Monday, June 30, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | I can't sleep when i try to MILD

Hello dear people, recently i've been trying to MILD but when i try to recall my mantra and try

to visualize, i get insomnia, and i end up sleeping without doing any technique and i really feel bad for that :/

anyone know why this is happening?

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Lucid Dreaming | Having a bunch of Semi-Lucid Dreams

So lately I am having a bunch of semi lucid dreams where I do a reality check like blowing my nose while plugged, but I don't fully become lucid. Like I might even think to myself, "Holy crap im lucid dreaming" and I even do things like rubbing my hands together to make the dream more stable, but I don't actually do anything besides thinking how cool it is that I am dreaming.

Also, last night I had a dream where I was dreaming and then fell asleep and had a dream within a dream. In the sub dream, I became semi lucid by doing a reality check, but I didn't do anything besides feeling the enviroment to stabalize the dream. Then I woke up from the sub dream and in the first level dream realized I had a lucid dream, but thought that I was awake.

Any tips on how to become fully lucid even after doing a reality check?

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Lucid Dreaming | Question about reality checking

One of my dream signs is being in a particular room. So I’m trying to train myself to RC every time I go into that room. But is this the right way to go about it? I mean, in a dream, wouldn’t you feel as if you were ‘always’ in the room, and that you never actually walked into it, meaning you wouldn’t do the RC?

How exactly do you RC to a particular ‘location’ or room. And do you think it would work? Thanks! :)

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Lucid Dreaming | Awareness and Lucid Dreaming

Hello, i am relatively new to lucid dreaming, but I've been trying to become more aware during the day and trying to ask questions like "Am I Dreaming?" "What was doing 5 minutes ago? What will I be doing 15 mins from now? I've been also been trying to do RC's like plugging my nose and trying to breath through it. It just doesn't seem to be working at the moment. I guess it takes time though. I've also heard about meditation and how it's the key to self-awareness. Can someone point me in the right direction to meditation. Thanks so much.

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Lucid Dreaming | Need help with DILD

HELLO :) lol my second post on the forum

Tell me if this is weird or if i'm doing it wrong

I been doing RC for a week, and i do like 15 RC a day, not just that but I also been writing in my dream journal but i still can't remember much of my dream :(

DILD pros or people who can at least DILD NEED HELP

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Chess Puzzle | 6/30/2014 - Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures

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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | I think I need some new reality checks

I generally work on the assumption that everything COULD be a dream, I test gravity, I try to go through walls, I recite my day backwards and then forwards to check for scene transitions, I try to change the taste of food and drinks just by thinking about it, and sometimes it takes me a long while to determine whether I'm dreaming or not. In terms of basic reality checks, when I see my dream signs, I do the nose pinch and the hand check, but then sometimes in dreams it's like I don't have a body to check on, none of this works right now, any advice please?

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Lucid Dreaming | What would an "ideal" sleep schedule for lucid dreaming be?

I can afford to go to sleep and wake up at, basically, any time for the next few weeks. To maximize my chances of getting a lucid dream (with the help of whatever induction technique I'll pick), what sleep schedule would you recommend? I'm willing to wake up multiple times during the night, and I'd rather not take more than one nap during the afternoon (no polyphasic sleep). When should I go to sleep, how often/when should I wake up for a WBTB, and when should I wake up for good?

Right now, I go to sleep at 11:30pm and wake up at 8:00am, with a WBTB at 5:30 combined with attempts at WILDing.

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Chess Puzzle | 6/29/2014 - Mate in 3

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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Obtain Adrenaline Rush At Will

I am able to access adrealine at will. It feels like a rush sensation through my head.

And I have heard that other people have problems after they do this. I dont know why these people might, but I have no problems accessing and Stoping adrealine.

Yes, I only usually access adrealine for a couple seconds before stopping it. Theres no need for me to continue the adrealine rush unless of course I'm active.

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Chess Puzzle | 6/28/2014 - Opening Lanes

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Friday, June 27, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | How to Reality Check the Wrong Way

Do it fast, without any reflection, as much as you can

A: Count your fingers and get back to your business

B: Read a text twice and get back to your business


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Lucid Dreaming | Help! Panicking during WILD!

I nearly had a successful wild but panicked during my WILD attempt. Everything flickered on and then off before turning on and off again or something like that. I experienced some sort of red flashes and I woke up because I got scared. I know it's my mind playing tricks on me because of hallucinations, but what can I do to be sure this won't happen again?

At least I'm having progress.

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Chess Puzzle | 6/27/2014 - Relentless Pursuit of Mate

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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Ultra deep self hypnosis. Can't sleep afterwords.

So I've been using a self hypnosis recording for a while that takes me really deep then installs a trigger word that I can use any time to return to that deep Theta state. It works! When I'm in that state, I can make my hands cold and numb by thinking about them being in Ice water. I can make them float by thinking about balloons tied to them. It's really deep and peaceful. I'm thinking that being in this state will help me get into at WILD. Have been practicing at night before bed planning to try again after WBTB.

I spent an hour there last night then came out and tried to go to sleep. The problem is that after time in that state I often have a hard time going to sleep. It feels like I'm in some kind of twilight land where I'm neither asleep or nor awake. Not awake enough to get up and clear my head, but not asleep either. It's not pleasant. I wasted half a nights sleep last night, and afterwords didn't even bother trying to LD.

I'm wondering if anybody else has had a problem falling asleep after deep meditation or self hypnosis? Any suggestion?


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Lucid Dreaming | Q: Why does SSILD Work?

A: It's meditation.

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Lucid Dreaming | Almost there

Hi Dreamviews

I've known about LD for a few years, but hasn't really put the effort in it before a few weeks ago. 10 days ago I realized I was dreaming for a few seconds, and woke up - there we're some flashing for my eyes.

2 days ago I was in a dream where this happened again. I was laying on a couch in a small camping house (I've watched Eminem 8 Mile before I went to sleep, and the camping house could have been from this, I think?) My phone started to ring. My grandparents where talking to me, but they're dead (IRL), so I glanced at the phone and the contact that called me was named "Troll". So I attained lucidity, and got really excited. I wanted to do a RC and look at my hands, but my eyes was fighting me, they were really hard to keep open, and it there was some flashes too like staring at the sun.

I started to spin to gain awareness, and after the spin I walked outside and flew a few meters over the ground, but fell back to the ground again fast like a astronaut without gravity.

After 30 seconds I woke up, and I've realized this was my first LD.

Is it normal to gain lucidity in these strange ways? I mean the dream plot is absurd, and what is going on with my eyes in the dream?

Kind regards

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Chess Puzzle | 6/26/2014 - White Draws

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Best time for WILD or WBTB?

I'm curious as to how long before bed I should turn off electronics and TV. I heard they affect LD results. When is the best time for attempting a WILD and WBTB?

I had a strange WILD attempt last night. The hallucination was that I felt as though I was sleeping on the other end of the bed than where I was originally and the noise from my fan helped to enhance it to the point where I heard my fan as if it was placed differently in the room.

What can I do to clear my mind to LD? To make things worse, I just got out of rotator cuff and labrum surgery. Is there anything I can do to become comfortable? My shoulder is in a sling until Sunday and it's uncomfortable to try and WILD.

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Chess Puzzle | 6/25/2014 - Mate in 2

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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Help developing a solid daily routine for DILDs

Hey guys,

It's been a while since I've been active on this forum, but I wanted to give Lucid Dreaming another shot (got overwhelmed last time, decided to take a break). I want to stick with it and put in the hard work, because I know that's the only way I will reach my goal. There really is no "shortcut," sadly.

