Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | SilverBullet's Key to Lucid Dreaming Revived

Hey guys, I came across one of SilverBullet's threads a while back and though it needed a little more attention, so here I am bringing it back to life as a new thread. I decided to do this because, 1. For new Oneironauts. 2. Everyone in a dry spell. and 3. To let people know about their own ability

As an overview, SilverBullets technique requires two things:

1. Intention

2. Belief in yourself(As a modification, instead of believing in yourself, you need to KNOW that you can do this)

Now, below I am going to put the full technique with all the steps, however I will add my own input as well. So no, this is not just a plain copy of SilverBullet's technique, but a revised version changed by me. This technique is for all of those people who find that they don't want to do those other techniques that everyone else uses. Maybe they don't want to do them, maybe they cant do them, or maybe they are simply just lazy, but that's ok. This method(I've tried and can say for myself it does indeed bring results) goes around all of the hard work that normal LD'ers will usually put in. The only draw back in this method is that it only works when you truly recognize what you are capable of.

Two main things that I have realized in my journey to become Lucid every night is that- Everyone goes to the Dream World EVERY night, so you have multiple chances to become lucid every night. The other main thing I came to acknowledge was that it only takes ONE THOUGHT in order to become Lucid in a dream, nothing more, that's it. As SilverBullet originally stated, Lucid Dreaming IS NOT hard, everyone else just says it is, and nowadays its like a disease, this lie had spread and a lot of people are believing that they need weeks or even months of hard work before they feel they can become lucid. The truth is, you don't. The only thing that I would add onto this method personally, is keeping a Dream Journal. SilverBullet, however, did not keep a dream journal and still got results. Now, to get to this technique-

Step 1: First, you need to get rid of the idea that lucid dreaming is hard. Because it's actually VERY easy. The only thing stopping you from lucid dreaming is you. I don't like that fact that most people on this website spread the idea that lucid dreaming is hard, it's like a disease. Stop spreading it.

Step 2(this step is most important): FEEL that you were born a natural lucid dreaming master. That you are a Lucid dreamer with every cell in your body, like it's your destiny to lucid dream! Imagine that you have already attained your goal. Your subconscious doesn't know the difference between what you are imagining and what is happening. There must be absolutely NO doubt in your mind that you are a natural lucid dreamer, or lucid dreaming master(whichever is easier for you too feel) because you CAN do this.

Step 3: Do things as if you already have the "becoming aware in a dream" part down. Think about what you want to do once you are in a lucid dream. It can be anything. One good one is looking at your hands in a dream. Try to look at your hands once you are in a dream. You don't need to make a habit of looking at your hands in daily life. Just do it when you are in a dream. It may sound like this makes no sense, but it works. Just have the intention of doing so, and it will come.

Step 4(optional, but recommended): If you are lucid and the dream starts fading, remember to not move and don't open your eyes when you when you wake up, because then you can re-enter the dream quickly. You can do this many times and get many lucids. You can try this same thing with waking from non-lucid sleep, but I find it easier when you are lucid in the first place. (DEILD)

The reason why there isn't that many steps is because lucid dreaming is easy.

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to do it.

You can use these steps in combination with any technique you want, or no techniques at all. You can also use it for what kind of lucid you want. Personally, I use Self Awareness with this method, but it still worked way before I even started having self awareness. Also, if you really want to remember all of your dreams, still keep a dream journal along with this, its a plus in this case but it can still be of use.

Remember- many people cant have LD's every night because of that schema they have placed in their psyche. Many new Onieronauts today have been taught that you HAVE to do all these techniques to become lucid in your dreams, and because so many people agree and also believe that, new LD'ers believe it as well. Now, for some, there will be a strong sense in your mind telling you that you cant do this, its impossible, and that is your schema with Lucid Dreaming that is telling you that. Block that out, and once you do, you'll have success. Every one has this ability, but you can only do what you truly believe(or KNOW) you can do, nothing more.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1mfyMNv

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