Saturday, February 1, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | First DILDs and WILDs -Me rambling

So i havn't posted here in a while, but i've had alot of success recently with my dreams ;D. I managed to have my first DILD after my long wait or 2 or 3 weeks, i've come very close to DILDs before but not actually attained lucidity. In my first "proper" DILD i found it very hard to maintain dream control, i was practising flying around for the first time and it was amazing, but when i tried to teleport i lost lucidity, i'm trying to teach myself to remember to stabalize dreams, there is alot to remember in dreams, such as RCing, what you want to do when lucid, stabalizing, maintaining dream control etc, and if you forget one of these it can all fall apart.Also, is it true that nightmares are more memorable than normal dreams? I ask this because i seem to easily remember them and they are much more vivid and less staggered. I feel real emotions in these dreams and the characters talk to me more. Sometimes i enjoy my nightmares just because of the thrill. The majority of my nightmares are zombie based, which is a real life fantasy of mine so i really enjoy fighting them in my dream, these dreams are usually really action packed, although i feel a real sense of fear i even wake up suddenly with a gasp on some occasions. I've also been practising ADA which has been working really well for me, its quite hard to remember to do it ALL the time, but its coming on. I've been at it for about 3 weeks now. So if anyone has any tips or things i can improve on let me know ;)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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