Thursday, February 27, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | I dream differently

I have many dreams, but 1 in 3 is very mindblowing. Like these - (I wasnt lucid in any of them.)

But before that - this too is fascinating, though didn't make much difference.

How I LD:Long stretches of almost reach for the last month then a week ago for 2-3 days, 3 LDs per night, with meaning to.

1. I wasnt lucid, but continued a dream of an anime onto a tablet in a completely different scenario

2. A dream of me reading (hell, it was interesting to know how my brain worked when I read) - I saw myself reading on my phone ( blurred letters) then a cutscene of the action in the book in first person. The dream ended with a wolf jumping on me.

3. Me using the computer. Only the computer existed. Nothing else. The 3-4th time this happened, the computer was having problems....

4. Same, but with my phone.

5. Me lying on the bed, bored or something (how can that happen in a dream?) I went into a self hypnotic state in there, and asked a friend to tell me the next time I was dreaming that I was. The face turned into a picture on a webpage that had only 1 sentence, something like "..contrary to what the members of the family said." or something. And no, he didn't help me LD at all.

6. I am in a bus, a girl gives me a book. Its Artemis Fowl: The Quest #3, and how Holly(Artemis Fowl's(a boy's) frenemy girlfriend partner returns. The review on the back says that the book is a bit boring at first, but then when Holly returns, the book goes back to its awesome action. At this time, I look up, and I get out of the bus. Once I get out, the dream ends. And no, again, the book did NOT come in my other dreams.

I must say, one can dream about anything, even boring or strange things. And why isn't Nomad's dream jewellery mod book working for me?

Oh, and BTW, any dream interpretation help would be awesome.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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