Sunday, February 23, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | The enemy: Swallowing.

Hey guys, i've been trying to get lucid for the past 3 years. i tried last night again after a long break. I didnt get lucid because of one simple annoyance... SWALLOWING!

(i had an awesome dream though.. it involved me buying a bunch of stuff in a pen shop that was like an old auction house, playing liers dice with the owner, and presenting to humanity that me and two others were to pilot evangelions to save humanity. oh and i drove a tank and a jet)

When ever i get close to lucidity (e.g seeing objects in my eye lids in ultra detail, paralysys ect) i always get an urge to swallow my own saliva, i try not to but i do it inately and i cant prevent it!

What should i do??

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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