they often die from the extreme weather. Those people that complain about gaminess have usually been fed an improperly butchered animal. Because game animals such as Deer, Elk, and Moose require a completely different way of handling then Beef or domestic animals do.

The game animal should be bled immediately upon killing it. The blood is what is responsible for the liver taste in some wild meat. What one should also do to prepare a feast of game meat for the more squeamish eaters is soak it in brine over night. The brine can be just simple salt water, with some pickling spice. I use this for the deer family, and for game birds, you may even add some sugar to the salt-water brine. The salt in brine uses a capillary action to draw out the blood from the meat, and works as a way of killing bacteria too.

Thus, the blood will not leave that liver flavor and no… the salt-water brine does not leave a salty flavor either, that is a myth. Although you should remember to rinse the meat after brining it, and pat it dry with a clothe before cooking it, especially if you are trying to brown the meat in a pan for a stew or even a roast. Even a commercial abattoir, will bleed a domestic animal immediately, often while they are still kicking.

Next, the fat on deer is not regular fat, its tallow, and just like sheep’s tallow it is best removed or cooked over an open flame to melt it away, it can taste very waxy to most people. Now when boning out a deer, I try to remove as much of this tallow as you can, if not all of it, most of it. Also, after back at camp or home, and you are wrapping the game in butcher paper, try to trim off all silver skin with a fillet knife.

This is easy enough to do with a little practice. The silver casing is what is wrapped around the individual muscles of these animals. This is absolutely, necessary to remove it before cooking any. This sinew is far too chewy to be eaten, and it shrinks up during the cooking process, like a snare drum. Some hunters leave the outer silver skin on as a protection against freezer burn, and then they removing it just before cooking. In fact, this skin is so tough to chew it was used in the making of bowstrings by the Native Americans for thousands of years… that is how tough it is.

Poor butchering technics also often miss the foul scent glands of these animals. The glands are on all wild deer and pig species. A butcher who is only use to domestic buttering, may not be aware of these glands and where they are located. These scent glands if not removed from the meat especially before grinding it into hamburger or sausage will contaminate the final product, making it inedible.

During the high point of a Rut even if you get your skinning knife on one of these glands it can contaminate the rest of the animal simply by running your blade along it after while skinning it out. This is often the case with the tarsal gland near the rear bend in the leg of the deer. There is also a strong gland in between the major muscles of the hindquarter.

I hope some of you will try these recipes, and let us know what you think of them, and the very least keep them for the future, for when times get tough.

You never know when a skunk might be the only thing you have to eat.

Happy prepping everyone, from

Jack Woods


Chess Puzzle | 7/22/2016 - Not Just Surviving, Winning

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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | EDUCATION TIME!!!(Not Spam Gabby)

Okay so two nights ago I dreamed that I was in this convenience store in Wendell just looking about for something to consume. Out of nowhere I materialize in a small room with a woman. We spoke for a few seconds then. a small window appeared in front of my vision almost like....A fog like window allowing me to see in other dimensions. But it was just information from remote viewing. Never knew you could do shit like that in the dream network though. Pictographic telepathy inside of a dream. But heres the thing. By simply showing me that one still shot I completely understood what this meant. Oh and yes there are a few things you people should know. There IS a thing called the dream network. People can dream without other people but people connect telepathically to either show each other a good time or fuck peoples heads up like they are doing to me.......AAnyway on top of the dream network there is also a telepathic grid. You see people have whats known as a "Color affinity" This color affinity is they're cord color in the telepathic network now let me explain. Someone could absolutely love the color blue, and whether they know it or not they could POSSIBLY have a corded connection to those with the same color affinity. Another reason why color affinities are so important is that those who admire this color could also operate on the same Khz wavelength said color operates on you see colors are vibrations, and vibrations are mathematical formulas. I myself can absorb knowledge telepathically but these people are only allowing me to know so much. I can't break it down into math which is going to disprove all of this. Not only that but I'm diagnosed with schizophrenia which isn't going to help......*Sigh* Oh and those with more than one color are strong and white can operate on all frequencies of color respectfully but.........BLACK is VERY special and is known as the universal wavelength. It's the shortest wavelength of them all BUT there is something very special about it. Because it is so minute it can operate in other dimensions simultaneously unlike any other color which allows someone with a true affinity to black and I'm not talking about emo pussies or vampyrs or the like. But a person with a true affinity to black to have whats called "Multi-Dimensional Perception." The doctors have masked it over with "Dimensia" Black affinities can apparently absorb knowledge telepathically too. But these are just perception and methods to accumulate knowledge. Imagine an entity in the omniverse that can perceive and manipulate particle energy. Excite gravitrons around it to make itself fly, maybe even fuse molecules together and bring forth shit you wouldn't believe possible. If that were real I'd want to keep it locked away forever out of fear of what it could do to me.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 7/21/2016 - 1001 Brilliant ways to Checkmate by Reinfeld, #393

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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Pokemon Go Cheat Fools GPS with Software Defined Radio

Using Xcode to spoof GPS locations in Pokemon Go (like we saw this morning) isn’t that much of a hack, and frankly, it’s not even a legit GPS spoof. After all, it’s not like we’re using an SDR to spoof the physical GPS signal to cheat Pokemon Go.

To [Stefan Kiese], this isn’t much more than an exercise. He’s not even playing Pokemon Go. To squeeze a usable GPS signal out of his HackRF One, a $300 Software Defined Radio, [Stefan] uses an external precision clock. This makes up for the insufficient calibration of the HackRF’s internal clock, although he points out that this might also be fixed entirely in software.

Using SatGen and a conversion tool that comes with the software-defined GPS signal simulator gps-sdr-sim, [Stefan] turned a *.KML-exported GoogleEarth path into a *.CSV file that can be played back by the GPS simulator.

google_earth_kml satgen u-center

After firing up the GPS transmission, he found his avatar running happily through the Pokemon world. Someone still has to write the code that lets you navigate freely and actually catch ’em all, but it looks doable, and we are curious to see how and if it will affect the game. For the novice SDR cheater, [Stefan] has some extra advice: Disable A-GPS on your device and use a signal attenuator on the SDR (a shielded box should do).

A legit GPS spoof might still exceed the efforts and investments the average player might want to undertake. Meaning, that if done right, you might actually get away with it. If done wrong however, the legal consequences might be even more severe. But how many players will actually go so far to try this? And will Niantic be able to reliably detect SDR cheaters? What do you think? Let us know in the comment section!

