Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Trid to attain lucidity through FILD, need help!

So last night I attempted FILD. I naturally woke up at 3:45 and immediately laid down and began the finger motions. After about 10 seconds, my right foot went numb and a ringing sound was getting louder in my ears. After about 20 seconds, my heart rate shot through the roof and my breathing became massive long, deep breaths. This sort of freaked me out, but I expected it. After about 20 more seconds of that, I did a reality check (the nose one), and I realized I wasn't dreaming, and I woke up. I feel that maybe I didn't wait long enough for the "transition" but I kind of got scared because I REALLY don't want to go into sleep paralysis. So am I doing anything wrong (I did stop moving my fingers to plug my nose)? Or should I just wait longer then do the RC? Also, is SP even possible with FILD? Thanks.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1lxXZVw

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