Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Haunted by nightmares, Need good advice!

Hey night travellers, i'm in need of some good advice here.

Thing is i'm struggling with nightmares...waking up terrorized several times a night feeling awful after. I feel these effects linger throughout the day so i need to get something done about it.

What techniques do you think i should aim for?

I'm well aware of lucid dreaming basic/advanced techniques since i used to train on them several years ago but stopped for some reason.

But when there's 100 techniques to choose from i feel lost...i don't have the time or energy to try them all.

So please respond only if you sure about a tech suitable for me, i'm sure there must be people on here starting out with the same problem as me aswell.

I should add:

I dream ALOT....almost instantly i put my head to rest....so i guess lucid dreaming would suit me fine.

Thanks in advance, Hofmann

P.S. I was gonna write sorry for my bad english....but i don't think you care :lol:

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1wrkkI2

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