Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Different methods or sticking to just one?

Hello guys, :D

I'm relatively new to lucid dreaming, never had one before. I'm keeping a dreamjournal and I'm doing RC's throughout the day. (Doing this for about a month now).

So far I tried quite a few methods, including DEILD, FILD, MILD (Just repeating my mantra before I go to sleep and doing some visualisation about previous dreams.), combinated with WBTB. Now and then I also give WILD a try. I'm actually switching between methods, to find out what works best for me. Unfortunately, none of these attempts ended up in a lucid dream... :( Except for a DEILD (accidental) where I suddenly realised I was awake, so I kept my eyes closed and started seeing bright flashes and a face, compared with Auditory hallucinations (like someone squeezed a plastic bottle near my ear). I also felt the 'vibrations'. I got too excited and accidentally opened my eyes...

Could you guys tell me what works the best for you, sticking to one method and practising it, or alternating between different methods, because it feels like I'm doing something wrong.. :|

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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