Thanks to [sabas1080] for the tip!

Filed under: gps hacks, nintendo hacks, radio hacks, slider

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Chess Puzzle | 7/20/2016 - Sealing The Deal

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Monday, July 18, 2016

Survival Medicine 101

by Daniel Skipper

It has been two weeks since you bugged out and everything was going good, or as well as you could have hoped given the situation, until you found yourself so sick you could hardly function. It’s at this very point, your survival status went from stable to critical and everything you do or fail to do from here forward will ultimately determine life or death.

It is vital you improve your health ASAP just so you can function and fend for yourself in order to maintain the basic essentials you need to survive. Any survival situation is going to be hard in itself but add to that the fact you may be sick or injured and it may have just gone from hard to nearly impossible. Luckily we have access to drugs today which work rapidly enough we can feel improvement in short time and this is important when you have to keep functioning in order to survive.

The secret is knowing what survival medicine really is, what medicines will work best for certain ailments, how to obtain certain medicines, and what to do when you have no medicine available. Survival medicine is more than just taking a pill though; it is being able to treat any ailment and/or injury in a survival aftercare scenario. Like any other aspect of prepping, survival medicine requires a little common sense, some forethought, and just a small amount of time spent utilizing practical research will pay huge dividends.

There is no aspect of survival which is not important and yet survival medicine seems to be more over-looked than nearly any other. When people begin to prepare for an emergency situation they learn quickly to stockpile a laundry list of items but only a small number of preppers actually consider ‘actual medicines’ a prepping essential. Most preppers make the common mistake of stocking up with emergency ‘first aid’ items and very few people consider adding medicines to their caches.

First aid training is certainly valuable and having the knowledge and supplies necessary to stop bleeding is important and very useful, however, even after the bleeding has stopped the treatment has to continue and this is where first aid ends and survival medicine begins. In a normal non-survival situation injury scenario we would stop the bleeding, treat for possible shock, stabilize the victim, and transport for emergency medical care. Of course, in an emergency or especially a SHTF scenario that will simply not be an option and we will be responsible for everything necessary to provide the best possible chance of recovery. Your knowledge of what ‘survival medicine’ actually is and having availability to absolute ‘medicinal’ necessities is an important tool in any prepping arsenal.

What is Survival Medicine?

In any situation we find ourselves in we need to be able evaluate and react accordingly and in a survival scenario it is pertinent we be able to diagnose injuries and illnesses and provide initial and long-term treatment to ourselves or others in our party. Survival medicine entails everything done from injury/illness discovery to end of treatment. First aid, wound/illness treatment and care, medicinal care, and aftercare are all part of survival medicine which will be necessary for a full and successful recovery.

Survival Medicine is such a very broad subject which consumes so many possible scenarios and treatment possibilities it only makes sense to know as much as you can and prepare as well as possible. Don’t allow yourself to be limited by the term ‘first aid’ and simply believe everything can be cured with a box of bandages and a bottle of aspirin. By all means we need to stockpile as much medical supplies as possible because there is no idea how long we may find ourselves bugged out and unable to find more.

Simply put, one first aid kit will not be enough. If you find you need a roll of gauze to properly bandage a wound, you will eventually need more than just one roll of gauze. Be sure to have a better than adequate supply of anything/everything first aid and you will put yourself in a better position of survival but the knowledge of proper wound/illness treatment and care is essential.

All the initial emergency first aid in the world is useless if a wound/illness goes unattended and proper care is not given. A simple scratch, sinus infection, or even a bruised foot can be as deadly as a severed artery if not properly diagnosed and cared for; it is vital to your survival to be prepared for anything which may arise and be able to treat everything which may have an adverse effect on your health.

Also, always be ready to think outside the normal box of what we consider to be modern medicine. For thousands and thousands of years humans have been treating illnesses and injuries without modern medicine so there are other non-typical ‘medicines’ or remedies available if you know where to look.

What Medicines do I Stockpile?

First, you need to inventory every medication you and/or your family members take on a daily basis. If you have HBP (high blood pressure) and take medication everyday then you would need that medicine in a bug out/survival situation. If you have a child with asthma then you would need that medicine available as well, and so forth. E

very medicine which every member of your family takes and is absolutely essential should be listed. When I say essential I mean medications which are absolutely necessary in order to live. If you are taking Wellbutrin to quit smoking you probably won’t need a six month supply or if your child takes medicine for ADHD so he can make better grades in school, well you might not need it. Medicines which are also essential are antibiotics like Penicillin and Amoxicillin for viral infections, and Bactrim which works well for bacterial infections.

There are also drugs like Doxycycline and Minocycline which work well for urinary tract and kidney infections. Of course, you should have a good supply of common household pain reliever/fever reducer like Tylenol or Aleve and also over the counter flu and cold medicines are good to include in any medical supply cache. Atropine is included in my cache because I have a son who is extremely allergic to wasp and bee stings so special attention should be given to those types of situations. I would suggest everybody include it simply because of its accessibility and affordability and is vital in the treatment of anaphylactic shock caused by accidental poisoning from ingestion or exposure to poisonous substances and this includes a number of poisonous plants, animals, and reptiles.

Outside of these medications, be sure to stock up on multivitamins to compensate for any vitamin deficiency your body may be suffering which you may not be aware of until it’s too late. Proper vitamin intake is an important part of sickness prevention because of their effect on the immune system so it is essential you have them in any emergency survival situation. Finally, make sure you have plenty of rubbing alcohol/antiseptic, hydrogen peroxide, triple antibiotic ointment, petroleum jelly, ear drops and eye drops.

Now you need to do the math and determine just how long you want to be sure you have meds should something happen. If you take a pill a day and you want a six month supply then of course you would have to have 180 pill count. So, if you take six pills a day you would need 1,080 pill count to cover you for six months. As you can see by now we are talking about a lot of medicine when you only consider what you have to take on a daily basis, add to that all the other medicines you might need or want to include and it is a task to accomplish based on availability and affordability. However, it can be completed.

Where Do I Find the Survival Medicines I Will Need?

Of course, if you have meds you take on a daily basis you probably only have just enough to finish out the prescription which was written. In order to have the pill count you need in an emergency survival situation you will likely have to get creative and talk to your doctor about increasing your prescription count.

I take a medication I absolutely can’t survive without and have a physician who actually understood where I was coming from when I explained to him about survival preparedness. He increased my prescription by double and in six months I had a six month supply of that drug available.

