Thursday, February 20, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | ADA Help!

hey guys,

so for the past 3 weeks, at least, i've been trying to induce a lucid dream through ADA. I read through yoshi's thread (Great tutorial btw) and thought it might be good to try as I could also see the benefits in waking life of practising it. Well, the problem is after 3 weeks of commitment to ADA i still havent seen any marked improvement in my dreams. No lucid dreams, or increased vividness. I read some of the success stories that said they got lucid dreams just a couple of days after trying ADA, which is a bit frustrating as I havent seen any improvement after nearly a month of trying it.

Ill quickly run through my technique. I would say, I do it about 4 times a day at minimum. Wherever I am, i stop and observe everything in my surroundings. The main senses I use are sight, Hearing and Touch (where I feel the weight and pressure on my surroundings, stuff like that) I cant really use taste and I sometimes pick up smells. Anyway, I use these senses to observe my surroundings and do this for a couple of minutes. I often narrate this awareness in my head, and at the end, like suggested, i question my reality and do a reality check with my hands.

I really wish that this awareness would pass over to my dreams as ADA is quite a consuming technique. I think a bit of extra motivation is required. So, if any of you could give me some advice, I would really appreciate it. Thank you :D

What am i doing wrong?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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