Saturday, February 1, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | A WBTB-WILD-SSLD Experiment

I had an interesting WBTB-WILD experience last night. As an experiment, to keep my awareness awake while my body fell asleep, I did the SSLD cycle thing on a previous dream scene.

I visualized a past dream scene and then cycled my attention from the visual, to the aural, to the tactile of that scene.

After about ten minutes I heard a low frequency tone, and began having trouble holding on to the visualization. I realized I was going through SP and that another scene was trying to emerge. When I let go of the visualization, I fell into an extremely vivid lucid dream. It ran for about ten minutes, and I got to explore a magnificent cathedral with some DCs and do some other fun stuff.

I’ve never had a successful WILD that quickly before, but whether it was the result of the power of expectation, or my adapting the SSLD thing to WILD remains to be seen.

Might also have been the power of MOOD. For whatever reason, I was in a very peaceful state of mind at the WBTB.

Or maybe the SSLD just served as a distraction that took my attention off my body more efficiently than just letting it happen.

Will try it again soon.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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