If a physician writes you a prescription they know you need to survive then they should also understand your concerns and will certainly try to resolve the issue if he/she can. Anything is available on the internet in this day and age so you can find your meds online but personally I don’t recommend it; unless you are absolutely sure the site can be trusted then avoid it. Through a little research, however, you can find websites who are legitimate and can supply your meds. Do whatever you have to do to find your meds now or die trying to find them later.

The best starting point in gathering the other essential survival medicines you need is in your medicine cabinet. Approximately ten years ago I cleaned out a medicine cabinet and filled a shoe box with half full pill bottles of antibiotics, allergy meds, sinus meds, and pain meds. Since then that shoe box is now five boot boxes filled with medicines.

You may be under a little more time crucial pressure about prepping and not have ten years to forage your medicine cabinet so you can also try picking up antibiotics and diuretics through other sources. One place I have found to be a great place to pick up large quantities of medications is the local county cooperative (aka feed store). In most areas the local co-op is the go to source for farmers and animal enthusiasts for their feed, tack, and yes medicines. In most cases, many of your co-ops supply both small and large quantities of animal medicines so the more you buy the better the deal.

There are certain Sulfa drugs which I have purchased to treat Salmonella strains in calves in both pill form and injectable; the same drugs are given to humans to treat the same bacteria. Be sure to read everything about the medicine on the flip-out before buying it; not all do but some injectable medicines for animals may also contain other drugs. Besides your local co-op you can also find medicines in some of your nationwide farm supply chain stores and pet stores, though they seem to be a little strict with policies regarding medications and availability.

There are very few drugs which are given to humans which are not also given to animals though the dosages may be somewhat higher and quantity is likely to be fewer. If you have a good relationship with your vet and he is fairly busy you can walk in and tell him you need an antibiotic for your dog and he will likely hand you a bottle with the dog’s name on it. Of course, you will certainly have to bring your dog in a few times before he will begin to treat you this way.

My vet literally told me he didn’t need to see my dog unless it was life or death or something which I couldn’t tend to myself. As long as he knew the dog was caught up on shots and heartworm treatment he had no problem ‘helping’ me treat my dog. Take into consideration a canine or feline will probably take less of a specific medication at a lower dosage so access to a high pill count may not be quickly attainable.

There are medication sources where you can find the medicines you need if you put in a little research and footwork. Also, you will pay half the price buying the animal version instead of the human version even though chemically it is the same drug. Take your time and do your homework and do whatever it takes within reason to find the survival medicine you will need to ensure success in any emergency survival situation.

What If I Don’t Have Any Medicine?

Don’t panic! First, take a deep breath and evaluate your situation, diagnose the symptoms, and then we will know what you need to do to treat the illness. Sure, it would be great if you had taken the time to prep properly and had thought to stock up on your medicines; unfortunately you have no medicines at all and you have been without almost a week.

The first few days it had been on your mind you were without meds but you had not really felt any different, but after five days without your meds you had begun to suddenly feel really ill. Of course, you had never been a week without meds so you had no idea what a hypertensive crisis would feel like until now; you had never experienced any of the normal symptoms associated with unmaintained HBP when it reaches crisis level.  With a very severe headache, severe anxiety, shortness of breath and a nosebleed you realized you were in dire need of medicine and if not soon you would be in an extremely life threatening situation.

Luckily for you, sometime in the past you had learned of a natural remedy which also works for HBP. You had never tried it because it was an old Native American remedy but you remembered it was from a plant called Hummingbird Blossom or Buck Brush. You remembered exactly what the plant looked like from the very unique hanging fragrant blooms and you had seen some earlier this morning as you were out looking around; realizing what it was, you picked the flowers and leaves and continued on your way.

Later you boiled some of the flowers and leaves and after steeping for about five minutes, you drank the tea you had made. In just a short time you began to feel better and your symptoms began to improve and a dangerous medical crisis had been diverted. Relieved form knowing you had found a medicine you needed you were free from the worry of not having your normal medication and able to focus on survival.

This is just an example of what is available to us if we simply study the Native American’s uses of certain plants and their healing properties. Not only is Hummingbird Blossom used in treatment of HBP, but the Cherokee also used it to treat cysts, fibroid tumors, inflammation, and mouth/throat problems. Present day research has concluded that this plant does indeed work greatly for treating high blood pressure and lymphatic blockages. Hummingbird Blossom is just one of hundreds of plants the Cherokee learned was essential to good health and extremely valuable treatment for certain illnesses.

If you know you are going to bug out to specific position then it is wise to do some field study in that area and inventory specific plants you have available to you. Research the plants and see if they are among the plants used in natural medicine by Native American tribes; you will be surprised at what you learn you have in your own backyard and amazed at how these plants were used to treat illnesses.

Knowing there is a medicine available for any illness in a survival scenario is extremely valuable and is key in your success; anything you can add to your prepping arsenal which greatly improves your chance of survival should be studied, understood, and utilized if needed. Study your bug out location, find and mark these plants if they are available and learn what they are used to treat and how to properly prepare them. When you are wet, cold, and running a 102 fever is not the time to be learning how to make a medicine through trial and error. Preparation is key in survival and essential in successfully treating illnesses for you and your family. Learning the following plants in your area may save your life.

Pull Out a Sticker aka (Greenbriar)

Full of vitamins and minerals, the leaves of the Greenbriar can be boiled and steeped to make a tea which assists in blood purification and urinary tract infections; modern researchers have also noted the positive affect the tea also has on arthritis. The leaves and bark can be boiled and mashed into an ointment which can be used in the treatment of minor cuts and burns. Note the roots of the Greenbriar are full of starch, the berries are very sweet, and like many other plants listed here may also be used as a food source.

mullein plantMullein

This plant was used by Native Americans because of its power to help treat asthma, chest congestion, and other respiratory issues. By burning the roots and leaves of Mullein and inhaling the smoke you can ease breathing and congestion problems by expanding the airways. Modern research has shown the Mullein has a soothing effect on mucous membranes. You can also boil the roots and leaves and use to soak feet, legs, hands, and arms to reduce swelling of painful joints. Because of these anti-inflammatory properties, it also assist in soothing painful and irritated skin and muscles. The flowers may also be boiled and steeped to make a tea which can be used as a mild sedative.

yarrow plantSquirrel Tail aka (Yarrow)

Known widely for its blood clotting properties, the fresh crushed leaves of the Yarrow can be applied to open wounds to stop bleeding. The juice extracted from the plant’s leaves and stems can be mixed with water and ingested to stop internal stomach and intestinal bleeding. The tea from the leaves was also used to help ensure proper digestion, correct abdominal issues and function, and kidney and gallbladder problems. Ointment made from the leaves and stems also help clear acne and works great for calming minor skin irritations such as itching, rashes, sunburn, and chapped skin.

roseJisdu Unigisdi (Wild Rose)

For thousands of years the rose and members of the rose family have been used for their natural healing abilities; the Wild rose was a particular favorite of the Cherokee. The fruit is a great source of vitamins and especially Vitamin C and is known as a great cold and flu remedy. The tea steeped from boiling rose hips would be used to stimulate bladder and kidney function. Tea made from petals can be sued to soothe a sore throat and tea steeped from the root of a wild rose can prove to help with diarrhea. The wild rose petals are a great food source and often used in jams, jellies, and preserves.

