Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | My personal method of becoming lucid. If anyone is interested.

Hello! I have been lucid dreaming for about 8 years now and over this time I have come up with my own way of attaining lucidity. I shared it on Reddit and it's helped a few people already, so I thought I might as well tell you guys too.

I am just going to copy and paste it from the Reddit thread so I apologise about any formatting errors.


I tried all the conventional methods (DILD, WILD, MILD, ect . .) Some worked and others didn't.

After years of practicing I have come up with my own personal way of inducing a lucid dream and I have been using it ever since. This method could be described as a type of Wake Initiated Lucid Dream. I know you all like to tag names onto these techniques, so maybe we could call this a Rhythm Induced Lucid Dream? I don’t know. I’ll let you guys tell me what you think.

This might be easier if you have had a few Wake Initiated Lucid Dreams before, but it’s not necessary.

Here goes!

Right now as you are reading this, clap your hands together rhythmically. Like you are tapping to a beat. Try to remember this feeling of your hands clashing together and the feeling of your arms moving in this particular motion. It’s important that you are able to remember these sensations as vividly as possible later down the line.

Now stop clapping.

Here is what you need to do.

  • Wake up a few hours before you are suppose to but do not get out of bed.

  • Turn over and allow yourself to fall back to sleep

  • Wait for the moment when you can feel yourself dropping to sleep.

  • Now imagine your hands clapping just like before. Imagine this as vividly and strongly as possible. Repeat this motion in your mind over and over as rhythmically as you can.

  • Try and do this in the back of your mind while allowing yourself to fall back asleep. Think of this like counting sheep. Let your mind wander as much as you want but keep this clapping motion running in the background.

If you have done this correctly one of two things might happen.

  • While still laying in bed your arms will physically move and clap. In this case you are dreaming and you should get out of bed and start your lucid dream. Do not let yourself confuse your dream body with your real one. If you feel yourself physically clap it’s because your dream body is doing it and not your waking body. (If by any chance it is your waking body, then you are not tired enough to do this!)

  • You find yourself in the middle of a dream clapping. In this case you just stop clapping and get on with your lucid dream.

I guess the purpose of this is to allow yourself to fall asleep while the rhythmic motion keeps you conscious and fuels the birth of a dream.

As you get better at this you can substitute clapping for other actions. For example, after a while I started imagining myself running instead.

Here are some other variants that I have tried successfully over the years.

  • I am very familiar with the sensation of a female riding me in the cowgirl position. I would imagine her thighs pushed against my sides and the weight of her body bouncing rhythmically on top of me. Eventually I'll find myself in a dream with a DC riding me. All I need to do is push her off and continue with my lucid adventure. I often hear her talk to me and it would cause me to open my eyes. I’ll see a woman there and I know I am dreaming.

  • Turning a pedal on a bike is also a good rhythmical action to imagine. Particularly if you are interested in starting the dream on a bike, which is always fun.

  • Riding a horse/dragon/unicorn/bull/moose which is pretty much self-explanatory.

  • Swimming. I use this perpetual motion to start my dream in a body of water.

  • Once I imagined myself swinging a machete from left to right, so I would start my dream in a jungle and I was cutting through foliage.

I am pretty sure that you could come up with a huge variety ways of doing this, these are just the ones that I have been using. Have fun with it and find something that suits you.

I apologise if this is already an established method. I just hope this helps

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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