Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | WILD False awakening problem

So last week i started to practice WILD again after taking a long break from lucid dreaming. I think i finally figured it out! The last 2 nights I've had lucid dreams! Both times I started to feel weird tingling in my hands and legs. And i started to see lights and patterns and faces with my eyes closed. Then i sat up and opened my eyes and i was in my room. I new i was dreaming because the poster that i have on my wall was moving. It was dark so i tried to turn on some lights but they didn't really light the room they just gave off a glow. so i opened my curtains and shouted increase brightness and it worked. Then i went outside and it was raining so i decide to turn it into snow. Then i turned all the puddles to ice. I found a hill that was covered in ice and i slid down it. Then i went off a jump and when i landed the impact woke me up. I sat up again and looked around. My poster was moving again so i knew i was dreaming still but this time when i walked out of my room my parents started talking to me and i got distracted and i started talking to them so i lost lucidity. The next night i tried to make sure i wouldn't get distracted again. I had another false awakening but this time i tried to leave my house as soon as possible. As i was leaving my dad came in the room to say my alarm was going off and it woke him up. Before he could say anything i left the room but i started to doubt if i was really dreaming. Then my mom was in the other room and she told me to say goodbye to my cousin who i never see. I started to doubt it was a dream and i dint want to be rude so i said bye. Then i lost lucidity again! How do you deal with FA during WILD? Is there a way to avoid them? Maybe it's because I'm new but they really mess with my head and confuse me so i usually lose lucidity. Especially after 3 FA's in a one dream it's really disorienting. Any advice?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1sLWSYs

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