Monday, July 28, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | How to be more critically aware?

I understand that critical awareness is what’s needed for LD’ing because critical questions push self-awareness along. Probably the most obvious example is the question “is this a dream?”. As far as I know, the only critical thing you could do during the day is reality checks, but what if you wanted to do more? Something which is similar to ADA but is centered around critical awareness like RC's etc. I haven’t seen many tutorials or descriptions of how you would do this.

I’ve heard about it a lot around forums; it may be termed ‘constant vigilance’ ‘state awareness’ ‘critical awareness’ or even just ‘self-awareness’. But how does this work without just doing RC’s so frequently that they become habitual and meaningless? Should you also be looking for dream signs? Should you have certain questions in your mind at all times, like “what am I doing?” “does this make sense?” “what was I just doing etc.?” I’m not sure what it involves or how to do it.

I would be interested to know about your strategy for doing this, if anyone would like to share. I mean, how exactly do you be ‘critically aware’ all day, or even most of the day? It is, after all, the most important form of awareness for LD’ing. ;)


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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