Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | MILD visualization question

Yesterday I tried MILD for the 2nd time, and I had a good LD! :banana:

But there's something in La Berge's instructions that I dont understand.

He says:

-set intention

-make the visualization

Repeat these steps until you fall asleep.

Ok, then.... you repeat your mantra and later you make your visualization, but for how long? when I sart to repeat my mantras? when I can't imagine more for the visualization? Could it work without visualization phase?

I think that yesterday I repeted my mantra for several minutes, later I made a little bit of visualization and repetead my mantras ans so on. But I dont know at what phase I fell asleep.

Thank you

NOTE: sorry for my english

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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