Friday, July 18, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Lack of enthusiasm and its impact on lucid dreaming sucess

Hey guys,

Clearly i have an on, off relationship with lucid dreaming as i am returning for what has to be the 5th time to attempting to attain lucidity. Iv been back to it almost a week now, filling in my dream journal each morning, reality checking throughout the day and repeating my mantra "I lucid dream. I remember my dreams" as i fall asleep most nights. For my RC i look at both of my hands palm up (i have an A drawn on the left palm to remind me to RC) and repeat "Next time i am dreaming i will look at my hands and realise i am dreaming" about three times, i count my fingers to make sure i have ten, then i try to stick my finger through my hand. I then look around for something to read, i read it, glance away, look back and read it again, to see that it remains the same, and finally rub my hands together. I do this ten or more times a day.

The problem is, i want to lucid dream and i think it would be cool but i dont have the same excited enthusiasm as i did the first few times i tried to learn so i dont have that pushing me. Dont get me wrong, i really do want to learn and I do intend to master it finally this summer if i can. I have six weeks left and id like to get as far as having one or two lucids in that time.

So my questions are: Does it matter that i dont feel the same enthusiasm for it this time? Will it hold me back or make learning take longer? What should i add to my routine to help me learn? Are my RCs adequate?

Thanks guys and, as always, this site is brilliant! :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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