Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Did I just experience a WILD?

Two nights ago I had a pretty bizarre experience.

It started with me waking up for a short while in waking life, then when I went back to sleep I seemed to fall asleep really quickly, and I saw some weird illusion of a character of some sort, almost like a 2D platformer video game (kinda like Vib Ribbon, but less trippy) - and while I was watching this strange scene I started telling myself "hey, this is the beginning of a dream of some sort; now, how do I actually enter the dreamworld?".

So I tried rubbing my hands, and suddenly I found myself lying in bed again - but 90° to the right, and with a mysterious television at my feet.

At this stage I knew I had entered the dream, and I started playing around until I woke up.

I was wondering, does this count as some form of WILD?

I mean, I saw that illusion thing almost instantly after trying to fall back to sleep, and then I just sort of "decided" to enter the dreamworld like that.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1fs91HU

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