But I need your help. I'm specifically going for DILDs; however, I am completely lost as to what I should be doing in my daily routine. I'm split between self-awareness (mainly Sageous) and ADA (KingYoshi). I read this thread to get an idea of where I should be focusing my energy or what I should practice for awareness, but it seems to have confused me more. Yoshi made great points, so did Sageous and others. But I'm just a noob, so I can't relate to what they were saying too well.

My current daily routine involves me practicing Yoshi's ADA. I simply take in everything, not really question it. I just take everything in. After doing this, I'll ask questions along the lines of:

  • How did I get here?

  • What was I doing ten minutes ago?

  • Why am I here?

  • Where will I be in fifteen minutes?

Am I practicing awareness correctly? I want to get a solid daily routine to get to my DILD goal. The hard part is figuring out what my daily routine needs to consist of.

And for anyone who does practice KingYoshi's ADA, have you developed the ability to become Lucid by simply knowing it is a dream state? KingYoshi says that is the purpose behind his ADA, to simply "know" your dreaming and to be Lucid all the time. This sounds wonderful, but again there's people who claim this to not work.

Thanks, hope the post made sense (pretty tired)!

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Chess Puzzle | 6/24/2014 - White To Draw

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Monday, June 23, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | So Close

So the last 3 nights I've ended up having really vivid and memorable dreams. On the first night I even had a false awakening.

In all of these dreams at some point or another I have plugged my nose to check if it was a dream, I've realised that I can still breathe and that it is a dream, but my dream self every single time has kinda just gone: "Huh, I'm dreaming, thats cool" and the dream has just carried on as normal.

So frustrating but then again it is probably the closest I have come so far.

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Lucid Dreaming | Masturbation-free Routine to LDing?

I read from another post that if you stop masturbating, it gives you a higher chance of LDing during the night. Is this true? Did this method work for anyone?

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Chess Puzzle | 6/23/2014 - Desperation Draw

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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Hypnagogic hallucinations during meditation -- good or bad?

So I've been noticing some odd phenomena while meditating and I'd like the forum's opinion on them. Specifically I'm not sure if I'm getting closer to being able to WILD at will, or if I'm merely falling asleep while meditating :P

A bit of background detail: I've apparently had sleep apnea for years without realizing it. I was always exhausted, fell asleep at the drop of a hat, dragged myself out of bed every morning, etc. Naturally my LDing suffered from this. Starting to use those anti-snore nose strips has made an unbelievable difference in my sleep quality and the frequency/vividness of my LDs shot through the roof as a result -- I just had a nice long, vivid LD last night, in fact. So far so good, right?

I've also been meditating for about half a year. I use my MILD mantra as a meditation mantra, so I just sit quietly and chant "I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming" in my head. Before I fixed my sleeping problem the biggest roadblock to meditation was a wandering mind: worrying about what to eat for dinner, thinking about books I'd read, getting bored and wondering if my time was up, etc. But after I started sleeping better that all went away.

Now when I meditate I'm not bothered by worries or daydreams, but I have been consistently getting these very odd, brief little visual hallucinations. I'm 99% sure this is what's called hypnagogia -- they're like dreams, each one just a few seconds long, and usually random scenes of people or landscapes or nature. Each time it happens I'll briefly forget I'm meditating, then snap back to awareness and pick up the mantra again.

I know I'm not completely asleep during these episodes because I meditate sitting up, and I'm still sitting upright when I snap back. I also can't prolong the "dreams" even if I try, though I've had modest success in getting them to revolve around one theme -- I can get several in a row to focus on a certain setting, like a park or a river. When I'm through meditating I do feel like I've been "elsewhere" for a period of time, and I also have a sense like I've been unconscious briefly. Nonetheless it's very refreshing to me.

Some descriptions of WILD I read in one of LaBerge's books seemed to suggest that hypnagogic phenomena could be extended into full dreams, which would allow LDing directly from a waking state. Should I assume that my meditation experiments are leading me in that direction? Am I simply getting much better at relaxing my mind? or am I just dozing off during meditation and making a big deal of nothing? I kind of feel like meditation "should" be about focusing on breath/mantra rather than going off into a half-dream state, no matter how much fun that is, but I'm not any kind of expert.

Apologies if this has already been addressed in another thread.

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Chess Puzzle | 6/22/2014 - Opening Avenues

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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | fastest brain frequency = LD

Lucid Dreamers Produce The Fastest Brainwave Frequencies Ever Recorded

Lucid dreaming is a documented phenomenon;

researchers continue to explore it as it shows some very significant brain patterns and biological happenings within the body.

A fairly recent example is a study conducted in 2009 at the Neurological Laboratory in Frankfurt.


Research shows how Lucid dreamers produce the fastest brainwave frequencies ever recorded, gamma brainwaves that operate at 40Hz +(1).*

This suggests that lucid dreamers are more self aware, and are more conscious in this state than compared to a normal state of wakefulness.

We don’t operate anywhere near that frequency (with regards to brain waves) when in our normal wakeful state, and we operate at even lower frequencies during other sleep states.

Research suggests that the existence of gamma brainwaves indicates a totally conscious experience (4), so the experience of being awake within a dream is a very real phenomenon.

This begs the question,*which*state is actually*real?*

Could what we perceive as being fully aware and awake be*the real*dream?

Or are these just different aspects of reality that*we are jumping to and from?

Is our ability to create our own reality easier in a state of lucid dreaming because our brain is functioning at a higher frequency?

What would we be capable*of*if we were able to attain*that frequency without* lucid dreaming?

Would we be able to have instant manifestations like we do in our lucid dreams?

Gamma brainwaves are involved in higher mental activity and consolidation of information.

Operating from this frequency allows our brain to link and process information from multiple parts of the brain(2).

We use more of our brain when we are experiencing lucid dreaming than we do when we are fully awake.

I just found the above on Bobbie Anne Pimm's blog. Here is the whole article


Lucid Dreamers Produce The Fastest Brainwave Frequencies Ever Recorded | The Mind Unleashed


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Chess Puzzle | 6/21/2014 - David Gurgenidze, Shakhmaty v SSSR, 1973

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Lucid Dreaming | Someone has an online paid service that promises to make you a Lucid Dreamer

I wanted some feedback and opinions from you guys here, because this is probably the best place to ask on the Internet in regards to Lucid Dreaming.

I found an ad online that was selling a unique service. They said that they could hypnotize you over Skype (said that you need video of yourself so they can do it properly) and give you the ability to Lucid Dream. Here is a quote from their marketing thread on the forum: "I would make it so that you will only lucid dream the nights that you say a certain word, sentence, or do a very specific action before falling asleep such as snapping both fingers or saying "Tonight I will lucid dream". The command is entirely up to you."

Is this even possible? I'm very skeptical of this. I've always been a person that loses motivation after doing something for a few weeks, so this sounds like it would be the most perfect thing ever. But, it sounds too good to be true. Can you guys tell me if this is a legit service or not?

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Friday, June 20, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Intention to Lucid Dream Tonight

Before we do a thing we first intend to do it, before action comes intention.

It's a fairly simple idea but before we go to bed, even if we're thinking "I want to have a lucid dream tonight" our head is also usually filled with a massive amount of other thoughts, sometimes just in the the background. Your intention to LD is mixed with a bunch of other worries, thoughts, ideas etc...

It's easy for our intention to LD, no matter how strong, to get lost inside that storm.

So here is a little exercise that might help, it'll only take 5-10 minutes but I think it's well worth it.

First of all make sure this is what you do before getting into bed, while we are falling asleep our mind wanders too easily and intention requires some focus.

If you know breathing meditation you already know how to do this first part but for everyone else; sit comfortably, close your eyes and follow your breath. If you'd like you can count when you breath in, and count when you breath out. If thoughts emerge, gently refocus back on the breath. Relax as much as possible, your goal is to clear your mind by following something simple such as the breath. Here we are not worried about doing full on meditation, we're simply relaxing and letting go of any worries or concerns. Take at least 5 minutes to do this, or just whenever you feel that you have relaxed enough and your mind feels more stable. It may not be 100% stable, but it is now a lot more stable than before.

