Monday, February 10, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | I believe my critical awareness is starting to truly become active in my dreams...

Last night I had an almost overwhelming series of dreams that more or less indicated some form of lucidity, and I am tempted to consider at least one of them a lucid dream.

Anyway, I have fairly vivid memories of flying around in a huge room, kind of like an auditorium, and I remember a dream character standing in that room and telling me that she "sometimes does that when she becomes lucid in dreams".

I also have memories of asking myself in several new dream scenes "hey, could this be a dream?", and I also remember telling a friend of mine about my "lucid adventures from last night", but even that was a dream.

There was so much dream-related content, and several occasions when I genuinely wondered during a dream if I had entered a new dream scene (although I don't remember anything after that), that this is starting to feel really exciting.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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