SumacQua lo ga (Sumac)

One of the most versatile plants when it comes to natural healing properties, the Sumac offers medicinal value from literally every part of the plant. Ripened berries can be made into a tasty beverage extremely rich in Vitamin C and the tea steeped from leaves is an outstanding fever reducer. Sumac leaves can be crushed and mashed into an ointment which aids in the relief of poison ivy and poison oak rash. Reports have been made pharmaceutical companies are developing drugs and supplements which will be used in lowering and maintaining cholesterol levels.

Big Stretch (Wild Ginger)

The Cherokee used the root of the wild ginger to make tea which was used to aid in digestion and other stomach related issues such as intestinal discomfort caused by gas, upset stomach, and colic. Another Native American tribe, the Meskwaki, use the crushed stems to steep and make drops which relieved earaches.


Besides what we know of the Blackberry as a delectable food source, it is also the oldest known Cherokee remedy for stomach aches. The root can be boiled and made into a tea which will help reduce swelling in joints and tissues. The root can be mashed and sweetened and used as a cough suppressant and also helps soothe a sore throat. The leaves of the Blackberry plant can be mashed and rubbed on gums to help stop bleeding; some say this can also be attained by simply chewing the leaves.

These are just a small number of what literally could be hundreds of plants in your area which have a legitimate benefit to you in an emergency and/or survival situation. As I noted earlier, many of these plants are multipurpose and can be used for medicinal purposes and as a food source as well as other uses.

Also take note I used the term plant throughout this article although many of these plants and others are considered to be herbs. When you begin to research natural remedies or Native American medicine be sure to look for information under a variety of search topics.

There is a near endless amount of information available on the internet on this subject so get in there and see what you can use to help ensure you are covered in the event of injury or illness in a survival situation.  Peterson’s Field Guides are a very helpful tool in the identification of plants in the field; they are available online and are well worth the cost. Get the guide, get out in the field around your bugout position, find these useful and valuable sources of natural medicines and learn how to use them.

In the scope of preparation and knowing ultimate survival literally depends on you and what you know, there is no excuse for dying because of lack of medicine; medicine is available if you know where to look, what it looks like, and how to use it.


The information in this article is provided “as is” and should not be mistaken for or be a substitute for medical advice. Always consult your physician before trying any of the advice presented on this page. Always seek the help of a professional when delivering a baby. Neither the autor nor or the company behind the website shall be held liable for any negative effects of you putting into practice the information in this article.


Chess Puzzle | 7/18/2016 - Usachy - Golyak, Cheljabinsk, 1959

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Saturday, July 16, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Lucid Dream at Will with MILD

I want to address the Induction technique MILD on how it's been underestimated. I started Lucid Dreaming seriously last late March and I've got like 46 in 50 days since I got lots of time to practice. My luck went out and I realized my lucid dreams came "randomly". Dreamviews user Sensei mentions that there is no random lucid dream but what I mean is that I don't know exactly when it's coming. Sometimes I have,sometimes I don't.

I did not like this since in my opinion it's not that fun to get something unconsistently and without you knowing when it's coming. Streaks of 3-4 days with no LD hits me. I decided I'll lucid dream at will simply with MILD. Now most of the LDers underestimate MILD and put it off for WILD or FILD. "It's just for increasing the chance of DILD,like a bonus." I'd like to say it's not a bonus at all. It's just that people don't apply it properly. My MILD's not perfect yet. I'd say 95% it works. I had Laberge's file,it's called "Trance Induction" and I copied the way he does MILD since there's a part of it where he guides you through MILD. I got his tone of how he speaks and his flow and I got lots of lucid dreams with it. Overall,MILD's not just affirming then after two minutes visualizing it then falling asleep.

Thoughts? P.S I think I should teach how I do it since it'll help a lot of LDers.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 7/16/2016 - Cracking The Nut

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Friday, July 15, 2016

The Best Rifle for Survival

by Jack Woods

Well, its time for some more back woods wisdom from me, Jack Woods. We all have our opinions on our favourite rifle for our favourite job. However, the question here is; what is the best prepper rifle?

If… you only can have one rifle in your bug out bag, what would that be Jack?

What would it be… is it that large calibre rifle that the often, very knowledgeable preppers like to see in those bugout bags? Is it the biggest, the nastiest full auto machine gun that we can find. Perhaps a Rifle capable of mowing down wave upon wave of brain eating zombies, hordes of the oozing- infectious undead. Fellow citizens suffering with some designer Ebola viruses created in a secret lab, right down the street in Main Street USA. A Psyop gone terrible the nightmare they keep warning us about.

Alternatively, on the other hand is it the best rifle able to perform most jobs well enough when the time comes. Like, feed our families, and maybe drop a zombie or two when presented with one.

Custom multi Calibre/Barreled rifles that are available

Now, aside from the obvious over and under models of custom guns by those talented old time gunsmiths like “Krieghoff, Carl Stiegele, or even Savage Arms, theirs are usually referred to as the “Model 24s”. Most are rare guns mostly made by the high-end designer rifle companies?

We often wonder whether they are a myth, to good to be true. How can a rifle do it all? Maybe they are just another example of an all season tire that doesn’t perform well in any season. These fancy checkered stocked shiny hunting irons are being produced with some very expensive tropical woods and gold plated triggers, but sorry they are are not the topic of this article.

These rifles from the fancy sporting makers have dual barrels that often have a shotgun barrel on top, and small calibre like a .22 underneath it, or some have a large bore rifle on top and a 410 under that. Some even have as many as 4 barrels in total. However, I am doubtful about how long you could stand and aim such a weapon accurately. They are beautiful to look at and great, but lets talk about what we can commonly find on most gun store racks, in our lower price range, CHEAP.

