Saturday, February 8, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Weird thing that happens when i close my eyes in dreams

Every time I close my eyes in an LD I can’t open them and I end up going straight from an LD to an SP.

This has happened to me twice now. The first LD: I was jumping out of a Window to fly, but I got scared and closed my eyes. Then I couldn’t open them, and I just felt my arms as if I was flying. After a few seconds I got into an SP. I kind of forgot about it and got on with my day. A few weeks later I read a post by WakingNomad about a RC. The idea was that if you close your eyes in your dream, you can see through your eyelids. I tried this my next LD and it didn't work, and instead I woke up into an SP.

What’s your take on it? Have you experienced this before?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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