Alternatively you can use any other relaxation / mind clearing method you want. You could even just stare at a wall. =]

This next part is the more important one.

You could think of this as analytical meditation, use thoughts and reasoning to work something out. In this case what we need is to form an intention to lucid dream tonight by sorting out mentally exactly what that actually means. The following example should be enough to illustrate the process, you can use the same steps or come up with your own, think and reason:

  1. I'd like to lucid dream tonight

  2. How?

  3. By realising in one of my dreams that I'm dreaming

  4. How?

  5. By becoming aware in my dream

  6. How do I become aware?

  7. By staying mindful of the fact that I might be dreaming

  8. How do I stay mindful?

  9. By knowing exactly what my goal is and keeping that in mind

  10. What is my goal?

  11. To realise I'm dreaming, to pay attention

Take a few moments to let it sink in.

You can end here (it would be helpful to come up with your own list since it's your own logic that's required) or follow on to really question why it is you want to lucid dream and what that means to you.

This might seem like a silly exercise, but think about the times when you faced a decision that you had to think about. You used your mind and really analysed the problem, you might have weighed the pros and cons or you may have used simple logic such as "well I need to do this today so I don't have to do it tomorrow" or "if I act quickly I'll get ahead of other people". After you have done this you had very clear intention and direction for your next course of action.

Same here, reason it out, why are you trying to lucid dream? Why are you doing it tonight of all nights? Why don't you want to just leave it till tomorrow? What do you feel you need to do to LD tonight?

If your intention is built out of thin air, it'll only be as substantial as air.

Take some time and build it on a rock solid foundation.

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Lucid Dreaming | Anaglyph 3D meditation. Any one tried this?

Focal Meditation for Lucid Dreams (Binaural - 3D Stereoscopic) - YouTube

I am wondering if anyone have tried it and if it's worth a few bucks?

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Lucid Dreaming | Interesting conditioning experiment

I've been trying an experiment lately. It seems similar to what others have done in the past, but I've not seen anyone do this specifically.

When I'm going to sleep, I stare into the darkness you see when you close your eyes, and I try to get a "wall" to materialise. It's quite a passive action - I don't really try really hard to imagine it, but I try to let it happen. Sometimes it does (sort of) and sometimes it doesn't, but I don't force it. I don't try to dictate where the wall will appear - sometimes it seems like it's far away, sometimes it seems like it's a couple of inches from my eyes.

In dreams I'm often seeing surfaces that resemble the weird grey/black blobbiness. It's always been a surface so far. This may act as a dreamsign, or there may be some other way it can help to achieve lucidity. I will keep doing this exercise and see where it goes. So far I haven't used it with WBTB because I only do WBTB if I wake naturally and recently I've been sleeping right through.

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Lucid Dreaming | Idea about prospective memory

This is a kind of thoughts inspired by Nailler's posts on prospective memory and the fact that I find MILD "cluttery".

What would happen if you based your lucid dreaming activities on prospective memory instead of dreaming?

1) So when you wake from a dream, instead of looking at dreamsigns (or lack of dreamsigns) and general dream content, you specifically look for and log moments in the dream where you used prospective memory. What would the definition of PM in this instance be? Not sure, but maybe you could look at moments where you remembered to do something (like PM in real life), or perhaps also where you realised you intended to remember to do something in the future.

2) Going back to sleep, you assert your intention to use prospective memory in your next dream. And, perhaps, as consequence, in the next dream, you remember your intention to use prospective memory which is more or less the same as realising you are dreaming.

The transition from looking back at PM use in the past dream to remembering to use it in your next dream seems smoother and less clunky than the activities carried out in MILD (Recalling the dream. spotting dreamsigns, imagining dreamsigns showing up in the next dream, saying, "I'll realise I'm dreaming" six thousand times before you go back to sleep etc.) The activities for MILD seem like some kind of Occam's Razor, where there is a great number of unrelated tasks that can't segue smoothly from one to the next.

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Chess Puzzle | 6/20/2014 - The Long Draw

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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | What is the force or process that hides, obscures or removes dream signs, and recognizing them?

Does anyone have any idea what this energy, force or process is that interferes with your ability to become aware that you are dreaming?

For example, when I started lucid dreaming, the muppets were always in my dreams. Don't ask me why, I have no idea. I used them for a Dream Sign, but now I no longer see them, or if I am seeing them I no longer remember. I think it more likely that they just stopped appearing. I would use the old house I used to live in, a double-wide trailer. I am always going back to that place. It has not been taken away, but instead is usually hidden, masked or obscured in some way. I used to see the field behind that house - I no longer see it. Last night I saw my hands in my dream, but they were odd, super clean, almost luminous, as if I had scrubbed them. I was distracted by their odd appearance and as a result could not use them to tell myself I am dreaming.

I hesitate to say something is blocking me or preventing me. Trying to avoid negative focus. I do not want to reinforce something unwanted, or create it. So for now I am just saying that it feels like something may be preventing me from becoming lucid by hiding, masking, obscuring or in some cases removing Dream Signs. I would like to know what this is, what to call it. I want to put a name to it. The reason is because I am going to use self-hypnosis to power it off, shut it down or remove it. This is what I have written for my suggestion:

As I dream, I am free from any inference with my awareness that I am dreaming.

This is sort of like an affirmation. It has to be a positive, not a negative focus. It's not, "I am fat and I want to loose weight" this focuses on the negative, unwanted aspect, and wanting something only gives you more want. So you have to say, "I am free to make healthy eating choices and do the exercises I enjoy." So if you think I need to phrase this differently, please keep that in mind with your suggestions.

I truly believe we can program ourselves to do anything - anything at all. That includes programming ourselves to be always conscious and lucid in our dreams, should we want that, That is what I am working towards in my self hypnosis scripts. To my mind something programmed me to be this way, to have these issues with Dream Signs. Maybe a doubt or fear. Maybe scraps of my former faith or childhood experiences. I am deleting that bad code and inserting brand new code that accomplishes what I want. So I appreciate your help figuring this out.

Thank you!

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Lucid Dreaming | Attaining Lucidity While Dead?

any ideas on if its possible?

-I posted a post like this a long time ago but didn't get very helpful answers-

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Chess Puzzle | 6/19/2014 - Sack Attack

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | “Knowing” vs “Thinking” you’ll lucid dream and Programing your mind to do so.

I was reading an article about The Matrix and Lucid Dreaming, when an ad in the side column caught my attention. “Why do some people master Lucid Dreaming while others sleep through the fog?” This question has always plagued me, though not in those exact words, so I clicked on the ad and read through the preview of “The Lucid Dreaming Fast Track.” (Don’t worry I didn’t buy it. However, after reading, if it were cheaper, I think it would be a good buy)

In the snippet, Rebecca, the author, proclaims that Lucid dreaming is NOT hard, but that it is an “intuitive change in mindset”. I vehemently agree with this. I cannot tell you how many times I have had lucid dreams simply because I went to bed KNOWING that I was going to have one.

“Don’t think you are, know you are.” - Morpheus

She goes on to say that those who sleep through the fog simply haven’t been able to separate the inaccurate information about Lucid Dreaming from the truth. So what is the TRUTH? Is it the “intuitive change in mindset?” In other words, “knowing” 100% that you will have one? Or something else?

Awareness (reality checks), Dream Journal (and dream signs), Techniques (from MILD to WILD), Prospective Memory (and consistency), Meditation (and visualization), Passion (and dedication).