Let us look at a rifle as more of a tool than a defense weapon too.

What do you need ideally?

Well let us see, using my infallible back woods reasoning here, lets try to narrow it down a bit. First, we need to consider the scenario of the collapse. What kind of collapse is it? One collapse might be something different to one person then to another. It may simply be that your local Seven Eleven has run out of wonder bread, and cold beer or perhaps it is a short-term food shortage down at the Quickie-Mart, due to a truckers strike.

Alternatively, maybe it is a Katrina hurricane like aftermath, were the National Guard is called in. On the other hand, some kind of apocalyptic Mad Max home coming, that is unfolding uncontrollably across the entire globe, with insurrection, martial law, armoured vehicles roaming the streets, cholera, or some other nasty epidemic. Future calamities, like these hat present themselves this way will create an entirely different set of challenges to most trying to survive, be it by him or her self, or when trying to hold a frightened family together.

The Short List of Survival

Therefore, I always like to start with my favourite list of necessities for your long-term survival.







(Not necessarily in that particular, order either.)

The Zombie Apocalypse

If you ever to find yourself in one of the aforementioned scenarios, and you are missing any one of the five items from the above list, you will understand what I mean by long-term survival. For instance, you might want to get out and procure said essential item right away, while you still can.

Before the looters take it all. That is to say, do it, get out into whatever calamity you find yourself in, which usually happens under the strife of some social upheaval. They always are manifesting themselves in some violent form or another. Your objective is to then try, and flee town for higher ground and some safety for your family. At least until things blow over.

This can be a dicey maneuver for a lone prepper, and trying to do this little reconnaissance move unarmed, and during the heat of an uprising or total collapse, can be impossible. Perhaps there is looting, or better yet, a riot, or maybe there are predatory gangs of miscreants wandering the streets, hunting humans for sport. Yet, all you really need is to do sneak down to the corner store and procure some milk for the wee one who will not stop driving your wife nuts.

This is how that scene could play out.

Your choice of prepper rifle is… “Well easy then”, the man behind the counter slides the rifle across the glass counter, with a squeal. “The rifle of choice is an AK-47 still smelling of the gun oil it is packed in, or an AR-15 with well-stocked 30 shot banana magazines taped back-to-back, and ready for action. Better, yet,” he then heaves from the rack behind him a monster of a gun a flat black M-60 complete with a 6 foot bandolier chock full of shiny 30 calibre brass cartridges. You can see yourself now in the blazing sun of the aftermath. Can’t you?

You fondle it, “This will work nicely to deter those crack heads and losers down at the quickie- mart, simply by its merit of pure intimidation”.

As soon as they take one look at that babe hanging from your shoulder, they will not be messing with you my friend, trust me.

Now for My Devils Advocate

What if on the way back from the corner store you come upon a covey of quail or fuzzy bunnies, or maybe that big city vermin, the common pigeon. What luck an entire flock has alighted on that statue of that dead president you always-hated, right there in your favourite park.

Then you think to yourself, “darn, I forgot to pick up that can of baked beans and Vienna sausages for the kiddies”.

You don’t, want to make your way back through those zombie hordes surrounding the Quickie-mart, or wade across those cholera-choked drainage ditches, all for a simply can of beans, do yeah?

Then it hits you, “I have a weapon, sure it’s a might bit big for the job, and not for hunting but who cares? Besides, the little woman has been hankering for some squab. She said so just the other day. So why not stop by the park test it out on a bevy of pigeons. Turn the shiny new 30 cal. Monster that you purchased at “Big Bob’s Battle Emporium”, into a fowling gun”, why not?

“Besides, it’s on the way, and those gang bangers and crack heads won’t bother me for sure”, not while you are spraying the park for pigeons, with your new toy.

You think to yourself, “This is a great idea”, and all seems right with the world again; except after you gather the remains of your quarry in one of those plastic bags from the Quickie-Mart. You arrive home, and present the prize to the little woman. She looks at you disappointed, then at the bag of gore and feathers, then back to you. You swell up proudly. Unbeknownst to you, you have just presented her with what you thought was a fine dinner. She waves the dripping plastic bag of mush like a hypnotist waves a gold watch, back and forth in front of your vacant stare. You smile ear-to-ear thinking “what a great provider I am”.

Then you really see it… for the first time.

The bag of bird parts, and your ever-beautiful ever patient honey bun glaring back at you with that look… you know the one… the one she uses when you have disappointed her yet again.

She then points her trembling finger at the barricaded door, and before you even have a chance to pull your combat boots on, she swings the bag at your head containing what should have been some fine dining for you and the missus, but now have cat food in it for Mr. Tickles. How can this be?

Your intentions were right on. It was such fun spraying the ex president’s effigy with a barrage of gunfire, unseen since the battle of Iwo Jima. Never realizing as you collected up the thoroughly masticated pigeon parts, looking as if they went through a Cuisinart, that bag now looks so silly in her hands, you look away.

How did this happen?

You stare back at her confused, you wondering why is life so unfair. Surely, the nice man with the tattoo that read KILLER on his bicep would not have steered you wrong. After all it is a reputable downtown gun store surely he, was telling the truth when he sold it to you. You spent all afternoon reliving his old combat stories from Iraq, and it was all in good fun. He said it was the best weapon for anything you might come across during an apocalypse. Your only decision was whether to get it in flat black or desert storm beige. Eventually settling on the black, after Killer told you how he used it to mow down that Taliban hooch.

Back to Reality

I know this may come as a surprise to some of you preppers out there, and perhaps this way of thinking, does go against every John Wayne moving ever made, but BIGGER AIN”T ALWAYS BETTER when it comes to food gathering…

Affordable Choices

Now lets look at the affordability factor of your rifle of choice. I assume there is a budget in mind, unless you are independently wealthy. When it comes to basic surplus military rifles and there are plenty around nowadays. Even the low-end sporting models of rifles are cheap enough to buy if you are not seeking brand new.

They are in pretty much the same price range with either choice of low-end sporting model or surplus bolt action. A novice prepper can certainly pick up any one of the older 30 calibres like a Lee-Enfield, or a 30-06 US, or even a 30 calibre Garand or some NATO rifle in the 7.62 range. Getting any post WWI or WWII surplus rifles easily, they run under $400 bucks nowadays but check, the rifling to be sure they are not bagged-out. You might want to find some reproductions instead, like brand-new copies as long as the fact that they are not being made in American does not bother you.

