Sunday, July 13, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Did I have a hypnogogic hallucination?

I went to bed last night, set my intention to have a lucid dream (didn't) and whilst I was falling asleep I could hear someone whispering in my ear, then I heard conversations a little distanced and echoed as if I was hearing them from a different world (dream world probably) but I panicked and tried preventing myself from sleep paralysis (even though you can get to lucid dreaming this way, although you don't have to) by moving my legs or fingers which stopped the audio hallucinations. A little while later I was still awake and I gave up and just let sleep come naturally without thinking so I didn't end up lucid.

Are there any other ways of trying to do a WILD without paralysing/realizing I'm paralysed (I wasn't intending to, it just felt like I was). I've heard of the FILD (Finger Induced Lucid Dreaming) but I don't really know how to do it properly. I need something simple so I can remember how to do it, because many videos I watch on these things are long and complex and a little hard to remember, I am a beginner lucid dreaming (in terms of learning to lucid dream) so I want to start off with something simple. I do RCs daily just in case I have a DILD and I've noticed a couple of dream signs (flying and fire/fire magic).

I've heard you can control hypnogogic hallucinations, I've heard that for visual and I'm scared of opening my eyes if I did, I've done it unwillingly once I think, I thought of a song or conversation and it almost seemed real and vivid.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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