All of these are potent ingredients that lead to Lucid Dreams, but naturals don’t consciously think about this stuff on the same level as non-naturals. Lucid dreamers who are naturals just know…. LDs are as normal to them as normal dreams are to non-lucid dreamers. Why?

I know some naturals subconsciously do a lot of these things (like asking themselves where they are as an awareness/reality check), but I feel like their brains are wired a certain way (not to say that we non-naturals can’t rewire our brains to think the same way, to become natural lucid dreamers).

At times I feel like I am on the verge of becoming “natural”. Sometimes, I just "know". It’s really hard to explain, but it’s as if my dream-self simply “decides” to become lucid. I think it might have something to do with the fact that I am starting to be able to differentiate between reality and the dream world. Sometimes I act really nonchalant when I realize it’s a dream, almost as if the realization had been mulling over in my mind while I was non-lucid. It may be paradoxical or not even make sense, but that’s the best way I can explain it. :/

Also, if you can control what you dream about before you sleep, (preprogramming a dream, which I do all the time), can’t you pre-program your mind to lucid dream in the very same way? In other words, tell yourself you will have a lucid dream, see yourself having a lucid dream and most importantly believe and know you will have a lucid dream. But then again, I guess this would be Mantra/MILD right? I think a big factor that determines success here is your excitement/passion to have one.

Hopefully I haven’t gotten too lost in my own thoughts. Has anyone experimented with preprogramming your mind for Lucid Dreaming? Is there anyone who has experienced this “intuitive change in mindset” from a non-lucid dreamer, “sleeping in the fog”, to a master of Lucid Dreams? If so, what caused you to change the way you go about trying to Lucid Dream?

Of course I'd also love to hear other comments if something else I wrote caught your attention! :D

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Lucid Dreaming | Simple way to do WBTB?

Can someone please explain in full detail but in a simple way how to do the WBTB technique?

- When do I wake up?

- What do I do when I wake up?

- Do I stay up for at least 20 mins just like most of the tutorials?

- What do I do in the time I'm awake?

- When I go back to sleep, do I do some other induction technique like MILD or WILD?

- Is WBTB an easy and/or common way to induce lucid dreams?

- If you've had an LD with this technique, give me your personal experience with WBTB and how you managed to make it successful in inducing LDs.

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Lucid Dreaming | Explain how my first LD happened?

Ok, I had my first lucid dream last summer and I've been wanting to know why and how I got that LD. I'll give you all the details. So, first thing I remember was I woke up early during REM sleep and I decided to listen to some binaural beats. I only listened to one and I couldn't sleep while listening to it so I just took my headphones off and went to sleep normally. The first thing I remember in the dream was being in a big beach all by myself. Ok, here comes the weird, funny part: I saw Peter Griffin from Family Guy running around being chased by some sort of big animal that I couldn't recognize. He started yelling to me "You're dreaming! Do a reality check!" over and over. So I looked at my fingers and they looked funny so I knew I was lucid dreaming then. I then spun around and the whole scene changed. I ended up in some random neighborhood I've never been in. I just walked down the street trying to take in the whole experience. There were a lot of cars on the road and I saw a lot of people mowing their lawns. I then wanted to try if I can teleport somewhere and I just thought of something random like a bathroom. I then ended up in it for some reason. And then I woke up. Since then, I've only had one other lucid dream and I still couldn't figure out how I got it. So can anyone explain to me how I got this lucid dream?

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Chess Puzzle | 6/18/2014 - Trapped

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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Wild help?! (wtf)

Okay so I woke up at around 4am as I was attempting a DEILD we'll I than noticed it wasn't going to work tonight so I got up used the bathroom and went to bed to attempt WILD. Well I than layed in bed for a few minutes and tried to relax while counting in my head. Well eventually it seemed as if I could hear a faint ringing in my left ear ( it seemed as if I was imagining it but than again it felt pretty real) eventually I started seeing a few lights fly by in my eye lids. I eventually stopped and turned over on my side because I thought wild wasn't working. About 3 mins later I turned back on my back and actually tried to sleep but still aware. I didn't notice I was drifting off until the numbers I was imaging seemed very vivid for a second and started to see a light hanging from a ceiling! I was sure my eyes were closed and the light seemed very vivid but it wasn't turned on. So I figured I was starting to dream and tried to make the image take over, but as soon as I thought that it went away! I'm not sure if I'm crazy and imagined the whole thing or if I was really about to WILD ); PLease help

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Chess Puzzle | 6/17/2014 - White Wins

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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Need help testing my self hypnosis recordings for LD

I am teaching myself self hypnosis, and covering things here:

Hi-Tech Headache: Self Hypnosis

I now have a number of audio tracks, freely available at Soundcloud, that can be used to hypnotize you, then program you to become conscious and lucid in your dreams. This latest one, "Lucid Dreaming and OBE Self Hypnosis Script 2" is really trippy, but the visualization is a bit clunky. Here are the links:

I just want some feedback. If you tried any of them, which ones did you try, and of those, which of them worked for you? Is there anything in a specific track you would see changed or improved in some way? Which track, and what part?

Essentially I want to sharpen this like an ancient Japanese swordmaster would sharpen a blade. That is I want these tracks to be efficient and %100 successful with %100 percent of the subjects who listened to them.

I know that's a pretty high goal, but I will consider myself successful if I only manage to come close to it. For now it gives me a standard I want to reach, a bar of excellence to strive for. Your feedback is invaluable in my learning and improving process.

On a side note... My latest track, Lucid Dreaming and OBE SHS 2 did something kinda weird. I encountered this once befoer after an astral projection session. When I finished I asked some questions, and recorded some EVP responses. Not because there are spirits around the house, but I guess because they can get through easier from over there, wherever that is, when someone from this side has gone over and returned. That's my theory for now anyway.

Well in this latest track I heard something like a squeak or a baby giggling? I went over it in Audacity - found nothing. I heard it loud and clear on my MP3 player, and playing the same part over I could not hear it anymore. My guess is something did something like what they do when voices come through over a radio scanning through frequencies. Spirit energy just used the pink noise of the track and made this sound for whatever reason. So just be aware that you might hear sounds or voices as you listen to this.

If you do get stuff like that going on, let me know. If it happens to the point it is too distracting I will have to figure out what is being used by spirit energy and no use it in my recordings. it's very distracting to in a hypnotic trance and hear strange stuff coming through.

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Lucid Dreaming | What happened?

I remember going to sleep at 10:30pm and I became paralized. My body was shaking, it was getting stronger and stronger. I started to hear a voice, I didn't want to open my eyes because I didn't want to see any scary hallucinations. I knew I was in my own bed but in my 'dream' I was in my mothers room sleeping on her bed. It was like I was in a half-awake, half-dreaming state. I could still feel the vibrations. They became really intense. The voice returned and It was my mother. She was trying to wake me up from the sleep paralysis on her bed. She was shaking me to wake up. I woke up in her bed and said thank you for getting me out of sleep paralysis then I immediately fell back into SP but this time I was in my own bed and I knew I wasn't dreaming anymore. I got myself out of SP, I woke up and it was only 11pm.

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Chess Puzzle | 6/15/2014 - Fundamentals

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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Counting method for lucid dreaming?

Can someone help me with the counting method technique? Im talking about the one where you count like "1. I am dreaming, 2. and so on".. A few questions:

Do I count out loud or in my head?

When do I do an Rc?

How will I know when I am in fact lucid dreaming?

Do I try to fall asleep while counting?

Is this method a good way to induce lucid dreaming?

If I end up lucid dreaming, will I wake up in my own bedroom or some random place?

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Kissing Freedom Goodbye

This article was originally published over at It can be seen HERE in its original format.

You can kiss freedom in America goodbye unless those who say they know and love God stand together against the forces of deception and destruction. If we don’t act now, it will be too late to halt evil’s intent, which is the destruction of meaningful life and freedom. This has always been Satan’s goal, and presently, he appears to be winning.