They are new, and right out of the box, or maybe something cheaper like a .22 rifle. Perhaps an old used Coey or Martin .22 calibre for under $250 bucks. Therefore, if this fits into your price range we still are on the right track.

Ammunition Availability

Now lets consider ammo, and availability here and the cost of ammunition. The cost of ammo and availability after such an end of the world collapse will most likely begin to rise soon after it happens, due to supply and demand. Some of the most popular calibres out there from North America are according to Sales in 2014 by Federal Ammunitions are as follows:

In order of popularity;

  1. .223 Remington/5.56mm NATO
  2. .308 Winchester/7.62x51mm NATO
  3. .30-’06 Springfield
  4. .30-30 Winchester
  5. .270 Winchester
  6. .243 Winchester
  7. .300 Winchester Magnum
  8. 7mm Remington Magnum
  9. 7.62×39
  10. .300 Winchester Short Magnum
  11. .22-250 Remington

(I cannot help noticing that they do not list 22 Long Rifle here at all.)

Reloading your own Ammunition

Now, a true gun enthusiast, one that reloads his or her own ammunition might not care about availability after a collapse. Reloading can save plenty of dough if you shoot plenty of targets. Though I am sure if you are an avid shooter, you have probably stopped reading this article several paragraphs ago, with the pigeon story, and so be it. However, I bet this rant will still give even an avid gun enthusiast something to consider when choosing another rifle for their bugout bag.

Either way, if you are still are reading, then great, nice to still have you here. I must assume that if you are that novice, and you do not have a thousand dollars worth of reloading equipment in your bugout bag, and you do not make your own gunpowder, and food is still a major consideration for your rifle of choice. Then we have a different situation here, and not the same as the old time veteran survivalist, or well-heeled prepper finds himself or herself in.

For instance, the equipment alone for reloading your own ammo, can run you minimally, as much, if not more then the rifle that you just purchased. So, do not forget for a minute that the “reloader-guy” the prepper with everything might be better off, as he needs some of those tiny little projectiles we call bullets and a lot of new primers as well as a pound or two of smokeless powder to reload that ammo he or she makes for their sheer enjoyment.

Unless, you are SO SKILLED, you can make your own modern smokeless gunpowder, and cast your own bullets from old car batteries or the chimney lead off the neighbour’s house. So, if you can’t, and I recommend you do NOT try this yourself by the way, without some guidance. If you do not know how to make gunpowder already, and you still want to learn, then watch some one else first, because at best, it will not light and at worst, it will light when you do not want it to, and there goes the damage deposit.

Tried and True Black Powder

Perhaps soon I will write an article about homemade black powder for the future for you guys, but not now.

Black powder is one thing, and a black powder rifles are certainly a fine consideration as an alternative weapon for when things get scarce. Like ammunition, and factory made bullets. A smooth bore black powder gun with a flintlock can be used any old day, with just a lead ball or shot, even just about anything that fits inside it in a pinch will do. However, either way, black powder is relatively easy to make at home, unlike smokeless powder.  So read, read , read before trying it.

My Experience

Yet, this is not the original question is it? The original question was what is the best prepper RIFLE.

In short, and in my humble opinion since I am the one writing this article, is this. What is the best calibre for all around use?

Here is my honest opinion, be it as it may…

First, what makes me an expert on this you ask? Well nothing really, I guess. I have not lived through an apocalypse or even killed any zombie hordes, or even lived through an economic collapse, great enough to cause a long-term food shortage. Nevertheless, I have lived in some very rural areas of wilderness; where it was necessary to hunt or gather food for a living.

Taking from the wild surroundings, and preparing it each fall for the winter, usually just before freeze up. I have also, made black powder at home, and reload my own match grade ammunition for my rifles. I own half a dozen rifles and several shotguns, as well as many handguns too. I have been a hunter and a trapper all my life, and have lived well off the land, at least for my meager 53 years. So the answer finally, what is my favourite calibre of rifle you ask…. Drum roll please…

My Choice

The .22 Long Rifles, TA-Daaaa…

I can almost hear the crickets and groans of disappointment from the readers, but here’s why I chose this often over looked rifle:

To begin with, it is reasonably priced. Most .22s can be picked up used for less then $200.00 bucks. Certainly, that is within our budget. The ammo is readily available anywhere in the world. You will find it from the far north all the way to the tips of the Dark Continents. It is certainly the cheapest and no less available then any other ammo, due to the recent shortages in North America. I will not get into that right now. DHS might be hogging it I guess.

Next, it is the least expensive per round to buy of any kind, and averages about  .05 cents a cartridge, if you buy bulk. That means you can buy as many of the tiny little buggers as you can afford, and no reloading required. This calibre is very versatile, and works across a wide range of practical hunting applications. Birds, small game, varmints, and yes in a pinch even larger non-lethal game animals such as small deer and feral pigs. You might even be able to afford one that takes .22 magnum and .22 long rifle cartridges. (MY WAIVER IS: Although using small calibre on large game is immoral and illegal in most any country. And I would only endorse it in a dire situation of a family starving.)

Nevertheless, all of these aforementioned tasty critters are potential food for the prepper’s pot. Lets face it, if we look back to the original list of five basic human needs. Food is definitely way up there for any prepper. The .22 rifles can still be used for a self-defense too. No, it will not cut a zombie in half with one shot, but it is small enough to be used by everyone in your family. That means Mom as well as the kids are not going to be afraid to pull the trigger when the time comes. Another bonus is its power; it is certainly enough to easily drop a pigeon or two at the park, pecking around those dirty hypodermic syringes in the grass.

Well, let us see does the mighty, .22 rifle also has a fair shooting range for its tiny size, but yes it does, and it still packs a punch too. Its able to kill small game out to 200 yards on a good day. Unfortunately, the arch of this tiny calibre resembles more of a rainbow then a straight line, at that distance. However, anyone who has shot gophers on the back forty, or squirrels out of some tall trees will attest to being able to do it with ease.

The newer .17 HMR arguments

I am not going to debate the .17 HMR caliber’s velocity with anyone here or argue stats with those who own these rifles. They are not common enough in most areas and therefore I have ruled them out, and will not being considered them here for that reason. Therefore, the champion and still my choice for best rifle for a prepper in my honest opinion one that you can and should be able to use to feed the family everyday, the .22 long rifle. Because, lets face it that is the number one consideration in any prepping situation, feed the spouse and kiddies.

