Monday, February 3, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Its impossible!

Hey everybody!

First i want so say english is not my native language so expect some errors :)

So im kind of losing my motivation of Lucid dreaming.I beginned 2013 and had been doing it for 6 to 5 Months and at a moment i just stopped doing reality checks and writing into my Dream journal.3 Months ago i found my dream journal and looked at my dreams and laughed alot :).I convinced myself to try it again.Now after 3 Months i still havent got any results.Before i gave up i did every Method on Internet i could find .I did reality checks, looked at my hand,woke up at 4am and after 30 minutes i get back to sleep and so on.So i looked up on the forums and most people seem to have Lucid dreams.I even asked my friends and everyone of them has up to 1-3 Lucids dreams a month without even training it or something.I know some people do better and some people dont , but it seems that most people just can Lucid dream and i dont.I just dont do reality checks even in my dream confronts me with a Lucid dream topic.Once i had a dream where me and my friends talked about lucid dreaming .My friend asked ,,yeah lets do that reality check thingie,,.We did it and laughed about how silly it was and even though he said that i didnt do any reality checks.

What is my Problem?Well its not the confidence because in the first week i heard of Lucid dreaming i got so super excited.Every break at school i talked nonstop about Lucid dreaming .At night sometimes i was so excited it took me reeeeally long to actually sleep.At morning i always woke up dissapointed but in School i still talked nonstop to my friends about Lucid dreaming.

Im really thinking this is leading nowhere.

Thanks for reading and i hope i havent done so many mistakes ^^

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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