Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Was I lucid during this dream ?

Hello everyone,

So i had this dream last night where is was building towers 15 feet high with legos. Anyways... When i set on the ground to drink some water. And water was my trigger in real life to do an reality check. So I did that in my dream aswell. I looked at my hands 7 fingers. I said uhmm... That's weird. Then I pinched my nose and still could breath. THEN I KNEW I WAS DREAMING. So to concentrate and stay in the dream i rubber my hands to each other. After that I knew i was dreaming but i just flew into the clouds and then woke up. I only want to know if i was lucid if I'm making any progress. So my question is: Was I lucid.

Thanks for reading,


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1lapt2e

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