My Opinion about defense

Therefore, in my now frequently over stated and forever contradictory humble opinion, I will say this one and salient fact. Unless you are a trained warrior and hanging around with a platoon of other trained warriors, you are probably NOT going to be fending off an onslaught of brain eating zombies by yourself. Just you and the missus in some twisted version of the Last stand at the Alamo you firing away and the kids and Mom reloading your M-60 while you swap it out for the AK-47 you got thrown in at “Big Bob’s Battle Emporium”, I don’t think so.

However, WHAT you most likely ARE GOING to be doing, is trying to survive by being stealthy, using those evasion apache ambush tactics from that Calvary survival book of 1865. (Or like us lay persons, you will be using the reliable running away tactic, with you and your kid’s arms pin wheeling as Mom tries to keep up.)

Whatever way you shake it, the zombie hordes are not getting you, and your family. They duck into a drive through car wash, and the kids shake them using those revolving doors at derelict shopping mall. Then, you and your love ones quietly bugger off to somewhere safer, and with less hostile horizons about you. Go now, get out, ride off into that sunset, well past the blazing apocalyptic burning city skyline, and get the hell out of dodge people.

Although most likely you will still find that there are not tasty cakes hanging from the branches of trees out there, and the term out in the woods means just that out in the woods. The inevitable fact is this, these .22 rifles are relatively light, they’re cheap, they shoot well, and they are easier to run with when zombies are chasing you, and just fine for shooting grey squirrels, or red, or what ever you prefer; from out of that pine tree at 50 yards.

What more could a prepper possibly want, and when you get to the woods, in any event, you and your .22 rifles, are going to be the best of friends. Because it is the best tool for the job, even the tiniest creatures, DO taste far better then nothing at all.

What do we have so far fellow preppers?

How about another list of the Pros and Cons of a .22 rifle. Just before I conclude this:

Pros for .22 Rifle Cons against the .22 Neither good nor bad
Ammo is cheap can buy 500 hundred rounds at Wal-Mart for less then $25/ box


Great for small game and you won’t need to pick pellets out of your ducks.


The whole family can shoot it with ease.


Its lightweight makes it easy to carry, for long distances.


Very common calibre ammunition, in any country.


Cheaper for shooting fish in a barrel.

Sorry won’t cut a brain eating zombie in half with one shot, but can kill a pigeon.


Not recommended for large game or zombies for that matter.


Not very good for long range shooting.


Not very intimidating to the rioters looters, and crack heads, until you shoot a few, first.


Not ideal in ever situation but it comes close, you can still kill a zombie if you have to (but you may have to beat him with it too).

Most big calibre rifles are just more expensive then a .22 rifle.


If you run out of ammo, both are just an ergonomically designed club, and quite useless.


Both types will kill large animals at point blank range. (Do not try this with a .22 on a Grizzly bear though.)


Guns aren’t dangerous Zombies with guns are…



My Conclusion

I know I have not convinced everyone with my back woods logic. Nevertheless, I hope that I raised some valid points here, and entertain a few of you a little bit any way. I’m an avid outdoorsman, I honestly hunt for my own food, and eat what I kill, I always feel munch better prepared to bag some game in the short term with 500 hundred rounds of .22 in my survival bag, and a decent .22 rifle, then having a box of twenty or so 308 rounds and a deer rifle only.

Your chances of finding a meal that very day is far better with a rim fire then seeing a big game animal the first day out. Besides a .22 shot from a tree stand, only twenty feet above the game (Especially a magnum), and right at the old brain pan, is going to kill any small deer or pig, even if unethical or illegal. I contest, those who disagree that with a starving family at home, this gives you that right.

I could be wrong… probably am.

I was never very good at following rules; when my family is hungry, I hunt:

Happy hunting,

The Practical prepper Jack Woods


Chess Puzzle | 7/15/2016 - Mate over Material

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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Ham Antenna Rises to the Occasion

There was a time when you could do what you wanted in your yard and hams could build giant antenna farms. These days, there are usually laws or deed restrictions that stop that from happening. Even if you can build an antenna, you might want to quickly put up something temporary in an emergency.

[Eric’s] solution? Suspend a wire from a weather balloon filled with helium from the local WalMart. The 8 foot balloon took two containers (18 cubic feet) of gas before it would rise sufficiently. Once you have a floating balloon, the rest of the concept is simple: connect a wire (100 feet of 26 gauge), use a tuner to match the load to the transmitter, and you have instant antenna.

The Army used this same technique with the SCR-578 survival radio. Instead of helium, a chemical reaction produced hydrogen that lifted a balloon that would hoist a kite that kept the antenna aloft.

Usually, when we see balloons, they are going much higher. We’ve thought about lifting antenna wires temporarily with drones, but maybe you just need a potato.

Filed under: radio hacks

via radio hacks – Hackaday

Lucid Dreaming | Inverse RC: 'This Is a Dream'

I'm currently reading Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's 'The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep', and have reached the practical part, whereby it outlines how to become lucid. Rather than asking yourself whether or not you're awake at frequent intervals, it recommends reminding yourself that you're dreaming. By this it is referring to the Buddhist concept of emptiness--that everything in our world is empty of inherent meaning and is merely a projection of our mind (things still exist, but what makes a chair a chair isn't the chair itself but the mind that observes it).

I completely agree with the concept as an aspiring Buddhist, but what are people's thoughts on its efficacy as a reality check?

Here is some of the chapter:

"It is as follows: throughout the day, practice the recognition of the dream-like nature of life until the same recognition begins to manifest in dream. ... The emphasis should actually be on you, the dreamer, more than on the objects of your experience. Keep reminding yourself that you are dreaming up your experiences: the anger you feel, the happiness, the fatigue, the anxiety--it is all part of the dream. The oak tree you appreciate, the car you drive, the person to whom you are talking, are all part of the dream. In this way a new tendency is created in the mind, that of looking at experience as insubstantial, transient, and intimately related to the mind's projections. ... Eventually this understanding will arise in dream and lead to the recognition of the dream state and the development of lucidity."

I'm struggling to see how seeing everything as a dream will lead to better recognition of a sleeping dream.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 7/14/2016 - Tricks Are For Kids

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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Tell us your success story.

