Sunday, February 16, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Should I change my RC's?

Alright, last night I had my 4th DILD but, for the umpteenth time, I couldn't get my finger pass through my palm and, for some reason, I just forgot to try the plugged nose one, I always forget to try it, even though it is the one I put the most attention on when I'm awake.

The only reason why I became lucid is because I've been using a lot of mental RC's when awake, so I was not content with the result of my first 2 RC's because I felt there was something wrong.

I tried to get a finger pass through a friend of mine's arm and it succeded, then I tried to fly and I could do it, so I became fully lucid (note: in all the 4 DILD's I got, I became lucid because of the flying RC).

I come to the point: is it ok to just try mental reality checks ("where am I?", "do I know this place?", "is everything ok with it?", "how did I get here?" etc.) + the flying RC only? Should I stick a little more to the other 2 that I tried, alas, unsuccesfully so far?

Thanks in advance :D

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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