Can you believe the insane decisions being made by elected leadership? Powerful leaders make decisions that look like they are promoting evil rebellion against wise and godly thinking. “Evil is now called good, and good is called evil,” just as Isaiah said.

Along with other concerned leaders, we are offering the common ground on which concerned Americans can surely stand together in defense of freedom. The future of freedom will be determined with godly diversity coming together in supernatural unity to stand up for transforming truth. We must refuse to give the enemy another inch of the ground God has told us to oversee. Here are the last of the 10 Principles of Freedom Jay Richards and I expound with great clarity in the book we wrote, Indivisible.

We Are Meant to be Free and Responsible

We are created to be free. God valued our freedom so much that He even gave us the power to reject Him. And we did. This put us under the bondage of sin. But God did not leave us in our bondage. By bearing the brunt of sin, He reconciled us to Himself. Ultimate freedom is freedom in Christ. But God in His common grace also has revealed ways for societies to restrain evil and achieve some measure of freedom.

In free societies the government both protects and submits to the rule of law. It conforms to those realities outside it, including to the roles of individual persons, families, the Church and other institutions of civil society. Free societies protect private property. They allow their citizens to participate in the political process, to make basic economic choices, and to freely exercise their religious faith. These freedoms are indivisible. A regime such as the People’s Republic of China may try to provide some measure of economic freedom while retaining a strong grip on politics and religion. But in the long run, political, economic, and religious freedoms stand or fall together.

With freedom comes responsibility—for our choices, our children, our actions, our neighbors, our faith, for seeking the truth, and for the natural environment that God has given us to steward. If we hope to preserve freedom in the 21st century, we must embrace these responsibilities.

When We’re Free, We Can Create Wealth and Value

Every person is made in the image of God, and every healthy person can create value, economic and otherwise. We do so by specializing, transforming matter into resources, inventing new ideas, new technologies and better ways of organizing businesses, and providing service to others. We can also create value in another way. Exchanges that are free on both sides allow us to create value for ourselves as well as for others—even when no new material has been added to the system.

To create new wealth and value depends not only on how hard we work, but also on where we are. The same hard-working person is likely to create far more wealth in an advanced, law-abiding society filled with creative entrepreneurs than in a lawless and oppressive society filled with despair. As a result, one of the best ways to predict economic growth in a country is to look at the economic freedom its citizens enjoy.

Because human beings are value creators, we should reject the false idea that the prosperity of some must come from the poverty of others. The best anti-poverty programs allow and encourage wealth to be created rather than forcibly redistributed.

At the same time, we must oppose the creeping cronyism in which powerful businesses collude with politicians to prevent others from competing in the marketplace. Cronyism, like socialism, is the enemy of economic freedom.

Culture Comes Before Politics

The short-term matters. Politicians who violate these principles should be replaced with politicians who defend and apply them properly. If we want lasting change, however, we have to restore the rest of the culture, too. Politics shapes the culture, to be sure; but ultimately, politics is a part of the culture. People of faith can still vote, but we have been culturally marginalized, and that has had a devastating effect.

Unfortunately, in the 20th century the political realm absorbed much of the territory that once belonged to civil society. We will only be able to reform unsustainable programs if we can rekindle the cultural virtues of thrift, prudence, personal responsibility, and delayed-gratification, even while financial incentives pull many Americans in the opposite direction.

If we can’t do that, these programs will collapse—at least in their current forms—and drag the world economy with them. We need to prepare. Either way—courageous reform or disastrous collapse—there will be a growing need for non-governmental charitable programs that can really help the elderly, the poor, the handicapped, and the otherwise disadvantaged. Christians will need to play a larger role in helping the needy in our communities, and this will give us an opportunity to help rebuild culture and civil society.

Transformation from the Inside Out

Of course, the most profound cultural change will come from outward expressions of inward change—a moral and spiritual renewal of our hearts and minds, our churches, communities, and cultural institutions. Besides principles and policies, we need people and prayer. Wherever the church—the body of Christ—is aligned with the Spirit and willing to suffer for truth, the kingdom of God breaks through in the here and now.

We must face the trouble now if our children are to live in peace. So let us pray, more fervently than we have ever prayed, for a historic outpouring of the Holy Spirit on us His church. Not an outpouring that merely moves us to tears, but a cascading waterfall of God’s suffering and abiding love, that will lead us to act with bravery, to walk with integrity, and to stand in unity for the renewal of our culture and the restoration of our nation, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


Chess Puzzle | 6/14/2014 - Kikovic-Forintos, 1958

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Friday, June 13, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | How MILD Really Works


Hello everyone!

For the past couple of years I have been studying mnemotechnics which, on the surface, is about using memory techniques to enhance memorisation and recall. Going into it deeper you can discover how the brain actually stores and retrieves memories, which builds the foundation of mnemotechnics / mnemonics.

Learning mnemotechnics has changed the way I learn, I originally did it out of curiosity and it eventually lead to me being bored by university exams. If you google mnemonics and memory techniques you might find interesting things like how to memorise a pack of cards (or several) in just a couple of minutes, but I originally did it so that I could learn faster and use it in general life (although memorising cards will help you in a casino ;-) ).

Now, I will not go into the full depth of mnemotechnics here because I would like to keep this topic to Lucid Dreaming, if you would like to know more I suggest the following links:

This excerpt from Secrets of a Mind Gamer, which will give you a good overview.

The new mnemotechnics forum.

The wikipedia article on the Art of Memory.

How does memorising a stack of cards relate to Lucid Dreaming

You might be wondering what does all this have to do with LDs, well the MILD technique stands for Mnemonic Induced Lucid dream, the key word here being Mnemonic and mnemotechnics is all about mnemonics!

Because the science of mnemotechnics is very advanced in this area, I would like to use it to try and explain exactly what the mnemonic part of MILD really means and exactly how it works. I'm doing this because from everything I have read on MILD I have not found an explanation I thought was good enough, there are lots of parts that are correct, there is also a lot of misleading information and a general lack of why, which I think is important because when you know the why, you know how to use it properly. Even Stephen LaBerge didn't go into enough detail in his book when he described MILD.

The brain and memory

Memory in the brain is not cut up into "short" and "long" term memory. If you would like to understand how memory really works then picture a massive network of roads (links / synapses) that run between locations (memories / neurons). This isn't 100% scientifically accurate but the analogy suffices for all our needs and the needs of mnemotechnics. Because of this the brain learns by association, you associate (link) a memory you already know well with something new that you would like to learn. If you don't do this, the memory will not be very strong.

As a quick example, say you would like to learn a new word from a different language, the correct way to do this would be to find a similar sounding word in a language you already know and link them together! Since I'm trying to stick to LDs I won't go into more detail, you can find all the different techniques for learning languages, memorising numbers or studying in the links above.

So association is important, the other important thing is repetition, the more you use a road (link) to a memory (location), that is the more you remember something, the stronger the road (link) to it gets! So once you have the link in place, the next part is using it in order to strengthen it. You might be tempted to think "I do this anyway when I repeat something lots of times to remember" but you are doing this without doing the association first which means you are trying to form a link from nothing to something, the brain will eventually do it, but it will take a long time.

On the other hand if you form an association, you might not even need to do any repetition and yet all the links formed will be enough for the memory to stay for the next week or month or even year! As an example the last time I memorised important facts for an exam, I couldn't get them out of my head for the next two weeks, even though I only spent a few hours memorising.

Another way to look at it is if you want to add a new location (memory) to your existing network of roads (your brain) you need to build a road to that location that comes from a location that already exists, if you simply add it without doing that it will be a location that hangs in the middle of space and you'll never be able to get / drive to it.

