Thursday, February 20, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Activity as reality check?

Hi there!

Lately I've been reading different techniques to attain lucidity, including the one about not breathing/blinking, as long as some awareness, etc... to try to finally get a decent lucid.

As I was reading replies and more replies in the posts, I suddenly told myself "and here I am, reading about this, but didn't perform an RC in a while... hmm... could this be a dream?". I noticed the text in the screen... all still... the office all calm as usual.... And suddenly this idea came to my mind: Normally in dreams (at least mine) there's always something happening.

While I'm at home at my computer for hours, or here at the office, I just "know" I'm NOT dreaming, because I sense all that "static" feeling, meaning nothing happened in a while, and I'm just there doing nothing special, or in my own thoughs, for a long time... and usually this also helps me forgetting about any RC because I'm focused on a task.

The thing is... what if I try to set a routine of some "awareness" check, maybe also the breathing/blinking, everytime I do something different? Meaning, when someone walks by the door... when I get into/out my car, while I'm at the market shopping, entering an elevator, etc.?

What I mean is, I don't think I would sit in the office 2 hours in a dream, so RCs there may be useless?? Because then, when I really have to do them (while having activity) I just forget.

I think it could be a something between a constant RC, and sporadic RC... maybe you are 4 hours without doing one, but if you get up and go to the bathroom, you just question your reality, and if when going out of the bathroom someone comes to you and starts talking about something, you question it again while listening.

Or is this a risk to becoming insane? :roll::D

Instead of awareness or RCs, just thinking "could I be dreaming?", when scenarios change or when interacting with someone.

What do you think?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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