Hello everyone,

So many people (myself included) set out on their journey to attain lucidity with optimism and hope. But after weeks/months of trying, many of these people quit because they feel they won't get better and it just isn't worth the time and effort. Sure there are naturals who find it easy to go from beginner to expert, but I believe that this is a rarity.

I think it would be beneficial to any beginner to hear a success story from a non-natural lucid dreamer who started from humble beginnings but kept with it and finally became relatively sufficient at attaining lucidity. Anyone who has a story like this, please feel welcome to post! These anecdotes could spur on individuals who are losing hope. It may be helpful to include the state of your progress when you first began (in terms of dream recall, etc.), your current state, and what method(s) you used to become more experienced.

Thanks, and happy dreaming!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 7/13/2016 - (K)night Time

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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | The naturality of lucid dreaming...?

Hi there!

I've talked about this to several people before, so why not bring this up over to DV.

One of the least used "habits" when trying to LD, is how natural it is for our own body to dream I believe.
What exactly does that mean? Well, we have forgotten that as humans we have a natural ability to dream.

Truly, I don't remember many people journaling anymore in order to search for the "natural" part of their dreams, but rather it is more of a hunt to find a dreamsign or whatever may be useful to create a RC. And while a dream sign seems to be the most natural thing in the world, it is not for each dreamer.

Imagine that you discover that during dreams, your thought process is always linked to doors, but instead of using it in the normal sense, such as making doors your dream sign, you try to discover the schema of your mind behind that, in this case imagine that the link is actually a "next action" thing? And as such, next thing we know the person is trying no longer to RC when they see a door, instead they try to increase their general awareness over the actions they take during the day, thus making that appear in dreams as the "next action" dream sign and makes them become lucid much more often?

What I'm trying to convey is, we as dreamers are supposed to follow the natural lead of our own dream system, rather than try to force and change it onto something new, which generally causes stress and makes it harder to get lucid, creating problems of consistency for example.

One good example I can think of right now.
Both me and Azul use the gravity RC, both me and Azul got good results with it resulting in nightly lucidity.
Why did it work for both of use?

No matter how much the technique was developed by me, always will insist that anyone trying it must modify it in order to suit their needs!
Why? Simple. Because we are both different people, different dreamers; why would the same technique have to be followed on the same manner, if it is not the same person trying it? Focusing on my whole body all day long with gravity is just the "natural" way for me to work with it, while for Azul it was to focus on his hands.

It is only natural that different people will need a different technique and must use all of the same ones in different manners, after all it is not like they are all equal. And what IMO is lost, is the ability to read through dreams in order to find that natural part of oneself, lying in wait to make that path towards lucity all the easier, because rather than building a new bridge one is just learning how to cross the one that already exists. But we don't search for the bridge, rather we just try to make a new one if possible.

What do others think about it? How many people have tried to find this natural bridge and tried to cross it? If so, how did it go?
Opinions? Anyone who would be willing to try and use this as their "method" to become lucid?
All I am trying to say is, why not let the natural schema of both your waking life and dreaming life take the lead through the life adventure that is lucid dreaming and see how it goes, maybe it isn't such a bad idea?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | Breath RC

This, perhaps, is the most readily available RC you can do. And it does double duty as a dream sign. It is a dream sign that every single one of us has available to us whenever we wish to employ it.


Whether you've noticed it or not, you don't breath when you dream. There is no oxygen in the non-physical world of dreams, so there is no need to suck it in to stay alive. Thus, no breathing. That makes the lack of breathing a perfect dream sign that is available in every dream that you have.

What do we talk about doing with dream signs that we run into during the day? We stop, recognize them as dream signs, do an RC, evaluate state and go on.

Thus, stay aware of your breath as you go through the day. This also is a nice way of staying in the moment in and of itself. You don't have to watch the breath constantly, as your mind must focus on the object of your attention, or you could not manage to complete tasks. Your mind only has the capacity to focus on one thing, completely, at a time. So don't get discouraged that you can't keep your mind fully focused on your breath throughout the day. It's not possible. Just bring yourself back to it as you notice it again.

With just a little practice, you'll see how easy it is to notice your breath throughout the day. Use this opportunity to do an RC re the breath. Stop, ask yourself if you are breathing, if you are (I assume you are), then say to yourself "I'm breathing. I can't be dreaming because I don't breath in dreams." What you are doing is drawing your attention to your breath as a form of self-awareness.

Also, you can do the opposite, as it were, by focusing on the breath, holding it for a moment, and then saying "No. I'm not breathing. I must be dreaming because I don't breath in dreams." This may be a more direct inroad to the dreaming mind as the dreaming mind can reproduce this exact condition/response in the dream state and potentially recognize that a dream exists.

I suggest doing a combination of the two above exercises throughout the day, intermingling them at random. They are easy to do, very quick and minimally disruptive, especially since you can do them in your mind rather than saying anything out loud.

Everyone breaths. Everyone has the breath as a dream sign. Why not use what's readily available?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | New Book: Dream Yoga: Illuminating Your Life Through Lucid Dreaming and the Tibetan Yogas of Sleep

I just noticed that Andew Holecek has a new book out (July 1, 2016): Dream Yoga: Illuminating Your Life Through Lucid Dreaming and the Tibetan Yogas of Sleep.

He also has a 6-chapter audio book that you can download for free from amazon/audible with their 1-month free trial (you get two free audio books with this) on the same subject. I imagine the audio book and the print book have a considerable amount of overlap (I prefer print books/ebook to audio books, but hey the audio book is free with trial and there is a lot of material there, over 6 hours).

Check out some of his videos on Dream Yoga on youtube, he's a good speaker.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | Sleep Cycles (what time do you wake yourself up?)

I'm currently trying to work out the best time to wake myself during the night, in order to remember an extra dream. I've been using the Sleep As Android app to record my sleep cycles so that I can get a vague impression, though I don't think it's massively reliable. The good thing about it though is that you can set it to wake you up after a cycle, roughly around the time you've set your alarm, so you don't have to be overly specific!

One question I have is how systematic are sleep cycles? Are they generally the same length throughout the same period of sleep? I know that the length of NREM/REM periods change over time, but does this change the overall length of the cycle or do they increase/decrease in proportion? I think from my limited anecdotal experience that my sleep cycles are generally around 1:45; will this change through the night or could this be something to stick to?

From a look at my graphs on this app, it seems an REM cycle often ends not long before the 5-hour mark. I know it's different for every person, but can anyone attest to this? Is this too early to get a solid dream?

Much love.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity