Monday, February 10, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Need help deciding what method would be best for me.

I know this is tough to decide since this is mostly a decision that only I can make, as the person doing the method, but I am really at loss to find a method that really fits me and will work for me; so I was hoping that someone could help me pick out a select amount of methods that fit my personality and skill level.

-> I've been studying and attempting lucid dreaming for nearly two years, but haven't had much of success relative to the amount of time I've spent on it; I've had about three or four lucid dreams, which is fine, I understand it takes time, I just need to find the method for me. I've tried DEILD, MILD, WBTB, FILD, and I believe early on I tried WILD. I've had two MILDs, or I believe they were MILDs (In both of the dreams, my dream ego randomly performed a reality check and I became aware.)

-> Though MILD has succeeded, reality checks and visualizing aren't really my thing; I'm not too motivated to continuously reality check throughout the day and I usually forget. I also get lost in my thought while visualizing any scene and it crumples, I'm not too good at visualizing in the first place.

-> Mantra's have always worked for me, and I've enjoyed using them because they don't take too much time out of the day and I usually repeat non-stop before going to sleep.

-> Even though I do go to school, I have little issue with doing any techniques that require me to wake up during the night due to the fact that I sleep a lot.

-> I have good dream recall

-> As I said previously, although reality checks have worked the most, I have a few issues with them; I find it hard to remember to do them while I'm at school and sucked into society. I also feel like when I'm doing them, that it's not doing anything because I'm so sure of the fact that I'm in the waking world that it's really not a question rather than just performing the actions like a zombie.

I know I'm asking for a bit, but I would really appreciate any suggestions based on what I said above and from personal experience of you guys; thanks a lot!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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