Friday, February 28, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | From False awaking to Lucid Dreaming?.

Hey! . I'm kinda new in this forum. i would like to ask you guys a simple question that i don't understand clrearly..

I'm a chronic lucid dreamer. anyway, I had a false awaking at the mid of the night. i was sleeping in my bed and i tried to try a RC to be sure that im dreaming. i use my favorite with the nose.

and i sucesses breathing . I tried to open my eyes in the dream state and it seems impossible! i've tried to recheck i'f im dreaming and it feels like im aware of that im touching my nose but it feels numb in some way..

anyway, I tried to open my eyes with no sucesses and waked up to the waken life.. my problem is that I NEVER GET THE FALSE AWAKING TO LUCID DREAMS BECAUSE THEY OVER AFTER A SECONDS. and i don't even know wuy..

Help ? :cheeky:

Sorry for my bad language.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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