Friday, February 14, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | I keep waking up without any reason

Hello everyone,

it's around 5 days that I've come to know about lucid dreaming. I've started my dream journal,

I often do reality checks and go to sleep with the intention of becoming lucid.

The problem is that since I've started to practice I wake up in the night almost 2 or 3 times!

And I also feel like my dreams are more fragmented. When I wake up I remember the dream I was doing (I never became lucid),

but I don't remember how I got out of it.. nor how it really ended..

I have light sleep and I'm afraid that just when I'm about to do

a reality check or my awareness increases, I wake up. Or maybe I do the reality check and wake up, without even

remembering it (is that possible?). This morning I had a slight feeling that I had tried to breathe while pinching my nose

when I was asleep.. But I'm not sure since I'm doing that practically all day.

I'm so annoyed.. I've noticed that a frequent time at which I wake up is around 5:10-5:15.

Hope you can help me and give me some advice.

Thanks for your time,


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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