Saturday, February 1, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | I need tips for WILD!

Well, I've decided to switch up my lucid dreaming strategy; for the last four months or so I've been solely using DEILD with the aid of mantras, but I didn't have much success.

So, I was thinking about a new plan:

I want to attempt WILD now, with the help of reality checks (which I've used reality checks before, but I really found it hard to remember and I felt like they weren't really doing anything), and maybe with the help of mantras too. But I had a few questions, since well I'm new to WILD; I read that it is best to wake up after 4-6 hours of sleep and then attempt WILD, is that true? And could I use a mantra to wake me up from 4-6 hours of sleep? Also, I was going to use two different reality checks (try to breathe with my nose and mouth closed, and try to stick my fingers through my palms) to make sure that the reality checks were like, I don't know, working? :lol:

Any tips on how to make WILD better for me would be great! Thanks!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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