Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | The Feel Good Lucid Dream

Hi everyone. I wanted to share with you a possible new technique. Unless something like this has already been devised.. The closest thing to this idea I can think of would be SSILD but this idea is a little more simple and doesn't take much thinking at all.

This technique is also great for lazy people who seem to always be too tired to get out of bed for a legitimate WBTB.

So, I suck at becoming lucid and I wish I had lucid dreams more often. I find it extremely difficult to realize that I am dreaming amidst the clearly nonsensical happenings of my dreams.

But I've recently noticed a pattern where I realize I'm dreaming almost effortlessly when I acknowledge/recognize a very simple concept in the morning between when I wake up and fall back asleep to dream.

And that concept is just realizing and feeling how amazing your body and everything feels, just lying in bed, being rested from sleeping for a few hours. So instead of going against your true intent and deciding it would just feel better to fall right back asleep, and give up any chance you had of having a lucid dream, you are basically harnessing that tired energy into a profound awareness of enjoying the tiredness. This makes it automatically easy to hold awareness, while still being very easy to decide to fall asleep.

The other thing is, I never even left my bed during the times I've succeeded in doing this.

So really all you are doing is setting an alarm or waking up on your own, and then instead of just saying 'screw this' and going back to bed, simply remember to enjoy that amazing sensation of your body completely gravitized to your bed, and just feel good! I am almost certain that just by doing this, you will have more vivid dreams by default.

Thanks for reading, give it a shot and report back! I'd like to see if others have results with this. :shadewink:

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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