Mnemonics and Lucid Dreaming

Let's list the important factors from above and add some more:

  • Awareness

  • Association

  • Repetition

  • Strangeness

  • Visualisation

In MILD what you are attempting to do is remember to do something in the future. LaBerge called it Prospective Memory, from what I understand the Buddhist perspective is that it is Mindfulness that reminds you of what you should be doing. Being in the present moment is mindfulness / awareness, if you go throughout your day automatically without any awareness, you will not be aware enough in a dream to remember it or remember to do something in it. There are already a lot of articles on awareness in LDing, so I won't go further into it.

The last two things on our list are Strangeness and Visualisation, let's go through Visualisation first. The most important part of the brain to memory is known as the hippocampus, the brain is very, very, very good at remembering spacial information. If I asked you right now to close your eyes and list as many things in your room as you could and where they are located, you would be able to. You never specially sat down and memorised this information, it just happens naturally.

Which leads us to visualisation! Basically when I ask you to tell me about your room, what you do is visualise each object and its location. Imagery plays a vital role in our memories. This is probably because of how we have evolved 1) we had to remember where our cave is and where the best animals to hunt are and 2) we had to remember what colour poisonous berries are so we don't die. Since these were very important to our very survival, we became quite adapt at it.

A very important thing to note is that the brain has a filter, it will remember things more easily if it decides they are interesting and conversely, if they are not interesting, it will likely not bother to remember them properly.

To wit, if I said I have an apple and it's red, you would probably forget about this fact very quickly. If I said I had an apple and it was glowing purple, you would find this odd and will remember this for a while. When forming new associations and memories, it is important to make our new memory strange, sexy, weird, f****d up, funny or otherwise odd in some way.


Now that we have gone through everything, let's see how this all fits together. First let's approach this in real life.

When you go home tonight, stop by the shops and pick me up some eggs.

If I asked you this, you would picture yourself buying the eggs, you might even picture where you are going to buy the eggs. Or, if you might not care at all and forget about buying the eggs because you do not picture it and you do not find it interesting (the brain filters it because you hate me and don't care about buying eggs).

Whether you remember to buy the eggs later in the day or not depends entirely on how you memorised remembering it.

So given what we know so far, the best approach to remembering to buy the eggs would be:

  1. Picture where you are buying them

  2. Picture the eggs

  3. Make it strange!

If you think about how you are going to go the store around the corner later and throw eggs at every old person you see, visualising this, you won't forget about buying the eggs. In fact the weirder you make it, the more active it will stay in the brain throughout your day. Just like how difficult it can be to forget a really funny story you just heard, or how you keep thinking about that awesome scene from the book you are reading long after you put the book down.

In MILD your intention is to remember to recognise that you are dreaming, or simply to remember that you wanted to recognise that it's a dream. This is exactly the same as the egg scenario, but there are a couple of problems:

  • You need to be aware enough in the dream

  • Dreams are not a location and they change frequently

Awareness I will leave up to you to work on, suffice to say the more aware you are during the day the more aware you'll be at night, the idea is fairly simple, the practice is up to you. The second issue is more of a problem, the brain loves locations and "being in a dream" is not a location, you can guess where you might be and that may or may not work since dreams change so drastically but it's okay, because just like with reading a book or seeing something on TV that you find strange, it will still be at the back of your mind during the day even if locations are not involved.

So when I ask you to buy some eggs, all you really have to do is think of a strange story about the eggs, for example about how you are going to walk up to the egg shelf in the shop and smash them all with a giant red hammer!

Visualise this, repeat it a few times to make it stick, make it as weird and strange as you possibly can and voila! You'll be occasionally thinking about it during the day no matter what you are doing, because the brain has now decided that this is strange enough to make a priority in your memory.

With MILD it is the same thing, what you want is to think before going to bed or as you are falling asleep "I need to recognise I'm dreaming tonight so that I can ......" fill in the blank with something strange!

For example:

  • I need to recognise I'm dreaming tonight so that I can wrestle Godzilla naked!

  • I need to recognise I'm dreaming tonight so that I can punch a baby in the face

  • I need to recognise I'm dreaming tonight so that I can fly to the moon and eat its cheesy centre, but I have to avoid the rocks or my teeth will shatter (if your teeth aren't aching right now you're not visualising enough)

You are now associating recognising that you are dreaming with a strange story that you won't forget through visualisation and repetition and as long as you are aware in your dream the brain will continue to remember that you wanted to punch a baby in the face and recognise that are you dreaming.

Please note that if you make up a good story you might actually get too excited about it to fall asleep since your brain will now remain highly active, so you may want to do this before heading to bed, not as you are falling asleep, but that's up to you, experiment!

Since you also now know exactly how mnemonics work, how the brain works and how memories work, you can come up with your own ideas. =]

Happy Lucid Dreams. =]

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Lucid Dreaming | Why did I dream about me lucid dreaming?

Ok, this has happened to me before and it has happened to me again. I remember in the dream I woke up in some school bus but for some reason, I was lucid in that dream and tried to stay calm. When the dream passed, I woke up but in my room but something felt wrong so I figured I was dreaming about me having a lucid dream. Does anyone know why this can occur? Does this mean that I am close to being able to lucid dream?

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Lucid Dreaming | Help with FILD method?

I've been trying to FILD for a while and I only came close ONE night. I just remember lying down on my side and pushing my index and middle fingers on the mattress. At different times, I feel like I fell asleep but when I do an RC, I'm still awake. Can someone help me with this problem? Also, when I move my fingers, do I try to fall asleep just like normal when doing that? Do I have to lie on my back or can I lie on my sides?

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Lucid Dreaming | A simple voice from headphones to induce lucidity?

Hello, I'm sort of new here and just finished my first post in the introduction subforum. Not new to lucid dreaming though. Read my introduction if you want to know more :)

I figured I'd come here to share an idea that I have for inducing lucidity. This kind of belongs to the WILD section, and then kind of to the lucid aids section, but whatever, I'll just post it here. This might be an old idea that's been posted a thousand times.

I really like WILDing. The only problem is, I suck at it, and I only get WILDs when I lay on the bed in the late morning halfway woken up, don't move, and my body takes me to a sleep paralysis and momentarily into a light dream. But these are usually reaaally crap, because I'm in very light sleep when that happens. So for me it's pretty easy to go to sleep paralysis if I wake up tired and stay still. If I get up and try to focus my intention and then go back to bed, I fail 99% of the time.

So, we get to my WILDing method.

What if I actually made a sound file, that 1. wakes me up, and 2. reminds me to stay still and do a WILD. Something like three loud beeps followed by my own voice telling myself to stay still and fall into sleep paralysis and then go to a lucid. At first this might make jolt or something, but after getting used to this, I think it might be absolutely awesome. I'll try it tomorrow morning. I'll wake up for a short WBTB, and set the sound to come at a time when I'm certain I will have fallen asleep.

What do you guys think? Has anyone tried anything similar?

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Chess Puzzle | 6/13/2014 - White Wins

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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Kai's hub.

If you are reading this you have arrived at my ''hub''. I plan on using this to keep myself more structured, and link projects that i could be interested in viewing another time. If you are a mod/admin and this thread is in the wrong place, feel free to move it.


- Dream yoga: Kaiern9's Dream Yoga Notebook.

- Newbie lessons/ intro class: Kai's Workbook. Questions? RAISE YOUR HAND!! - Intro Class Q&A

Projects to look into

Dream yoga: Dream Yoga Basic Skills: Lesson #1

ADA: All Day Awareness, A DILD Tutorial by KingYoshi

Dream incubation: Dream Incubation Tutorial

Night-time preperation: Night-Time Routine Guide for Dream Recall and Lucidity

Advanced Skill #2: Immunity to Shock

Dream Yoga Basic Skills: Lesson 2

Projects currently doing: Dream yoga: Dream Yoga Basic Skills: Lesson #1

Dream Incubation Tutorial

DILD - Dream Induced Lucid Dream

Reality Checks - RCs

Current RC program: Ask myself;- ''Am i dreaming?''

