Monday, February 17, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Stuck, no progress, and some ADA concerns

Hi there,

I started writing my dream journal around july/august 2013, so that's almost 6 months. Except some specific days, I always write on it, both when waking up at night (3am... 4am... ) and when the alarm clock hits at around 7am. Some nights I write just 1-2 dreams, other nights I have like 8 entries from different "wake ups", possibly same dream in different situations, but lots of entries, and sometimes 1 dream can be 2 pages long.

For months I've been reading guides and tutorials here about different techniques (by the way thanks to all the authors), I've tried ADA for a while (I'll get later into this), and I have really put effort into achieving this. I REALLY want to LD.

The thing is that currently I'm (almost) able of having a small and short LD when I have the purpose, and under certain circunstances of course. It usually happens on weekends when I wake up and at around 10am, after staying in bed doing nothing and feeling I'm a bit sleepy, I put my ear plugs and procede to sleep telling my self that I'll become lucid.

Oh, and I do... but always happens at the very end of my REM stage, and no matter how hard I try to stabilize the dream, I can't. I'm not excited as it used to happen the first times. Now I detect the dream and just try to think on the things to do. Touch something, look at something, rub hands... maybe I'm able to go to another room but the dream just fades away.

This saturday I had like 6 FAs one after another, and funny thing is in the 4th one I almost got tricked because I stayed there in bed, on the darkness, until I suddenly realized it was another FA. But as I said, dreams just fade away.

Tonight I woke up at 5-6am and tried the SSILD tech I read here, and told my self I would become lucid. And again I did, but at the very end of the dream. In the dream I had tonight, I felt a bit scared for a moment because of what was going on in the dream before (and light switches on a building didn't work, in the worst moment), and I got lucidity here, so then I remembered one thing I read here on a tutorial, so I told to myself "it's my dream, nothing can happen to me", and just flew downstairs in the dark, and went outside through a wall. I did this because of what I read as excercise to lose fear and to learn that you have the control. But in any case the outside was also dark and I woke up.

What I feel in these situations is that I stop feeling my body and I start feeling in my bed, eyes closed. I'm not sure if I do this by accident just to "make sure I'm sleeping", or if it just happens because I'm waking up. But things like these have been happening for several weeks now, and I feel stuck.

I started practicing ADA a few weeks ago, to see if I could get lucidity earlier, but my problem is that I forget to do it, and I don't want to use reminders, as those don't exist in dreams. Also, my problem with ADA is that I'm not sure if I'm doing it correctly, because I try to notice things that otherwise I wouldn't (shadows, smells, etc.) but I also feel like I'm doing a long reality check looking around, etc... and I'm not sure if this will help in dreams.

Any comments are appreciated, and feel free to ask if there's something I left.



via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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