Monday, February 3, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | I need help regaining Lucidity

A quick story of my Lucid Dreaming career.

I tried it a few months ago, and managed to have a full lucid dream. Was able to control EVERYTHING, from summoning people to flying and throwing fireballs.

From then onward, every time I would have a lucid dream, I wouldn't be able to control it, every dream I would have less control, up to the point I am aware that I am dreaming, but I cannot even control my own actions.

This culminated with my ability to Lucid Dream to completely disappear.

I haven't had a Lucid Dream in weeks now, and no matter how I try, I eventually fall back asleep, with no success in attaining lucidity.

Is there anything I can do to help me be able to have lucid dreams again?

I have amazing dream recall, i remember literally every dream every night, even if there is more than one dream per night.

It's just that my ability to become lucid simply disappeared.

Please help!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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