- Look at/ feel the sorroundings

- Examine my hands. Any abnormalities?

- Push thumb through left palm

- Nose plug

- Mantra: ''Next time i RC, i realize i'm dreaming.'' Do this 3 times.

Dream journal:

Non-lucid dream count: 5.

Lucid dream count: 3.

PS. Number from when i joined DV.

Sleep patterns.

Sleep: 11.00-12.00.

Wake: 08.00-10.00.

Supplement reward system.

3 LD's= supplements for 1 night.

Take melatonin 90 min before bed.

Take b6 right before bed.

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Lucid Dreaming | First 2 Years 500+ Lucids

Weeeee! Today is my lucidversary. June 12, 2012 is when I first started LDing!

I have had approx 600 LDs, I have counted at least 500 and I have been getting at least 1 lucid a night, most nights I get more (last night I had 4).

Any questions? I would love to answer them! ;)

I don't have a "big secret that everyone missed but me", I did mostly things that you see in most fundamental lists.

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Chess Puzzle | 6/12/2014 - Mate in 4

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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Possible RC for people who play a lot of games?

First let me explain why, and then i will explain how.

Why: My clearest dream sign is anything that has anything to do with games/gaming. As a result in many of my dreams it feels like i am in a game. I wanted to create a personal RC that would work great with me. So i thought to myself: ''what is common in my dreams, AND games?''. The answer was simple; a menu. By trying to ''summon'' a menu, this has 2 amazing feautures. 1: Seems like it could be a very good RC for attaining lucidity. 2: This can be used in a dream to help you do specific actions while lucid.

How: I was thinking you swiping your middle and index finger downwards, while visualizing a menu appearing in front of you. My menu would have atleast 4 buttons, those being: Resume dream, Summon DC, Change dream location and stabilize dream.

Could this be a valid RC? Sorry for the terrible formatting, i am still new to this.

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Chess Puzzle | 6/11/2014 - Mate in 3

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Tradl3s's Mantra Personal FAQ

Hello, everybody. I haven't been active for a while, besides the occasional quick replies, but i have decided that most, if not all of my best Lucid Dream/Dream Recall moments have been best while i use Mantras.

I know that, with my experience, alot of questions about Mantras don't really get answered that well. So whether or not you want to call this a FAQ, or a Tutorial is up to you. Then again, i don't really know everything about Mantras. Or Lucid Dreaming in general, for that matter. Anyways, Let's get started.

First i'm going to begin with alot of the things that people generally get confused about. Chances are, after being on DV long enough, you understand the basic idea of what Mantras are. If not, i will get to that.

-"Am i supposed to say the mantra(s) in my head, or out loud?"

Well, In your head would make more sense, and speaking out loud generally makes you lose focus to begin with.

-"When would be the best time to use mantras?"

Usually either in the morning, WBTB Time (After only 4-6 hours of sleep), Or when meditating. Which is also a very good skill to have with Mantras. And Lucid Dreaming in general :)

-"Mantras haven't been working for me. Am i saying it right?"

It kinda depends on what your using Mantras for. Let's say you want to improve your Dream Recall. Instead of saying something like "I always remember my dreams in the morning" Try to keep it simple. Say something like "I remember what i dream".

-"How many times do i say the mantra i'm using?"

Generally as much as your comfortable with. If you can do it alot, then go at it. If you can only do a little, that's fine too. Just remember to do it. Kinda a similar problem with Reality Checking/ADA.

-"Can i use more than one mantra at a time?"

It can work, but it is generally better if you just use one multiple times for a while until it takes affect. As i have heard, the subconscious works on repetitiveness in a way. If you feel there's a bit of a problem with the one your using, or you just don't like the ring to it, you can change it up a bit. Just try not to do that too much.

On another note, some people could find more use of it if they say it as if they are having a conversation for themselves. For example, saying "You" instead of "I". Everybody is different.

If you know a thing or two about Binaural Beats/Isochronic Tones, they help alot if you put in a low Alpha State. Or without them, It is best if you use mantras while in an apha state.

An Alpha state is pretty much the state you're in when you're drowsy/sleepy.

Any further questions? Feel free to PM me. Or leave a reply.

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Lucid Dreaming | Weird LD experience

hello everyone, today I had a very weird experience when I was trying to do WILD, I got in SP as I usually get and then I was out of my physical body, in this part, I am very confused about, was it a OBE? or WILD? because, when I was out I was in my room and to make sure I am not awake I did RC (Reality Check) , the weirdest part is here, When I looked at my finger they were in order instead of dissorted! they were a little bit blur though, then when I got out of my room I started to go down using the stairs, on the way down I jumped, to check I can fly or not, I dropped back on the stairs just as it was real, so I thought that, I was awaken. I went downstairs and I found a guy who lives in my house is praying there and then I woke up and found out I was not awaken at all. Later almost instantly I tried to LD again and this time I succeed, but, what abt the one before? what was it? I also went down after having all of my experiences and I asked another person about the guy I saw during my dream or OBE, but she told me that, he went out a long time ago. So, what was it? a dream? where RC didn't work? or OBE? where I couldn't fly and someone was there, when he wasn't actually there in that vary time? What was it? please some one enlighten me by their knowledge, I am still learning, there is a lot more to know, thanks for reading and feel free to share anything you feel abt my experience, Good day everybody :)

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Chess Puzzle | 6/10/2014 - Look Both Ways Before Crossing

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Monday, June 9, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | How long does it normally take to get SP??

I'm so confused about this. So I try the lucid dream technique where you lay down and then don't move for awhile. (Idk if this is even a technique) so I will usually stay for like 30 mins not moving and I never get to SP.

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Lucid Dreaming | Reality Checks in Dream

I've been trying to have a lucid dream for a week now, as i have never had one before. I just dreamt last night, (not lucid) and I actually did 2 reality checks in the dream. I tried to push my thumb into my other hand, it didn't work. Then I plugged my nose and closed my mouth, I couldn't breathe! I heard that the nose plug works 100% of the time, so I'm really confused and frustrated. Please help!

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Lucid Dreaming | Little help passing SP

Looking for a little help in getting past sleep paralysis when trying various techniques after a wbtb. Same thing always happens regardless of the technique used and I always back out!

My whole body always feels like it's vibrating/pulsating, I get deafeningly loud tinnitus and I get overwhelmed with fear to the point I need to "snap out" of it.

Is this normal? And is there a solution? Or am I just going to have to ride this out?

Thanks in advance

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Chess Puzzle | 6/9/2014 - Capablanca- Corzo; 11th Match Game, Havana 1901

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Sunday, June 8, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Poem of My Lucid Dreaming Journey

Thank you so much for reading! After this, no more methods you'll be needing.

With new ideas I will be seeding. But remember that I am not of a different breeding, only the path of your own leading will result in that you are succeeding.

In order to learn to walk we have to crawl, this is true for all. Likewise in order to lucid dream we have to recall.

Start with this and your awareness will increase faster, and soon enough people will call you the master.

As you continue to practice your awareness and start to intend, the will of day and night soon appears to blend.

You then realize the goal of lucidity is stupidity, the action of awareness and intention is the success’ true validity.

Dreams are mystical and they are not always what it seem, and strangely enough they get stabilized when we scream.

You should stop here your path is clear! But you don’t, oh dear…

Later you might get needy and look for ways that seem extra speedy.

You start out with WILD and become very greedy…

Here you will fail and possibly bail, or stay and buy a useless product that is on sale.

