Friday, July 18, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Daytime incubation technique: Do you ever do this or am I a nutjob?

So I'm walking home from the gym today and the heavens open, it pours it down. I'm getting soaked and I have a fair way to go, I'm sort of irritated. I spontaneously imagine one of my regular DCs hopping over the road with an umbrella, I RC, not dreaming. He strolls alongside me, and a while into the visualisation, it stops raining (it was actually 10 mins after but it felt quicker cause I was daydreaming.)

'Thanks, darlin'' I say in my head, (I'm nice to my DCs) 'I'll see you tonight, okay?'

He smiles and the visualisation fades.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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