You begin to look for sensations and experience lots of different frustrations.

You wonder what is wrong, people tell you to stay strong, but your motivation for the practice is long gone.

If you are still here, I tell you not to fear or be in despair, because a little more patience will soon get you there.

So one might wonder, what is the final prize? Is it that you are cool, wise and praised by the new guys?

No it’s that you can look at the practice with new eyes, and all the need for methods dies.

You can now choose your own way and rise, sort out the value from the lies, occasionally help when you hear the new dreamers cries.

The point of this is to show that the person that continues the journey is the end winner.

And the secret of success is to never stop being a beginner
. ;-)

You might wonder why I decided to write this and rhyme, I don't know, I guess I just have too much time... :content:

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Chess Puzzle | 6/8/2014 - No Place To Go

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Saturday, June 7, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Any tips on an afternoon nap?

I pulled an all nighter last night since I need to study before exams, it's 8:30am right now and I'm planning on going to sleep at 2PM so any good tips on having a good chance of having a lucid dream

*ignore any errors I'm tired*

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Lucid Dreaming | Can Magic Eye pictures improve your visualization skills?

Yesterday I finally started being able to see those "hidden images" inside random-looking pictures - you know, those images that suddenly "come out" of the picture if you stare at it in a certain way - and I was wondering if this could improve your ability to visualize dream scenes during VILD and similar techniques?

I mean, it really did feel a lot like I was entering a lucid dream when I was staring at those pictures and suddenly saw a completely new scenery coming out of them, and it would often become more and more detailed and clear if I kept observing it, until it literally looked like it was floating a few inches outside of the original picture.

Shouldn't this count as a form of visualization ability?

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Lucid Dreaming | Help finding that right nostril breathing method original thread!

Just looking for that thread where this method of closing the right nostril and breathing is mentioned. I used that in the past to great effect, and want to have the instructions on-hand again.


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Chess Puzzle | 6/7/2014 - Surprise Surprise

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Friday, June 6, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | I can do it, but I can't - WILD Help

Hey guys, I have been trying to do WILD's lately yet I just..can't. I've done it before, a few times, and don't get me wrong I am good at DEILDS. Its just, whenever I try WILD's I do the most popular succesful way and lay down. Get comfy, release your thoughts, relax and start keeping your mind awake...except, when I do things like "1, im dreaming, 2, im dreaming" I never fall asleep let alone get a WILD.

Any tips?

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Lucid Dreaming | In what position do you lay in to attain lucidty

Just wondering how does everyone else sleep during a WILD or WBTB method?

For the past 2 years I've been laying on my left side or on my left shoulder having a pillow tucked in my arms

in front of me otherwise any other way it's near impossible to have a LD and I can't figure out why.

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Chess Puzzle | 6/6/2014 - Mate in 4

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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | What did I do right that one time?!

So about a week has past since I mentioned experiencing a floating sensation while attempting a WIlD. I've been attempting more and more WIlDs and WBTBs but so far nothing what did I do right that one time? I was lying on the couch in a quiet, cool and darkened room with no distractions and listening to beats, which I can say worked for me. But I haven't been able to repeat the experience. What do I need to change?

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Next week at ModernSurvivalOnline…..

I will be AFK “away from keyboard” next week and will be posting a combination of new and old posts – and maybe a few from other sites. Email will be checked periodically so if you need to let me know something – feel free.

Email address is emergencycd(at)

Take care all -


© 2014, Rourke. All rights reserved.


Chess Puzzle | 6/5/2014 - Mate in 3

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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Help, Tip, Explanation needed on my experience

Hey all last night I had my first WILD I think but it happened unintentionally I'd like to get some of your opinions on it and suggestions as what to do next time as I really struggled to control the environment even though in my standard lucid I have no problem 2 hours after this Dream I also had a long lucid dream were i speak to the awareness behind the dream and more thanks for any help

Went to bed at 9:30pm

Awoke at 9:50

Whilst falling asleep last night within 20 minutes of going to bed I had an OBE as i was bordering the edge of sleep my dream body started to exit my real body and i became aware of it halfway it hadn't fully separated at the time my real body was sleeping on one of my arms and it seemed to have caused my dream body a little bit of resistance basically getting my dream body stuck halfway because of it when trying to leave which seemed to help me have a WILD, after a bit of effort fighting to get out of my body it happened and I just started floating around bouncing of objects in my room. It was pitch black and I was unable to control the light or my self in where I went. I was a little panicked at this stage as it felt like a presence or person was hovering over my real body stabbing me with a knife just above my hip, trying to get some light in the room I managed to grab the cord for my salt lamp and turned it on nothing happened I flicked it back and forth still nothing so I tried to get to the light switch bouncing and floating my way over there I got to the switch and the same thing happened I couldn't turn it on, getting desperate now as I could still feel the pain and remembering about the awareness behind the dream i called out to it saying give me more light or something along them lines still trying to make it bright in the room so I could see. After that I started to panic more as even the awareness did not respond I screamed out for help hoping for my sister to wake me up but didn't say it to loudly at first, seeing my room was still dark I tried to fly through my bedroom wall to find some light as nothing I seemed to do worked to make my room light up, I flew over to the wall and believed that I could get through but I just hit my head on it and bounced off it really seemed like the walls were coated with a strange material to keep me in. I was also hoping that if i could get out to the lounge room I could see what Racquel and Liam were doing and wake up and go out to see if it would match up to run a real time sort of test but I just couldn't exit my room. I kept screaming out for help at least 5 more times I tried one more to time to get out through my door but I didn't work instead I had hit it and sunk to the fall laying on the ground I have a false awakening. I woke up from that dream into a new one of my being were I had ended laying stomach first on the floor head up against the door trying to escape but with Racquel pissing her self laughing at me about how I was screaming out for help and instead of waking me she said she watched a bit of it. I stood up still pretty whacked out at the fact of what happened and that I woke on the floor I went out to the hall way scratching my head thinking I should post this technique to DV as laying on my hand really helped and made it happen so quickly after that thought it realized it was a flase awakening and awoke in my bed for real it was an intimidating but good experience overall

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Lucid Dreaming | Visualization: Static or dynamic?


It's been a long time since I dont have any LD. I gave up during several months because a change of work. Now I'm trying WILD with visualization.

In the beggining, I got one LD doing visualization. I imagined that I walked in my house. It was hard because I spent a lot of time trying but finnally I got it. Since then I have had another LD but with MILD (including visualization).

I really think visuallization is my method. But I was asking myself, what kind of visualization is better? static or dynamic? For example, imaging that I'm sitting in a beach, or in the other hand, making any fisical movement.

I have just readed a good post of somebody that proposed some rhytmical phisical movement. I think is a great idea.

What do you think? static or dynamic?

(Sorry for my english)

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Chess Puzzle | 6/4/2014 - Queening Ain't No Problem

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Monday, June 2, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Drifting Between Lucid Self and Sleeping Self

So Im not exactly sure what happened last night but if you guys have any comments I would love to hear them. So this memory came to me later on in the day when I had a sudden realization of what happened. Last night, I had suddenly become conscious of my self sleeping in bed and thought I was just awake. I proceed to drift onto a big grassy field and I thought that I was just imagining something but suddenly realized I was Lucid. This confused me and I told my self I was just laying in bed, as I thought of this, I suddenly realized I was laying in bed again. Then I thought about the grassy field and went back into a Lucid state. All I had to do was realize that I was sleeping to take me back to my body or travel to the grassy field and I was there.

Was I dreaming of myself sleeping in bed and on the grassy field or was I truly drifting between dream world and reality?

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Lucid Dreaming | :ρ

no dreams.


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Chess Puzzle | 6/2/2014 - Easy As 1, 2, 3

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